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Frozen Equestria RP


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Lyona blinked in shock.


-He... He...- She backed away in horror. -He ate...- Her green eyes were wide with terror. 


-How...- Lyona sat down, still watching Straight Shot. Her mind was racing. -He almost killed me... But he didn't. He did eat that...- She didn't allow herself to finish the thought. The pegasus gulped down her fear and steeled herself. 

-I may be feeling scared, but now that his secret is out... And to be thought of as a monster when he didn't know... He needs my kindness.-

She walked up hesitantly to him and sat down. " You're right. Your not a monster. Monsters do not regret whatever they've done, and you clearly regret and you just didn't know. You didn't know..." She bit her lip again.


(Okay! :D)


Signature by Azura

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Raze, seeing what happened, at his rifle pointed at the shaking pony's head. He didn't do anything; giving the pony the chance to drop the knife he had pressed against Lyona's throat. And surprisingly enough, he did. Raze breathed a sigh of relief before approaching Lyona and the other pony.


"So... you guys alright?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Johnny was suprised at what happened, he had his AR-15 aimed at S.S. he lowered it once he dropped the knife "ok, when ever he sleeps, some pony watch him, i fear he may be troubled in his mind, later ill talk to him, as a  unicorn myself, i could see whats wrong" he said 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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" I'm fine. I'm not dead yet, am I?" She flashed a nervous smile and rubbed her neck a bit. " We should all get some sleep, I'm feeling pretty tuckered out." Finding a comfortable place to put her head down, Lyona quickly fell asleep.


Cleo rolled her eyes at the pegasus' antics. She agreed that is was time to go to sleep, and slowly drifted away into dreamland.


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"Swig! here, take my spot, you're more badly hurt than I am" StoneHoof climbed off and lifted Swig onto the last spot on the train.

"Hey, thanks man, I'll be waiting for you at the next station" 

"Yeah, don't you worry bout m-" 


"GO! forget me!"


The voices echoed as Swig awakened 

"..... I'm still waiting mate" Swig whispered to himself.

The blizzard was over and the sun lit up the horizon. "Fairly warm atmosphere today..."

Swig rolled packed his belongings up and peeked through the rear window to see if everypony else has caught up 

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"What just happened? Is Straight going to lose it like three times a day?"

He blinked.

"What if it gets worse? What if one time he actually does it?"

Redstorm got some rope out of the wreckage.

"Shall we tie Straight up? I mean... ya know. So he's not gonna actually kill us in our sleep." He chuckled.

Acid gasped as Redstorm mentioned Straight killing them in their sleep.

He crawled further away from the stallion. He continued crawling when he hit Lyona.

*Maybe she's the target and he's gonna kill everypony in his way...*

He then bumped into Cleo.

*Nope... that pony hates any kind of kids...*

Acid spotted Sky and curled up into a ball near her.


((@@Skye42, you still in? I haven't really heard anything from you in a while, and I can't click your name above your pic either... anyone else has that problem also?))


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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" Wha-" Lyona woke up, blinking. Somepony had woken her up. She looked around to see Acid, and shrugged. 




-So he's not gonna actually kill us in our sleep." Redstorm chuckled.


" Who's going to kill us in our sleep? What? I'm confused." Lyona scratched her head.

Cleo was snoring gently, she didn't feel Acid bump into her. She rolled over, mumbling something.


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"You guys go to bed first. I'll keep an eye out on what's-his-face here and make sure he doesn't go schizo again."


Which they did, and it was just Raze left as the only one awake, watching the pony with his rifle close by, his sword even closer.


Man, I wish I had that guitar from the house right about now, or someone to talk to... he thought to himself. This shit's pretty boring...

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Johnny was quite restless in his sleep, he eventually woke up and sighed, he walked out of his make-shift shelter and sat infront of the fire he looked out into the night,  the blizzard would hit them in 3 hours he figured, he hoped that it had ended but those things are unpredictable

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Johnny was quite restless in his sleep, he eventually woke up and sighed, he walked out of his make-shift shelter and sat infront of the fire he looked out into the night,  the blizzard would hit them in 3 hours he figured, he hoped that it had ended but those things are unpredictable

Raze heard shuffling, and took aim with his rifle. He then saw one pony--the intellectual from Philly--walk out of the shelter, and next to the fire.


