TheMarkz0ne 962 May 1, 2013 Share May 1, 2013 I think we should have a three parter where the mane 6 must fight every villain they ever encountered. All the villains team up and form a "league of doom" the following Chrysalis Discord( reformed, but wants to prove that he's the better villain) Sombra(some how revived) Trixie Flim Flam Diamond Tiara Diamond Dogs the grey mane 6 created by discord Nightmare Moon(read the comics you will see why) Gilda Shadow Bolts 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
100 beasts kaidou 321 May 1, 2013 Share May 1, 2013 flim flam? they were only doing it for da money, Trixie was never truly evil, diamond tiara is just a kid, diamond dogs only want to eat diamnds, shadow bolts are no longer there. So Sombra would murder everypony except for discord who is watching it like a superbowl 3 Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orablanco Account 3,707 May 1, 2013 Share May 1, 2013 Never been too big a fan of the "villain team-up" idea with MLP. Most of the villains were just doing there job, are just inconsequential jerks, or are too ineffectual to team up. But it still wouldn't work if we focused on the big name villains because they're too contradictory for it to make sense for them to team up. Chrysalis would just eat everyone, which Sombra wouldn't like because he wants somebody to enslave, which wouldn't be agreeable for Nightmare Moon, who wants to rule the ponies herself, and Discord would just buck up everybody's plan. I'd rather they focus on one really awesome bad guy instead of throwing pandas at us. 2 Onwards to my DeviantArt page! Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 I really don't think that Diamond Tiara, Flim and Flam, or Gilda should be any way associated with Sombra or Chrysalis. There's a world of difference between just being a jerk and actually being evil. Plus their goals are completely at odds. For instance, Discord wants chaos, but Sombra wants order. Trixie wants to show off how awesome she is, and I don't think Diamond Tiara's ego would care for that. And neither of them would really want the kinds of things that someone like Chrysalis would be working towards. 4 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 Well most of the characters aren't really villains. Flim and Flam were just trying to make a living, Diamond Tiara is just a jerk, Trixie is good now, Discord is good now (Yes I believe he's changed), Shadow Bolts and Grey 6 aren't real, Gilda seems to proud to join them, Diamond dogs just want to eat, and Sombra is dead. I just don't see a team up happening with this group. Seeing as some just want money and food. Only Chrysalis is the one who would want to eat ponies. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. White 71 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 (edited) If they grouped together it would more or less be like Alcoholics Anonymous than the league of Doom. Especially since they failed on their own, and their egos are too big for them to work together. Edited May 2, 2013 by Pathogen+Sweet Heart Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veylon 255 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 Villain team-ups suffer the problem of having very conflicting goals. Although that can be un-problemed by making that very problem the story. Nightmare, Chrysalis, and Sombra team up, and start to win. But as they win, they start plotting and working against one another. After all, once they defeat Celestia and the Mane Six, their greatest enemy will be each other. They know this, and each tries to set the stage for victory in the upcoming war during the current one. So there's plenty of backstabbing and treachery and double-dealing going on whenever they think they can afford it. Another scenario for creating a villain team-up might be a Big Damn Villains moment. People keep wanting some kind of Ubervillain, and needing to bring in the current set of bad guys to help out the good guys helps demonstrate the Ubervillain's power as well as providing a chance for the traditional villains to go all out and be cheered for. This is more of a movie idea, where there's time to spare and special effects money to burn. If there's any of them that I'd want to see team up, it's Gilda and Lightning Dust. They seem like they'd make a cool duo. You could even have a story where, although they originally team up for revenge, they end up finding they genuinely like working together. