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private S.S. Perennial RP


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Nightraxx had been wandering about the cruiser, sunken in thoughts about the conversation with Dogboots and what he could do to make the situation better. Thoughts of his past and the current situation also seeped into his mind, they tore at his soul. He would never want to let this happen again. All he wanted now at this point. was to help Sorrow, even if it meant going through hell.


Eventually, after walking a good distance through the hallway in search for moonbeam, he passed the entrance to the dining hall.

Looking throught the entrance into the hall, he saw Moonbeam, sitting at a dining table with Firecracker, he had seen him once before. She was talking to him while they were having their lunch.


Nightraxx decided to approach her...


"M-Moonbeam..." he appraoched her slowly. "....C-can we talk...?"

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@@@Windy Scamper, @@Naturematthe,


"Well, so far so good! I guess this is going pretty well... Yeah, Windy, I'm impressed! Bolt seems to not mind that you got terrified like a little filly! Keep it up, you're doing great! Wait, what's that...? AUGH!!! What gives? Uh-oh... That's Scamps, isn't it? Yeah, it is Windy..."


Windy sat, with his mouth hanging open like an idiot, soda dripping down his mane and puddling in his lap. His brain had simply been overwhelmed, higher thinking was dead. Sputtering and shaking his head, he blinked his eyes rapidly to clear them of soda. When he looked up again, he saw that Scamps was running away.


"Holy mother of hay... I really bucked up..." Windy muttered, not realizing he was speaking out loud. Turning to Bolt, Windy murmured, "I'll be back Bolt... I need to go explain myself..." As he left, Windy looked at Airy and gave an apologetic shake of the head before heading out of the theater. Quickly finding Scamps on a bench, Windy decided to approach her with the utmost caution; she had, after all, just dumped a high fructose beverage all over his head, and he didn't know what else she might do.


"Brain! What do I do? How should I know Windy? I have only one suggestion: Play dumb. Say that in the drama of Bolt confessing to you that she likes you, you totally forgot your 'date' with Scamps, if you can even call it that. Or, play up the forgetfulness due to your concussion, that always works... NO. I won't lie to her, I need to own up to this."


Turning to the drink counter, Windy purchased a jumbo sized soda, and filled it up with Colta-Cola. Walking back over to Scamps, Windy cleared his throat after some hesitation, and tentatively began, "Uh, Scamps? Look, I get why you're angry. I'd be angry at me too. And I'm not gonna make excuses, I'm totally to blame. But will you at least look at me, if only to throw another soda in my jerky face?" Windy said, offering out the soda, closing his eyes in anticipation of another soda to the face.  


((What is it with Windy and having food/drink wind up coating him at social events?))

Edited by Windy Runner
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Hooray... This movie would get a lot of moments for him to be awkward. But at least he'd have an excuse for that.

Windy Scamper obviously was very excited to not miss any second of the movie. After she got the tickets she grabbed Airy's hoof and pulled him into the theatre. Luckily Airy knew how to quickly leave his wheelchair, he had trained that quite often. He took place and watched what was on the screen.


The movie just had really started when Airy suddenly heard a splashing noise from behind himself. He noticed it over the sounds from the movie because it just wasn't fitting in it at all. When he took a look, he saw Windy Runner sitting behind him - all wet. Windy Scamper was running out of the theatre - and Airy could guess why.

Hey, Airy, isn't that great?

Seriously, brain? This is NOT the right moment for that.

Airy looked at Windy Runner leaving the theatre and decided to follow him.


He found Windy Scamper on a bench not too far away from the theatre. For a quite obvious reason she was crying.

What to do now?

Windy Runner obviously was trying to talk to her. [{color=green]Okay, dear sir, now you better should have a good good excuse...[/color]

Airy didn't even try to hide when the two ponies were talking, even though he wasn't sure why he wasn't. Did he want to put more pressure on Windy Runner?


Edited by Naturematthe
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@@@Windy Scamper,  @@Naturematthe,


Firebolt hadn't seen anything that had happened. All that she noticed was Windy suddenly pulling away from her, him being covered in soda, then running off after saying something she didn't quite pick up. "...Well... That's odd. But I say no to following him. Whatever it is, I'm not getting involved." She thought to herself. Well, unless she had to, of course. Which was, actually very likely. Firebolt crossed her hooves in a frustrated manner, and sighed softly.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Laray had no idea what the movie was, but she liked the title. She sat down next to Dogboots just as the previews began.

'So, what exactly does the mare do if the stallion never puts his arm (or is it leg?) on her shoulder or chair? Nothing. The stallion makes the moves normally,' she thought to herself.

She adjusted her position until she was comfortable. Suddenly, she recalled Dogboots giving her mouth-to-mouth and she blushed violently.

'Not a good time!' she thought. 'Thank goodness its dark in here!'

