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Let's talk about positive Brony public experiences.

An Old Head

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It's come to my attention that there is waaay too much talk about the negative aspects of displaying your Bronydom in public. Getting strange looks from people, attacks from anti-Bronies through social media, controversy in the news, feeling alone in your display of Bronydom in society. As a community that thrives on companionship and learning life values, let's stop with the negativity and start talking about the good side!


Tell us about your positive experiences you've had while being a Brony. Has someone noticed your MLP T-shirt and offered you a brohoof? Have you been accepted by your friends for showing your effeminate side? Have Brony meet-ups that you've gone to been a blast? Or maybe just times where you've sat back and said to yourself "I god damn love being a Brony!".


Let's make this the most uplifting thread like, ever.


My most positive experience as a Brony has to be when I met the first ever fellow Brony at school. Before this, the only other person who knew I was a Brony was my brother, and I felt enormously solitary with my own stance - like everyone else in my town in the UK had no idea what it was, and had no idea what they were missing - no idea why they couldn't take a break from social standards that are expected by society.


But anyway, I had my name be Pinkie Pie on a game of Counter-Strike, and a few moments later the chat log popped up with "Player 3 has changed their name to Fluttershy".


In that one moment, I was absolutely filled with joy. At long last, I had found someone with whom I could share the values of this fandom with. I had realised that not everyone in the UK where I live had been locked into the invisibly defined demands of social norms, and that someone else in my general area had discovered the greatness of the show.


Share yours, everypony :)


On a completely unrelated note...



Yay, 1,000th post!


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I have an awesome story. Gather round, children. So, I went to see this comedian at a local venue (I can't remember his name, but he wasn't famous or anything) and he was talking about TV shows. Right in the middle of his bit, he was like, "Yeah, it was always embarrassing watching shows like Sailor Moon as a kid, but now that I'm an adult I've learned not to give a shit. Like there's this one show I like that isn't exactly normal for a 38 year old guy." Then he tore off his shirt and BAM! Rainbow Dash! He was wearing a brony shirt. Tons of people in the room cheered, and it was an incredible experience. Also, he recognized that Fluttershy is best pony, so that's even better. wink.png

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Once at the cinema I sat next to two other guys, and I heard them talking about "Princess Luna" I was like 'It can't be?' so I asked them and they were bronies! Got two brohooves C:


Before I started the new school I'm in right now, there was some sort of competition they had. They were split up in teams and stuff, I don't know much about it, but the winner had won a trophy and you can see that on a shelf when you enter the school. Now the cool thing is, the group who won called themselves "My Little Pony". So it says My Little Pony on the trophy.


Just a couple of days ago I saw a 20-25 year old guy with a hoodie that said PONY on it with big colorful letters. Though I didn't dare to ask him if he were a brony because erm we was much older than me, plus that "Pony" doesn't really have to mean "My little pony"

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My most positive brony experience actually happened on a really bad day. I was walking out of last semester's Anthropology midterm positive that I'd bombed it, since I really don't test well, and I saw this guy walking down the hallway with a Fluttershy tee shirt on underneath his hoodie. I stared at his chest for like thirty seconds until I recognized the butterflies cutie mark, and then I practically shouted - in the middle of a crowded hallway, mind you - "Oh my gosh! Fluttershy! That is so incredible awesome!" It cheered both of us up to no end, and we high-fived. It was pretty cool. <3

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Well, my high school theater troupe was at a restaurant after a great performance, and my table went in circles and we each revealed a strange fact about ourselves. I told them I was a brony, and all the girls started freaking out, in a good way. It really made their day. The guys didn't really care, so there was no real negative feedback.

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For me, the most positive moment I've had as a Brony was not too long ago. I ordered my first shirt. To me, it's like when you're seven, and you're dad gets you your first buck knife, or when you go to your friends house and they have a new game that's multiplayer. I felt really accomplished, because I'm normally extremely self-conscious of what people think about me.


The most accomplished moment was being able to talk about it to one of my (non-brony, mind you) friends about it freely, much to his disappointment, but none-the-less, happy to me.

  • Brohoof 5


Singer, picture editor, and most of all, a fan of MLP. 

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I had a guy recognize the Pinkie Pie I hang on my backpack once. We had a mighty brohoof.


