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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Reggie lowered herself next to AJ, a comforting arm around her shoulders. "I know it don't make much sense, lass, but the situation is what it is. I promise, I will do whatever I can ta help ye get home." What else could she say? Tapping a few keys on her phone, Reggie called Barra Barra to let them know she wouldn't be in that day, and the rest of the week was questionable. It was fine; she had a lot of banked vacation time.

Applejack removed her hands from over her face. Her eyes were dry, but she was grinding her teeth. "Thanks, sugarcube," she said, pushing herself back up. "But ah reckon that ah'm not the only one who was thrown here, and it's mah job to find 'em, and mine alone." She grumbled as she looked around. "Now, where in tarnation is mah hat?"


Emily chuckled. "You sure are an intaresting gal. And, you are welcome to stay wiz me until you figure sings out." She said, stepping into the kitchen to fill a tea kettle with water. "Vould you like tea  ?" She asked, putting the kettle onto the stove.

((You can't really phonetic a slight English accent. I'd guess Cockney or Irish or something, since she's not from the well-to-do parts of Trottingham.))


"I'd like some tea, thanks. Do you have any daisies, too? I'm hungry."

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Magneus looked towards the exit to the building then looked back at Fluttershy. "Humans". He was still convinced that she was just a huge fan of the TV show, enough to make it part of her life. "We should probably get going, don't want to waste any time. My friends Alex and Allison will take care of you while i work" he said and motioned for her to follow him out and to his apartment.


(Until Magneus gets back from work i will control Alex and Allison at the apartment. Time skip to the point where Magneus drops Fluttershy off at his apartment... unless you had some chatter in mind for the trip to his apartment.)

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Chrysalis.. Princess.. Wha'?" Logan was genuinely confused now. He shook his head, "Alright Miss.. Twilight.. Sparkle, I will help, but first I'm going to need you to explain things to me, very clearly. First off, do you know where Equestria would be in relation to North America? Likewise, what do you mean by 'Princess'? You'll have to forgive my ignorance, but I'm just a mite lost here."

After taking a few deep breaths, Twilight began to explain.

"Well, Equestria, in relation to this North America we're in right now, is in a completely different universe, actually! I don't know how to reverse the spell that the evil Chrysalis cast onto me! I was also recently appointed a princess of the land due to my studies of the magic and power of friendship. Chrysalis wants to take over our nation for her own diabolical needs, and our leader, Princess Celestia, had faith in me that I could finally bring about her defeat. Now... it looks like she won't have any faith left in me anymore..."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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((You can't really phonetic a slight English accent. I'd guess Cockney or Irish or something, since she's not from the well-to-do parts of Trottingham.))   "I'd like some tea, thanks. Do you have any daisies, too? I'm hungry."


Emily stared at Moonstruck. "D-Daizies ? I am afraid I do not. I suppoze ponies eat veggies don't zey. Well...I have some lettuce." She said, opening the fridge. "Most umans eat meat...wich I do not agree wiz. So...ow about some carrots ?" She asked, pulling out a bag of carrots.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Fluttershy enjoyed the ride in the 'car' at first. It looked like a carriage, but the seats were softer, which was nice because she had to sit down on her flank now, and he showed her how to roll the windows down and up. Fluttershy spent the five minute while they pulled slowly away from the work building rolling the window up and down, then decided not to be silly and left it down so she could feel the air.

It was even nicer how no ponies had to work hard to pull it. This was a very considerate machine.


She regretted the window decision as soon as her human pulled into a busy rode. The wind whipped her eyes dry, and the world began to flow past too quickly to keep track of. This was just like flying!
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!" She threw herself down, shaking, across the length of the back seat and put her arms over her head, but she could still feel the rolling and hear the angry roaring of the air.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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"Right, right. Who I am. Sorry, did you just say Equestria? Ponyville? Oh, right, My name's Tommy. Equestria?!" A bunch of dots connected within Tommy's mind and his jaw involuntarily dropped open. Well, actually he made his mouth open, he never got his jaw to open itself before, he always had to make himself do it. But that wasn't the point. Equestria. Pinkie Pie. Pink skin. Tommy's eyes widened another inch, if that was possible. "Pinkie Pie. That's what you said your name was. And your here, on Earth, on Sol-3." He shut himself up and didn't manage to calm himself. Clearing his throat, he said, "I think I do know who you are. This is not the Griffin Kingdom. This is a different dimension. This is Earth." Tommy thought about the RP he was in, some kind of human pony RP. The RP was real. This was real. And he had a hell of a character to write about. That's right folks. Tommy here, writing about the truth. This is real. I want you all to realize that. I want you guys to know that before I continue to broadcast what is happening to me throughout my journey. I will tell of my adventure through multiple posts, with the help of the others involved. Listen close folks, what you hear here is all true. Believe.


