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private Party in Eden RP


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 Remmy's face lit up with about the amount of adorableness way as Vesper's voice. "Aw of course. You can call me Remmy! It's very nice to meet you Vesper!" She smiled at Vesper. She noticed his wings, and how they looked bat like. She also noticed that he didn't have the other features of a bat pony. What the? That's odd. She continued to smile at the adorable bat pony thing. Remmy found it rude that Slide wasn't responding to Vi. She honestly was starting to like this pony less and less.

"Remmy! Like Remmy! Remmy pretty too!" He smiled at her cheerfully. He couldn't contain himself though and hugged her just like everypony else. He let her go with a soft squeak. He then addressed all of the mares. "What you doin'? It fun? Listen music? Talk? Vesper come too?"

Edited by Mellon Collie
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Draco rolled his eyes. "Yeesh is that all you can play. Can you play something a little smoother," Draco said as he hover. He noticed the glare at glared back "You judge me when you don't know the circumstances that led to this point so don't get involved," he said over the horrendous noise. He coughed and said "You know Slide your being rude to Miss Violet here by not responding to her," Draco said with a slight edge to his voice. The wound on his face didn't stop bleeding. "Sorry if I left you behind Remmy. You see I like to help ponies who are in trouble," he looked into Remmy's eyes. He then looked to Amour and Violet and tipped his fedora.

((I like the song but Draco is more along the lines of swing artist))

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Remmy nodded. "Oh it's entirely fine. You left first anyway so I was fine with Slide." Or so I thought. She kept a smile on her face. She now was beginning to actually figure out what happened. Draco had left to o comfort Vi, who Slide was ignoring at the moment. Then Slide had left without even bringing her along to say some damsel in distress. And by the sounds f it he did a pretty crappy job. Remmy definitely had lost all attraction she may have had towards Slide.

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Draco sighed and asked "Don't mind me saying this Remmy but do you like Slide here?"  he shrugged "Not judging if you do buuut he seems full of himself. Sure I seem like I am too proud too but I have a reason for that," Draco said with a slight smile to his muzzle.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@dragon4111, @Ampharos, @~Fire Sky~, @DarligPegasi,


Vesper had things to say, but he didn't know how to put them to words. He decided to tuck them into the back of his head and just try to be friendly. He butted in and asked everypony. "What do now? Ponies want talk or play or something? Friends like fun!" he said happily. He grinned at all the ponies. "Bring Draco too! He best friend!"

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@, @[member='dragon4111']@[member=Ampharos]@[member='DarligPegasi'], @Marathon
Eve had arrived in the clearing where everypony had gathered, and where the stage was situated (The stage I never said existed :/). Most of the ponies looked pretty cheerful, and she spoke up so all could hear. 

"There's a table filled with different fine wines and ciders over there," she called, pointing over towards a table in the corner of the clearing closest to the vineyard. "All made right here in this garden."
Her heart skipped a few beats when she heard more singing. Assuming it was Draco again, she turned, only to see Frost up there on stage. Him singing she was fine with. She sat down and contented herself to watch him perform for a few minutes.

Edited by Descant

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@@Windy Scamper,



Violet smiled as Frost began to play and absentmindedly tapped the tip of her tail to the beat of the music...until Draco asked Remmy if she liked Slide...right in front of Slide. "Oh come on." She stood up and glared at the two colts. "Both of you need to grow up, you think getting mares or saving them is all a competition? And you ask pretty mares like Remmy who she likes RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE COLT? Even if...whoever that is (Slide)...has been a little rude to me, I don't care, that gives me no reason to be rude right back at him, both of you need to learn to be friends and grow the buck up." She said, glaring at them before slithering off somewhere more quiet to listen to the music, feeling very sick of these colts.

Edited by ~Fire Sky~

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"It's a policy of mine Violet. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth," Draco said. "A direct approach to things like this is better then sneaking about. If it breaks his heart so be it he'll just get tougher," he said as he shook his head. "Whatever then I'm not the type to coddle anyone," He sent a glare to Eve. She was being a petty little mare.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Remmy nodded. She felt relieved that she didn't have to lie/say the truth and hurt Slide's feelings. "I agree with Vi. You two are acting like little fillies. But I thought I should make a point that Slide has been ignoring Vi. But then again Draco is trying to provoke some type of... something. Seriously. Grow up." Despite what Remmy had said she was fairly attracted to Draco. If he could prove that he was a stallion and not a little colt then.. well, who knows?

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Slowly, a dark figure had come up close to the gates of Evergreen's party, observing them as if he has never seen them before... Well... He really has never seen them before. Every part of the forest that he had lurked through, there had never been any sign of him coming across some sort of gate like this before... It had almost made him want to observe it more.. And so he did, taking a few steps before hearing some singing from some distance aways... The hooded cloak he had on was a easy sign of him not showing a visible cringe on his face.


"What... This noise... pains me..."