"Well, at least I got someone to keep me company while I watch this guy... yo!" He signaled the pony to come over. "If you can't sleep, could you help me watch your pal over here?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Johnny walked over to the pony "sure" he walked over  and sat near S.S. "i figure we should stay here for about 2 hours, that gives us an hour head start on the blizzard, though i hope it has dissipated before then" he sighed "you going to get some sleep?" he asked

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Johnny walked over to the pony "sure" he walked over  and sat near S.S. "i figure we should stay here for about 2 hours, that gives us an hour head start on the blizzard, though i hope it has dissipated before then" he sighed "you going to get some sleep?" he asked


Raze sighed a bit. "Maybe, if I've decided I'm actually sleepy." He took his sword and planted it in front of him. "I just got a lot on my mind right now to actually sleep... I keep thinking that the next day's gonna be my last, y'know? I can never be to confident..." He shook his head.


"Well, while we're here, why don't make our acquaintances? I'm Raze." He held out his hoof.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Straight finally opened his eyes. After hearing Lyona answer him, he finally felt at ease. The pony with the sword was watching him closely. Straight got up and moved into the shelter. More like stumbled. He woke everypony up while doing this.

(sorry for godmod but unless you are all awake I'll be sitting here talking to myself.)


"Relax, I'm fine. Although an explanation is in order."


A cigarette floated out of his saddlebag. A puff of magic and the cig was smoking.


"Buckle in, it might be a long one."


"Near the end of the war, I was a Captain in the Unicorn Corps. I had a couple of ponies under me still. By the time the cold had come in, there were even fewer. But since the chain of command was still in place, I was in charge. So we starting focusing on survival instead of fighting. We had assignments, two to go scavenge for supplies, two to find firewood, and then there was me, who had to focus on finding food. We all had heard about the supply shortages and about how there were parties who would eat animals. We had tried it before the snow, but we shied from it. After the snow, we didn't have a choice. The food was good for awhile, but the game started to run thin. I would spend an entire day and only bag a few critters. Maybe a wolf if I was lucky. The others started getting antsy. They were hungry.  But then, I got sick. I wasn't going to die from it but I took me out for a week. When I woke up. I was handed some meat. Not thinking, I ate. They apparently went hunting and found a wolf. I asked for the hide. It was mostly cause the hides could make blankets or new gear. But they were really hesitant to show me. By the time they ponied up the hide, a mare had come up to our camp. She was looking for her brother, said we took him away. I was still holding the hide when she recognized it. I felt sick. I wanted to throw up. My own stallions, went and killed an innocent pony and cooked him for food. I was furious. Being the best at magic it wasn't hard to take my subordinates. I asked them why they did it. They simply said 'Survival of the fittest.' I left them, bound and gagged that night. I buried everything left of the mare's brother. But on the grave the mare asked me 'Those ponies were monsters. You were with them, does that make you a monster?' I lost it then. I ran. I ran until I could feel my hooves falling off. I'm not a monster, I just had to command monsters. I never meant for any of that to happen, but they were under my command so it was my fault. After I cleared my head, I tried to find the mare. She said something about Ponyville, so I headed back home. And that's where I've been until I ran into Lyona. This world is bucking cruel and I just want to give as much as I can back to it for what I've done. That's all. I know you all got baggage too, but there's mine. Judge me however you like, but I'm not a monster."


The cigarette had burned out. with a flick the butt went into an empty barrel. Straight laid out his bow, arrows and knives away from him and curled up to sleep.


"Get some sleep, we'll need to move tomorrow."

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Swig sat there and tried his best to kill time while waiting for the rest to catch up with him

"Might as well read a few books while I'm at it" Swig threw all his books onto the floor and scanned them, Swig looked at the book's titles hoping to find an interesting book.

"Fifty shades of hay, ...not now;    Magic for dummies, kindergarten stuff;    Modern combat tactics, read it already;    

Starswirl's Arcane Magic guide, That sounds like an interesting book"

Swig opened up the book and scanned the whole book in a matter of minutes.

