kyoki wolfe 134 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 Most people....I MEAN PONIES.....have had nightmares before, so I was just wondering what some of your guys might be. This thread is for people to share there nightmares and possibly scare others. And to just basically think of what they could possibly ya go on ahead and share to your hearts content. One of my nightmares.... I was in a haunted house (so typical, I know) and I had to go through the entire house in a certain amount of time. It was like a game. And I had to survive or ELSE!!! So ya there was a whole bunch of explosions and than a truck crashed through the roof. Thus leading to me being chased by zombies and than bursting out of the house and being blinded by bright sunlight....I know that doesn't sound all to scary, but in my sleep it was relatively terrifying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 I have a recurring night terror of a nightmarish hell hound the size of a horse, with pitch black fur, glowing phosphorus eyes, and it's steel fangs dripping sulfurous saliva. It basically looks like this: And every time this beast appears in a night terror, it gets closer and closer to me. Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 You guys will laugh at me for this but back when I was young I was scared of trees. I always dreamt they came alive and trap me and occasionally eat me somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DippyOryan 6 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 Some of the worst dreams I have had have been recurring. And they still occasionally come to me whilst I sleep. The dream usually starts off by me laying in my bed, I stare at the ceiling. Everything in the room turns black and I mean black as night. But the darkness is not sudden, no. But it slowly engulfs me, and I can feel it working slowly inside of me. I can feel the hatred of past being poured into my heart. After the darkness engulfs me I start falling, I can even feel the air flying through my hair at high velocities. But the farther I fall the more fear pours into me. As I look into the darkness a pair of eyes open, they are blood red and hate-filled. They stare at me unrelentingly but I am forced to stare at them. I hear whispers, quiet and they aren't understandable. My body slowly becomes part of the darkness. Each limb slowly being devoured. And just as the darkness pulls me under, I awake from my sleep. I am still trying to comprehend the dreams as of late. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightOwl 912 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 I've had those torture like nightmares before. I don't like them one bit because they are very gruesome,disturbing and they nearly resemble being in a horror film. It usually takes me a while to get back to sleep after one of those nightmares. Signature by me avatar by Azura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 I've posted here before but seeing as this thread has been revived I'll discuss a nightmare I had just last night. It was one of those weird dreams where you actually feel physical pain. I remember running through a dark mansion of some sort, and I was all alone. Some samurai thing was chasing me, and I remember feeling his sword stabbing me several times in the stomach. I then remember being tied down later in the dream, and having multiple swords go through my legs. Not the most pleasant dream I've ever had. Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Derpy 535 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 I had this really creepy one involving Slenderman a few times. Well I'm in my house but there is an extra room. It's one of those security rooms where you can see what all the security cameras are seeing. So I am just sitting in there when I see Slendy just standing in my yard. Then he just teleports closer and closer and closer to the room I am in and I woke up right when he was opening the door. Also had this one where my best friend died. That wasn't really scary it just made me really depressed. Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature! My Ponysona Silver Star- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Little Lizards 91 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 For the past few weeks, I've had dreams where it's just my death. Each one is different and they're all terrifying. One of the only few that I'll share are these two. 1- A bunch of kids, all under 18, including me, were in this facility thingy. It was small, basically 3 rooms, and almost everything was white. Everyone had a power. I'm not sure what mine was. The first one was a front desk with a door. There were no doors dividing each room. The second room had 6 lunch tables. The third had more lunch tables and 2 closets. One day, the older kids ganged up on the younger kids, including me. I told the younger kids to hide in the closets. There was a little alcove where the wall jutted by one of the closets. I was there, and I was cornered by the older kids. One of my friends was with them, with someone I didn't know. The person I didn't know had a knife. I said, "Please make it quick." The person I didn't know said, "It'll still hurt a lot." Then he threw the knife, and I FELT it hit my head and then I woke up. 2- I was by my friend's house, with their dog. It was by a corner near a door, so essentially we had to round the corner to get into the house. A bunch of foxes surrounded the dog and I, and I couldn't run for some reason. I had rounded the corner and was about to get inside when my phone rang. One of the foxes leaped at my neck and I saw the ground and the face of fox before the dream ended. 