((By the way, if someone were to talk with Grass, no one would be able to see his face unless he took off the hood. Just to prevent those god-modders.))

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@@Ampharos, @, @@Windy Scamper, @, @@dragon4111, @,


((Wow, I think I just 'mentioned' every pony in this rp. xD And I'm sorry about the stage thing Descant! I just assumed that the entertainers were on one.))


"Ooh, wine!" Amour squealed, eager to steer the conversation away from whatever hay storm it was heading towards. She nudged Remmy, and Vesper towards the table"Let's go get--" She broke off and grinned sheepishly, she doubted anyone at this party had the intention of getting wasted with her. "--Get hydrated!" She finished.


She left the colts and stallions to themselves, mainly because Slide was being rude to Violet, and Draco and Frost's little spat was wearing on her mood--


"OH. MY GOSH!" She whisper yelled to Remmy, and Vesper. "What if they're in some crazy love triangle with Eve?" She squealed. "What if Eve and Draco were together and then Frost comes along and Draco finds him attractive, and he thinks Frost thinks the same but Frost actually likes Eve, so then they all break up but Eve and Frost stay friends and now they've come together for the final SHOWDOWN OF THEIR LOVE!" She shrieked. Quickly shoving her hoof in her mouth to force herself to be quiet.



(( :D I love using Amour. Ehehe))

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Violet simply shook her head at Draco's response and slithered over to where Eve sat.
She sat down across from the mare and rested her head on the table. "Having friends is haaaard." She wined...more as a joke in an attempt to lighten up the mood slightly.
She looked up at Eve and sighed. "Your garden is really pretty, Eve. And...thank's for inviting me here." She said.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Remmy gave Amour a quizzical look as she followed her. "For some reason I doubt that. Your name was... Amour right?" She liked how enthusiastic this mare was. It was fairly entertaining. But she didn't like how she was... OH what's the word... Shipping! She's shipping people in real life? That's kinda weird I guess. 

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Frost grinned as he prepared for the final moments of the song, singing the last few verses with feeling. "I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies~ This is the dawning of the rest of our liiiiiiives: this is our lives on holidaaaaaaaay!" With a few more strums, he finished the song as he spotted Eve with the others listening in on his performance. Bowing, he stepped off the stage, dragging his case with him and sitting down with the others. Well. That was fun.


The pegasus was far from done, but it didn't hurt to take a small breather. Giving Amour a strange look for her outburst, he turned his gaze to Eve and scratched his mane with a hoof. "Sorry it's nothing like my sister's silly Nightcore shenanigans, but it sure feels good to play for you guys." His eyes motioned to Draco as he sighed. "Some ponies just don't know what true music is, do they?"

Edited by Seraphim


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Draco coughed slightly then said "Really now I'm a colt? Really now that's funny you know.  There's two stallions here that are being colts," Draco pointed to Artic then to Slide. "I've been hurt all day alright. My patience is at an end. Tell me Miss Remmy I said to you that I was going to go help Violet and Amour. Well guess what happened one decided to challenge me to something. The other probably thinks I want to one up him. Look Miss Remmy save your judgments till you know me better," Draco said slightly. His anger was at the boiling point. Draco walked past the mares to grab some whine. "Tch I came here because my friend past on this thing. Hmph bet he's laughing his arse off," he muttered as he drank abit of wine.


"Judging me before they even know me it's like the Zecora incident all over again," he said aloud. He heard what Artic says then he finally let his anger out but his eyes were dead but there in his eyes were the fires of rage. He walked to the stage slowly.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Ampharos, @, @@Windy Scamper, @, @@dragon4111, @,


((Wow, I think I just 'mentioned' every pony in this rp. xD And I'm sorry about the stage thing Descant! I just assumed that the entertainers were on one.))


"Ooh, wine!" Amour squealed, eager to steer the conversation away from whatever hay storm it was heading towards. She nudged Remmy, and Vesper towards the table"Let's go get--" She broke off and grinned sheepishly, she doubted anyone at this party had the intention of getting wasted with her. "--Get hydrated!" She finished.


She left the colts and stallions to themselves, mainly because Slide was being rude to Violet, and Draco and Frost's little spat was wearing on her mood--


"OH. MY GOSH!" She whisper yelled to Remmy, and Vesper. "What if they're in some crazy love triangle with Eve?" She squealed. "What if Eve and Draco were together and then Frost comes along and Draco finds him attractive, and he thinks Frost thinks the same but Frost actually likes Eve, so then they all break up but Eve and Frost stay friends and now they've come together for the final SHOWDOWN OF THEIR LOVE!" She shrieked. Quickly shoving her hoof in her mouth to force herself to be quiet.



(( :D I love using Amour. Ehehe))

Vesper followed Amour not really understanding the concept of alcohol. He stared blankly at her after this little outburst. "Why fight? Love nice. Love for all pony. Vesper love Eve and Amour and Violet and Draco and Remmy and Frost and what's-his-name and lots of other ponies." He smiled at her.