(Swig learnt new spells! yay!)

"Directed Arcane Pulse... sounds dangerous... and fun!" Swig followed the guide and concentrated his magic to his horn.

"Oh Shit!" Swig could not hold in the arcane for long, he ran out of the train and released the arcane into the distance to prevent himself from blowing up the train, a mini explosion went off in the distance where the Arcane Pulse landed.

"Wow... this spell is strong... and it requires a little amount of magic capability...I can even feel the explosion's warmth from here"

Swig practiced the spell a few times aiming at the direction Swig came from.

A few of his Arcane Pulses landed not far from the group's makeshift shelter

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

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Lyona listened to Straight Shot's story, eyes wide. She shook her head slowly through the duration of the telling. -Poor guy...- 
After he had finished his story, she opened her mouth to say something but S.S had already curled up and gone to sleep. She sighed, and then went to sleep herself.


Cleo frowned after hearing his story. She didn't know what to think. She shook her head for a moment and went back to sleep, her thoughts still lingering on the story.


Signature by Azura

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"Near the end of the war, I was a Captain in the Unicorn Corps. I had a couple of ponies under me still. By the time the cold had come in, there were even fewer. But since the chain of command was still in place, I was in charge. So we starting focusing on survival instead of fighting. We had assignments, two to go scavenge for supplies, two to find firewood, and then there was me, who had to focus on finding food. We all had heard about the supply shortages and about how there were parties who would eat animals. We had tried it before the snow, but we shied from it. After the snow, we didn't have a choice. The food was good for awhile, but the game started to run thin. I would spend an entire day and only bag a few critters. Maybe a wolf if I was lucky. The others started getting antsy. They were hungry. But then, I got sick. I wasn't going to die from it but I took me out for a week. When I woke up. I was handed some meat. Not thinking, I ate. They apparently went hunting and found a wolf. I asked for the hide. It was mostly cause the hides could make blankets or new gear. But they were really hesitant to show me. By the time they ponied up the hide, a mare had come up to our camp. She was looking for her brother, said we took him away. I was still holding the hide when she recognized it. I felt sick. I wanted to throw up. My own stallions, went and killed an innocent pony and cooked him for food. I was furious. Being the best at magic it wasn't hard to take my subordinates. I asked them why they did it. They simply said 'Survival of the fittest.' I left them, bound and gagged that night. I buried everything left of the mare's brother. But on the grave the mare asked me 'Those ponies were monsters. You were with them, does that make you a monster?' I lost it then. I ran. I ran until I could feel my hooves falling off. I'm not a monster, I just had to command monsters. I never meant for any of that to happen, but they were under my command so it was my fault. After I cleared my head, I tried to find the mare. She said something about Ponyville, so I headed back home. And that's where I've been until I ran into Lyona. This world is bucking cruel and I just want to give as much as I can back to it for what I've done. That's all. I know you all got baggage too, but there's mine. Judge me however you like, but I'm not a monster."


Redstorm nodded.

"Cool story, bro." He said, then continued to eat his soup.

Suddenly, Swig's blasts landed near the shelter.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE THINKIN- oh, it's getting warmer. Alot warmer! It's like summertime!"

Redstorm threw off his blanket.

"Well this is warm... why didn't he do the spell earlier?"

Acid woke up, sweating.

"Why is it so warm?"

Redstorm laughed.

"Well Swig bombed us... I'm guessing that's him."

Acid stood up and smiled, though it was in the middle of the night.

"It's like summer..."


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Redstorm nodded.

"Cool story, bro." He said, then continued to eat his soup.

Suddenly, Swig's blasts landed near the shelter.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HE THINKIN- oh, it's getting warmer. Alot warmer! It's like summertime!"

Redstorm threw off his blanket.

"Well this is warm... why didn't he do the spell earlier?"

Acid woke up, sweating.

"Why is it so warm?"

Redstorm laughed.

"Well Swig bombed us... I'm guessing that's him."

Acid stood up and smiled, though it was in the middle of the night.

"It's like summer..."


