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Watching Pondah stand blankly and return to his old ways caused Bubble's ear to flick.

"No. You're going to listen to me!!" She scolded: years worth of repressed frustration surfacing all at once. "I get it! I really do because contrary to popular opinion I am capable of understanding things that aren't sunshine and rainbows! I understand that you had possibly the worst possible start in life! I understand that you're vulnerable, that you're broken and unsure of yourself! I do!!" She lectured loudly, venting her frustration all at once on the unfortunate target.

"But pushing ponies who care for you away? Trying to lock yourself inside this... this emotional barrier you've built yourself? It's not just keeping pain out anymore is it? It's keeping it in! And until you start to see that you're not alone and others care for you then you won't learn to care about yourself!"

She panted as her breath returned and seemed to be about to make another verbal lashing when her attention was caught by a flicker of light catching on the brass frame of her sisters goggles: letting out a minor scream of frustration she tore them off and hurled them across the room.

"Start to let ponies in if you want to let yourself out!" She yelled indiscriminately in the direction of the fallen goggles.

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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That was utter dynamite!



The instant Bubble began her rant, Pondah jumped. He turned to face the assaulting words and had no choice but to stay and listen. The frustration and fury filled the room with an air of hostility. Bubble's words were bullets, tearing into Pondah's body and alerting him to the biggest threat in the room.




The anger ended with a pair of goggles being thrown across the room. They hit a nearby wall with a tremendous thump with a chip of crystal smacking into Pondah's neck. He did not cry. The fire in Bubble's eyes burnt with the brightness of a thousand suns and with glared into Pondah's like a laser beam. Pondah let out a shaky, worried breath.


"I understand..." ​Pondah said quietly, his eyes unable to escape Bubble's furious stare. "I'm sorry I've locked you out. Even though you've held the answers, I've been too stupid... too satisfied with my feeling of subservience to see that you're the ticket out of my mental incarceration."


​Pondah moved tentatively towards the door with his head hanging low, hesitating should another verbal barrage by fired his way.


"I need a moment outside; I've got a lot to think about."

Edited by Sir. Loin
  • Brohoof 1
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Bubble Burst. She's quite aptly named, I think. :P



"I'm not a ticket to anywhere - you need to listen to yourself, not me! Thats what I'm trying to tell you!" She shouted through tears of frustration - years of suppressed negative emotions cascading through her and blinding her to anything else that might happen: every moment of anger and sadness, every time she had smiled and shut feelings that she didn't want to feel inside so that they wouldn't rub off on others...


"I'm going back to the hotel" She said blankly, her willpower finally running out. She needed to be alone: to get herself under control. She wasn't smiling. She needed to smile. How was she going to make others happy if she couldn't smile herself? "I've got something to do."

  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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The ponies that Caramel had cheered up eventually dispersed in smiles and laughter, leaving her with the same feeling. She shook her mane and looked towards the shop door. Must not be goin well...she thought. Suddenly, she sniffed the air, inhaling that oh so familiar smell that almost all ponies from Appleloosa knew...Ember's not gonna be happy... 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Eventually the door to the shop swung open and Ember trotted out, his saddlebags noticeably more full than when he went in.  He glanced around before he saw Caramel, trotting over to her with a smile on his muzzle.  "Sorry I took so long!  The ol' stallion running the shop was happy ta work out a deal with me, but only if I proved I knew what I was talkin' about...  He made me take a couple tests ta show that I knew what the reagents did.  It wasn't too tough, I think he mostly was lookin' for somepony to talk with who understood what he does..."  


