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open Equestria University Re-Roll


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Dorm 1: Steeleye Sungazer and Pelate Overcast


Dorm 2: Light Eye and Psych Ward


Dorm 3: Acoustic Cloud and Fireheart


Dorm 4: Ceil and Elipsis


Dorm 5: Diamond Dust and Apple Stem


Dorm 6: Nightshade and Cinderscribe


Dorm 7: Blaze Finder and Whirl Wake


Dorm 8: Starry Night and Aroma Remedy




Diamond Dust walked through the doors of the university. He knew it was going to be an interesting experience, being away from home for such a long amount of time. He trotted over to what he assumed he was supposed to go to. "Hello ma'am. Name's Diamond Dust. First year." The mare gave him a sheet and told him to fill it out. He found a bench and began filling the form out. He was early, but it was a force of habit. He had to wake up early to go to the mines




Thinkin' Inks cantered into the building. It was a nice establishment. He walked over to where he was supposed to get a form and noticed another stallion already filling one out. For the love of... The whole reason I got here early was so I didn't have to anypony!  He sighed and grabbed a form. He sat as far away from the stallion as he could. His horn began to glow a dark green, and the pencil he was given began to write.

Edited by Ampharos
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Diamond Dust walked through the doors of the university. He knew it was going to be an interesting experience, being away from home for such a long amount of time. He trotted over to what he assumed he was supposed to go to. "Hello ma'am. Name's Diamond Dust. First year." The mare gave him a sheet and told him to fill it out. He found a bench and began filling the form out. He was early, but it was a force of habit. He had to wake up early to go to the mines



Whirl Wake trotted into the building, looking around nervously. He trotted up to the front desk and was given a form by the mare who worked there. He took it, along with a pencil, and sat down at a bench next to another stallion. He worked on his form for a few minutes before speaking. "So..." Whirl Wake paused. "I take you're also new here?"

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Dust's good ear perked up. He looked over to see a stallion talking to him. "Yea ahm new here. Name's Diamond Dust. Dust is fine." As Dust waited for the stallion to reply, he continued to fill in the form. The unicorn that had come in before Whirl Wake slipped his mind, for he was extremely quiet.

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Psych Ward went to the desk to get her form before going into the corner to fill it out.  She went through it carefully, not wanting to make a mistake.  How horrible it would be to make a mistake.




Nightshade strolled purposefully into the school lobby, a small saddle bag on her back  Her horn glowed a wonderful shade of purple as she took her form and pen from the front desk.  She sat on a small, cushioned chair, taking her time with the sheets.

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Dust's good ear perked up. He looked over to see a stallion talking to him. "Yea ahm new here. Name's Diamond Dust. Dust is fine." As Dust waited for the stallion to reply, he continued to fill in the form. The unicorn that had come in before Whirl Wake slipped his mind, for he was extremely quiet.

Whirl Wake smiled. "Nice to meet you, Dust. I'm Whirl Wake." He held out his hoof and felt it be shaken by the colt. "So I hear this college is great, I'm very glad I got accepted." He filled out another line on the form. "What do you plan on studying? I particularly like medical science, though you may already know that." Whirl Wake chuckled and glanced at his own cutie mark. Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Dust stopped writing and looked up. He cocked his head, then looked at Whirl Wake. "Honestly ah have no clue. Didn't really think o' that. I'm a darn good pianist if ah do say so mahself. Maybe music. Don't know. I was just a coal miner... Sorry ahm ramblin." Dust began to write again. He was pretty close to being done with the form.



Inks finished his form and stood up. He levitated the paper over to the mare as he walked towards her. "Um... Do you happen to know what room I'm in? Uh, my name's Thinkin' Inks." The mare looked over a paper and informed him he was in dorm 7. He began walking there, avoiding eye contact with the other ponies.

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Dust stopped writing and looked up. He cocked his head, then looked at Whirl Wake. "Honestly ah have no clue. Didn't really think o' that. I'm a darn good pianist if ah do say so mahself. Maybe music. Don't know. I was just a coal miner... Sorry ahm ramblin." Dust began to write again. He was pretty close to being done with the form.

Whirl Wake completed the last question in his form. "We'll then, nice to meet you Dust. See ya!" He trotted back to the counter, where he found out that he would be rooming in dorm 7. He thanked the lady at the counter and began to trot to his dorm, looking around as butterflies danced not-so-gracefully in his stomach. When Whirl arrived at the room, he noticed another pony at the door. "Hey!" He said in a friendly tone.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Psych Ward finally finished her form.  She got up to go turn it in her form before heading to Dorm 2.


Nightshade eventually finished.  She slowly got up, turning in her form.  She trotted down the halls slowly before finding the door marked with a golden six.

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Dust nodded to the stallion as he left and finished up the form. He handed it in and began the to dorm 5.



Inks winced at the sound of a pony talking to him. He knew he would have a roommate, but it didn't mean he  wanted to interact that much. "Oh um, hey... I'm Inks. I gues uh, you're my roommate?" 

