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private Party in Eden RP


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Frost's expression of annoyance softened as the mare addressed him, melting into his trademark smirk. "Arctic Frost, lead singer and guitarist of the punk band Colt-182, at your service." He stood up, giving a small bow. "I take it you're my sister's friend, Evergreen. Thanks for the invite, it looks like it's going to be a fun time."


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Frost's expression of annoyance softened as the mare addressed him, melting into his trademark smirk. "Arctic Frost, lead singer and guitarist of the punk band Colt-182, at your service." He stood up, giving a small bow. "I take it you're my sister's friend, Evergreen. Thanks for the invite, it looks like it's going to be a fun time."

Evergreen smiled and nodded. "I... Yep, I'm Eve. I... Um... Crossfade couldn't come then?" She didn't honestly sound too disappointed by the substitution. And she giggled a bit at his bow. Curtsying back, she said, "And I certainly hope that you do enjoy yourself here." The crystaline rose behind her ear had flowered into full bloom.

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Minty nodded, and decided to stay low. She didn't want to be forced into the conversation. She decided she was only comfortable enough to talk to this stallion. When she entered the main area of the garden, where everypony was, she just hid behind Dusk.


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Violet sighed and turned back around. She looked around the corner at the mare but made sure only her head and shoulder's could be seen, not her tail. "I have a name you know." She said, putting her hooves on the hedge. "It's Violet...and if you're here to make fun of me or something, don't bother, I'm going home." She said, turning around and continuing on her way through the maze. "After I find Frost." She mumbled.

Something something something something


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Amour sighed in relief when she saw the snake-Violet. Then she shook her head vigorously. "No, no! I'm not here to make fun of you! I'm here to apologize! I'm sorry about the way I acted, and I'm sorry about not knowing your name. But to be fair you don't know mine either do you?" She stated.


"None the less, I'm sorry I screamed and referred to you as a snake for the majority of the time that I was here. It's just that I don't really like snakes. But that doesn't mean that I don't like you! It's just that when I was little I was on a hay ride, but then the mule pulling the wagon became startled when a snake slithered into his path" She took a deep breath before continuing. 


"and so he reared back and I flew out of the wagon and into a pile of mud! And to make it worse, there was a snake in the mud and it bit me on the rump and for two months, all the colts called me 'Hissy Missy Snake Butt', and it was just a horrible time for me!" She stomped her hooves on the ground childishly, then remembered the reason for her recounting those memories in the first place. Her gaze softened and she extended a hoof.


"So do you mind starting over?" She asked.

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Violet stopped and quietly listened to the mare's story before turning around and shaking her hoof. "It's fine...I...I get it all the time so I should be used to it but...no pony's ever apologized to me before. Uh..." She shook Amour's hoof, still looking a little shy. "So...wh-whats your name again?" She asked.

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Amour beamed, "I'm Amour! It means luurve in french! I'm a wedding cake designer and baker." She gushed."And just so I have it straight, you are a pony who is half snake, am I correct?" She ventured, hoping she had worded her question in a way that wasn't insulting. "Or are you a snake who is half pony?" She restated.

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Vesper ran up to Evergreen and immediately grasped her in a big hug. "Eve! Friend! Thank you for invite to party!" he cheered, still hugging her. He had a big smile. "Oh, big snake at party. I scare away for Eve! Good?" he asked, letting her go. That big snake was awfully scary.

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Violet couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her reaction. "I love baking...that was one of my favorite things to do when I was little." She said.
She listened to Amour's question and replied quickly. "Pony...who is half snake. That's what I usually say but if you the real name for a pony like me would be Naga...many say Snake Pony but...I prefer being considered more pony than snake." She said, her smile fading. "So...how long have you been making cakes? Also...do you have any idea how to get out of here?"

Something something something something


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"Oh I've been making cakes since I was a teenager. My first one was for this lovely couple--WHAAAA?" She exclaimed when Violet posed her last question. "Y-You don't know how to get out of here?" She whispered, her ears flat against her head. This was it, she was going to die here. Her stomach empty and surrounded by plants and things that weren't cake! Well at least she wouldn't die alone--"I refuse to die here!" She shrieked and began jumping up and down hoping somepony would notice and save them.