I also went to EFNW last year and just generally had an awesome time. It was tons of fun and there wasn't really anything horribly negative for me, other than how expensive the plane tickets to Seattle were.

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I went to a comic convention in London, I was on my own as no one I knew had the money to go... Sad times. Anyway while wandering around the various stalls I found the We Love Fine stall. I bought a MLP t-shirt and a Pinkie Pie cutie mark badge. After only an hour of wearing the badge I had racked up over 40 brohoofs! I was amazed to find so many in one place.

  • Brohoof 3

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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It is a rare moment when I find a brony in RL, but it's happened on more than one occasion. Now, I've never actually talked to the bronies I've encountered, but I am guilty for eavesdropping and smiling at the conversation. I'll tell a quick story and be on my way.


I was in my school's cafeteria line and I was buying a muffin. These two guys behind me must have noticed or something because they suddenly had a rant which was fixated on Derpy Hooves. They were so happy talking about her. I was delighted... I wish I turned around and said hi. But oh well.

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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My brony friend irl told me a story about a friend he knows from his TaeKwonDo dojo who got laid for being a brony, I'm not even joking

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I live in a REALLY small town and have only recently bought a mlp shirt and dashy earrings so I haven't had the chance to make any Brony friends or acquatences outside my family.  But I am happy that after I became such an avid fan I got three of my cousins into it.  Now me and my younger cousins (14 &12) go out collecting the blind bags together and my older cousin (38) has fallen in love with the show and started collecting the blind bags as well and is totally in love with Pinkie Pie :)   I do secretly hope that at some point I will meet more Bronies that aren't family :)

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1.Well, one day after school, I was in my classroom changing for volleyball (yes I change in my class. In my school, there are girls-only and boys-only classrooms, so mine was a girls-only) anyways, so I saw these girls from my class crowded around one of their laptops, and they were pointing to pictures saying 'this is Twilight Sparkle', and, "Oh yeah! And I know this one.... her name is Apple...jack! Applejack!" 

I peeked over their heads and looked, and BAM there was a big picture of the Mane 6+Spike as the Avengers. ANd tehn one pointed to Spike. And, I, still being confused, I yelled "AAAAAAAND that's SPIKE!!" An dthen one of them turned around and asked "How do you know his name?" I was kinda scared, but still had my wits about me, so I replied cautiously "Well, I kinda used to watch the show a bit.." And she replied, "Really? Me too! No need to be scared! I wacth it too". I was super psyched, but disappointed that she probably didn't knwo waht a brony was. She probably just watched the show, so that was kinda disappointing. But still it was graet to meet another fan!


2. One day, my friend was showing us pictures on her laptop (teh usual kind of pictures that they post up on facebook and tumblr, etc..) and then I saw a picture of a pony. It looked like that sign for Mozzilla firefox with Spitfire on it, but instead it had a picture of some other pony. So anyways, I said "Hey, wait! Can I see the picture of that pony again?" and she said "Uhhhh, no...". Maybe she was hiding something, and taht picture wasn't supposed to be there....


3. For Language class, there is this girl that sits behind me, teh same one that had the laptop with the 'My little avenger' picture. So anyways, I heard the girl who was sitting next to her say something like "Shut up, she's not real, okay?" Maybe I was getting my hopes up, but I was really hoping that she was obsessing about ponies, and then her freinds were getting annoyed. A couple days later, same class, I distinctively heard her say 'Rainbow', and the girl sitting next to her said "Did you jsut say rainbow?"



  • Brohoof 3

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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1.Well, one day after school, I was in my classroom changing for volleyball (yes I change in my class. In my school, there are girls-only and boys-only classrooms, so mine was a girls-only) anyways, so I saw these girls from my class crowded around one of their laptops, and they were pointing to pictures saying 'this is Twilight Sparkle', and, "Oh yeah! And I know this one.... her name is Apple...jack! Applejack!" 

