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Let's learn to draw ponies! Sketch this picture! (Current: Pinkie Pie)


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I really really suck at doing fillies..I don't know, it just doesn't feel right, the pose was horrible to draw, so..I really tried-_-. Hope it's ok at least


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Right! *cracks knuckles* let's see where this goes:


The main event:




The theme:




The bonus:




The commentary:


Not happy with Bab's head. For some reason wanted to draw Apple Bloom as a teenager rather than a filly. Pinkie's face went *weird*, and I have no idea how to draw water coming out of the bucket. Not even a glimmering of a clue there. And I felt the need to adjust the proportions on Zecora a bit. I just felt a longer body with slight patterning on the far edges was better.


And just noticed I forgot to color Dash's cutie-mark.

Edited by Fhaolan
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Alright, finally got around to drawin' some more shtuff, so here they be:






Looks fairly decent to me, other than the fact that I drew Scoot's head way too small originally. I did a bit of digital resizing, which made it better, but her head's still a bit small.



Theme of the week:




Ponysona in a fridge. You jelly?


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          Good day everyone and welcome to another limited addition of Lets Learn To Draw Ponies - Accellerant Edition! My apologies for being a day late I wasn't paying attention to the time and fell asleep. It's ok though because my keyboard was a comfy pillow so it's all groovy  B) Here's your weekly sketch plus some!






Next Image Posting - August 11th


As always choose whichever you'll be most comfortable with and have fun! img-1721937-2-woonaplz.png


Sketch of the Week: Colts - AKA Big Macintosh or Dr. Hooves




          So far we've done a fair amount of mares and even got our feet wet with drawing fillies, the next natural course of action would be colts! I know that they don't get much action in the show but they're still quite important, especially Big Mac! I've provided two screen shots this time around due to the fact that I'm having trouble finding some dynamic shots of colts. 


Big Macintosh, Dr. Hooves or both? The choice is yours! img-1721937-3-trollunaplz.png











Extra Credit!: Luna - The Confused Princess of The Night



There was a reason why my emoticons have all been Luna in this post! 

Is it a sign of things to come, or perchance it's just all a coincidence? img-1721937-6-luna-lol.png

Find out next time on Lets Learn to Draw Ponies - Accellerant Edition








Theme of the Week: A Fancy/Stylish Pony


           Ya know what I love more than laughing evilly in the dead of night? Fancy. Ponies. A top hat, monocle and stylish moustache complements everything! Got a boring character such as Braeburn? ADD A TOP HAT, STACHE, MONOCOLE AND MAKE HIM A SIR! Or perhaps you're not into making Braeburn into a gentlepony? Well, how about having him doing a stylish leap in front of a large group of ponies, swooning all the mares in the crowd? Whatever comes to mind, apply it to paper and expand your ideas! 


           Perchance I should draw a Sir. Fluttershy? img-1721937-8-happywoonaplz.png


           Whatever you choose to do my friends, I wish you good luck and have fun! I promise I'll put some time away to draw with everyone, it's no fun letting y'all have the fun now!




Theme of the week? Turning us loose to do our own thing so soon, @Accellerant? For some of us, that'll be like giving super-soakers to a bunch kids on the worst of sugar highs. :yay:


          Ah but why not? Sometimes it's a good idea to let your fellow drawfriends loose so I can gauge where you're all at. Besides, I like to see what everyones mind can come up with img-1721937-9-lunashappyplz.png

Remember though this is a "limited time offer" until @D1SC0RD gets back, it's still their show after all img-1721937-10-princesslunahappyplz.jpg

Edited by Accellerant
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If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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Oh no! I missed the deadline! I'm... (insert Twilight voice) TARDYYYYYYY!!!


Anyway, I'll post these and move on to this week's theme.



hi_babs__by_latias7-d6gw052.jpgAlright, now here's my commentary!

Applejack turned out not that well. Her head's a little too big, for the most part. Scootaloo's head is also too flat - Sweetie Belle's is too fat, Babs's is just weird, and Apple Bloom turned out pretty well aside from being too tall.



cooling_off_by_latias7-d6gw0me.jpgHere we have Fluttershy cooling off in front of an electric fan. Now for my commentary.

She's a little chubby around the waist. Other than her ear being a little too small, I'm happy with the overall shape and size of the head. The mane and tail turned out better than I thought!