Ember shrugs and smiles again.  He had his basic stock back, and a couple new reagents to play with that the shopkeeper had thrown in special for him.  "So what's our plan now?  Don't we still need to figure out a place to set up?"  The young stallion was trying really hard to ignore the storm clouds in the sky.  He knew it was likely a foal's hope, but if he didn't pay them too much mind they didn't worry him as much.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Caramel shrugged but kept a smile for Ember, "I don't really much know Ember...Smells like our hopes won't work. There's a storm a brewin." She dropped her head as her mane covered her face, her happiness fleeing her almost as quickly as it arrived. "I'm sorry Em...I wish there was somethin I could do."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Ember forced himself to look at the storm clouds as she brought them up, unable to ignore the fact any longer.  He sighed, his ears going back as he looked at them.  "Hey, no need for you to be apologizing.  There's nothing either of us can do about it.  If the weather team needs to schedule a storm, than it'd be selfish for us to be complaining...  We can always perform tomorrow if the storm lasts through the night!"


He smiled at the mare again, trying to put on a positive face.  In reality Ember was trying to keep his legs from shaking.  Those many clouds...  That's going to be a lot of rain...  Oh Celestia help me, she's going to think I'm a helpless foal if this storm happens...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sky heard the entire conversation from the break room, and could only think "WOW, I better never tick that mare off."


Leaving the break room, he noticed that the entire office was empty with the exception of a pare of goggles. Goggles that Bubble loved. "She must have been really angry to throw these at him."


Suddenly, the clock chimes indicating it's time for the storm to start. As he picks up Bubbles goggles and puts them around his neck, and puts his on, he walks out the door to see Pondah sitting there.




"Wow, are you really that dumb." he said as he smacks him in the back of the head lightly. "Even I could see she cared for you, and you just threw it away!.....Wow! I've got a storm to start, you can take the rest of the day off. If you don't have anywhere to go, you can sleep in the break room. Now if you'll excuse me...."


As he flew off into the storm clouds, kicking it as hard as he could creating an eerie shadow of himself on the ground when the lightning flashed. After a few more kicks than needed, some to get out frustration, the storm was under way.




From his perch high in the thunder clouds, he could see a familiar mare walking through the storm. He flew over and poked a hole in the cloud so she wasn't getting drenched.


"Bubble! Wait!" he said from high in the clouds as he flew down, a clash of lightning behind him. "I remembered how much these meant to you, and I didn't want to see anything happen to them." as he takes her goggles off his neck and sets them near her.


"Since we're done for the day, would you like to look over my designs....one engineer to another...." he said with a smile, hoping to cheer the mare up a bit.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Always lookin at the best of things huh Em?" Caramel asked admiring his positive nature. "Tell ya what, for all the stuff you've done for me, I'll treat ya to a little thing us Appleloosa ponies do when it rains. Follow me!" Suddenly, Caramel trotted with renewed happiness thanks to Ember. 'Bet city folk like Ember ain't ever had as much fun' she thought to herself, giggling a little. The pony loved storms and rain. She always had. As the water began to erupt from the sky, Caramel laughed and jumped happily towards Ember.

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Ember blinked as Caramel trotted off, looking around and trying to quickly catch up with her.  "W-wait, where're we going?  Shouldn't we be finding somewhere to take cover?"  Even as he spoke, the thunder rumbled and lightning flashed overhead.  The storm seemed like it was going to start any second.  The unicorn didn't even flinch at the sound or the flashes of light, but he knew what was going to follow soon... 


As he opened his mouth to suggest finding someplace to get inside again, the first of the raindrops landed on his back.  Ember froze.  It was just a lil' rain, it was just a lil' rain, it was just a lil' rain...  But even as he shut his eyes and tried to think this little mantra to himself, the rain started coming down harder.  This was a real storm, not some light rain, and to Ember it felt like the tiny droplets were a river coming down on him.  He couldn't help himself:  The normally-happy stallion screamed like a scared colt, shutting his eyes tighter as his legs started to tremble. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Ember's scream made Caramel jump back in surprise. She sat wide eyed at Ember as he squealed and stiffened up. After a few hesitant seconds, she reacted, "Ember! Ember, are you okay?!" Quickly running over to him, she put her hoof on his shoulder with a look of worriment painted on her face. "What's wrong Em?!" Caramel was looking at him directly and seriously as her mane slowly trickled with the water that began pouring more and more from the sky.