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoenix237 353 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 Ummn.......sorry but no The reason villan team-ups work is because the villans are memorable, they may be on some same level, they have a common goal, and they work well of another. Given the villan MLP has, we probably won't see that. The villans are great, but there doesn't seem to be a lot going for them to say team up. Maybe another group of future villans will team up with the current one I don't know. But for now it doesn't seem likely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nohbdy 4,108 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 Sheogorath would be proud of such a cheesy episode. Not only is such an alliance implausible from a story perspective, it's also cliche as hell. Besides, many of those villains aren't even evil (antagonist != villain). They have no reason to enact revenge, and if they did, they wouldn't be the types to try it. That's without considering whether they'll even be willing to join forces, considering their vastly different agendas. Chrysalis: Perhaps, but I don't see how she needs an alliance. The Mane 6 didn't defeat her. The power of love did. Discord: Probably not. Even if he returns to being evil, I can't see him working with anyone else. Sombra(some how revived): Can't see him working with the others, either. Trixie: She's done. Too insignificant compared to the major villains, anyway. Flim Flam: They're salesponies. They have no reason for revenge, especially since they can find customers elsewhere. They were doing what they could to make money. Being evil is bad for business. Diamond Tiara: She's just a brat. Just call her dad. Diamond Dogs: Too insignificant. Weren't evil. The grey Mane 6 created by Discord: They don't exist, and if they did, have no reason to work with the other villains. Nightmare Moon(read the comics you will see why): Would she work with anyone? Gilda: Yeah, right. Shadow Bolts: They're NMM. I think new villains would work better. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 I think that some individual team ups between them could work, but not all of them certainly. Like maybe the Flim Flam Brothers coming back with financial backing from Diamond Tiara. It works because they sort of have a common goal- the brothers would like to make money and drive the Apple family out of business, while DT would just love to make Apple Bloom's life miserable. And I don't know about anyone else, but I have a real affinity for Discord x Chrysalis. Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feather Gem 967 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 Chrysalis: I don't see why she'd work with any pony. Discord( reformed, but wants to prove that he's the better villain): Discord would never, and I mean never ever work with any pony. Ever. Sombra(some how revived) He wouldn't work with any pony either. Trixie: Neither would she. Flim Flam: I think they have better things to do. How would they ever even get to know the bigger antagonists. Diamond Tiara: What? Diamond Tiara's just a kid. Diamond Dogs: I don't think they care. the grey mane 6 created by discord: That could be its own episode. Nightmare Moon(read the comics you will see why): No, no, no, no, no. Gilda: I'm sure she wouldn't go that far. Shadow Bolts: They aren't real. They could never work together, or even think they'd need help. And it wouldn't be a very original episode and most people probably wouldn't like it. DiSCoRd'S AppRENtICe Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 (edited) Sorry nothing. Edited July 22, 2024 by Ruddboy Olaf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just some guy 1,070 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 I only see two villains.Everybody else on that list is either a jerk or reformed. Really,all I want to see is an arc where Sombra wrecks some serious s*it in Equestria and/or The Crystal Empire.He practically has no character,so there's limitless potential already for an amazing villain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 I think it'd be a perfect idea for a completely non-serious episode that focuses around comedy more than a storyline. Lots of shows have those kind of 'goofy, anything-goes' episodes. I do so enjoy the idea of Discord trying to outdo the other villains in evilness, just to prove he -is- the best villain, but that he 'simply chooses not to do evil things on a regular basis, anymore'. Chrysalis and Discord can bicker, Sombra can have more lines and we find out he has some hilarious accent, and the main villains can act all high and mighty over the Diamond Dogs and lesser enemies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wardaddy 470 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 I can't see the villains teaming up against the mane 6. Trixie and Diamond Tiara wouldn't be able to cooperate, what with the size of their egos, Chrysalis is a parasite, much like her Changelings. She wouldn't desire teaming up, much rather opting to devour the love in Equestria herself. And in the process, that would interfere with Sombra, whose mission would be to take over Equestria and enslave the ponies, making life as miserable for them as possible. As for the Flim Flams, they were purely businessmen, unless they were persistent I can't see them returning. As for Gilda, I can see her teaming up with Lightning Dust, but again their egos would get in the way. The Shadowbolts wouldn't exist again unless Nightmare Moon were to return, which she wouldn't unless Luna ended up concocting a spell that would go horribly wrong. As for the discordant Mane 6, Discord would have to mindbuck them again which wouldn't happen because he's reformed (unless he secretly had an ulterior motive to set himself as the most powerful villain in Equestria) I didn't watch the episode featuring the Diamond Dogs (yet) but from what I read I assume