So I also decided to do ALL the pictures as practice:




Applejack and Twilight Sparkle! And now, another commentary.

AJ turned out really well. Her legs might be a little too small, and I need to work on head shape. Twilight Sparkle was an overall fail. Her front legs are too small in proportion to her back legs, her rump juts out a little too much, and she's long and fat. The eyes are a little too far back, and her bangs are too tall.

So... yeah. FAIL!!!!



rainbow_dash_and_fluttershy_by_latias7-dHere are everypony's favorite pegasi! And now, commentary.

Rainbow Dash was one of my better ones. I had fun with her. I noticed she's a little more lean than the other ponies. I'm very happy with her hooves, but her snout is a little too long.

Fluttershy was near fail. Her pose was fun to draw, but her head is too big and one of the eyes is too small and too far back on the face.



pinkie_pie_and_rarity_by_latias7-d6gw1xxHere are my best ones! And now, another commentary.

I had the most fun by far with these two. Pinkie Pie's a little long, though.

Rarity is her beautiful self. Her back hooves are a little too small, but she's my best. The wings were especially fun!



ponies_together_by_latias7-d6gw2f2.jpgAlright, FAILLL!

Rarity's hooves are much too short, and her eyes are too far apart.

Pinkie Pie is also too short with too big of a head.

Lyra's neck is too long, her head is too narrow, and her eyes are too round.

Bon Bon is the best of the four, but her body came out weird and her head's a little too small.



Time to move on to this week's theme!

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This seems like a good idea so I gave it a shot:





I did it fast without really erasing (except Fluttershy's mouth).  Fluttershy is the best looking one in my opinion.  

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Alright, finally got around to doing this week's assignment. Let me just say that Big Mac sure is a strangely built stallion...eeyup.




Drew Big Mac way too large originally, but a simple resize fixed that. They both look a little derpy, but for the most part they're accurate.


I'll try to do the theme pic later tonight, but I'm not sure whether I'll have enough time. If I do, I'll just append it to this post later.


EDIT: Got my fancy pony done. She's my first OC outside of my ponysona, so it's kind of odd drawing her in fancy dress. (You can't tell because of the absolutely AWFUL dress, but she's a pegasus. Her wings are concealed beneath the absolutely AWFUL dress. In case I didn't make it abundantly clear how absolutely AWFUL it is. Rarity would probably faint at the sight of it...but not before saying something to the effect of "Of all the worst things you could wear, this is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!")





Edited by Lowline Thrash
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Alright, finally got around to doing this week's assignment. Let me just say that Big Mac sure is a strangely built stallion...eeyup.




Drew Big Mac way too large originally, but a simple resize fixed that. They both look a little derpy, but for the most part they're accurate.


I'll try to do the theme pic later tonight, but I'm not sure whether I'll have enough time. If I do, I'll just append it to this post later.

Looks good to me-you really caught Hooves nicely there. Mac is also very well done.

I did give this a try a couple of times-it just isn't in my wheelhouse i'm afraid. Still enjoy checking out you guy's progress tho.

Well done!

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Looks good to me-you really caught Hooves nicely there. Mac is also very well done.

I did give this a try a couple of times-it just isn't in my wheelhouse i'm afraid. Still enjoy checking out you guy's progress tho.

Well done!


You should submit your stuff anyway - if you want to get better at it, a thread like this would be just what the doc (ha!) ordered. The only reason I'm as 'far along' as I am is that drawing's always been a hobby of mine, but even so, I've still been learning more and more about pony proportions since joining in this thread. I'd very much like to see what you can do with a bit of exercise. :)

Edited by Lowline Thrash
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You should submit your stuff anyway - if you want to get better at it, a thread like this would be just what the doc (ha!) ordered. The only reason I'm as 'far along' as I am is because is that drawing's always been a hobby of mine, but even so, I've still been learning more and more about pony proportions since joining in this thread. I'd very much like to see what you can do with a bit of exercise. :)

I appreciate the vote of confidence, but you seriously don't want to see the mutants I produced. The poor things looked like Salvadore Dali had run them out on a particularly bad acid trip.


Like Clint said: 'A man's got to know his limitations'.