Now, where was I? Right. This is Earth.


((OOC: Alright guys, inception begins here ;) I hope you don't mind if I communicate with the audience. We are part of something bigger now.))


((OOC: That OOC was part of the RP, it's something Tommy posted. This isn't. This is a message from the Thomas controlling Tommy who is writing about Tommy. Let's do this. :lol: Remember, I have never written like this before. Mistakes may or may not happen.))



"Tommy, ok!"

Weird name...

"Wait... Earth? So this is a dimension where the Pegasi and Unicorns got to keep the land? I hope everypony's friendly like they are in Equestria! Ooh, I wonder if they like parties too!" Pinkie paused and looked at him. "But, you don't look like a pony."she paused again and looked down at herself.

"Then again, neither do I..." Her hot pink hair deflated a tiny bit,, but it poofed back up as she laughed. "Oh well, this is just a dream, so it doesn't matter!"

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Star took the water and sipped it as Liam spoke. Her eyes widened and she brought the water away from her mouth. "I...I don't know what to say...th-thank you so much." She said, putting the water down and hugging Liam tightly.


"Well I couldn't exactly throw you out on the street, could I? You clearly need help, and I won't turn my back on someone in such a strange and dangerous situation."


He wrapped his arms around her and returned her embrace. As he held her he realized how thin she was. Probably more so than was healthy. Well he did find her on the street, after all. Maybe she didn't get enough to eat wherever she come from.


"Do you want something to eat? I need to make myself a late dinner anyway." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"Tommy, ok!"

I]Weird name...[/i]

"Wait... Earth? So this is a dimension where the Pegasi and Unicorns got to keep the land? I hope everypony's friendly like they are in Equestria! Ooh, I wonder if they like parties too...!" Pinkie paused and looked at him. "But, you don't look like a pony." she paused again and looked down at herself.

"Then again, neither do I..." Her hot pink hair deflated a tiny bit,, but it poofed back up as she laughed. "Oh well, this is just a dream, so it doesn't matter!"

Coughing with surprise, Tommy told Pinkie, "You see, this isn't a dream. And no ponies usually are here, other than...uh...ponies. But they're not quite the same as you are. This place is ruled by humans, which is what you have turned into. Furthermore, dreams usually don't make sense. This doesn't make sense either, but I can physically touch you and myself, and all the laws of the world as we know it still apply. And...you know what, never mind." Tommy's mind had grasped the fact that a humanoid pony was standing in front of him, so he was able to think now. "We have a slight issue right now. In Equestria, I would be a filly right now. Well, a foal. Point is, I have no way to know what to do. I assure you, you're not dreaming, and I'm not dreaming. Hence this is real, so...Gahhh! This hurts my brain!" He wandered in circles and placed his hands on his temples, rubbing. "I sincerely don't know what to do or how you got here! I don't even know how dimensions could be inter-mingled other than when I was watching Doctor Who!" Tommy realized he was annoyingly rambling and not helping at all. He looked Pinkie in the eye and asked, "Do you know why you're here?"

Edited by The Tenth Doctor

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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After taking a few deep breaths, Twilight began to explain.

"Well, Equestria, in relation to this North America we're in right now, is in a completely different universe, actually! I don't know how to reverse the spell that the evil Chrysalis cast onto me! I was also recently appointed a princess of the land due to my studies of the magic and power of friendship. Chrysalis wants to take over our nation for her own diabolical needs, and our leader, Princess Celestia, had faith in me that I could finally bring about her defeat. Now... it looks like she won't have any faith left in me anymore..."


Logan nodded slowly, as if he understood what she was saying, when in reality it was still sinking in a little bit, "Alright then inter-dimensional conflicts, sounds like something my siblings and I would have come up with back in the day.."


He shrugs. He didn't entirely believe her. For all he knew she was either extremely high, or dead serious. He walked around to face her, looking directly into her eyes, "You don't seem to be on anything..." He mutters under his breath.


