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What do you think happens in the human world after the events of EG?


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Just think about it: all of Canterlot High now knows that both magic and another world with magical talking ponies exist. Not to mention that the portal to that world happens to be RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR SCHOOL. Considering that magic wasn't known by humans to exist before the events of the movie, what do you think happens now? Does Canterlot High reveal it to their world (not sure if anyone will believe them though)? Or do you think they keep it a secret to avoid some sort of potential catastrophe? What do you guys think?

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Celestia  and luna do something to the statue, like having it moved so no one can easily access it. Sunset shimmer explains all about Equestria to everyone, which gains their trust which she needs  for trying to turn them into slaves. Then everything resumes to normal or better than normal because shimmer is nice now. Until... the sequel? The rest of the world remains in the dark.


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Well, they don't exactly know that magic exists. Sunset Shimmer hypnotized them into mindless zombies and the mane 6 snapped them out of it with magic, but the high schoolers didn't see it. Only the human mane 6 six saw it. They didn't see the portal either, because most of the school cleared out by then. But they did see Sunset Shimmer turn into a monster. They probably only think the crown was enchanted, not the Element of Magic in another world. Twilight never told that to the school. Besides, the portal closed after Twilight re-entered it to get back to Equestria. 


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But the other students saw the humane 6 with pony ears, wings and "tails" after they were freed. How will that work out exactly?


Well I'm not sure that it is actually the human world, but more of some weird parallel dimension where things like that might not be to uncommon.


We barely know anything about the world, though I do admit that it was a bit weird that all the students accepted it so readily.


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But the other students saw the humane 6 with pony ears, wings and "tails" after they were freed. How will that work out exactly?


Maybe they thought it was a costume, and the flying was some kind of wire and pully trick. I don't know, but I don't exactly think it was our world. Everyone had odd skin tones and wierd names for regular people, so it would make sense.

Edited by Midnight Shimmer

Enter the Forest...

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I think that Sunset Shimmer became friendswith the other 5 and the human world got it's own"mane 6". Who knows it's possible I guess that they got their own magical powers and could be defending the portal. In the long run I bet you anything that rainbow dash after experiencing the freedom of flight tries to become a "Blue Angels".

  • Brohoof 1


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I think if its anything like our world it'll be on the news and alot of people will probably not believe it(With good reason)


The portal won't open for a long while, so I doubt they can prove much with it, but they may decide to move it regardless to prevent any accidents.


Sunset shimmer has to fix the school and many other things, is probably not trusted well for a while, but eventually cleans up and does her service to the school and stuff, then the rest of the mane 5 humans teach her about friendship and stuff and life goes mostly normal(As normal as highschool gets.)


My assumption though, who knows honestly, and who knows if the world will ever even be mentioned again?


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Celestia  and luna do something to the statue, like having it moved so no one can easily access it. Sunset shimmer explains all about Equestria to everyone, which gains their trust which she needs  for trying to turn them into slaves. Then everything resumes to normal or better than normal because shimmer is nice now. Until... the sequel? The rest of the world remains in the dark.

Sunset Shimmer might tell wonderful stories of her adventures in Equestria and write a book about it. Everyone will be amazed by the stories she tells.

"I am your princess now, and you will be loyal to me!"




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The govt comes in and takes control. All students and faculty are drafted into govt service with or without their consent. The town itself, disappears, and becomes a govt black ops center. Anyone with knowledge of magic becomes a govt operative for the rest of their lives (knowing magic is knowing "Too Much"). The govt takes control of the portal and only pre-approved, loyal agents learn magic from here on out.


Students and faculty who already know magic either work for govt or die. American magic rules the world. Magic and technology are mixed. Magic nukes with intelligence (and programed loyalty) float in space. Military robots enhanced with magic take over the battlefields. No other country can stand up to the combination or magic and technology. Magic computers, a 1000 years in advance of what we have today, are now in possession of the govt.


The USA opens diplomatic relations with Equestria and the Crystal Empire...but keeps it secret from the public and the world. One of the agents becomes corrupted and allows Sombra to enter the Human world. Sombra kills the agent, runs for office, and becomes president.


