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private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]


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Cuppie stepped out of the kitchen letting Volt follow behind as she trotted out of the bakery, "you act as though I need your permission to leave," she teased, "I guess it's because I messed things up here and a little because I want to learn how to make a Trottingham muffin besides I should probably get back to Equestria anyway it's been too long since I've even seen the place and I think I'm kinda missing it." Cuppie didn't want to tell him the real reason was that she didn't say that she loved Dogboots when he had said it to her she was too embarrassed and didn't know Volt all that well. But she was going to really miss this city more than anything with all the nice ponies and her job and the ocean, no where in Equestria could anypony get such a beautiful view of the ocean.

She shook her head "this is exactly why I have to leave I need to keep moving, oh Cuppie you feather brain!"


(OOC: I know! Already on page 26! Great job people)

Edited by slimmyjimjim
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Volt's cheeks flushed once again. "No! No that's not what I meant, it's just.... *sigh* nevermind you seem to have your mind set. Sorry if I was a bother." Volt turned to go towards his apartment, and Cuppie went in the same direction. "Um, Cuppie? Do you happen to live in the apartment around the corner?" It seemed unlikely to Volt, as he hadn't remembered seeing her. But why else would she be going that way? Maybe Volt was over thinking. Still...

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Cuppies cheeks flushed a deep red, "oh, um, I....I don't know where the harbor is." She closed her eyes waiting for him to laugh or say she was stupid. All her life she had terrible sense of direction and would most likely get lost in a walk in closet when she was young she was constantly getting lost and never really grew out of it. The only place she felt safe from getting lost was the kitchen.


(ooc: Cuppie is really dense and can never tell if a guy is hitting on her....ever)

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"Hehe to be entirely honest I don't know either. I didn't take a boat here." Volt almost gave himself a facehoof. Great now she's gonna ask how i got here and then I'm gonna have to tell her and then she'll laugh at me. He sighed. He needed to stop over thinking everything. He'd been doing it practically since he met Cuppie. It was unlike him to do that.

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Cuppie look up at Volt curiously, he didn't call her stupid or make fun of her and then she realized what he had said, "wait were you born here? That's so kool! Way kooler than being from a little old town in Equestira." Cuppie noticed that they were coming up to the apartments where Dogboots lived and her ears flattened back, "uh I think the harbor might be this way....maybe. or was it that way..."

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Volt chuckled a little to himself. Now she was definitely going to ask him how he got here. "Um, well, no I wasn't born here. I was born in Baltimare and lived there til about a week ago. If you want I can help you find the harbor." He gave Cuppie a sincere smile. He was embarrassed at his fear of boats and the ocean in general, and he didn't want Cuppie to find out about it. But he knew it was inevitable and she would ask eventually.

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She gasped and her eyes grew wide, "they made the airships!? Oh my gosh that's so amazing I'm so glad it worked out for him yes that's amazing!" Cuppie started down a random road hoping that it would eventually lead her to the ocean and eventually the harbor.

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@@slimmyjimjim, ((I don't know what you meant in that last post. It seems kind of off topic. That could just be me being oblivious though :P))


Volt looked quizzically at the mare. It was cute how she got excited about almost everything. He smiled at her. "Um, okay? Anyways if you don't mind me asking, why do you move around all the time? I was just curious..." She probably didn't want to talk about it, but for some reason he really wanted to know why she traveled so much.

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"Oh well one time I worked at this fancy ball thing and this inventor guy lost these blue prints for an airship it was really kool and he lost them so me and this other stallion had to look for him. I can't really remember what happened after that it was such a long time ago. I think that was the first time I left home. As for why I left, I'm not really sure a lot of reasons!"

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Volt thought for a second and put two and two together. "Oh... Oh! You think I took an airship here right? No sorry I didn't. I... *sigh* To be honest I flew here. I... I don't like boats. Or the ocean. I don't know why, but I just don't. You can laugh at me if you want, I know it's pretty pathetic." Actually, Volt did know why he hated the ocean, but he avoided talking about. But it was pathetic. He should have just sucked it up and took a boat. After all it was only for a day. But instead he went through the trouble of flying all the way here so he didn't have to go on one.