Logan shrugs again, "I honestly don't know what's going on, but come with me and I'll see what I can do about helping you find your way."


He turned around and began walking for the car, giving a low whistle to Ulysses. The big dog shot to all fours and ran over to the car, shoving his nose under the handle of one of the back doors and climbing in, clamping his jaws on a rope tied to the inside handle and pulling the door shut himself. Logan opened the passenger side door and looked to Twilight, "Comin'?"


((Don't expect me to be writing phonetically to often. Logan's only got a faint PA Dutch accent like I've been told I have, and I'm not entirely sure how to portray that in text form. Any phonetic speech from him will be based off of how I speak, cutting off the 'G' in words that end with 'ING' when they are the end of his sentence.))

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Pripyat Pony



“Cicada…” It was rather unusual, not a very common name for most. But at this stage he was willing to believe anything. He took a quick look around at the side street, making sure no one else was near. This was strange enough as it was without needed to explain it to someone. “You’re in New York, the US.” Everything else that seemed to come out of her mouth was complete gibberish, something about Ponyville and a Queen. “Are you British then, do you come from the UK? Sounds like a place in England, but I’m not exactly sure. “Let’s just get you out of here before anyone else sees. Come on.” He offered out a hand to help her up, trying to sound more genuine and less creepy.


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@@Dawn Stripes,


(Magneus doesn't own a car, sooo... lets say Alex came and picked Fluttershy up after Magneus called him :3 That way Magneus can stay at work) 


Alex looked over at Fluttershy through the rear view mirror. "Enjoying the ride?" he asked her, even though he knew the answer. Allison looked back at Fluttershy and smiled. "Sure looks like it" she said and then redirected her vision back to the road.


"So, Magneus just... found you on the ground? Seems kind of strange"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Logan nodded slowly, as if he understood what she was saying, when in reality it was still sinking in a little bit, "Alright then inter-dimensional conflicts, sounds like something my siblings and I would have come up with back in the day.."


He shrugs. He didn't entirely believe her. For all he knew she was either extremely high, or dead serious. He walked around to face her, looking directly into her eyes, "You don't seem to be on anything..." He mutters under his breath.


Logan shrugs again, "I honestly don't know what's going on, but come with me and I'll see what I can do about helping you find your way."


He turned around and began walking for the car, giving a low whistle to Ulysses. The big dog shot to all fours and ran over to the car, shoving his nose under the handle of one of the back doors and climbing in, clamping his jaws on a rope tied to the inside handle and pulling the door shut himself. Logan opened the passenger side door and looked to Twilight, "Comin'?"


((Don't expect me to be writing phonetically to often. Logan's only got a faint PA Dutch accent like I've been told I have, and I'm not entirely sure how to portray that in text form. Any phonetic speech from him will be based off of how I speak, cutting off the 'G' in words that end with 'ING' when they are the end of his sentence.))

As Twilight got into the car, she began to explain a bit more.

"You see, my friends, the Elements of Harmony, are the key to the axis of power in Equestria. They were also affected by the curse, I would assume, so they are likely somewhere in this world! If only we could get the other five from the Elements of Harmony, we might be able to triumph over Chrysalis!"

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Coughing with surprise, Tommy told Pinkie, "You see, this isn't a dream. Dreams usually don't make sense. This doesn't make sense either, but I can physically touch you and myself, and all the laws of the world as we know it still apply. And...you know what, never mind." Tommy's mind had grasped the fact that a humanoid pony was standing in front of him, so he was able to think now. "We have a slight issue right now. In Equestria, I would be a filly right now. Well, a foal. Point is, I have no way to know what to do. I assure you, you're not dreaming, and I'm not dreaming. Hence this is real, so...Gahhh! This hurts my brain!" He wandered in circles and placed his hands on his temples, rubbing. "I sincerely don't know what to do or how you got here! I don't even know how dimensions could be inter-mingled other than when I was watching Doctor Who!" Tommy realized he was annoyingly rambling and not helping at all. He looked Pinkie in the eye and asked, "Do you know why you're here?"

"This... Isn't a dream?"

Pinkie's hair completely deflated as her eyes went wide.

"WHAT? The Cakes will HATE me now! I was supposed to be protecting Pumkin and Pound! They'll fire me, kick me out... I'll never see the Baby Cakes again..."

