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Embarrassing Brony Moments


Embarrassing Brony Moments  

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  1. 1. Where do your Embarrassing Brony Moments happen?

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Yes, this post is awesome. An embarrassing Brony moment that occurred before the term Bronies even existed! How excellent. A pre-Brony brohoof to you, good sir.

I think they were weather G1or 2 or even a mix of both


I can't remember which ones but I did buy a couple of them but unfortunately I think my mother sold them in one of her garage sales.




I take that back. She didn't sell them... she put them in a box that she gave back to me years later and I gave them to my ex-step daughter.

Edited by Argumedies
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I think they were weather G1or 2 or even a mix of both


I can't remember which ones but I did buy a couple of them but unfortunately I think my mother sold them in one of her garage sales.


Aw, that kind of sucks. But it's pretty cool to know that you were into ponies before they became big.


You're now a officially a hipster, you know that?


*Puts shades on Argumedies*

  • Brohoof 2



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Oh I just remembered another one! My grandma had taken me to the mall last year (my brother had gone to see hes friends and she wont let me drive her van by myself *rolls eyes*) and we were at game stop buying a game, and when it was my turn I notice the girl ringing me up had a belt with the mane 6 on it so I say "I like you belt" and she says "thanks" then the conversation got super awkward by her saying "Have you seen the new Mlp panties they'er selling at Hot Topic?" and my grandma was standing next to me not surprisingly not saying a word and the other cashier is like "yeah I heard about those my girl friend wants to go check them out later" I was so freaked out my grandma was going to say something later but she never did. Oh! and as an added bonus when we got to the van and I checked my 3DS for Street Pass right? Well I saw I had picked up the male cashier and his for his Mii's phrase he put Pony Swag! XD

Edited by Artemis
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Mine would be when I was caught singing the opening theme during an exam.. I put headphones on and was watching an episode after I finished and didn't realize I started singin along that part until the professor stood In front of my table and was pretending to dance along...

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had another one today! im on a spree!

not sure if good or bad tho.


anyways, i was sitting in class,very bored.

when i ask the teacher for permission to smoke a sigarette and leave the class.

then i realise i left my phone next to my books on the table in class.

and my phone is FULL of pony's

hell even the unlock screen has a pic of rainbow dash.

ofcourse,one of my friends picks up my phone while im away.

so yeah,i don't think i can call myself a closet brony anymore...

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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See my avatar? Well I was trying to crop it and I'm kinda new to cropping. For some reason my paint makes it as hard as possible. anyways I left it up during dinner cuz I was still working on it (and messing around with the colors). and my mom goes "Let me look that up" to some reference in a movie. she opens the laptop, goes into the account, and BAM.

sexy fluttershy.









fortunately she just rolled her eyes and lowered it. it could have gone public the way my brother reacted though.

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Embarrassing Brony Moments!


We all have them, so let them out to dry! I'll go ahead and start off with mine.


I am in the army, and sometimes we have to undergo area/ work inspections in order to keep the standard of cleanliness up to par. This usually involves checking rooms, cleaning our offices and equipment, and generally making the entire base smell like bleach.


I was wearing this shirt (see image below) under my uniform and I completely forgot. Without thinking, I removed my top and started cleaning rifles on a desk. The company commander walked in behind me and over my shoulder I heard the phrase "Soldier, welcome to the herd." I kind of laughed, then I realized what had happened. I quickly put my top back on, but now I guess I'm out of the barn, as it were.




Wait...my C.O. is a brony! img-1483029-2-blink.png

That's hilarious! I wonder how many army guys make up the brony fan base. Must be even harder for them to come out as bronies than for other people because the army's suppose to be like a tough macho guy thing.


Anyway, no, no stories from me. Nobody knows I'm a brony yet but I suspect at least one of my friends knows. I let him use my phone and I don't think he could have missed my cutie mark crusaders wallpaper.

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Oh I just had a great one!!! sorry for posting so much on here should I just start editing my old ones?


Well somepony added mlp to our Netflix. I don't know how or why, because I never add it, I just leave it in recently watched.

Anyways my dad decided to watch Netflix on our main tv, and he passes by the newly added My Little Pony. there was an awkward quiet moment and he just went "what the *!#%?!" and kept moving on. I think he's catching on.