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Mystic led the group of ponies towards the bakery, but at the same time, showing Scarlet the harbour. whilst walking down the path, mystic bumped into somepony familiar

"oh, Cuppie, sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going"

she said with a slight blush, heating her cheeks

"I thought you'd be with...Dogboots, thats his name"

looking over the new colt

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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She blinked just staring at Volt for a second and then gasped oh my gosh II'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked you to come with me I'm so sorry you can just go ba- Ack!" Her eyes were on Volt the whole time that she didn't notice when she ran straight into Mistic the beautiful unicorn she had met earlier and saw that she was followed by 3 other ponies Cuppie recognized 2 of the 3 but the last one she didn't know which made her frown.

"We're no longer together," she responded absent mindedly trying to figure out if she had met this new mare before.

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"But um, we aren't together either... hehe, if that's what you meant by that. And Cuppie it's fine I can manage. I just... nevermind." Volt looked at the group of ponies they had quite literally ran into. He thought he might have saw one at his apartment earlier that week, but that wasn't really important. "Um, hey! I'm Volt Switch but Volt is fine. You guys friends of Cuppie's?" Volt was normally a little anti-social, and didn't like new ponies. But he knew he had to make some friends here. Especially if Cuppie was leaving.

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She blinked just staring at Volt for a second and then gasped oh my gosh II'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked you to come with me I'm so sorry you can just go ba- Ack!" Her eyes were on Volt the whole time that she didn't notice when she ran straight into Mistic the beautiful unicorn she had met earlier and saw that she was followed by 3 other ponies Cuppie recognized 2 of the 3 but the last one she didn't know which made her frown.

"We're no longer together," she responded absent mindedly trying to figure out if she had met this new mare before.

"oh, I'm...sorry to hear that, Cuppie"

Mystic's face filling with remorse

"if you ever want to talk about it, I'm always here"

she took note of a ferry ticket that Cuppie was holding

"a ferry ticket? you aren't planning on leaving us are you?"

Mystics ears dropped and her head lowered, the thought of a friend leaving hurt her a little. she didn't realize Volt was talking to them

"oh, sorry, Its nice to meet you Volt, I'm Mystic. this is Vinyl, Curious and Scarlet"

she said pointing at her companions

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@@ParsoOfEquestria,@, @@slimmyjimjim, @


"Hey there!" Scarlet said happily to the two ponies she was being introduced to. She looked to Cuppie, "oh, relationship problems, huh? Bummer. I know you don't know me, but I'll gladly help in anyway I can." She said, pointing a hoof to her chest proudly.


Curious didn't want Cuppie to leave; he still had questions for her, after all. So, he determined it would be in his best interest to help keep her around. "I could go have a talk with Dogboots, if you want."

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"Scarlet, Scarlet...Ssssccarlet. nope never heard of her" shw thought to herself. Thank Celestia if she forgor one more pony she was going to break down and have a fit. But this time it was ok, and then she realized they were talking. Contribution!

"Maybe I can come back!" She blurted out and then shoved her hoof into her mouth immediately regretting those words.

"Why would I say such a thing? I cant come back." Thoughts tumbled over themselves in their mind trying to be the first heard.

Noticing that she was still standing infront of a grouo of ponies she tried smiling but with her hoof still in her mouth the visual was hilarious.

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@@slimmyjimjim,@@ParsoOfEquestria, @, @, @@thor9356,


"That seems like a perfectly fine idea, so why the hoof in the mouth?" Scarlet asked.


Curious, however, could understand better where Cuppie was coming from. He didn't much like going back to somewhere he'd already been, especially if there was a pony there he would rather not face again. He turned to Scarlet and whispered conspiratorially into her ear, "Um, Scarlet, how about you use your special finding whatever to go find Dogboots."


"But, I don't even know who this Dogboots is!" she whispered back


"He should be easy enough to find, rather distinctive fellow. Kinda scruffy, always wears a jumpsuit and boots, heck, even lives in the same apartment complex as me,"


"What would I even say to him? I don't know what's going on!"