1 ~That one equestrian that does that riding stuff on ponies~Doctor Who {Tennant is best Doctor}~Voice Actor~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostPony750 959 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 I never remember my dreams, and when I do, they are quite weird. It seems Luna help me a lot lol. Anyway, I remember some dreams when I was younger. It was always the same thing, me being stuck in my room, since it had no windows or doors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 Hm. I don't dream that often much less nightmares that much anymore. However I did have a lot of nightmares when I was younger about being eaten alive by something, all kinds of things, and trying to escape somehow. Ugh, I don't even want to think about it. Anyways, I developed or got a strengthend fear of organs and being eaten alive after that, and now I dont dare look at any of that stuff, not to mention organs scare the crap out of me. Biology is going to be a living hell for me next semester... Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 , your thread on nightmares was merged with this one as they shared the same topic. Please run a search of existing threads before starting new ones. Nightmares I have are usually inspired by things I watch or play excessively. The worst one I can recall took place in the mansion from the original Resident Evil. Honestly, that wasn't too bad in itself. What sucks is that I get stuck in those situations unarmed and surrounded. I remember being on the hallway overlooking and circling the dining room. Several zombies were approaching me from multiple directions. I had the iconic Beretta with which to defend myself, and no ammunition or knife. As usual, those zombies were much stronger than they should have been and I felt like I was trudging underwater as happens in dreams. You can guess how it ended for me. 1 Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OkBuddy 586 September 22, 2013 Share September 22, 2013 I remember that I went over to a summer camp with my family, and out in the distance I saw a Cave Bear (prehistoric creature) eating a deer. Once it was finished, the creature noticed the other people at the summer camp and it started to attack everyone. It noticed me and my family, and it chased after us. Luckily, we got into our car before the bear could attack us, and we drove away. I'm a Y2K Survivor™ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 October 18, 2013 Share October 18, 2013 Hm, well, here's possibly mine: I was dreaming regularly when some image popped into my head it had this picture of some blurred-out girl and it said, "Don't look into its eyes." I "woke up" and saw a shame standing right next to my bed. I had severe trouble breathing and it felt like I was being choked so I turned away from it and forced myself to fall asleep. I don't know, the shadow things are called "Shadow People" or something. There was also this one time where I was dreaming and in the dream, there was blood and dead bodies laying everywhere in some street. I just saw this weird mask thing staring at me and I woke up immediately. I either have nightmares or no dreams at all, so I'm obviously not a fan of sleep. matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Stranger 812 October 18, 2013 Share October 18, 2013 (edited) Honestly, I don't see my dreams anymore. When i sleep it's just darkness. Even so I did have one nightmare that's worth mentioning. This nightmare occurred long ago. I forgot how old I was when I had it but I know I was much younger then I currently am. In this nightmare I was probably around the ages 6 to 8 because of what I was doing in the dream. I was in my backyard playing in a red sandbox. In reality I never had a sandbox in my back yard but in this dream I had one. So I was in this sandbox playing with this little yellow school bus I had with me. The sky above me had no color, it was just gray so the yard I was in wasn't illuminated well but I could still see the entire back yard. Now this is where the dream gets a bit disturbing. As I was playing in this red sandbox with this toy school bus I had a man walked up to me. He was very tall and was cloaked in shadow. Even so I could tell he had a long coat on and a tall hat. he stood at the end of the sandbox just looking down at me. He looked a little like this: The dream didn't last very long because after standing there looking at me for a few seconds he shot me in the chest with a gun. I'm not sure what sort of gun it was because I couldn't see it but he definitely shot me. I woke up with my chest hurting. That was the only dream I ever had were I was killed by something. Edited October 18, 2013 by Ultimate Fantasia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 18, 2013 Share October 18, 2013 Sometimes I have dreams about my mom (she's dead btw) they're scary. 1. I walk into a shower room, it's all white and there's 4 pictures of my mom of the wall near the shower. I get undressed and stand in the shower. I hear her (my mom) saying she's buried under the shower and i need to get her out. then she starts laughing. I get out of the shower and stand in front of the mirror. I See her in the corner of the shower from the mirror and she's almost a skeleton. Her jaw is hanging open. 2. I'm trying to fall asleep in a bunk bed. I'm on the bottom bunk. I look to the floor and I see skinny, boney hands and she (my mom) crawls out from the bed. She lays flat on her back in the middle of the room. She sits up and smiles are me, once again, she's almost a skeleton, then she crawls onto the top bunk, leans over and is face to face with me. 3. There is a random two story house in the middle of the house pasture beside me house. A woman with a long white face and gray hair keeps walking back and forth outside her house. I turn to go into my house and there's a horse in MY yard with a skull for a head and giant bloody spots, on top of the horse is the women next door. She apparently got on the horse in 2 seconds because one minute shes in her yard, the next she in mine. She looks down at me and laughs. 