She tried to calm down, stop the tears, but her efforts were fruitless as another thought kicked in.

"My friends! I might not ever see them again! What if theyre here too?! Oh, poor Fluttershy must be terrified!"

She forced herself to stop panicking and answer Tommy's question.

"Not really... Last thing I remember was Chrysalis and her Changeling Army attacking Ponyville..." she sniffled. "And I had been at the park with Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake, and that was where they attacked. I tried to protect them, but Chrysalis started using a spell. I pushed the twins into a hiding spot when I saw a Changeling charge at me. It headbutted me and I landed near Chrysalis. The last thing I saw was Dashie attacking Chrysalis and the sky going black..."

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"This... Isn't a dream?"

Pinkie's hair completely deflated as her eyes went wide.

"WHAT? The Cakes will HATE me now! I was supposed to be protecting Pumkin and Pound! They'll fire me, kick me out... I'll never see the Baby Cakes again..."

She tried to calm down, stop the tears, but her efforts were fruitless as another thought kicked in.

"My friends! I might not ever see them again! What if theyre here too?! Oh, poor Fluttershy must be terrified!"

She forced herself to stop panicking and answer Tommy's question.

"Not really... Last thing I remember was Chrysalis and her Changeling Army attacking Ponyville..." she snuffled. "And I had been at the park with Pumkin CaKe, and that was where they attacked. I tried to protect them, but Chrysalis started using a spell. I pushed the twins into a hiding spot when I saw a Changeling charge at me. It headbutted me and I landed near Chrysalis. The last thing I saw was Dashie attacking Chrysalis and the sky going black..."

"Uh, Pinkie? Now's not a time to worry about never seeing anyone again? Now we sorta wanna get you back to Equestria. Now, I can hardly go on my..." Tommy remembered that Pinkie didn't know Earth technology, so he chose his words Equestrian style, saying, "magical world communication device and ask what I should do if a pony appears from Equestria, so..." He thought a moment and asked, "If the Queen performed a spell and the result was you landing here on a different dimension through the fourth wall, is it possible that anypony else might have come through as well and landed somewhere else nearby?" Look at me, I sound like I know what I'm talking about, saying anypony and all. "So, my parents are in that building over there, and I doubt they'll respond well to you coming in, but if I stay gone they would end up worrying. Any ideas?"


((OOC: God, why did I choose to be 13 years old?  This is gonna be harder than I thought. Should I post something on the internet or something saying that "I have one of the ponies from the Chrysalis incident" or something? Subtle yet suspicious to those who found the ponies? 13 years old. Why?))


((OOC [Edit]: Nevermind, I'm posting too fast, but right now I'm gonna be forced to introduce Pinkie to the family and I may have to plant a few lies here and there...))

Edited by The Tenth Doctor

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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After Charles got finishes guarding the President, his boss give him a new location, new assignment and new living arrangements’ he have to move to Chicago and receive his new orders in 10 days  as he  heading back to the house, get his things and his play station 3. Then he put his two Suit case into his car, as he got into his car he drove off to I-80 and heading to Chicago.

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"Uh, Pinkie? Now's not a time to worry about never seeing anyone again? Now we sorta wanna get you back to Equestria. Now, I can hardly go on my..." Tommy remembered that Pinkie didn't know Earth technology, so he chose his words Equestrian style, saying, "magical world communication device and ask what I should do if a pony appears from Equestria, so..." He thought a moment and asked, "If the Queen performed a spell and the result was you landing here on a different dimension through the fourth wall, is it possible that anypony else might have come through as well and landed somewhere else nearby?" Look at me, I sound like I know what I'm talking about, saying anypony and all. "So, my parents are in that building over there, and I doubt they'll respond well to you coming in, but if I stay gone they would end up worrying. Any ideas?"


((OOC: God, why did I choose to be 13 years old? This is gonna be harder than I thought. Should I post something on the internet or something saying that "I have one of the ponies from the Chrysalis incident" or something? Subtle yet suspicious to those who found the ponies? 13 years old. Why?))


((OOC: Haha, that would be hilarious. He'd get like 100 posts saying "wtf are you on dude?" :lol:))


Pinkie's hair poofed up a bit.

