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Frozen Equestria RP


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"That is the craziest thing i have heard, whoever ordered that was not following orders from high command. I'm going to check the forward area with my magic in case there are more broken rails."

Straight dusted the ashes off his gear.

"Oh yeah, keep control of your magic items. I don't know what they are but if they shake like that who knows what will happen."

(Forgot about my detect magic spell huh?)

Edited by Throttlesky
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Swig's frown cocked into a grin, Swig knew that S.S was onto him

"yes I insure you they're quite safe" 

Swig made himself comfortable.

"Jonny, I heard you're good with trains... can you manage to fix the thing in the engine carriage?"

Swig's magic quickly overcharged due to adrenaline running through his veins

"so Straight Shot... tell me..."

Swig started using his simple Telepathy spell to talk to S.S to prevent anypony else from hearing

"what did you find?" Swig cocked a grin

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-so he knows the spell as well-

Straight spoke out loud.

"A magic detect spell can't tell me exactly what you have packing. But it's shows enough that you shouldn't be messing with it without the right equipment. I'm worried about bad magical reactions, that's all. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll head up to the front car."

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Cleo was still looking at the bag, ignorent of everypony else's conversation. She pushed aside the items inside to see the bottom of the suitcase. In her surprise, she saw a labelled red folder. 
'Equestria: Emergency Plans.' It read, in big threatening black letters. Cleo raised an eyebrow.

Lyona was searching the train for any supplies that she could find.


Signature by Azura

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Johnny walked all the way the engine car and looked it over, "hmmmm, still operational, no coal though, theres still at least a pile left in the corner, probably could power at least half way" he levitated some coal into the furnace, he realized that the wheels are probably still frozen, hed have to break the ice, he looked up and used some electrical magic and hit the light, all the lights turned on, he then started gathering magic, his horn lit up

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Johnny walked all the way the engine car and looked it over, "hmmmm, still operational, no coal though, theres still at least a pile left in the corner, probably could power at least half way" he levitated some coal into the furnace, he realized that the wheels are probably still frozen, hed have to break the ice, he looked up and used some electrical magic and hit the light, all the lights turned on, he then started gathering magic, his horn lit up

"Hey" Straight walked into the engine car. "You believe that pony?" Straight began his sweep spell in front of the train. "If I had heard that during the war, I would have turned him over to my commanding officier, he would have had a kick with him. Well the rails are clear for the next couple of miles. I'll stay up here and keep the spell up in case something is on the tracks.

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Cleo grabbed the documents with her mouth and trotted over to Johnny and Straight.
" Look at what I found." She spat the document onto her hoof. " I didn't even know that those existed."


After a bit of searching Lyona found some more medical supplies in the emergency first aid kits under a chair. 


Signature by Azura

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"the kid is out there thats for sure,  defiantly improperly raised, no respect for others, doesnt respect personal space or the dead" there was a faint blueish purple glow from behind the visor of the gas mask "you may want to hold on to something" suddenly his horn was ablaze with electricity lurching the train forward,  the ice around the wheels broke as it was forced to move, there was the sound of screeching metal, the friction melted the grease and soon the train was moving smoothly

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Redstorm didn't say anything about Twilight being a traitor. Mostly, because he couldn't believe it. Red hadn't seen his 6 buddies in years. He knew they were dead, so he didn't really want to talk about them.


"Hey" Straight walked into the engine car. "You believe that pony?" Straight began his sweep spell in front of the train. "If I had heard that during the war, I would have turned him over to my commanding officier, he would have had a kick with him. Well the rails are clear for the next couple of miles. I'll stay up here and keep the spell up in case something is on the tracks.


"Who would? Twi wasn't a traitor. He's just talking shit." He said.

"Did you know Twilight?"

"Duh... we lived in the same town. I remember when we arrived with mom into Ponyville. Pinkie nearly gave me a heart attack... two hours later, I was introduced to Pinkie's five friends at the party."

"Oh... then you must be sad that they're dead..."

"Whatever. I need some sleep."

*I guess they were good friends... I really need to stop asking these questions.* Acid thought, as he watched Redstorm turning his back to him and going to sleep.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"What's this? Emergency plans? Do they cover freak ice ages? I've never seen documents like this before. Probably above my pay grade if you ask me.


"Alright! Now we're moving! Did everypony get on the train? Hate to lose anyone in this freak of a storm. Let's ride.