I peeked over their heads and looked, and BAM there was a big picture of the Mane 6+Spike as the Avengers. ANd tehn one pointed to Spike. And, I, still being confused, I yelled "AAAAAAAND that's SPIKE!!" An dthen one of them turned around and asked "How do you know his name?" I was kinda scared, but still had my wits about me, so I replied cautiously "Well, I kinda used to watch the show a bit.." And she replied, "Really? Me too! No need to be scared! I wacth it too". I was super psyched, but disappointed that she probably didn't knwo waht a brony was. She probably just watched the show, so that was kinda disappointing. But still it was graet to meet another fan!


2. One day, my friend was showing us pictures on her laptop (teh usual kind of pictures that they post up on facebook and tumblr, etc..) and then I saw a picture of a pony. It looked like that sign for Mozzilla firefox with Spitfire on it, but instead it had a picture of some other pony. So anyways, I said "Hey, wait! Can I see the picture of that pony again?" and she said "Uhhhh, no...". Maybe she was hiding something, and taht picture wasn't supposed to be there....


3. For Language class, there is this girl that sits behind me, teh same one that had the laptop with the 'My little avenger' picture. So anyways, I heard the girl who was sitting next to her say something like "Shut up, she's not real, okay?" Maybe I was getting my hopes up, but I was really hoping that she was obsessing about ponies, and then her freinds were getting annoyed. A couple days later, same class, I distinctively heard her say 'Rainbow', and the girl sitting next to her said "Did you jsut say rainbow?"



Hang on... Is that the avengers picture where Rarity's Iron Man? Because my gf bought me that as a birthday present as a huge silk scroll that is now framed in my lounge :)

  • Brohoof 1

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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After wearing my Flutter-bag to school for this entire school year, I've gotten a multitude of reactions. A lot of "what"'s, "He's a Brony .-."'s, and etc., but I have also gotten a lot of girls and one or two guys who say "Nice bag," both sarcastically and seriously.


I also met most of the friends I have this year because of my bag. A few fellow  Bronies and I were grouped together to screw around with the locks for our PE lockers in the beginning of the year, they noticed my bag, and we ended up talking about it. Now, I am pretty decent friends with a couple of those guys.


And, I don't know if this is a very positive response to it, but once I got a group of girls who sat down near me at a table in the morning before classes had started and told me "I luv MLP ;D!", "omg, I luv ur bag ;D!", and "omg, I luv brAHnies ;D!" to which I replied "I like brownies, too," then walked to class.

  • Brohoof 2

καὶ τὸ φῶς ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ φαίνει
καὶ ἡ σκοτία αὐτὸ οὐ κατέλαβεν

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This was before I became a brony but it encouraged me to become one. I went to an anime/video game/pop culture convention with my cousin and a fee bros. Then we noticed how many bronies there were. We didn't dislike them, we were just surprised. So I walked around the convention and talked to a few bronies/pegasisters. The first thing I noticed was how nice they were(one pegasister who cosplayed as Derpy gave me a muffin :muffins: ) So we talked about My Little Pony like why do you watch it(in a positive way) and I got some good answers. They all told me I should give it a try and another pegasister showed me the first three episodes in Season 1 AT the convention. At first I was like uhh ok then I got to episode 3. When I finished I was like "Wow, this is actually pretty cool." They told me to watch all the episodes, so I agreed. Now I'm a brony, proud, and my favorite character is Vinyl Scratch. I can't wait to see them all again in a month which is the next convention. :derp:

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Well, there was this one time I was at Kennywood for a Marching Band parade, I was in line for The Racers (One of the best Roller Coasters ever), and saw a guy in his 20's or so and some friends of him, he was wearing a Rainbow Dash shirt, I wish I would have said something to him. After I got off the ride I found a friend of mine (also a Brony) and asked him If he saw the guy with the RD shirt, didn't see him after that, but I wish I did.


Awesome signature by Gone Airbourne

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I've had nothing but positive Brony experiences in public but only a few come to mind when it comes to being a Brony in general.


I staffed Nekocon last year (anime convention in Hampton Roads, VA) and was part of the AMV Contest squad where I handed out ballots for people to vote for their fan favorite video. I wore (along with my con staff badge) several Rainbow Dash artist alley buttons, a Rainbow Dash wool cap, 2 Brony badges, a Brony lanyard, and a Rainbow Dash badge.


Roughly 50 minutes into the showing a little girl and her parents were going towards the entrance to see what was going on in the Main Events and she saw all of my MLP stuff I was wearing and said "That's real awesome!" with a wide smile and pointed to everything I was wearing. It made me smile.