President Sombra takes over the world, and spends 80 years consolidating power. With the human population transformed into mind slaves, the plans for the conquest of Equestria begin.


Only a team of misfit bronies Can save two worlds now...

Edited by Silverhoof
  • Brohoof 1
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The human culture of EG is not the U.S.A as we know it, or even necessarily an alternate "U.S.A."  It could be a Northeastern Union or Republic of Seattle or something else entirely.  It's as likely (if not more so) to be a small, peaceful nation rather than a global superpower.  We can observe a number of cultural differences that could add up to it being a very different society. 


1. Despite the technological similarities (internet, mobile phones, etc.), the humans of Not Quite Earth apparently do not have Photoshop or comparable digital image-manipulation software.  This is evidenced by the fact that Sunset has to resort to old-fashioned cut-and-paste photo-forgery in her attempt to frame Twilight for vandalizing the dance decorations. 


2. Notice the soccer goals in the scene with Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and how they are elegantly crafted in wrought iron with sweeping curlicues.  Modern Americans would never employ that much aesthetic effort for sports facilities at a school.  The stark utilitarianism that dominates our built environment and artifact design does not appear to have taken hold there.


3. The range of skin colors for the humans.  Either they have a completely different range of ethnicities, or they have a custom of dyeing skin and hair to personal preference.


4. Names: their naming customs follow those of Equestria rather than our Earth ("Flash Sentry," "Pinkie Pie," etc.). 


5. Dress: significant differences in fashion, such as platform calf-boots and flared miniskirts.


6. Fluttershy is able to smuggle animals into school in her backpack with apparent ease, and Twilight does the same with Spike.


7. Twilight is able to move about freely on a school campus and even interact with school officials without attracting suspicion or being asked to provide documentation to verify enrollment.



#6 and #7 point to a significant difference that's relevant to the question: no post-Columbine/post-9/11 security state.  There was probably no era of Cold War paranoia to lay the foundation for a security state (CIA, NSA, etc.) or spawn a literature of "alien invasion" sci-fi, judging by the reaction of the other girls when they learned that Twilight was an alien.   Unfortunately, the events of EG will probably be their Columbine/Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


The first thing that will probably happen is all of those kids whipping out their smartphones to take pictures and video of the destruction and/or record their memories of the event for "YouTube" videos.  Due to the apparent absence of a security state, militarized police forces, etc., it is unlikely that a force of "Men in Black" backed by armored SWAT teams will show up in time to confiscate the students' phones and cart them all off to some equivalent of Area 51 before any of their data hits the 'net. 


So, it will come out to some degree or other, that an alien came through a dimensional portal and used an alien artifact to wreak massive destruction at a school.  When police investigate, they will discover that the alien in question infiltrated their society for a number of years prior to the attack.  The school will be closed, and the portal sealed off for study and security.  The school will be turned into a barracks and offices for a military unit tasked with guarding the portal and making sure that no other hostile aliens come through.  Sunset's infiltration, the destructiveness of her attack, and the fact that she entered their world through what was believed to be a mundane object--and of course the fact that her target was a school--will almost inevitably trigger the kind of paranoia that the humans of NQE do not seem to have.  Their society's innocence will be shattered.  Efforts will be made to learn how to detect other alien infiltrators (welcome to your new life as a lab rat, Sunset Shimmer) and alien portals.  Until such efforts bear fruit, people will have no way to know who among them is an alien, or whether other public monuments might contain portals to hostile worlds.


On the other hand, since they do not seem to already have a security state in place, their society might respond with more transparency and openness than ours would.  If Sunset could receive a fair, public trial, and perhaps even media interviews, her explanation of events might help calm tensions.  Even so, the re-opening of the portal (if Celestia does not seal it from the Equestrian side) will probably be followed by a rather tense meeting between humans and ponies. 