"Just convince him that whatever happened, Cuppie still cares for him. Whatever else, just wing it."


"Well, alright, I'll trust your judgement in this case." Scarlet turned back around to the rest of the ponies, "Um, I just remembered that I still don't have a place to stay. As much as I would love to have lunch with you all, I really do need to arrange for that. So... adieu." Scarlet waved to the ponies as she went up and flew back in the direction of the apartment.


Scarlet always trusted her instincts. She went right up to apartment complex and found herself wanting to go to a certain door. She thought briefly about kicking it down, but reconsidered still embarrassed about this morning. She instead did the polite thing and knocked.

Edited by GaleFenrir
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When the two ponies started whispering she only bacame more awkward and tried forcing herself to smile more causing saliva to form at the corners of her mouth. when Scarlet left she pulled out her hoof with a resounding POP! She laughed a bit but it died as she realized how embarrassing the situation was and wanted to just fly away. But that wasn't an option, at least not today.

"Eheheh, sooo where you guys looking for something to eat at the bakery or somethin? "

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When the two ponies started whispering she only bacame more awkward and tried forcing herself to smile more causing saliva to form at the corners of her mouth. when Scarlet left she pulled out her hoof with a resounding POP! She laughed a bit but it died as she realized how embarrassing the situation was and wanted to just fly away. But that wasn't an option, at least not today.

"Eheheh, sooo where you guys looking for something to eat at the bakery or somethin? "

"well, we were, and we were going to show Scarlet around. then we bumped into you, but its ok now. I just want to make sure you're happy, us three, we will be here for you, if you want to talk about it, I'm all ears. it just sounds so sad that you want to leave.

Mystic trotted up and put a hoof on Cuppie's shoulder before pulling her into a hug

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Not really knowing Mistic that well Cuppie embraced her anyway after a few seconds she pulled away in a fit of laughter, "you just said....heehee hee...'I'm all ears'....heehee...a pony made of ears..heeheehee.....can you imagine?" When the giggles had subsided she cleared her voice, "ehem, oh yea! Do you guys know where the docks are?"

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Volt hadn't spoken the entire time. He felt really awkward standing there, with a bunch of ponies he didn't know. He had backed up from the group, and just... hadn't talked. He was wondering what he was going to do, if he should just go back to his apartment or not. He was deep in thought, and he looked it. Is Cuppie really gonna stay here? But buck why do they have to get Dogboots! Wait what am I saying? He shook his head. Why was he thinking those thoughts.

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Dogboots got out of bed as soon as he heard a knock on his door. As the stallion made his way to the door he had hoped it was Cuppie, but as soon as he opened the door there was another mare in front of the door. The earth pony felt left down but tried to hide it.


"Ummm, can I help you?" He asked the pegasi standing in front of him. Dogboots didn't even recognize her but yet she knocked on his door for some inexplicable reason.

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"Hey, you're Dogboots, right?" Scarlet said, and then looked over the stallion's features, "right, you seem to match Curious's description of 'kinda scruffy'.


"I know you don't know me, but I am here to help you, and Cuppie." Scarlet said, pointing a hoof at Dogboots.

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The stallion was flabberghasted by the mare but more importantly, "What do you mean i'm kind of scruffy?"


However the earth pony soon snapped back to reality when he heard the mare mention Cuppie.


"What do you mean, "You're here to help me and Cuppie"? How do you even know about us? and who are you?"

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Not really knowing Mistic that well Cuppie embraced her anyway after a few seconds she pulled away in a fit of laughter, "you just said....heehee hee...'I'm all ears'....heehee...a pony made of ears..heeheehee.....can you imagine?" When the giggles had subsided she cleared her voice, "ehem, oh yea! Do you guys know where the docks are?"

Mystic gave off a little chuckle, to see a mare as cute as Cuppie start laughing was the most heartwarming sight. but then it was back to reality

"its just down this harbour, but before you go, would you like to have a coffee or tea with us?"

Mystic always wanted to get to know Cuppie when they met, its not too late to stop

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