"Help! Please! Somepony help us! Hel- Oh wait, I'm a unicorn! Silly me!" She giggled, blushing in embarrassment. "Should I make a spot light or just set the whole maze on fire?"

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Violets eyes widened. "S-Set the maze on...f-fire?" She asked. "We cant do that to Eve..." She said, touching one of the hedges with her hoof. "We'll find our way out eventually. Unless you know how to teliport." She said, slithering down a path and stopping to look back at Amour. "If you get on my shoulders you could probably see above the hedges..." She said, looking up at the top of the hedges.

Something something something something


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Amour smiled apologetically, "Yeah sorry, I get hysterical and the opposite of rational sometimes." She then shook her head, "Oh sweetie no! I'll have you know that I weigh a lot more than I look, and I wouldn't want to injure you!" She took a minute to think, "Oh I do know how to teleport! Kind of..." She giggled nervously, "Sometimes ponies end up missing a few...Things. But they get them back eventually!"

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Violet shook her head. "I'd kinda like to keep all of my body parts. And I used to wrestle my two older brothers so trust me, I can probably lift you." She said, smiling...which showed off her fangs so she quickly looked back up at the hedge. "Maybe we should just walk till we find the exit...it cant be that hard." She said, looking around a corner hoping to find the exit.

Something something something something


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Vesper ran up to Evergreen and immediately grasped her in a big hug. "Eve! Friend! Thank you for invite to party!" he cheered, still hugging her. He had a big smile. "Oh, big snake at party. I scare away for Eve! Good?" he asked, letting her go. That big snake was awfully scary.

Eve was caught off guard by the sudden greeting and hug. She nearly fell over from the enthusiasm and force of it. "I... Oh! Hi, Vesper!" After his remarks, though, she shot him a piercing look. "You did what to Violet?" She sounded rather like a mother scolding her foal for drawing on the wall.

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Eve was caught off guard by the sudden greeting and hug. She nearly fell over from the enthusiasm and force of it. "I... Oh! Hi, Vesper!" After his remarks, though, she shot him a piercing look. "You did what to Violet?" She sounded rather like a mother scolding her foal for drawing on the wall.

"Who Violet? I saw snake! Big snake! Mean snake! I told her to go away! I said 'Go away mean snake! No eat!' and she left. She won't eat anypony here!" he said proudly, unaware of what he had done. He smiled at her, but then smiled when he saw her expression. "Why you mad, Eve?"

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"Who Violet? I saw snake! Big snake! Mean snake! I told her to go away! I said 'Go away mean snake! No eat!' and she left. She won't eat anypony here!" he said proudly, unaware of what he had done. He smiled at her, but then smiled when he saw her expression. "Why you mad, Eve?"

Eve dropped the scolding manner. Now, she merely sounded quiet, disappointed. "Because that snake was my friend, Ves. Because she's not a snake at all, she's a naga, a pony like you or me. That wasn't a very nice thing to do, you know." 

She sighed, and stood up. She shot a look at Frost out of the corner of her eye, as if wishing him to know she'd still like to talk at some point despite this minor inconvenience, and said, "She's probably run off in tears by now. I'm gonna have to go find her."

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Eve dropped the scolding manner. Now, she merely sounded quiet, disappointed. "Because that snake was my friend, Ves. Because she's not a snake at all, she's a naga, a pony like you or me. That wasn't a very nice thing to do, you know." 

She sighed, and stood up. She shot a look at Frost out of the corner of her eye, as if wishing him to know she'd still like to talk at some point despite this minor inconvenience, and said, "She's probably run off in tears by now. I'm gonna have to go find her."

"Vesper been bad? Snake pony? Snake friend? I didn't know....I'll say sorry! Where is she, Eve?" he asked, looking worried. He wanted nothing more than to make friends. He just saw Violet as a big snake that wanted to eat him before...But now he knew that she was a pony friend. "I fix."

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Oh, look who showed up again.


"Well, Remmy, do you want to walk arond, meet other ponies...do you want to, well, do something?"


Help! Somepony, help!


Slide's ears perked up as he heard this. "Remmy, somepony's in trouble! They need us! I think it came from inside the maze! Is there anything you could do to help me find the mare in distress?"