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Johnny levitated the coal into the furnace and used a spark to light it on fire, shortly after, he stopped his magic "theres enough coal here to get us half way there, then ill have to power the rest of the way, you guys are welcome to stay up here with me

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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@Firestorm (on my phone can't use code that well)


"He's from ponyville too? I didn't see him at the recruitment center. I'd love to talk with him about the good old days."


Straight stayed up with Johnny keeping an eye on the rails and another on the cargo.


-What would be so powerful and so small that some punk could carry it around in his bag?-


Straight lit another cigarette and kept himself awake.


-Maybe it's because of last night, but I'm starting to feel like my old self before it all happened.-

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Cleo read through the plans, muttering to herself. -They won't be of much use...- Suddenly, she reached one section that interested her. She leaned forward. 'Emergency: Element of Harmony Bearers Dead or Missing.'


Lyona fluttered back to the main car. " I found some medical supplies, it should last us for some time..."


Signature by Azura

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Raze, sitting on the train, looked at the bag left behind by Twilight. He sighed.


So if she was here, he thought to himself, then where were her friends?


He shook his head. He looked at the pony he'd been watching earlier, then decided he should speak to him for a bit.


"So, you're feeling a lot better." he said as he approached him.


(Can anyone tell me how to mention people in posts, like doing that @soandso and whatnot?)

Edited by ~Twisted Genius~

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Yeah I guess I am..." -Raze is his name wasn't it?- Yeah like I said. I hadn't seen a pony in a long time. First time ever sleeping in a group since that incident. My magic doesn't get that high strung. I'm glad I actually got it out. Its like a secret, like trying to keep a surprise and it just wells up in you and unless you let it out you go crazy.

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Lyona re-organized her things, placing the new medical supplies in a box. -At least if somepony gets hurt I can patch them up.-


Cleo was reading the document, her eyes wide.


(You have to highlight any text from the person you want to mention and a black box will come up like, Quote, @Mention and stuff. Click the mention thing and there you go!)


Signature by Azura

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"Woah what is it? Don't tell me that thing does cover ice ages. That would be as convinent as hay. Straight looked over her shoulder, trying to read what it said.

"Element bearer...missing or dead? That is some heavy reading there Cleo. What's it say to do?"

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@, Johnny sat down in a seat in the conductors car behind the engine car, where cleo and SS were, he looked at Cleo who was reading something "what are you reading? anything interesting?" he asked her, she seemed to be suprised or shocked at what she was reading 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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"Huh," Raze said. He chuckled a bit. "Well, that's a relief, as long as you don't go killing any one of us, then I think I'll be fine with it."


He held out his hoof. "Name's Raze."


He looked over his shoulder to see Cleo reading something. He could clearly see a look of surprise on her face.


What's so interesting?

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Cleo put back the papers in the red folder, frowning. - We don't really have much of a choice, huh...-
Sighing, she stood up and placed the red file into her bag, careful to not fold it. Her expression was rather forlorn. " Nothing. It was nothing. Nothing at all..." She sat down in the train car's seat. -We're doomed.-


Signature by Azura

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"Ok, if you don't want to tell us that's fine. Whatever it is I'll probably read it sooner or later. I'm gonna go watch the rails."

The snow was picking up but the train managed anyway. The engine kept up as well.


(I'm gonna keep Straight here. I gotta get to sleep now.)

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"are you sure? you looked really troubled" he said to her, what could be wrong? shes not normally like this, something is obviously troubling her, but i shouldnt push too hard if she doesnt want to say i should respect her privacy until she to say what she saw

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Raze looked at Cleo.


"You can't lie to us. The look on your face says it all: it ain't nothing, it's definitely something. And we all need to know..."


He approached her, but she ignored him. He shook his head.


"C'mon. Don't ignore me. What's so bad about that thing you found?"


(That probably counts as godmodding, and I apologize)

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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" Fine. I give up." She practically growled. " I found some documents of what to do in case of an emergency that threatens Equestria. I found a specific one that dictates what to do if the Element of Harmony bearers die or go missing. It basically says; find new ones or you're fucked. "


She looked at the ponies, frowning.


" I highly doubt we're gonna find the ponies to represent them, since everypony on this damn planet is corrupted now. So, we're gonna be living in this frozen wasteland until we die. Happy now?"


Signature by Azura

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"Hmm, I figured as much" he sighed "the most we can do is just make do with what we've got, nothing is ever easy, I was planning on starting a little community at the university in Philly, and populate it with decent ponies, maybe one day, we will find the ones we need"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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