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Dust nodded to the stallion as he left and finished up the form. He handed it in and began the to dorm 5.



Inks winced at the sound of a pony talking to him. He knew he would have a roommate, but it didn't mean he wanted to interact that much. "Oh um, hey... I'm Inks. I gues uh, you're my roommate?"

Whirl Wake smiled and stifled a chuckle at the pony's reluctant behavior. He didn't seem to be shy, rather just a bit... Antisocial. "Nice to meet you, Inks. I'm Whirl Wake. And yeah, I guess I am." He held out his hoof to the stallion, hoping for him to open up over time.



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Inks extended his hoof immediately and shook the stallion's hoof. He wasn't one to be rude to the welcoming gesture of a potential acquaintance. Although Inks was shy and would rather keep to himself, he enjoyed having company and was more than happy to befriend his roommate. It would take a little time to get used to him though. "It's uh... nice to meet you too, Whirl Wake. I guess we should go in the room now." Inks opened the door and walked inside. The room was fairly spacious and he drifted over to left side of the room where one of the beds was. "I'll take this side of the room if you don't mind."

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Inks extended his hoof immediately and shook the stallion's hoof. He wasn't one to be rude to the welcoming gesture of a potential acquaintance. Although Inks was shy and would rather keep to himself, he enjoyed having company and was more than happy to befriend his roommate. It would take a little time to get used to him though. "It's uh... nice to meet you too, Whirl Wake. I guess we should go in the room now." Inks opened the door and walked inside. The room was fairly spacious and he drifted over to left side of the room where one of the beds was. "I'll take this side of the room if you don't mind."

Whirl Wake smiled. "Whatever you like, they're both the same anyways." He set down his saddlebag, stretching his wings in response to them no longer being blocked by the two bags and their contents. "So how about you, what's your story?" He asked the blue pony, hoping to get to know more about him. Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Ciel trotted into the lobby, her head down and, her two suitcases floating behind her in cased in her foggy blue and not at all sparkly magic. With each step she took, her pink bracelets smacked together making an awful and somewhat heinous jingly sound, drawing the attention of other ponies in the lobby. She was starting to think that enrolling in this school was a terrible idea. She noticed a few ponies staring at her flank, but didn't cover it. They would find out sooner or later, so why hide it?


She got her forms and headed toward a bench to begin filling them out.

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@, ((Inks is purple, not blue))


"Me? Um... I grew up in a small town near Manehatten. Nott much to me. Well... I don't have a cutie mark, but that'sn besides the point. Um, what about yourself?" Inks did not enjoy talking about how he was a blank flank. It mbarrased him that he still was one. He took his hat off and put it on a night table near his bed. His short, white mane was now completely visible. Not that there was much that wasn't shown anyway. 

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Psych Ward left the door to the dorm open, figuring her room mate would be here soon enough.  She saw her boxes on the floor and smiled, proceeding to unpack.  She decided to choose the left side of the room.  it seemed to be a bit farther in the corner.


Nightshade opened the door to her dorm, smiling when she saw the large windowsills.  She took the right side of the room, beginning to unload her plants.

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Light Eye entered the building, saddlebags slung over her, hair and tail both expertly braided, carefully arranged and hanging over on her right side. She looked very cheery and chipper, and trotted eagerly over to the front help desk. She had been expecting this for months, and had filled out her forms about two months in advance. Flipping open a saddlebag to reveal an incredibly well-organized interior. Reaching in with her mouth, Light Eye produced a thick sheaf of papers and placed them upon the registration desk, then reached a hoof and and pulled out a hefty bag of bits, places them out.


"My registration papers and fees," Light Eye says in a crisp, clear voice, enunciating every word carefully and give a cheery smile at the end, standing on the edge of her hooves in order to be seen, in spite of her short stature. "I received these forms about three months ago, so if anything has changed or I made any errors, please let me know and I'd be happy to adjust or redo them as necessary."

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When she finished filling out her forms, Ciel decided to skip the chit chat and mingling and head straight to her dorm room. Hopefully her roommate wasn't there yet, so she would have a few minutes to herself to prepare. It wasn't as if she was extremely nervous or anything, it was just that she didn't quite know how to respond to some people. Some pony's were extremely happy all of the time, some were rude and antisocial and then some were just plain irritating. She would much prefer getting an overly happy roommate though.


"Dorm 4, Dorm 4..." She muttered to herself as she passed each room. Finally she reached her room and was relieved to see that her roommate had not arrived yet. She took the bed, furthest from the window but closest to the door and began unpacking her belongings.

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Starry Night trotted into the school, she wasted no time and picked up a form with her magic. Starry sat on a chair and started working on her form, after five minutes or so she had gotten finished with the form. Starry gave it to the worker then trotted to her dorm, she wanted to just read. "Dorm eight, I've got this!" She trotted to the end of the row of rooms. "Ah,here we are! Dorm eight!" She trotted in to the large room with two beds and a bathroom (of course), there wasn't any kitchen area but that was fine. They have a cafeteria for a reason.