On the other, other hand, a hastily-crafted security apparatus assembled by a society in the throes of shock and panic might go overboard in the direction of paranoia and desire for control.  It could conceivably react worse than ours, since our security apparatus has decades of experience in the spy-vs.-spy game, special operations, etc., well-developed systems of scenario planning, a legal framework to operate within, etc..  NQE's new "alphabet soup" agencies will be inventing everything on the fly, in response to a threat even scarier than the Cold War or Middle Eastern terrorism.  


In summary, the events of EG are likely to have a profound, and damaging effect on the human society of Not Quite Earth.

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Sunset Shimmer might tell wonderful stories of her adventures in Equestria and write a book about it. Everyone will be amazed by the stories she tells.

This eventually becomes a TV series MLP FiM and there are 4 seasons made and a film which massively hints at her story!!! Wait equestria is real :o!

  • Brohoof 1


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I can't really say, but I'm going to assume that word got around town about the supernatural things that happened on the night of Canterlot High's Fall Formal, and that some news station or authority would've wanted to make a news story out of it or start and investigation on how this happened. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if Sunset Shimmer got in trouble with the law, and had to face accusations of what our justice system calls first-degree murder. (No idea what it's called in Not Quite America.) However, the principals would've wanted to keep this under wraps, because they wouldn't want their school exposed as a supernatural landmark to the rest of Not Quite America, and since both of them (as well as most of the student body) saw that (human) Twilight went through some portal back to where she came from (Equestria, but they couldn't know that) that closed only moments after she went through it, there would be no point conducting an investigation if they couldn't track back (human) Twilight. Also, Sunset Shimmer was purged of her temporary evil through the Element of Magic, (It supposedly united with those who helped create it. Who knew.) forgiven, and given consequences to abide by. (Remember when Principal Luna tasked her rebuilding the whole front of the school? Yeah. Besides, considering her bad reputation was already at a head before all this happened, it's going to be difficult for Sunset to redeem herself after all the terrible things she's done to the entirety of Canterlot High for what I'm guessing have been going on for several years now.)


I already posted this idea on another thread, but I like to play with the idea that one of the students noticed the portal closed when the moon eclipsed, and checked on the portal over the course of two and a half years as well as paying attention to the moon cycles. Perhaps they noticed that when the moon eclipsed over the portal two and a half years later, the portal wall rippled, and he wanted to check it out, only to find themselves faced with a decision to stay in the world they are so used to and know so well, or have their life begin again in a brand new world that the odd, plucky purple-skinned girl who won the Princess of the Fall Formal title two and a half years ago had supposedly come from. Wouldn't it be interesting if they wanted to go take a chance and explore this strange new world? Wouldn't it also be interesting if they brought along some friends or a mate that was also interested? They could be exploring the portal to find a supernatural mate just like the human Twilight, (Maybe they secretly admired her some time ago..) or it could've been part of a stupid dare their friends put together, but basically, you could have a character from Not Quite America explore or potentially start a new life in Equestria. You could use all sorts of motivations for them to do this, or people they could go along with, and have a ton of interesting character development for this person as they get used to their new pony form and come across all sorts of supernatural phenomenons, creatures, and other ponies while in Equestria.

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Kim Jong Un finally gets the klaut launch his offensive after he hears there's chicken and waffles breakfast combos and magic talking ponies in America. (Two things he's dreamed about since childhood and still doesn't have)

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I choose to believe, that Sunset's actions will eventually get revealed and spread throughout the town. She'll probably be arrested by the Men In Black or SCP foundation.


Canterlot High will also be locked down or something with all of its students and teachers being under watch for mutation or revealing the incident to the public.


The human Mane 5 will probably meet Twilight's counterpart and said counterpart will start dating Flash.

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer:


First Contact


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I think Celestia and Luna move the statue to prevent anyone from trying to run into it.  Sunset has to repair the school, then repair her reputation,  I don't think the news media works that well in that world so it probably wouldn't be on the news.   The students will never forget it, it was a huge event that linked two different worlds.  


