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I whipped up this little diddy with the intention of having a 4-5 inch vinyl decal printed up and slapped on the back glass of my truck, so's everyone knows just where I stand. Overnight it became the primary most  popular and prominent piece of pony propaganda in my portfolio.

Its nothing fancy, just a quick vector of a wallpaper piece for the NLR. 
The design doesn't sport the crescent moon and wings like most NLR banners would, but I particularly enjoy this one. its simple, and it sports the silhouette of Nightmare Moon.


Maybe I'll work on one for TSE soon too, but there are lots of great ones for those of you who love the Light, so who knows.



Curse the white BG of post! The white moon BG and white NLR lettering doesn't show up too great here. Bah! For a more deluded look, check it out here; http://awesomeeight.deviantart.com/art/New-Lunar-Republic-377225736

Sorry for the off-link, but its easier to view in all its glory there.


Edited by :WhiteLightning:

Good Judgement Comes from Years of Experience... and a Lot of That Comes From Bad Judgement.

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