"You have a magical world communication device? Cooool! Okay, time to be serious." She thought for a moment. "It's usually just me who breaks the fourth wall, so I don't know. But my friends were all pretty close to Chrysalis, so they could have been sent here too...

"Oh, wait! You know about Equestra? Do other uh... Uhh... What do I call your kind? Usually when I break the fourth wall, I don't see anyone."

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@@Dawn Stripes



"Nice to see you're awake!" Colette said as she was suddenly grabbed by the strange rainbow haired girl, before pulling away from her. "They're probably at home, seeing as you're here by yourself... What the hell're you doin' out here, anyway?!" Colette asked,  eyeing the girl...


Other than the shakiness when she got to her feet, the stranger seemed fine... Fine enough to try and headbutt her, but that was beside the point now! Did this chick really think she had anything to do with her friends?? "Did you guys have a fallin' out, er no?" Colette asked, revealing her Wisconsin accent. "Nevermind that for now... Let's get  you to my place so I can at least drive ya to the hospital.. I think you were struck by lightning..." 




((That's exactly what Tommy, and eventually the other humans should do!))

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"Lightning!" Rainbow Dash sniffed loudly, trying to smell the old familiar moisture and light beams of the sky. Nothing. "Guess that would explain the smell. Doesn't matter to me, though. I buck lightning bolts every day before breakfast!"


 What the hell'r you doin' out here, anyway?


Rainbow narrow her eyes as she swayed, taking in what stood before her. The thing looked...well, like nothing Rainbow had ever seen. Not altogether bad, seeing as there was some interest going on in that mane, and the piercings went a ways to fix how small an unattractive those ears were. Rainbow secretly wished she had the guts to get rings in her ears like that.

"You don't know where anypony is, do you?" she said finally. Great. Just great. Now she'd gone and lost the whole fight. Oh well, it was nothing Rainbow dash wouldn't be able to deal with.

"I'm not going to any hospital. I've got flanks to kick. See ya!" The first thing to do was fly up and figure out where she'd landed after that blast, and how far off. Rainbow took off running and jumped up onto the metal rail thing, pushing herself effortlessly out over the twelve-foot drop, filling the empty space with her body and stretching her arms forward for flight.


She was very surprised when the air didn't catch her.

  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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"Well I couldn't exactly throw you out on the street, could I? You clearly need help, and I won't turn my back on someone in such a strange and dangerous situation."


He wrapped his arms around her and returned her embrace. As he held her he realized how thin she was. Probably more so than was healthy. Well he did find her on the street, after all. Maybe she didn't get enough to eat wherever she come from.


"Do you want something to eat? I need to make myself a late dinner anyway." 


Star gave a small nod before let go of Liam and clumsily picking up her water...she wasn't used to fingers.

She took a couple sips before looking down at her feet. She stared at them and wiggled her toes. "Is there someplace I could clean all this dirt off my face ?" She asked, slowly pushing herself onto her feet, using the couch as support.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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((OOC: Haha, that would be hilarious. He'd get like 100 posts saying "wtf are you on dude?") laugh.png))


Pinkie's hair poofed up a bit.

"You have a magical world communication device? Cooool! Okay, time to be serious." She thought for a moment. "It's usually just me who breaks the fourth wall, so I don't know. But my friends were all pretty close to Chrysalis, so they could have been sent here too...

"Oh, wait! You know about Equestra? Do other uh... Uhh... What do I call your kind? Usually when I break the fourth wall, I don't see anyone."

"Only some of us humans, and you can call us that, know about Equestria, and only half of those, give or take, actually like your kind. The others don't mind you, but they hate people like me, who like ponies. We've also seen you break the fourth wall, and we've- This is beyond the point, some of us know about you but do not know you are real. I am the only one, unless your friends have already found others. The only issues we have is hiding you and finding you a place to stay, as well as reuniting you with your friends. I don't know anyone on first thought who could help you but the brony community in general," saying the last thought more to himself than to her. He noticed that he had used the term brony in front of one of the ponies and decided not to clarify himself.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Star gave a small nod before let go of Liam and clumsily picking up her water...she wasn't used to fingers.

She took a couple sips before looking down at her feet. She stared at them and wiggled her toes. "Is there someplace I could clean all this dirt off my face ?" She asked, slowly pushing herself onto her feet, using the couch as support.