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Moonbeam sat at the table in the Dining Room with Firecracker, continuing to munch away at her muffin. She took a sip of tea and asked, "So...you're after some kind of treasure...why? You said that's why you were on the ship. Do you need the money or do you want to find some lost artifact or...are you just in it for the adventure?" she asked, hoping he would want to talk about this. She loved talking to him.


(Nightraxx can approach anytime)


"It's all three of those things, I can get like, I dunno, 500,000 bits for that, so I can be rich like most of the stallions in Canterlot. And for the adventure, I can at least hope that the pony building the place securing the treasure, isn't so lazy, that they didn't bother to put in the traps and take out all of the fun of getting it."

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"If you're going to make a move, then do it now!" His brain urged him. Dogboots obliged and after the previews, the stallion slowly put his hoof around the mare. Dogboots soon began to pay attention to the movie though it would soon to be a grave mistake. The movie was full of creepy scenes and the twins scene nearly made Dogboots jump out of his seat. The shrill music playing and the short glimpses of gore were adding even more freight to the stallion. Though it would only get worse for him.


((a good idea of what I'm talking about and I saw this movie when I was a kid))


  • Brohoof 1
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Laray leaned into Dogboots. She watched as the film progressed into violence and she buried her head in Dogboots shoulder., covering her face with a hoof.

'He's stronger and braver than I thought! I'm glad I met him...he smells good, too. Wait, what?' Laray thought. She heard many goring sounds and she shivered, getting a pretty good mental image of what was happening.

'Poor ponies...' she thought.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"I'M A BIG BRAVE STALLION, I'M A BIG BRAVE STALLION!" He thought trying to calm himself down from the horrible images on the screen. It wasn't until then that Dogboots took notice of Laray who had buried her head into his shoulder. The stallion held the mare close not only to reassure her but also himself. The movie was nearing the end and Dogboots was already frightened.


The young colt in the movie was holding a rather large knife and in his other hoof was lipstick. He kept repeating the phrase, "Red Rum" and began drawing out the phrase on the door. Shrill music was playing in the background as the young colt kept repeating the same phrase, louder and louder. The colt approached its mother, with a knife in its hoof and shouted the same phrase over and over. The mother woke up, shocked and scared but she held her son close. She glanced at the mirror that reflected the door that was drawn on by the young colt. Though in its reflection it looked like the word, "Murder" was drawn out. 


Dogboots eyes widened and it took a great amount of strength not to shake in fear and even more not to show it on his face.


((another point of reference.))



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Laray felt Dogboots hold her closer. She tuned out the movie the best she could, focusing only on the embrace. It wasn't terribly romantic, but it was what went on in most movies. The only thing was that it normally ended with a kiss.

'Would that be moving too quickly?' Laray thought to herself. 'I just hope that if it ever happens, it will come instinctively, not awkwardly.'

Laray tried to forget so she hugged Dogboots a little closer.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Once the movie had finished the lights came back on. Dogboots realized that he was still holding Laray and quickly let go. "Uhhh s-sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable it was just the uhhh movie." He said blushing a bright red. "Tell her." The voice echoed.


"Ummm Laray? There's actually something I do need to tell you. I know that we've known each other for a little over a day but ummm." He stuttered still blushing bright red.


"Heh, I'm no good at expressing my feelings, but I have developed feelings for you and ummm I was wondering if you felt the same. I can understand if you don't. I mean being with a stallion who barely gets by isn't really good for reputation. You have your mother to support and...and I don't want to be a burden to you. I feel that I would just drag you down. Though, I just want to know how you felt about me." The stallion said, his gaze soon shifted to the floor feeling embarrassed.

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Laray listened with interest to what Dogboots had to say.

'He DOES like me! Ha! Wait, he wants to know how I feel? Umm, what do I say?' Laray thought.

"I-I..." Laray said sounding like an idiot.

'What do I say? I don't know what to say! I like him, too, but how can I put that it words?'

'Forget words. You know what to do.'

Laray hesitated for a second, but she steeled herself and kissed Dogboots full on the lips.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Dogboots was taken by surprise when Laray had kissed him. "I-Is this really happening? I don't know I'm questioning that one myself. Still...I don't care." He thought to himself. The stallion responded in kind by wrapping his hoofs around her and returning the kiss.

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Laray embraced Dogboots back. She tingled all over.

'OMZ, my day just got 90% better....after nearly drowning...' she thought. 'And I didn't think that I had the guts for that.'

She pulled away from Dogboots momentarily.

"Does that answer your question?" she whispered before kissing him again.

'Slow down, girl. Don't overload.'

((I'm going to bed. I won't be on tomorrow [sunday] but I will on Monday))

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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((It's all good.))