4. I go into my bedroom and things are floating and being knocked over. I start to cry and yell for my grandma. She comes in and the stuff is still moving but she acts like nothing is wrong. My fan on the ceiling starts to shake and I hear people whispering. I have those regularly. Maybe I'll think of more I've had. I have extremely detailed and vivid dreams. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 October 18, 2013 Share October 18, 2013 I have had nightmares for 12years now, nonstop. I'm lucky if I get one good dream every 2-3weeks. They all make me wake up screaming or crying because of the screams I must hear and the people I love I must watch them be killed in ways that just...make hell look like a fun park.. The worst one was, I was 5years old, everything was black and the only light was coming for the cracks of a door. I could her my sister screaming, and a man yelling at her. I could hear him hitting her, I tried so damn hard to break that door open, I ran in to it! I kicked it! I did everything I could.. a min or so later I could see blood coming out of the bottom of the door... he killed her and I let it happen... This is the worst nightmare I have ever had because I love my sister more then anyone in the world.. she is my best friend and had been for soo long when I didn't have anyone she was there for me. And when she needed me I could do noting but let her die.. even thinking about it.. makes me cry "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koelath 445 October 18, 2013 Share October 18, 2013 In no particular order: 1) Six years old. Kidnapped by a meth dealer while trick-or-treating late at night. Long story short, I made him angry, so he punched me in the dick so hard his hand plunged inside me, worked through and up to my head, and removed my brain through my crotch. Physically impossible? Not in a dream. 2) Chased through my house, which became a massive labyrinth. End result? Dead end, cannibalized by stepsisters at a tea party. 3) Owl stalked me wherever I went and attacked me. Anytime I tried to get help and the other person looked, it was just an origami figure of an owl. 4) Chased by a gang of chainsmoking giant mutant canaries into my backyard where my father hoisted me up by my neck and in complete defiance of physics crammed me entirely into an empty milk jug. 5) Not a nightmare but still terrifying: Was lying in bed, trying to sleep and wide awake. Bed starts shaking. I start shaking. Soon enough, feels like an earthquake with its center inside my heart. Start seeing things, reptilian creatures. Deepening darkness all around, suffocating pressure on all sides, can't breathe...Then the whispers, voices in my head but they sound like they're right by my ears...Then it all just stopped. I sat up, went into the living room, put in a movie (Pokemon 3 was new then), and curled up in a chair to wait out the rest of the night in a cold sweat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 October 19, 2013 Share October 19, 2013 (edited) I don't know why, but I have a lot of apocalypse dreams involving mushroom clouds and nuclear radiation :/ I wouldn't really say they are nightmares since I don't feel scared while dreaming, but they always silently haunt my thoughts after I wake. The idea of nuclear radiation itself terrifies me. Edited October 19, 2013 by crazitaco *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 October 19, 2013 Share October 19, 2013 I actually had a nightmare not too long ago. I was walking across my yard and I noticed a wheel-barrel. I went over and started pushing it. The sky was getting dark, so I was trying to run faster. As the dark came closer I started hearing a very high pitched screeching noise behind me. I woke up and started breathing rather heavily. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mane-iac 1,648 October 19, 2013 Share October 19, 2013 (edited) Jurassic Park velociraptors breaking through our living room windows at night while I was sleeping on the couch. Dreamt it while I actually was sleeping on the couch too is what made it worse. And I tend to not wake up at scary parts like that like most people would so it played out even more. They chased me up the stairs and then clear to the other end of the house, where my only escape was to jump out a window. So I jumped... straight into the maul of a T-Rex that somehow came out of nowhere after I already leaped. This was years ago, at least 12 or more, and to this day I still don't like being downstairs at night if blinds are open... I don't really dream anymore though, haven't for several years. Only time I dream now is if I take something that knocks me out so I sleep really well. Then the dreams are just really weird, Alice in Wonderland weird. Don't ever remember them though. Edited October 19, 2013 by Puddlejumper 1 WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar. The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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