Remmy, you're cute and all, but I'm going to rescue the princess. And if she's in another castle, I will hunt her down and save her.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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While trotting through the maze Hop had found herself at a nice quiet area and decided to settle down for a few minutes. She didn't know why she had come to the party in the first place. She's been by herself, save the few minutes spent with Eve, but not that she mind really. The garden itself was more than enough to occupy her time without having to scocialize around others for the night. Still, deep down she wished there was somepony she knew here. After a little bit Hop got back up and began looking for an exit until she realized she could just fly over the hedges, but that'd be boring.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Draco sighed slightly as he heard the cry for help. "Think for a moment you cocky idiot. If you go into the maze your self you might get lost," Draco said as he ruffled his wings. They already ached from his delivery in the zebra lands. He cursed slightly in zebracan as he took flight once more. He flew over the maze "Hey you two look like your in trouble!" Draco yelled out to the two ponies in the maze.

~Fire Sky~ ,DarligPegasi, Windy Scamper

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(Sorry i've been inactive today, it's been a rush around here)


As Dusk and Minty approached the ponies, he figured he'd find the hostess by the fact that she was the only pony who he had not seen enter the garden yet. He didn't get a great look at her, but he did see a shade of green coat when he first entered the garden, and made his way over to the mare. While he didn't feel much like talking to somepony new, he had to, for fear of being rude and kicked out of the party. 


As he was about to speak, he had noticed that Minty had been rather quiet, and glancing back, he saw that she was making an attempt to hide behind him. A smile crept on his face, and he practically "daw'd" right there and then. 

"E-excuse me, m-miss?" Was about all he could manage in speaking to who he assumed was the hostess. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"So what? Maybe I can help!" He screamed as Draco flew away.


"Celestia, I hate him," he muttered under his breath.


And I thought Windy Runner was bad....


So you're just going to sit here and do nothing? Don't let him go so easily.


Slide sprinted into the maze, trying to find his way to the mare who had called for help. "Hold on ma'am, I'm coming!"



<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Minty remained behind the stallion, until she decided to go away. She wanted to avoid any confrontation, more less talking. She went back to the lake and sat down behind a bush. She hoped nopony would find her. As she said, she wanted peace and quiet, nothing else. But she did want to continue talking to Dusk.


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"Vesper been bad? Snake pony? Snake friend? I didn't know....I'll say sorry! Where is she, Eve?" he asked, looking worried. He wanted nothing more than to make friends. He just saw Violet as a big snake that wanted to eat him before...But now he knew that she was a pony friend. "I fix."

Eve shrugged. "If I had to make a guess, she'd be in the maze, but I really don't know." She paused, and her ears were flicking as if listening to something only she could hear, then she said, "Yeah, she's in the maze, talking with somepony. I'll have the maze actually let you fly in. It doesn't normally allow for that. Cheating, you know."




(Sorry i've been inactive today, it's been a rush around here)


As Dusk and Minty approached the ponies, he figured he'd find the hostess by the fact that she was the only pony who he had not seen enter the garden yet. He didn't get a great look at her, but he did see a shade of green coat when he first entered the garden, and made his way over to the mare. While he didn't feel much like talking to somepony new, he had to, for fear of being rude and kicked out of the party. 


As he was about to speak, he had noticed that Minty had been rather quiet, and glancing back, he saw that she was making an attempt to hide behind him. A smile crept on his face, and he practically "daw'd" right there and then. 

"E-excuse me, m-miss?" Was about all he could manage in speaking to who he assumed was the hostess. 

(Don't worry about it. I'll be working next week, so I'll be posting little too when that time comes.)


"Go ahead, then, Ves. I gotta stay here." 


She turned to the new pony, and after shaking her mane out of her eyes, she said, "Miss?" She smiled kindly. "You don't have to call me miss. Eve is fine."

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"So what? Maybe I can help!" He screamed as Draco flew away.


"Celestia, I hate him," he muttered under his breath.


And I thought Windy Runner was bad....


So you're just going to sit here and do nothing? Don't let him go so easily.


Slide sprinted into the maze, trying to find his way to the mare who had called for help. "Hold on ma'am, I'm coming!"




Violet looked up at Draco and shrugged. "Just lost. Which direction is the garden, Mister Pony?" She asked, just as she heard another pony...sounded like another colt, calling out to them.

She looked at Amour and raised an eyebrow. "Apparently your screams can be heard all over Equestria." She joked.

Something something something something


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