they'd be too scared of Rarity or something to try again. All in all, a villainous alliance just wouldn't work. The villains all have their own different motives and most importantly, the matter of the ego will always wreck an evil alliance. Case in point: the show requires a sort of ubervillain as mentioned above. Something which would truly put Twilight, Celestia and co's powers to the test. 2 "Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent" Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier My OC - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 No. It's terribly cliched. Every other show does it. I want to see something more creative than that. I'd rather see more focus on cultural differences and rivalries in Equestria, to drive the plot more effectively in future seasons. Twi's a princess, so she's bound to have a front-row seat for that kind of thing. 1 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweet Dreams 1,893 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 No. Flim and Flam weren't ever villains, they were just trying to make money. Diamond Tiara is a bully, Discord is reformed... Oh, I could go on, but what a bother. Now, King Sombra could return. Anyone remember that piece of his horn that fell off? I'm pretty sure it said in one of the MLP books that he could return as well. As for Chrysalis, that is pretty much certainly gonna happen. She could make an easy return. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mint_Melody 91 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 Half of those people aren't villains at all. There is a difference between being a villain and being an asshole like the Flim Flam brothers, Diamond Tiara, and Gilda. And Trixie is neither a villain or a bad guys, she was a performer turned evil by an evil amulet, but is more so sorry than vindictive about that power being taken away. Villains have a large scale plot to do harm to multiple people or gain massive amounts of power. I highly doubt Nightmare Moon will return, and if she does it will crap all over one of my favorite lessons in the entire show, even if she did though I don't see her having any patience for someone like Discord. Sombra too for that matter. Sombra and Chrysalis would probably fight with anyone who contested their role as the leader, so they wouldn't team up with anyone. And Discord is a narcissistic loner I don't think he'd team up with anyone mutually, only use another as his puppet. The grey mane six are not separate entities, they are the result of a loss of virtues in the actual main six ponies. It's not like they have bodies and separate minds to plot against people on their own, they don't exist anymore now that they are back to normal. Besides, who would the grey mane six fight? They can't fight themselves, and fighting each other would serve no purpose. They would have no power against Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor because (let's face it) the only one that has tangible power to use against god tier powered ponies is Twilight, who only HAS that power because she's connected to the elements, which we saw do not work when the mane six are grey. So no, they shouldn't team up. Most of their driving reasons don't match up, their personalities and goals don't mix either. The result would be a giant, sloppily put together mess and would severely disappoint me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 You forgot to include best minor antagonist Anyhow, most of these guys aren't villains. The only one still actively evil and alive is Chryssie so far as I know (unless something happened to her in the comics), and she has absolutely no reason to even acknowledge any of those characters. Diamond Tiara? The Flim Flam Brothers? She's far out of their league. They'd be more likely to oppose her anyway. I wouldn't mind seeing a Gilda/Lightning Dust team up, provided there was an interesting underlying idea and we got some good development for Rainbow Dash out of it. Lightning is essentially what Gilda wanted Dashie to be, and as both of them likely have some kind of grudge against Rainbow, their teaming up for some kind of revenge plot isn't entirely out of left field. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyper Tumble 1,483 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 (edited) I like the thought, although it could be hard to pull off. What if Sombra and Chrysalis team up under one mutual hate: Twilight? They Sombra could enslave the ponies and feed all who put up resistance to Chrysalis and her changelings? That would be awesome!!!! I want to see that so bad... Edited May 3, 2013 by Teh Lemonz You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman Signature made by Kyoshi MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I think it would be a good idea if they all were actually villains, and it wouldn't be cliche at all. But, at least they have a right to exact revenge on the Mane 6. But Flim & Flam, and Diamond Tiara aren't really villains in my case. It could be really good for a lot of development to happen if it did happen. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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