Dogboots had trouble pulling himself away from Laray. The stallion opened an eye to see a few ponies staring at the couple, some were even whispering and giggling. "It looks like we're making a bit of a scene." He whispered back to Laray. Dogboots was beginning to blush at the attention they were attracting already.

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Colt, was it tempting to throw the new soda all over him.


If she hadn't seen what she'd seen, she'd might have thought it was nice of him to buy her a new soda.


But he wasn't nice. She knew that now.


"I don't hate you because you dithced me," she said through the tears, not daring to look jup at his face. "It's the fact that you cheated, humiliated me, and outright lied to me. You promies a whole day with me, today was going be our first date. You got me all worried about you when you weren't there, and then I find you making moves on another mare. You left me, even after you promised. I don't even want a reason why, because my mind can't even think of one that's good enough."


Anger. Hate. Humiliation.


She tossed her new soda onto Windy. "There. Maybe your marefriend likes the smell of Colta-Cola. Now just leave me alone before I hurt you."


She didn't even look up to see if he left. She just sat there, crying, forgetting about Airy, about how he was pribably still in the theatre. She was too upset, too distraught over the fact that astallion who seemed to like her, and asked her on a date, was so evil that he' d just cheat on her and ditch her.


Go on a cruise, they said. Cruises are fun, they said. J want to go home. Heck, why not? I'll pack my bags and fly out of here. It'll save me the humiliation from looking so stupid trying to find that rat, and the tuanting Bolt will give me. Yes. I'm leavibg tonight. It will be a long flight....but I have to.


Scamps was completely unaware that Airy was witnessing all of this.



<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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@@Windy Scamper, @, @@thor9356,  


Windy stood where he was, dripping soda onto the floor, and finally shook his head, partially to clear some of the soda, and partially to clear his head. Taking a deep breath, Windy said in haltingly, "Look, Scamps. I'm so sorry. I really, REALLY am. I know you don't want to hear it, and I understand. I get it. I bucked up. I have no excuse, no reason. I ditched you, and I am a royal jerk. I know. I can't make this right, and I won't try to. I promise to give you a wide berth, but I hope you eventually can find it in your heart to forgive a real deadbeat like me. I'm... so sorry." Turning to leave, Windy saw Airy standing there, watching the whole thing. Walking over to Airy and speaking in a low tone that Scamps couldn't hear, he said, "Look after her, will you Airy? She needs somepony to comfort her right now. Be that stallion for her. I'm sorry I put you two through this..." Shaking his head and sighing sadly, Windy plodded away from the sad duo, back into the theater.


Finding his seat again in the theater, Windy looked at Bolt, and quietly said, "I'm sorry you had to see that Bolt. I just... I ditched Scamps to hang out with you, ok?! I had plans to hang with her all day, and I flaked like a noncommittal jerk! I'm really sorry. If you want to leave now, I totally can understand, nopony would ever want to be around a bastard like me." 

Edited by Windy Runner
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"It's all three of those things, I can get like, I dunno, 500,000 bits for that, so I can be rich like most of the stallions in Canterlot. And for the adventure, I can at least hope that the pony building the place securing the treasure, isn't so lazy, that they didn't bother to put in the traps and take out all of the fun of getting it."

Moonbeam smiled. "I had a feeling that's what you'd say. I kind of like that attitude...if you don't mind me saying," she said with a blush. "You're a very interesting pony, Firecracker."




Eventually, after walking a good distance through the hallway in search for moonbeam, he passed the entrance to the dining hall. Looking throught the entrance into the hall, he saw Moonbeam, sitting at a dining table with Firecracker, he had seen him once before. She was talking to him while they were having their lunch. Nightraxx decided to approach her... "M-Moonbeam..." he appraoched her slowly. "....C-can we talk...?"

Moonbeam looked at Nightraxx as he approached. She wanted very badly to stay with Firecracker, but Nightraxx looked troubled and she couldn't resist a plea for help. She got up. "Sure. I'll be right back, Firecracker."

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Airy watched the whole scene without a visible reaction until Windy Runner started talking to him. On the inside however he really had to hold back not to say anything he might regret later. Did this stallion even have anything like a conscience? First he had wrpped up Windy Scamper in wrong promises, then he just ditched her and had her find out that by random in a movie theatre, and now he wanted to apologise without any kind of excuse. Such a behaviour was even colder than the ice cube from Windy Scamper's drink that hit Airy's forehead when she tossed her drink at her "friend" a second time.

Luckily Windy Runner left again just a moment later.

"Look after her, will you Airy? She needs somepony to comfort her right now. Be that stallion for her. I'm sorry I put you two through this..."

Yeah, sure, you obviously are the one who can tell me how to handle Windy Scamper... You better be gone soon before I forget myself.


Now Airy had to do something. He was (almost) alone with crying WIndy Scamper, and as a good friend he had to comfort her.