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i've had a nice one today.

finally confessing my love for pony's to my twin brother,he just stared at me if i was high.

then after realizing i was serious,he just gave me a punch in the face and called me a fag.

after that i punched him back leaving him with a black eye,and forced him to watch some episodes with me.


i think he kinda liked it,im gonna check his internet history tomorrow to check if he looked up anything smile.png



i just checked his history and...



he looked up some episodes! 

he even googled 'best mlp episodes' 

now to drag him into the fandom....(insert evil laughter)

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 14


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Well, I just thought of a second one:


Okay, so there was about 15 minutes left in programming class last semester and I was paying attention to the teacher. Little did I know that I forgot to mute my laptop (you're like "Yeah, I can see where this is going"). 


I left my Ponyhoof page up with sounds engaged. I've been having a long poke fight with one of my friends on ponyhoof. My screen was on my programming notes. Suddenly as my teacher was talking, I get poked and the sound goes off and says "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my UGH!" My teacher was looking at me sharply. I'm thinking "Oh god, I'm in big trouble now!". I quickly hit the mute button and boy I was sweating so much, that my shirt got wet. 

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Well I had this Rainbow Dash backgroundpost-16076-0-39389000-1370039185.jpg and i didnt have anything open it was just the desktop picture and when my mum walked in my room she stared at it for a while went hmmm and walked away.

  • Brohoof 4


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In my philosophy class, my professor made a brief mention of MLP and how we can't expect them to exist in real life (sadly). I spoke to myself a bit too loudly, saying that I wished for them to exist in real life. My professor caught it and gave me an intrigued look to say the least. Plus, another student began to laugh loudly after my prof found out. Pretty embarrassing, but it wasn't that bad.

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This actually happened at Comicpalooza a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure I would call this embarressing or funny; my boyfriend and I went to the convention with pony shirts on (me with Dr. Whooves/Derpy, him with a "Have a Derpy Day!"), coming across the Texas Renaissance Festival booth that had a wheel to spin for prizes. I got to the front of the line and the guy running it says jokingly "We don't let bronies spin."


Me: I'm a pegasister! That's loads different from a brony!


Guy: ...I guess you're kinda right. Spin the wheel


I got a free ticket :D As for my boyfriend, he covered Derpy up and said he was a biker so it was ok (the shirt he had on over Derpy was a Harley Davidson button down) and he got to spin as well since they guy had no idea what to think of that

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The most embarrassing moment for me when my father walked in when I was creating new signatures. He asked, "Why are you creating art for a little girls' show?" 

I simply replied with, "Because I can." He then walked off. But now whenever he sees me doing it he gives me a funny look... xD

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I remember something that can be found embarrassing, note that in mt last post I said I lost all sense of embarrasment, meaning that it was just funny.

Bit of background information, in my county you have to do a giant project in your last year of highschool(don't know if it's the same in America), so of course I do it about mlp.

At the end of the year, when I graduated all the teachers made a small speech for everyone, and when it was my turn my teacher started with the words "my little pony", and talked a bit about me and my project.

It was pretty hilarious if you ask me, I can't remember but there were probably a lot of people laughing.

From what I knew my teacher left that school this year(right after I graduated). I still wonder why...

  • Brohoof 5


 Signature made by Sir Lunashy

My OC Midnight Blade:Midnight Blade

And Lightning Strings:Lightning Strings

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Went to a party last night and got black-out drunk,


[The Following Is According TO My Army Buddies]

Eventually we wound up at someone's home and continued to drink/ party/ etc... where he has two daughters; 12yo and 8yo, and one of them was watching an episode. I sat down with a bottle of Jack Daniels and started watching, and then one of the girls at the party who was seeing one of my friends joined us and started recording me on her phone...wow (facehoof*)


I looked at her laughed, and then I said something along the lines of 'I got an awesome idea!' I stagger into the kitchen, grab some apple juice and pour it in the JD. "Applejack Daniels!!"


A few moments later Derpy makes an appearance and I yell, over the music, "Derpy is best pony!!!!"


When I woke up this morning, I found all this out...

