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private S.S. Perennial RP


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Nightraxx, who had been standing in the entrance, which seperated the dining hall with the hallway and watching the display of a building friendship from afar. "I am glad they both found a new friend..." he thought.  "...and Sorrow finding the courage to face her fear of interaction..."


While it made him happy to see both Mares befriending each other, it also kind of made him sad to think that Sorrow would flee from him, if he would approach them now. He stood there and kept thinking.

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Moonbeam held Sorrow at hooves' length, smiling at her. "Oh! You're hungry! But the dining hall is full of ponies! Are you going to be okay? I can fetch you some food and bring it to you if you want, Sorrow. We can eat together on deck and watch the ocean. Would you like that, Sorrow?"


Sorrow looked around, seeing that the dining hall close by was full of ponies... She looked a bit panicked, but thought of Moonbeam's idea. She liked it... She was growing close to Moonbeam, as she could still feel her warmth from her hooves. She nodded to Moonbeam, with that excited idea.

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@ thor9356

"Yeah, I try not to tell anypony that... don't tell anypony, but my model name is Genevieve Summers. I have around twenty paparatzis chasing me around. It's so stupid. I mean, how did they know that I was here?" Laray replied. Her hair slowly faded back to salmon, as the lack of her sunglasses reversed her Color Coordination.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Sorrow looked around, seeing that the dining hall close by was full of ponies... She looked a bit panicked, but thought of Moonbeam's idea. She liked it... She was growing close to Moonbeam, as she could still feel her warmth from her hooves. She nodded to Moonbeam, with that excited idea.

"Okay! I'll be back in a minute, Sorrow!" said Moonbeam, dashing off into the dining hall. She went to the kitchen and explained to the ponies there her friend's situation. They were nice enough to give her a big tray of foods to choose from and Moonbeam scurried back to Sorrow with the food.


"Well, let's head up on deck and dig in!" she said with a smile.

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"Did your hair just change colors?" Taking notice of Laray's hair slowly changing colors. Dogboots had seen his fair share of strange things though this wasn't strange at all. It was something else. "Last I checked it's not normal for an earth pony to have their hair change colors...even though that's something" The stallion thought to himself.

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"It's normal? Really? Photo Finish told me I was the only pony who's hair would Color Coordinate...it's in my Cutie Mark....it changes to match whatever I'm wearing, but it's normally salmon, like this...it's why Photo Finish begged me to become a model....but I hate it..." Laray said.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Okay! I'll be back in a minute, Sorrow!" said Moonbeam, dashing off into the dining hall. She went to the kitchen and explained to the ponies there her friend's situation. They were nice enough to give her a big tray of foods to choose from and Moonbeam scurried back to Sorrow with the food.


"Well, let's head up on deck and dig in!" she said with a smile.


Sorrow took up the tray onto her back, since her wings were actually perfect for balancing things on them. She walked out with Moonbeam, out of the direction of the dining hall, and onto the top deck, where she had sat down her food into one of the lawn chairs.

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"Wow, that's a first. Never heard any pony say something like that. Do you hate your job or something? I mean, I could understand avoiding the paparazzi but your famous though. There really isn't a lot of famous earth ponies in Equestria."  Dogboots said to Laray. The stallion was a little surprised to hear that Laray didn't like that feature about her. Then again, Dogboots could sympathize.

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Sorrow took up the tray onto her back, since her wings were actually perfect for balancing things on them. She walked out with Moonbeam, out of the direction of the dining hall, and onto the top deck, where she had sat down her food into one of the lawn chairs.

Moonbeam sat beside Sorrow, munching on a piece of bread happily. After a big gulp, Moonbeam turned to Sorrow. "I'm glad we're friends now, Sorrow. You know, from the start I thought you were a great pony. It's just hard for you to show it. You have a pretty mane too!" she said, returning to her piece of bread.

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"Circus, huh? That sounds like fun." Hop took a long sip from her drink. "My job isn't all that excitig. Mostly sitting around and listening to other ponies 'complain'. I took the cruise to get some relaxation time. R&R." she said. She couldn't get over how pretty Fire looks.



Fire shrugged. "Its the kind of job that really have to love. You don't make allot of bits and you're always traveling and you never get time off unless you take a really long break like this one. And this isn't even really a break. I told my bro I wanted time off and he took that to mean work on a cruise ship...he's an idiot sometimes. I think it was more of a joke because I was talking about how fun it would be to be doing aerial silks while going over big waves." She laughed and finished her drink.

Sunburst had fallen quiet all throughout the two mares' exchange, giving back in to her more asocial side. She took a deep breath, and deciding she'd rather talk to occupy her time to just sitting there, scooted over to Dogboots' empty seat to sit next to Firecracker.