I've also bumped into several Bronies at conventions and had a load of fun talking to them...and......I know that's vague but I can't remember anything else. Usually my experiences are at conventions or local meet-ups and those are by default good-natured.

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It was intro to philosophy. My professor was young; he had a son and a daughter who were about 3-4 years old. He  mentioned My Little Pony when he was talking about reality in TV not being the same as reality in the real world. Turns out he was talking about G4 ponies and that he knew the show because of his kids. I wasn't sure whether he had a positive opinion of the show, but I could tell he had nothing against it img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png .

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Well, I've got a few things to mention.


Firstly, the fandom is how I met a lot of my best friends. In fact, had I not joined this fandom, I would probably have never met my current boyfriend, Dustin, and it would likely have taken me much longer to even realize I'm bisexual, as it was while talking with Dustin a few months ago that I came to this realization.


Secondly, I ended up first talking to a new student at school a few weeks ago because he noticed, among other pieces of themed apparel, my Rainbow Dash headphones and Luna T-Shirt.


Lastly, my favorite memory tied to the fandom and quite possibly my fondest memory ever. Last September I went to the Canterlot Gardens convention in Srongsville, Ohio, and during the Voice Actors Panel, a young girl asked Tara Strong if she could sing BBBFF for her, not realizing someone else sang it in the show. Despite this fact, Ms. Strong agreed to do so, on the condition that the whole room join her. So, everyone in the room began singing along with her, including myself, and in that moment, I truly felt that I belonged, in a way I had never done so before. Later on, I joined a few cosplayers I hadn't met before in singing other songs from the show outside the building, and while it wasn't on the same level as the earlier event, it was quite wonderful, especially for someone like myself, who rarely sings in public or talks to people I don't know. I socialized a lot more than usual in general that day, even asking cosplayers if I could get pictures to post on a facebook page I admin. That day was honestly the best of my life.

Edited by Nilkad_Naquada
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Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe?


I critique things! http://nilkadreviews.tumblr.com


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I have an awesome story. Gather round, children. So, I went to see this comedian at a local venue (I can't remember his name, but he wasn't famous or anything) and he was talking about TV shows. Right in the middle of his bit, he was like, "Yeah, it was always embarrassing watching shows like Sailor Moon as a kid, but now that I'm an adult I've learned not to give a shit. Like there's this one show I like that isn't exactly normal for a 38 year old guy." Then he tore off his shirt and BAM! Rainbow Dash! He was wearing a brony shirt. Tons of people in the room cheered, and it was an incredible experience. Also, he recognized that Fluttershy is best pony, so that's even better. img-1437008-1-wink.png

Is it wrong that i wish i could steal that memory from you... or maybe we could both have it?!?!?!



For me... the only real experience i've had with a brony was when i was in london, i tried to give a couple a brohoof because the gf was wearing a brony/pegasister shirt, although they first doubted i was a brony, i quickly proved them wrong. That was my first experience, yet it was oddly fun. 


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  I don't know if this counts, but recently I bought a white unicorn hat with a rainbow mane from a vendor selling assorted hats.  That was the closest to a MLP hat in that style I could find, and I liked it so I got it.  I didn't think I'd get any reactions past maybe being stared at, but I got so many compliments, mostly from women wink.png .  One of my roommates liked it too and said it was colorful like " one of those My Little Pony things".  He doesn't watch the show, but knows about it and is fine with me liking it.  My other roommates don't know anything about the show, but still like the hat. I also wore it to a rave once and only had positive reactions to it biggrin.png.  


  One day I might get actual MLP merch, and hopefully the positive responses will continue.   

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My positive experience would probably be meeting a fellow fan that worked at Gamestop.

I just got out of school and I had to go to Gamestop to pick up my pre-ordered copy of Silent Hill Downpour. I happened to be wearing a Rainbow Dash shirt, the worker saw and mentioned how she was a fan of the show as well. We talked for a minute then I had to leave. 


Edited by WheatleyCore
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Positive experiences happen, this thread proves that. But I guess some people just ignore that and only focus on the overwieght, creepy bronies wearing a sweaty RD T-shirt.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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