  • Brohoof 15




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Went to a party last night and got black-out drunk,


[The Following Is According TO My Army Buddies]

Eventually we wound up at someone's home and continued to drink/ party/ etc... where he has two daughters; 12yo and 8yo, and one of them was watching an episode. I sat down with a bottle of Jack Daniels and started watching, and then one of the girls at the party who was seeing one of my friends joined us and started recording me on her phone...wow (facehoof*)


I looked at her laughed, and then I said something along the lines of 'I got an awesome idea!' I stagger into the kitchen, grab some apple juice and pour it in the JD. "Applejack Daniels!!"


A few moments later Derpy makes an appearance and I yell, over the music, "Derpy is best pony!!!!"


When I woke up this morning, I found all this out...

I died at "Applejack Daniels" of laughter. That sounds pretty funny but awesome at the same time. If that happened to me I would be embarrassed but have a good laugh at the same time.

  • Brohoof 3

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Somewhat Embarrassing but still funny as hell, the air conditioner was not kicking on yet at work and it was 85 degrees in the office and bake area, my boss asked me to fix the A/C since i do maintainance. I found the problem but couldnt fixt it yet so i printed out a pic of rainbow dash and changed her desktop backround to her as well and told her "I need a part but your office is at least 20% cooler". Of course she didnt get the joke and got mad at me for messing with her computer. The embaressing part was explaining to her the 20% cooler and how i know about it

  • Brohoof 6


^^ avatar and sig by me

Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748

Voted best Scootaloo fan

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Well, i was at school and we were in English class and the Teach wasn't there; so basically I was sitting there on my phone and my wallpaper was Octavia, so the person next to me see's my wallpaper and shouts "HA! NIALL'S A BRONY!" and the entire class burst out into laughter, which was contagious so I ended up laughing with them and after that no one else really ever said a thing xD

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Mom, what the serious buck?!



Yeaah... So I walked into my parents' room today to get my mom's cellphone for her. I look upon her bedside table and see THIS sitting on top of it...


At first I wasn't sure what it was, but the stamp on the hoof confirmed my fears. I picked the thing up and moved it to the bed to take a picture. As soon as I set it down, IT SPEAKS!! Loudly! And of course at that exact moment my mom walks in... She knows I'm a brony, and she's okay with it. Maybe a bit too okay as the next thing she says is "I saw this at the store and I thought you'd like it" She bought me a friggin' babies toy! Yes, I love MLP, yes, I collect the blindbag figurines, but I don't want a toy designed for 1-2 year-olds, that says "Thank you for wiping my nose" when you touch it. (Seriously, Hasbro? -.-') Well, I guess it's the thought that matters.


EDIT: What is it with today?? Just had another one, though this one is more awesome than awkward or embarrassing :D


I'm on a train right now. Usually when I purchase train tickets, I like to do it in advance online so I get the mobile ticket. In most cases I still print out a paper copy just in case my internet shuts off at the wrong moment, but this time I forgot to do that... I checked at the station that my mobile ticket opens in the browser fine, because without it I'd be screwed. It works so I board the train.

Soon the conductor (that the right word?) comes to my place and I start digging my cellphone for the ticket. I open the browser and see a flash of the train ticket, before the browser starts reloading the page!!! Of course at this point we've entered some rural part where there's no trace of 3G or GPRS, so no ticket...

I start to frantically fiddle with the phone to get to my messages to see if there's something there to help me out. As I'm going to messages, the conductor, a lady of around 25-30 years, must've seen my pony-background picture, because she waves her hand and says "It's okay. Gotta believe a fellow brony", holds out her fist to me for a brohoof to which I respond and WALKS AWAY!!

My life is complete, I have been saved by ponies! Can't buckin' believe it! XD

Edited by Jamza
  • Brohoof 14

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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my dad just found out i'm a brony

and what he did hurts bad


he wasn't mad or anything he wasn't even confused...



he was just very,very dissapointed, and told me so...




Man, that's actually disappointing to me. I thought parents were supposed to be supportive unconditionally of what their children are into, especially as something as wholesome as ponies.


Oh well. I know another poster, who it was I can't remember, said that their parents questioned why he couldn't be into something normal like drugs.


Makes me ponder why people think being interested in ponies is so freaking horrible or disappointing. Then again, I wonder how my own parents would react... I actually did have an embarrassing Brony moment involving my own mother recently, but I'll share it perhaps a little later, or a few days from now.

  • Brohoof 7



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