Go to my profile for my ocs

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Apple Stem opened the door of the university. He gulped. He trotted into his dorm. "Dorm five, okay, I...I got this," Apple Stem said to himself. He opened the door. There was two beds both were neatly made, a bathroom, and a desk. "Alright, so I don't see my roommate that might be good," Apple Stem said to himself. He was deathly shy to new ponies. He sighed and sat on the desk. "F-First day and I have no problem," he pulled out a journal from his saddlebag he then started to write down something.  




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"No, no, no... Not going to be late. Not today, not this time not..." 


Cinderblock crashed through the double doors and almost collided with the reception desk, grinning sheepishly as a trail of ash and dust settled behind her. She took the forms from the startled mare on duty and rushed through them: her haphazard scrawl only becoming less legible for the haste.


"Dorm number... nine?" She read, turning the page onto it's side, upside down and even back to front - all the while holding up the ponies behind her. In the short time she had held it, the paper had become almost unrecognizable: covered in inc stains and black smudges. "Oh, wait! Dorm six!"


She grinned at the mare behind the desk without noticing the glare she received in return and the grumbling behind her, and made her way down the hall.

Never quite forgotten.

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Dust had gotten a little lost but he finally found dorm 5. He walked in to see his roommate already there. "Oh hello. Ah got a bit lost. Don't even know how ah could do that when the room er numbered. Anyway, ahm Diamond Dust. You can call me Dust. This here is Coal." A small black bunny poked his head out of Dust's saddlebag.

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Steeleye popped back into reality right outside of the University's entrance. Teleportation wasn't a particularly hard spell, especially when you had three other unicorns helping you out. But the transition was still rougher than he would have liked. His mane had been completely thrown around and now had more knots than the rigging on a sailing ship. Taking a moment to straighten himself out, he looked around the campus. It was much as he had remembered, with a couple of new decorations and a slightly different garden format. He had been somewhere around the middle of his class in terms of magical power when he had last been here. Those abilities had developed quite a bit since then, out of neccesity more than anything else. So being back at school was an event with mixed feelings on his part.


On one hoof, he didn't doubt he would do well and the nostalgia was enjoyable. On the other, being sent back without much choice of his own was irritating. So when he entered the reception area, it was with a small but not miserable frown. The receptionist was the same mare as all those years ago. Apparently having been forewarned of his arrival, she pulled out his file from his previous enrollment. The re-entry form was much simpler than the normal application, mostly just signing his name. His lesson format remained much the same as it had been originally, with the exception of Physical Education. You just had to look at him to be able to tell he was as capable as a stallion that would be far larger in size. This, accompanied with a stare that cold melt iron, procured him a pass from that class. He was required to attend, but it was deemed he could practice magic relating to moving objects and so forth rather than using his own body. That being done, he made his way to his dorm, #1. Along the way he noted many new students and a few teachers he was familiar with. Upon entering his room, the process of setting up his territory went quickly. The bed nearest the window was claimed, a number of thick books found their ways into the bookshelf, and other various odds and ends culminated into  his domain. It was hardly the duct-tape line across the middle of the room some territorial ponies employed, but it was very easy to tell what was his and what was left for the other occupant.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Dust had gotten a little lost but he finally found dorm 5. He walked in to see his roommate already there. "Oh hello. Ah got a bit lost. Don't even know how ah could do that when the room er numbered. Anyway, ahm Diamond Dust. You can call me Dust. This here is Coal." A small black bunny poked his head out of Dust's saddlebag.

Apple Stem gave a whimper. He sighed as he rubbed his front left hoof. "H...H...Hello, I...I'm Apple S...Stem," Apple Stem struggled to say. He closed his eyes tightly as if he hoped this was a dream. He felt very, very uncomfortable. He walked back to the desk and kept writing down something.   




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Apple Stem gave a whimper. He sighed as he rubbed his front left hoof. "H...H...Hello, I...I'm Apple S...Stem," Apple Stem struggled to say. He closed his eyes tightly as if he hoped this was a dream. He felt very, very uncomfortable. He walked back to the desk and kept writing down something.


Dust noted the obvious nervousness. Or was it shyness? Dust didn't really care either way. He knew that he should just give the stallion some space. After all, Dust didn't exactly look like a kind person, due to his large stature and bulky legs. "Nice ta meet ya Apple Stem. I'll just unpack over here." Dust trotted to his side of the room and began unpacking his things.

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Apple Stem realized that what he was doing when Dust introduced himself wasn't helping him with his serous shyness. He looked at his notebook. "S-Sorry, I'm just really, really sh-shy, I was hoping to get over that here,"  Apple Stem admitted stammer less then before

"S-So your name is Diamond Dust, nice to meet you Dust, and that's a cute bunny too," Apple Stem said slightly less shy.




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