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          Good evening everyone, welcome to another limited addition of Lets Learn To Draw Ponies - Accellerant Edition! In this collection of themes and other goodies I've been yearning to hear some feedback from everyone. Whether you're participating in the thread or not I want to know how you feel with me behind the wheel. My gut's telling me that so far my sketches and themes have been either too difficult, unchallenging or too intimidating for newer users to simply drop in. Whatever it may be, let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions which you believe would help improve the ride, please voice your ideas! 


          Until further notice I have decided remove Theme of the Week and Extra Credit! Instead, I'll provide several choices for our weekly (themed) sketches. I'm hoping that this will be more inviting to newcomers and bring back some of our previous participants.  applejackgrinplz.png?2



          Next Image Posting - August 18th


          For this week's sketch we'll be focusing on Alicorns. What? Don't look at me like that! While we did Luna last week there's still three other Alicorns we have yet to draw. Choose whichever Princess you'd like to draw and post your results whenever you've finished. Remember, you don't have to do them all and have fun! See ya'll on the eighteenth of August. sillyapplejackplz.png?2


















*Shining Armor Not Required




Twilight Sparkle






I appreciate the vote of confidence, but you seriously don't want to see the mutants I produced. The poor things looked like Salvadore Dali had run them out on a particularly bad acid trip.


Like Clint said: 'A man's got to know his limitations'.


         I still say post your results, I know I have my fair share of 'mutant drawings' which I found myself passed out upon. Whatever you choose, do what's most comfortable.  ;)

Edited by Accellerant
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If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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Wow, this seems very helpful in terms of drawing.


I do plan to learn how to draw in the future, that's why I'm entering an art class in college.


I'll be sure to keep these in store when I have the skills in the future. 

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Uhm, am I behind schedule? Haven't drawn anything for a month, so I've got some catching up to do with this topic. Last one I did was Rarity and Pinkie. So I'll try to get up to speed as quickly as possible (with inevitable loss of quality as a result).


Here's Lyra & Bon Bon (yes, I'm that much behind):





Rush jobs galore!




Okay, well this kinda sorta sucks. a lot. I'm blaming it on that I haven't been drawing for a month, and I feel I need to get up to speed asap and rush through these.


What's with the head shapes though? Scary. Also, these proportions are probably my worst yet. Yeesh, Lyra's hind legs. And Bon Bon's tail? Buut, I'm probably still getting warmed up from my drawing hiatus. Yeah, that must be it... hopefully.



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We use our stomachs to digest ya!

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Meh, might as well do this.






I just can't draw those princess-y wings -.-


I think I spent more time drawing the darned dress than Twilight. Anyways, it looked kinda weird with her just staring up at nothing, so I drew a muffin. Artistic freedom I guess.


Might draw one or two more when I feel like it so I'll edit the post and put it up as well.






Edit:Ok I did another one today




I can't draw quills so I drew a muffin for her to stare at.

Edited by PinkiePai
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Ok - first try on this thread.  Eyes are hard.  Sorry, I don't know how to do the spoilers thing. [edit - figured it out!]  Me draw ponies?  That's unpossible!





Edited by NeuroTypical
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          Oh why hello, got that time to participate finally and chose to draw Celestia this week. I wanted to make up a convincing excuse as to why I haven't had time like "I was busy tracking down the Feld0 and attempting to annoy him all day" but honesty is the best policy. Oh, what's that, you want to hear the truth?  Well some of it's something most of us are experiencing, some of it isn't such as work, laziness and school. Oh yes, I've decided to go back on what I said about discontinuing posting weekly themes and will resume it in the next update. img-1753880-1-cheerlieawesomeplz.png




Goodness Celestia, why does your mane and tail have to be so wavy? img-1753880-2-celestianoplz.png

This was quite a challenge for me to do, especially trying to get some acceptable line work in for those curves. 

Tried some new things such as tweaking with brush settings and adding in some 'color' for her hair. I think I'll stick with a sketchy approach next time, we'll see img-1753880-3-celestiaderpplz.png

P.S. Tia's staring into infinity!





Uhm, am I behind schedule? Haven't drawn anything for a month, so I've got some catching up to do with this topic. Last one I did was Rarity and Pinkie. So I'll try to get up to speed as quickly as possible (with inevitable loss of quality as a result).