He came closer and sat down next to her. The next step was risky, but he had to do it. He laid down a hoof on her shoulder and looked at her.

"Windy Scamper, it's me, Airy. I... I am so sorry for what happened. If there is anything I can do for you... please tell me."

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Firebolt sighed softly. "Well... I guessed as much..." She began, in an indifferent tone, yet still soft , not making eye contact. "The fact that you wouldn't even get near me before was a great hint at that...." Suddenly she turned to look at Windy. "Anyway, if you did actually get a soda dumped on you, it wouldn't be very fair for me to leave." She said in a bit of a sarcastic mannerism. Now was probably not the right time to joke around about... anything. But Firebolt couldn't help it. At all.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Moonbeam looked at Nightraxx as he approached. She wanted very badly to stay with Firecracker, but Nightraxx looked troubled and she couldn't resist a plea for help. She got up. "Sure. I'll be right back, Firecracker."

Nightraxx managed to give her a faint smile through his visibly distressed expression. He hated himself for having to interrupt her lively conversation with Firecracker, whom she seemingly liked very much, which Nightraxx could tell through her reactions on the first time she saw him..., and when she talked with Sorrow on the deck and he later joined. He was glad for her. Nightraxx wouldn't have wanted to disturb them, but Sorrow was too important to him to leave her in her current state.


They went to a less populated corner of the dining hall.


"Thank you...for taking time..." he said. "I am sorry...to disturb your lunch.."


He sighed and then said "I...It's about Sorrow..."

Edited by coolwar13@yahoo.de
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Scamps just barely heard Airy talk through her tears. "No. There's nothing you can do. What's done is done. In fact, you can leave, if you want. Don't let my problems and inability to see jerks ruin your movie. Or whole cruise, for that matter."


She sighed, trying to breathe as she continued to cry. Should I tell him about my plans? He's really my only friend left here, and I need somepony to know. But then again, he'll try to talk me out of it, maybr I should just leave a note. Bit doesn't that make me as bad as a pony as Windy Runner?


He'll miss me, and, I guess, I'll missing having a friend who will stay by my side. But I can't stand to be humiliated and mocked. I can't stay here, even if it means leaving a good friend behind. It's probably best for him too. He'll just be mocked as well if he hangs around me.


I have to tell him now. And then I'll start packing my bags.


"Actually, Airy, please go. This will be our...last time seeing each other. I'm leaving the ship tonight. I have to. Please don't try and talk me out of it. I have to. It's for your own good. Knowing you...being as loyal as you are...you'll stay by my side. I appreciat that, I really do. But you'll be humiliated and mocked alongside me. Jocks don't change, and they're all the same."


She slowly atood up, tears stilk streaking her face. "Goodbye, Airy. Thanks for making at least part of this trip enjoyable. I'll be flying away tonight, before dinner. Please don't try to find me."


She began to walk away, not daring to look back.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Airy couldn't believe what he had heard. No... he couldn't let her go, even though he actually would have to as a good friend.

He started following Windy Scamper.

"Windy Scamper... I... There is one last thing, please. I wanted to show you something before I never see you again. In fact, I won't be able to enjoy this cruise if you leave now, but that's not the important thing. My needs are irrelevant compared to yours, but... but if you can just fulfill this one wish I have left before you leave, there is something I want, I need to show you. Please... just this one thing. Please..."

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Windy sat in silence for a few moments, before a grin cracked his soda stained face. He began to snicker, which turned into chuckling, which in turn became full on hearty laughter.


"Why are you laughing Windy? I don't know, but that was just really funny! Inappropriate timing, sure, but still really funny! You're so weird Windy..."


Finally regaining control of himself and stopping his laughter, Windy shook his head  and said with a barely contained mirth, "Ah, Bolt. I didn't get a soda dumped on me. I actually had TWO sodas dumped on me! Big difference, you know!"


"Why in Luna's name are you making jokes and not being sadder Windy? She's gonna think you're bipolar or something to have just had such a serious case of mood whiplash. I mean, you were on the verge of tears a moment ago, now you're laughing like a loon. What gives? I don't know brain, I don't know how, but Bolt just made me feel way better in her own, semi-rude, way! Again I reiterate, you're so weird Windy... Thanks brain, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!"   

Edited by Windy Runner
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Scamps stopped in her tracks. Her she was, not wanting him to follow her, and he does. And he wants one finally request.


It couldn't hurt, right? Just a small, little thing? Besides, I can't just say no, and break someponie sheart just after mine's been.


No. No. No. No. No. No. You wilk get attached, it will be something life changing, you'll feeo bad, and then miss your opprotunity. Don't. Do. It.


Scamps turned around. "Okay. I'll see it. But just know that I...I have to leave. It's best for both of us. For everypony, really."

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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