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"I'm not an engineer Sky! Look at me!" Bubble snapped helplessly. "Do I look like an engineer? Or a Scientist? Or anything that matters at all?" She snatched up the goggles angrily and continued moving, shouting ahead of her as she did. "I cant do what I was supposed to... cant even do the stupid thing I deluded myself into thinking was my talent!"


The hotel came into view: she hadn't taken a single wrong turn on the way.


"I just need to be on my own for a while. Figure out what I'm supposed to do with myself..."

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Ember opened his eyes at her touch and turned to look at her.  By the look in his eyes it was clear he was on the verge of panic, barely managing to stutter out any kind of coherent thought.  "I-I-I....  W-w-w-water...  C-c-c-can't..."  Ember bit down on his lower lip to stop himself from screaming in fear again, glancing around helplessly for any kind of shelter from the rain.  His breathing was starting to quicken as the rain came down harder and he looked back to Caramel, hoping she understood what he was trying to convey.  A couple of small sparks flew out of his broken horn, though they did nothing but sizzle into nothingness in the damp air.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Bubble, you are talented. Even if your not an engineer, I would appreciate your feedback on the designs of my Gravity Railroad. I'll just leave a copy of them with you. If you want to look them over, please do. Just bring them back to the weather office tomorrow and I'll leave you be. Sound like a plan?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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When she looked into Ember's eyes, Caramel could see the terror but didn't understand why. The rain wasn't helping either. She needed to get him somewhere where he might calm down so she could understand him better. With abnormal strength for a mare, Caramel grabbed Ember quickly like he was a hay bale and hauled him on her back speedily to a small overhang on the side of a building near the park. She knew it would be best since no pony was there, as she wasn't wanting to embarrass Ember. When they arrived, Caramel set him down softly. Then, without a second thought, she held Ember in her hooves while speaking soothingly, trying to calm him down,"It's okay Em...please tell me what's wrong Em..." She could feel him trembling.

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Getting out of the rain helped, though just the sound of it hitting the overhang still caused Ember to tremble.  It took him a few minutes before he was able to speak, staring wide-eyed at the rain outside.  When he did finally manage to speak his voice was quiet, and he forced himself to look down at his hooves just to take his gaze off of the rain.  "I...  It's the water...  I can't..."  The stallion sighed and shut his eyes again.  "It's a long story...  I'm sorry, I don't want to bother you."  He lapsed back into silence for just a minute, lashing at himself mentally.  She's been nothing but kind to you, and you freaked out like a foal on Nightmare Night...  You at least owe her an explanation.  


Ember started his story without opening his eyes again.  A couple tears squeezed through the cracks of his eyelids, but he didn't care.  He just assumed his coat was soaked enough they wouldn't even show.  "When I was a little colt, I worked on my pa's rock farm...  One night after a heavy rain, I was carrying a couple bags of stone back to the barn.  The mud was slick and gave out under my hooves, and I slid into the creek...  It was up really high because of the rain, and I didn't know how to swim.  Especially not with saddlebags full of rocks..."


He opened his eyes by now, staring down at his hooves again.  "I blacked out...  I thought I was going to die.  I woke up on the bank with my pa and uncle looking over me...  I...  I haven't been able ta stand water since..."  Of all things, Ember actually chuckled softly at this point in his story.  "Mom was at her wits' end trying to get me to bathe for a week after that...  I couldn't go near the tub without freaking out."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Caramel didn't like to see her friend so upset. Being gentle, she hugged him softly while petting his mane like her ma had once often done to her,"It's okay Em," she whispered caringly, "I understand...I wish you'd have told me before it got to here." As she felt Ember's heartbeat slower as he progressively calmed, Caramel smiled kindly. Caramel could never have imagined how different Baltimare would be compared to home. It brought out many things in her that she had rarely ever felt before. She chuckled a little as she still held Ember in her hooves, "Some city...isn't it Em?...I want you to know...I am happy to have met such a kind and courageous pony as you Em." Caramel looked in his eyes once more with a smile, the rain reflecting off her sapphire irises.