          No worries friend, we've all got our schedules to keep and lives to live. Don't feel pressured to keep up with the 'schedule' of the thread, take as much time as you need to. raritysmileplz.png?1


          P.S. Couldn't sleep, drew Zecora from a previous week. So what did we learn? DO NOT sleep in until 5pm! Oh, yes, I'm also going to include replays for any drawings done in OpenCanvas. The downside is that you'll need to download OpenCanvas to view these replays, luckily though the program is about 10mb and trials allow the viewing of replays. 


Zecora The Balancing Zebra Replay


My Little Sketches - Celestia Replay








Update #3 


           I just found out that EqD is hosting its annual Artist Training Grounds which means this would be the perfect opportunity for those whom would like to give a daily themed challenge a go. Of course, you don't have to participate in both the sketch of the week and the ATG event, choose whichever you'll enjoy as always. I'm going to participate in both the ATG and Weekly sketch, why not join me and see where this perilous journey takes us? kawaiidashplz.jpg?1

Edited by Accellerant
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If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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          Good day everyone and welcome to the fourth issue of drawing pastel coloured small horses! Within ones life there is conflict, sometimes it's with the self and others it's with the world around us. But no matter what, we'll always have an experience where someone's out to get you (or at least think someone is!) So where am I going with this? Well, in this weeks sketch we'll be focusing on the Antagonists of Season 1! Now some of you may be thinking that such characters shouldn't even be worthy of being recreated by graphite or stylus but they're still just as important as every other element of FiM! Besides, I can't help but have a soft spot for them, they're like the underdogs in the show ya know? trixieishappyplz.jpg Lets get started!



IMPORTANT: Issue #4 and #5 shall be extended to nine days instead of seven due to my net being down, thus the late posting. Once we roll into issue #6 we'll be back on schedule and revert back to weekly updates. Sorry about that guys! Also, EqD is still hosting their third Artist Training Grounds Event. They're at day 6 and will continue for quite a while. Take a shot at one of their daily challenges when you get the chance, what do you have to lose? pervytrixieplz.png



Next Image Posting - August 30th



As always, choose whichever one you wish to draw. You do not have to draw all four images but I do want you to try to draw all the characters within whichever image you choose.

Good luck, don't stress out and as always, have fun! trixieohyeahplz.png


201px-Nightmare_Moon_%22You%27re_kidding          201px-Trixie_wants_Snips_and_Snails_to_m        201px-Rarity_oh...great_S1E19.png  201px-Gilda_giving_Rainbow_Dash_a_hug_S1



Weekly Theme: A pony studying or at work


Ah summer vay~kay, so wonderful and fantastic, you fill me with such joys during the blazing weather. All things must come to an end though, both the good and the bad. To be honest, I'm actually excited to be back in the classroom! Because many of us are going back to school (or already am) why not celebrate by drawing a pony studying? Ah, but what are they studying in the first place? Could it be that they're reading a complicated textbook on the cosmos? Or perchance they're studying their best friend because they're really an alien?! How about practicing their vocals for an acting class? Ah, but lets not forget about some ponies whom are out of school and are part of the workforce! Maybe you'll draw a mailmare delivering a package or a barista taking an order from a customer?


Let your mind float around some ideas and draw what you'll love! 

Edited by Accellerant


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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Is it too late for me to join in?  :( I have have drawn ponies before but I want to improve. If I do join in should I start from the beginning?  


Nah, man, it's never too late. Doesn't really matter what order you do them in, either, so jump in at any point. I haven't even done last week's pic, to be honest, so I've got some catching up to do. ^_^

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Nah, man, it's never too late. Doesn't really matter what order you do them in, either, so jump in at any point. I haven't even done last week's pic, to be honest, so I've got some catching up to do. ^_^

Oh thats good to know thanks  :D Hopefully I will have some drawings to post on here soon if anyone wants to have a look and give me advice on how I can improve feel free to check my deviantART

Edited by RyanMac
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Oh this looks like quite a bit of fun.  Always wanted to to learn to draw and as everyone know's adding ponies to something only makes it better.  B)


Only thing is i have alot of catching up to do and i'll have a hard time not burning the unholy abominations i create.  :blush: 

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Wow I feel so bad for not having participated in this thread when awhile back I was one of the top contributers.

I think I'll catch up, if I'm not too busy with my classes, which is highly doubtful, but I'll get a drawing up soon enough.


Take Me Out.

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