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@@Ampharos, @@dragon4111,


Amour grinned, "Yeah that seems pretty over the top, huh?" She laughed. "I'm always thinking of huge elaborate back-stories for everypony I see." Her parents had already told her multiple times that she needed to stop that before she got in trouble, but she couldn't help it.


When Draco walked past her, she sighed. She had been ignoring the stallion because well really she didn't have many stallions friends because they usually got weird on her. And also because he had been acting a tad immature earlier. But she greatly disapproved of ganging up on somepony and at the moment that was what it looked liked to her. The stallion just seemed a bit...Cocky and not accustomed with social manners.


"Hey, listen, Draco. I admit that you aren't the only pony being immature here, but you aren't entirely innocent, am I right? It's like Vesper is saying, 'Everypony should love everypony' and all that. But maybe you should...Love Eve a little less and tone it down a bit." She suggested.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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@@DarligPegasi, ((Draco walked away already...))


Remmy giggled at what Vesper had said. She then turned to Amour and leaned in so she could whisper. "Don't stallions make fun of us mares because we're so dramatic?" She emphasised the end of her sentence with a bucket load of exaggeration. It was pretty ridiculous how these stallions were fighting with each other like two fillies fighting over a toy. Remmy giggled at the thought. 

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"I did stop but really I'm mad because she can't seem to get past a grudge and I keep saying it was mutual when we broke up. The reason was simple. We both didn't have enough time to eachother to give the attention the other needed. You want to know something funny I wanted to come here to make things right but she wants to hold a grudge and blame it on me so be it let her be petty. You want to say I'm being immature Miss Amour look to the hostess then to the other guests. Go through what I go through on a daily basis then you can judge me," Draco said with an edge to it. "I'll be by the lake drinking," he said as he flew off to the lake with a flask of fire whiskey.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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((Yeah, but Amour was heading to the wine table anyway...))


Amour laughed and nodded emphatically, "Exactly! And they call us drama queens." She trotted over to the table and took a glass of a bright yellowish colored wine. She was about to gulp it down, but stopped and swirled it around in her cup. When she attended weddings she saw the older more 'sophisticated' ponies do that all the time. She took a sip, closing her eyes in delight.


((Darn ninja! D:))

She sighed in response to Draco's answer, but before she could say anything else, he flew off. You just can't get through to some ponies. She thought.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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((Yeah, but Amour was heading to the wine table anyway...))


Amour laughed and nodded emphatically, "Exactly! And they call us drama queens." She trotted over to the table and took a glass of a bright yellowish colored wine. She was about to gulp it down, but stopped and swirled it around in her cup. When she attended weddings she saw the older more 'sophisticated' ponies do that all the time. She took a sip, closing her eyes in delight.


((Darn ninja! D:))

She sighed in response to Draco's answer, but before she could say anything else, he flew off. You just can't get through to some ponies. She thought.

Vesper followed behind cheerfully as he poured himself a glass of some liquid which he didn't recognize. It smelled nice though. Like grapes. He loved grapes. He took a sip. It was good!


He then turned to Amour.


"Exactly! And they call us drama queens."


"Amour queen?"

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@Everybody in this conversation....


(Fine. @dragon4111 and But that's all I'm mentioning, because I'm a selective participant, which is totally differet than lazy.)



Slide raised an eyebrow at Draco. "Oh, you're the one talking about judgement and grudges. Please tell me how you've treated me all night..." (Condescending Slide.)


Slide then turned and walked over to where he saw Vi, with some other mare. "To be honest, I don't know how I've been rude to you, Vi. Remmy said she already knew you, and I really didn't have anything to say to you otherwise. If you adressed me, I'm sorry if I missed it, but if I ever came off as rude, I promise, it was a mistake."


He looked at Vi, trying to.make this up. "So, I'm sorry. Really, I truly am. I hope you can forgive me for being...me. Oblivious and stupid."

Edited by Windy Scamper

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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@, @@Ampharos,


"What?" Amour asked, turning to Vesper. "No, no I mean drama queens. You know ponies that act super silly because of little things." She clarified, but now that subject had been brought up...."But I would probably look good in a tiara. You too, Remmy! Ooh, a silver tiara with a ruby in the middle would go great with your mane!" She called after the mare, downing the rest of her glass. "Oh and Vesper! Maybe a golden circlet for-for you-hoo!" She squealed, grinning wide. She definitely shouldn't have had a drink, she was never good at holding any amount of alcohol.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Draco looked at her with one eye "Yeah?" Draco simply asked. He was looking over the lake with his flask in his hoof and brought it to his lips. He slowly took a sip of it as he looked at Remmy with a critical glance. Was she here to gang up on him again or something else. Honestly he was just done. eve kept saying it was his fault when he knew that it wasn't. He took off the bandage on his forehead and replaced it quickly. He finally says "Tell me do you know what a courier has to go through to get the packages to their clients?" Draco asked as his voice was without some emotion to it.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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