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i think that a couple of days after the MLP EG events happened Twilight (the Human) would transfer "mysteriously"(melancholy of haruhi suzumiya reference) to canterlot high from the city (based on what pinkie pie said)


nervously she tries her best to fit in in her new school sensing that she transfered right in the middle of the semester ergo she expects to be rejected by her schoolmates, so she lifted her chin and stood tall with pride expecting the worst moments of her high-school life to begin but lo and behold its the opposite of what she expected happened, she is treated like a princess and even adored by the people there and later she finds out why (after seeing a picture of Twilight (the pony) and her friends in the fall formal dance), confused and lost she begins to investigate this and after her investigation she was pointed to the direction of Sunset Shimmer and the gang (pinky,AJ,RD,Rarity,Flutters) and was shocked to discover the truth (but the shock was lessened as Pinkie Pie was the one who explained it all and in her normal nonsensical fashion as well).


After a while mysterious things started to occur around town, and twilight the natural curious person that she is investigated( i always had this image of twilight as a detective novels fan) she later found out that the things that started to occur was unnatural and that it seemed like it wont be stopping anytime soon, her investigation led her to Sunset Shimmer and started to accuse her of masterminding  the entire thing and thanks to the MLP EG events no one in canterlot high trusted sunset shimmer and she was placed as suspect no.1,knowing this Sunset Shimmer ran to try and clear her name but only to get caught by Twilight(the human) and the gang, Sunset Shimmer seeing no chance of escape desperately tried to convince her new and beloved friends that she was innocent and that she herself was investigating the events that occurred, and to be expected no one believes her (rainbow dash even did the "Are you a Spy" routine on her) but twilight being unbiased in all this (as she wasnt in the MLP EG events) started to believe the story Sunset Shimmer told as it made sense and later she stopped the girls from interrogating her any further and convinced them to pursue the actual perpetrators, Sunset Shimmer found out that the cause of the events was the sudden burst of magic from the Element of Magics use awakening the Magic that lay dormant around town causing havoc but twilight believes that the chaos being done in town cant just be an act of random events but feels like a planned act. As their investigation unfolded twilight and the others was lead to the Museum (i know its cliché but it works) where they find thieves trying to steal ancient artifacts that was found in a castle near the edge of town and also the thieves seem to have a certain aptitude for using magic and magical equipment, gravely outmatched the girls attempts to foil the thieves failed and it seemed that they themselves would face a fate worse than death but in their moment of darkness the girls rallied together and in one fleeting moment they exemplified the elements that made them great(Rainbow loyalty,Pinkie Laughter etc etc) and thus awakened the artifacts that was being stolen granting the girls (sunset shimmer excluded) the power to fight the thieves and thus saving the day.


As sunset shimmer watched the girls use this worlds version of the elements of harmony she felt an ache in her heart and a sorrowful tear fell from her eye for a moment and as the fight was finishing she composed herself convinced that this was her punishment for all the wrongs she has done and go and congratulate the girls. But at the back of her mind echoing loudly she felt a piercing pain, jealousy and loneliness of being left behind by her friends


After the events in the museum twilight and the gang reported to the town mayor with celestia and luna to inform him of what transpired (excluding the magical things), twilight stated on her report that the thieves were using advance technology and that it was this tech that caused the disturbance around town after which the mayor congratulated twilight and her friends for their heroism and warned them that next time they should have asked for assistance with the local authorities and commended celestia for raising such admirable children. After the meeting with the mayor twilight and the gang gave celestia the proper report and twilight stated that the thieves werent working alone and that it seemed like only the beginnings of worst things to come she also believed that the artifacts the girls now hold is key to stopping them in which celestia agrees and instructs the girls to keep them safe and to avoid using them in public, after the girls left celestia instructed luna to start continue her investigation on the events that transpired and if there was any link to the other world, also celestia seems doubtful of the mayor and even though the mayor and celestia are alumnis of the same college celestia never trusted him (i would like to depict the mayor as Discord only less chaotic as it is a mask he keeps to avoid suspicion) and warns luna to keep an eye on him


The girls new to the magic they now possessed started playing with them only ending with disaster, in which later Sunset Shimmer volunteered to teach the girls how to use magic.


and thus the story of continues on :D


this is what i believe the Spinoff series would sound like if it were actualized 

Edited by Lunas Sorrow
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