Firecracker could see her hugely blushing. "Could she be thinking about me?" he thought and let out another faint blush. He knew how to control it so it wouldn't embarrass him.



"Heheheh... thanks!" he said while grinning. Firecracker didn't really see his talent as something special but it impressed him that it was more to him than he thought it was.

"But of course," she said, smiling somewhat warmly. 

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"Okay! I'll be back in a minute, Sorrow!" said Moonbeam, dashing off into the dining hall. She went to the kitchen and explained to the ponies there her friend's situation. They were nice enough to give her a big tray of foods to choose from and Moonbeam scurried back to Sorrow with the food.


"Well, let's head up on deck and dig in!" she said with a smile.


Nightraxx saw Moonbeam running past him into the dining hall and straight to the the kitchen area, she must have not noticed him. She then hurried out with her hooves full of food. He realized the food must be for Sorrow, which was not surprising, since he couldn't remember her eating anything since he met her.


He then watched them both going down the hallway, seemingly headed for the deck.


((I am kinda confused. It almost feels if im invisible-. Dunno, just feels kinda like being left out....

Are you still really okay with a sorrowXnightraxx shipping? @@Umbreon

Because right now it kinda feels im Derpy chasing a muffin on the end of a stick tied to her back img-1449630-1-tongue.png Its really confusing))

Edited by coolwar13@yahoo.de
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"Well, there you have it Windy. Proof positive that mares don't want compliments from you. She's not even responding to your offer to leave by flying off the deck. Well, don't stick around, let's get going Windy! There'll be plenty of other mares you can meet on this ship, we could go down to the club and check out the scene there, I'm sure there's plenty down that way! I don't want those mares though brain... I want Bolt! Oh get over it Windy, you've known her a few hours! By tomorrow you'll have forgotten all about her! That's it, get up on the railing, and spread those wings, and fl-"


"YOW!" Windy yelped as his tail was suddenly, quite forcibly, yanked from behind just as he was about to flap his wings and take off into the air. Before he knew it, he'd been pulled back down onto the deck by... Bolt?


"What's going on? Why is Bolt out here? And... she's HUGGING ME?? System error. Attempting system restart. Restarting... Restarting... Error, restart has failed. Attempting again in 30 seconds... A critical error has been encountered."


With his brain now effectively turned into much, it was all Windy could do to just stand stationary and do nothing as Bolt continued to hug him. Her words floated into his brain, but just bounced around in his now empty skull, not really registering, not really doing anything... The only thought Windy was capable of maintaining was, "This is pretty nice..."


((Grr, why can't Bolt do internal monologues to reveal her plan? I can't take the suspense! *Smashes head against nearest wall))

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Moonbeam sat beside Sorrow, munching on a piece of bread happily. After a big gulp, Moonbeam turned to Sorrow. "I'm glad we're friends now, Sorrow. You know, from the start I thought you were a great pony. It's just hard for you to show it. You have a pretty mane too!" she said, returning to her piece of bread.


Sorrow blushed form Moonbeam's comment, nibbling on a carrot that she had acquired from the tray. She had laid back into the chair, looking up into the night sky, which was just about full nightfall. The stars were almost out, twinkling to the highest light.

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Arctic Frost looked up from his third shot, surveying the room once more. How long had he been sitting here at the bar? He glanced at the clock on the wall, watching it blur as he stared at it. Well. That was interesting. It must be getting close to that time again. The pegasus turned to his acquaintance, wobbling a bit on the stool he was sitting on. "You know, you should really try a shot of this. Warms ya right up." He turned to the barpony, grinning like an idiot. "Hey, broski, hit the lady up with a shotta this, on me." Boy, was this going to be fun.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Sorrow blushed form Moonbeam's comment, nibbling on a carrot that she had acquired from the tray. She had laid back into the chair, looking up into the night sky, which was just about full nightfall. The stars were almost out, twinkling to the highest light.

"You like them too, Sorrow? The stars? I love them. The night sky has been my companion since I was a little filly. I could sit out here and watch it forever. It's beautiful," said Moonbeam, looking out into the vast cosmos. She then turned to smile at her new friend.

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Ocean finished helping clean up before she quickly got out of the dining hall...that was a nightmare.