Liam nodded. "Yeah, I'll show you to the bathroom." Fortunately Liam had recently upgraded to an apartment that actually had its own bathroom so he didn't have to take her all the way down the hall of his building. He walked towards a door at the back of the room that led to the bathroom, signaling for her to follow.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam nodded. "Yeah, I'll show you to the bathroom." Fortunately Liam had recently upgraded to an apartment that actually had its own bathroom so he didn't have to take her all the way down the hall of his building. He walked towards a door at the back of the room that led to the bathroom, signaling for her to follow.


Star pushed herself up all the way and slowly followed Liam to the bathroom, using the wall as support as she went. "I wonder why I am wearing clothes...do all humans wear clothes ?" She thought to herself, glancing down at the very loose shirt and pants she wore. They were both a bright blue with dark blue stripes. She stared at them for a few moments before noticing...something else...boobs.

She looked up at Liam. "So...do all humans look like you and I ? I must say human's are strange creatures." She said, wiggling the fingers on her right hand as she placed her left hand on the wall for support.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Dawn Stripes


What. The. Hell?! This chick's brain MUST'VE been fried by the lightning strike! "Buck... Lightning??" Before she could say anything more to the Rainbow-headed nutjob, she turned and jumped over the guardrail... Only to deliver herself into the ground.


It was all she could do to keep herself from laughing her ass off as she too, hopped over the railing, carefully lowering herself down before dropping down rest of the way. "News flash: Gravity Exists."  Colette said as she kneeled next to crazy yet again. "Keep this up, and you will be going to the hospital! What're you tryin' to do? Fly??"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Meteorite, (you didnt mention me correctly... you forgot ** and *[\b]* @@Hypn0ticD,


Prologue: She just stood there... in the middle of Ponyville guarded by her changelings, while she focused on the spell. The spell that would eliminate her problems once and for all, the spell that would eliminate the competition and allow her plans to reach fruition. Her eyes were shut, her mind was focused, her thoughts were clear while she focused on the spell murmuring the magical incantation out loud-another disadvantage of the spell.

"Exilium eos hink! Exspuo Adve..." she felt a sharp pain on her horn and she was knocked down, turning around she saw the Blue mare with the Rainbow mane... Rainbow Dash if she remembered well, one of the elements of harmony had interfered once again. She could not resist the anger that surged into her mind, but more so... the frustration. The frustration that she was about to fail once again, fail her subjects, her country, her generals, her parents... her friends. Sure this might have been another failed plan but the emergency of the situation was great but it paled in comparison to what would happen is such magic power went awry.

"NO! I need to stay in control!"

She tried to keep it togother, but the spell was beyond her control right now. Surges of magic fled from her horn left and right. The sky blackened and she felt herself slipping as everything went black. She looked at Cicanda one last time spreading her hoof.

"Cicanda! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"


The fast fall towards the ground knocked her out cold momentarily. She felt like she slept for hours, when she felt something nudging her.

"Not right now Cicanda... i need to sleep." She says turning around, but instead of what she expected to feel-the warm shifting of her royal bed's blanket-she felt the cold hard ground. She wished this was the only thing... her body had changed. She felt another nudge... and a voice


He pass by a local alley that was near his apartment complex he heard a other clash of thunder he glanced over to his left he was hit with a flash of light he then fell back (what the hell was that?) He wondered he walk over to the alley way to find a woman on the floor his eyes were widen he didn’t know what to do he simply crouch down and nudge her “he…miss you alright?”

"Stand back! Back!" she said pulling herself away instictively with closed eyes as she gasped for air.

She rubbed her head a little, the steadily she rose up... each bone making a small noise. Wait... what did she rub her head with? She slowly opened her eyes to see a man standing above her. What the hell kind of creature was he? A bipedal with strange clothes on him, male judging by his appearance. But as she looked down she found that she was in the same situation.

"What on Equestria has happened to me?" but then she remembered, it must have been the interrupted spell that transported her into this strange world.  "Where am i? Who are you... or more importantly what are yo... we?"


Edited by nioniosbbbb
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"Do they all look like us? Well, I guess so, for the most part. And perhaps we are strange creatures, but I don't see why we're necessarily any stranger than a pegasus pony. We're just not what you're used to." He noticed her wiggling her fingers around and clutching to the wall for support. "I guess this form must be really hard to adapt to, though. Here, if you're having trouble walking, I'll hold you up." He said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

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