Raze, listening to the pony's story, found himself surprised when he finished. 


"Fuck... no wonder you did what you did..."


He looked at Red. "How the hell do you take shit like that so casually? This isn't--"


He was about to say more, but then was nearly blasted by a fireball. The force knocked him back a bit.


"Ugh..." He got up and wiped a bit of snow off of him. "Who the hell's idea was that?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Swig missed one of his arcane pulses and it landed right beneath him, Swig's life flashed before his eyes as he embraced for death..... nothing happened... except for warmth... a lot of warmth, almost enough to burn... almost

"Well... that was a dud" Swig re-read the book only to find out the spell was only for bluffs and decoration.

"not what I intended to do at all" Swig packed the book back into his bag

"filled valuable space in my head with a useless spell... I regret ... everything"

Seeing that the spell was practically harmless and warming, he shot some more at the direction of the group giving them warmth as a small favour

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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Lyona woke up again, feeling pleasantly warm. She looked around in confusion. " Why the heck is it so warm?" -It feels like a spring day in the fields...- Her eyes unfocused for a moment but then she shook her head.
-No time to daydream.- Lyona stood up and looked around.


Cleo woke up with a small snort, sweating lightly. " Who turned the heat on?" She fanned herself. " It's turning into a steam room in here."


Signature by Azura

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Johnny shook Razes hoof "im Johnny Ray" 


he listened to S.Ss story and felt bad for him


while he was resting  suddenly a splash of warmth hit him "what the hell?!?" he exited the make shift shelterr and looked at the blasting lights  "what is that kid trying to do?"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"what is that kid trying to do?"


" He's trying to kill himself, that's what. I think we all slept enough, and it's time to get moving. The blizzard's practically on us now." Cleo stood up, and quickly put on her saddlebags.



" I'll fly up and see how far away the storm is." Lyona shot upwards, as fast as her wings could bear. She looked into the distance, squinting slightly and shading her eyes. Not that far off, a white and grey smudge was slowly making it's way to where they were. She could feel the wind from here.

" It's close. Maybe an hour away." She said as she landed with a grimace. " We should really get going."



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" He's trying to kill himself, that's what. I think we all slept enough, and it's time to get moving. The blizzard's practically on us now." Cleo stood up, and quickly put on her saddlebags.



" I'll fly up and see how far away the storm is." Lyona shot upwards, as fast as her wings could bear. She looked into the distance, squinting slightly and shading her eyes. Not that far off, a white and grey smudge was slowly making it's way to where they were. She could feel the wind from here.

" It's close. Maybe an hour away." She said as she landed with a grimace. " We should really get going."


"Alright... well let's get going then."

Redstorm and Acid didn't really want to go, but the warm wasn't there to stay.

"If we meet Swig, then we could just ask for more warm... spells."

Him and Acid collected together the supplies.

"And let's hurry... I can feel the storm from afar."

"Yeah.." Acid said and pulled his coat together more tightly.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo gave a curt nod and trotted to the train tracks, following them. Narrowly sidestepping various metal pieces from the cart, she missed the warmth already. -I really hate this damn cold.-


Lyona gathered her saddlebags and fluttered over after Cleo. She looked back. " Hurry up! We haven't got much time..." She glanced in the direction of the storm again.


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Grabbing his weapons, Straight followed the group. He gave Lyona a nod and kept walking. The headwrappings kept the cold off his face.

-those heat spells would be useful. I'd like to see that spell in action again.-

Straight reached into his own spell roster for his "Lay of the Land" spell. He used this constantly as a scout.

His horn shone as he collected data on the area around him.


"There is a train car coming up." A moment passed. "I detect a pony in it. It might be Swig."

By that point, the magic detection had come back. He failed to mention that Swig might have had some heavy magical items on him.

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" Train car?" Lyona perked her ears. " That's good news. Johnny knows how to operate those things, maybe we won't have to walk all the way to Fillydelphia!" A big smile was on her face.


Cleo rolled her eyes. " At least he was smart enough to go in the train and not sleep outside. Before you get too happy, Lyona, let me remind you that we still need fuel."


Lyona's smile decreased a bit.


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