She was about to start walking down the hall towards her room but stopped...what was she going to do there ? Just sit and read the whole trip ?
She sighed and turned around, planning on getting herself nice and lost she set off in a random direction which happened to be in the direction of the bar.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Arctic Frost looked up from his third shot, surveying the room once more. How long had he been sitting here at the bar? He glanced at the clock on the wall, watching it blur as he stared at it. Well. That was interesting. It must be getting close to that time again. The pegasus turned to his acquaintance, wobbling a bit on the stool he was sitting on. "You know, you should really try a shot of this. Warms ya right up." He turned to the barpony, grinning like an idiot. "Hey, broski, hit the lady up with a shotta this, on me." Boy, was this going to be fun.

Moonstruck had been sitting on the stool for quite some time, just humming cheerfully. Then Frost slammed down a drink in front of her. "I... I dunno," she said, peering at the glass, both nervously and curiously. "Sunburst wouldn't like this. She doesn't approve of alcohol..."

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((>Implying I have a plan))


Firebolt eventually let go of Windy. "Wait... Why did I do that? Ugh... I must be too tired to think straight. Or ahead for that matter. Didn't I promise myself to do the exact opposite of what she said? 'Cruises are romantic. And you need someone in your life. I mean seriously, you could at least talk to people other then me sometimes.' If I'm hugging a stallion, that isn't really being a proper rebel, is it? Ugh... tired. Why did I use my magic so hastily? Again? He's not even saying anything..." She thought to herself. If he did say anything, though, Firebolt had kinda... zoned out again. So she was oblivious to any kind of talking, unless it was loud.

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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He frowned, looking a touch hurt. "But it'sh...like...totally aweshome. Good shtuff, for shure." The pegasus wasn't sure who this Sunburst pony was, but he wasn't going to let himself be the only pony having fun. "Come on, jusht a ship. It'sh amazhing." Frost removed his shades, placing them on the bar's counter and revealing his azure blue eyes. "I won't tell her, I promise." Or would he? Chances are, he probably wouldn't be able to remember any of this in the morning anyway. Well, sans headache.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Through a supreme effort, Windy finally rallied the army of his neuron cells, who marched out to do battle with his hormones for control of his brain. Meeting in a set piece battle, the neuron army narrowly repulsed the hormone army's encircling maneuver  and pressing their advantage, charged into the hormone's center and routed the army. With Windy's brain again in the possession of his neuron cells, cohesive thought processes began again, slow and disjointed as it was...


"All systems are back online. First order of business... Close your damn wings Windy, you're not impressing anypony with that! Hehe, yeah, I knew that... Sure you did Windy, sure you did... Second order of business, say something! ANYthing!"


"Uh....... Mmmm.... So, I guess you're not upset at me still Bolt?" Windy asked with a hopeful inflection. 


"Well, there's worse things you could've said, I suppose..." 

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 Firebolt had zoned out again. So, she didn't hear what Windy said, exactly. Nor did she see his lips move at all. So, she remained silent and said nothing. Probably not a good thing to do at this point, but she would probably hear him if he asked again. Hopefully, anyway.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Glaceon, @,


Nightraxx had decided to follow Sorrow and Moonbeam, in hope he could see more of the new side of Sorrow, which he hasn't seen before until now. But he didn't want to bother them, while they were grooming their newly found friendship.


He stood somewhere behind them at a wall.and just watched them admiring the night sky with it's millions of shining little diamond-like stars, he looked up to the stars as well.


"Sorrow is like a star herself..." he thought. "I hope she never fades away..." thinking of his old friend.

Edited by coolwar13@yahoo.de
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"OH. Well my dad said I need to see some of the world, and handed meva ticket. Literally. That's all he said. That's all he ever says. Never takes me anywhere, never helps me, never even asked me how I feel. Just handed me the tickets and then ignored me.!" quick sighed. "But eh. What can I do?"

Splinter frowned. ''Aw, I'm sorry. I'm not really sure how it feels, though.'' Splinter said while shrugging. ''I dunno what'cha could do. But I guess you're right about it.'' Splinter said before taking a sip of his second drink. ''Hope you don't mind if I end up saying strange things. It doesn't take long for me to get drunk.'' 

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"Is she... ok? I mean, I thought I was out of it, but did she even hear me at all??"


Tentatively taking a step closer to Bolt, Windy looked at her and arched an eyebrow, "Uh, Bolt? You ok? You seem kinda... dazed... Do you need to lay down?" Windy asked, cocking his head slightly to the head with a bewildered expression on his face. 

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Ocean found herself walking into the bar. She looked around to see several drunk ponies all being...loud and drunk. She sighed and walked up to the bar. She sat down and ordered a cup of green tea, glancing at the two ponies a couple stools away. One seemed quite drunk...and the other was a mare who looked like she was getting pushed into getting drunk.

Ocean sighed and looked up at the wall across the bar.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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