Edited by Aero Orchard

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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As Rut-Light was walking along the sidewalk, progressively becoming more wet due to a storm he had no idea about; he heard an oh so familiar voice shouting at somepony else near the hotel that he was near.  'Bubble...whats got her so riled up?  What ever it is, it's clearly pissed her off.'  as he watched the scene play out, he found himself slowly taking steps backwards, his eyes were wide with surprise as the seemingly always cheery mare went off on the orange stallion like a stick of dynamite; this also caused his monocle to pop out and clank on the cement.  'I'll just go back to the library...and wait for Bubble to stop acting like a psycho...'  With that thought, he turned on the spot and high-tailed his way back to the library.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

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Ember chuckled softly as he tried to look away.  "Courageous?  I just got scared half to death by rain..."  He brought his gaze back up to meet hers though, starting to grow more aware of her hooves around him.  The stallion blushes, but the sound of the rain keeps him where he is.  Returning her smile with a small one of his own, he manages to mutter "I'm...  I'm really glad I met you too Caramel.  And...  Thank you...  And I'm sorry."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Caramel chuckled lightly again at Ember, "You have nothin to be sorry about Em." With one last soft squeeze, she released the stallion and stood, helping him up as well. She suddenly looked at him worriedly, "If that's the problem though...how'r we gonna get anywhere? It looks like the storms just gettin ready to start." 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Pondah's head dropped even lower as Bubble's fury was concluded with a strike and lecture from Sky. He saw the two move away in the same direction and by focusing hard enough, he could hear their conversation. With a frown as deep as those he had during his childhood, Pondah made his way back into the office. He sat in a chair and began to think aloud.


"I used to think that the world was against me, that it was on a mission to make life as much of a challenge as was within its power to do so. I used to believe that being banished and sent to the moon was a blessing; that it would protect you from the horrors that the world tries to unleash upon you on its quest to inflict pain.


I believed in the old mantra of 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.' I realise now that words do hurt. A stick or stone can break a bone but a word will wound you deeper and it will stay with you forever and poison your mind with hate. I considered myself strong enough to handle my past, strong enough to try and recover alone. I see that now, more than ever, I do need help.


The world isn't on a mission to hurt me.


I am."



  • Brohoof 1
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Bubble stormed up the steps to the hotel, stumbling more than once as she did before collapsing completely from the distress at the top.


"You're wrong Sky!" She said in a voice that was trapped between a snarl and a sob. "I don't know anything, I break everything I touch and... and..."


Blanking, she froze up for a moment before pushing herself to her hooves.


"Tell Pondah that I'm sorry for inconveniencing him for me. Right now, I just need to be on my own..."


She looked at Skycoaster with an uncertain, forced expression.


"I'm fine." She assured him with a wavering smile and cheerful yet cracked voice. "Honest!"

  • Brohoof 1

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The world isn't on a mission to hurt me.

I am."

Pondah shuffled towards the cleaning cupboard with these words still weighing on his mind. He picked up a hard dustpan and brush and began to sweep the carpets as he thought.


'I've become my worst enemy. I hate seeing ponies ruin the lives of others but I've been ruining my own life all along. I've become the one thing that I hate more than anything else.'

'Well then, what are you going to do about it?'


​Pondah stood bolt upright when he heard the new voice in his mind. His dilated pupils scanned the room for something that could be the source of the voice. From what he could see, he was alone.


'Who's there? Show yourself!'

'Damn it! You say you want help yet for the second time when you've been offered some, you become scared. You don't want to change!'

'I do! I don't want to stay like this.'

'Stay like what?'

'Stay like what I am. I've cooped myself inside and believed that it was doing me good. I thought that being a recluse would be good for me and that by staying alone I would be safe from all of my troubles.'

'It didn't protect you from your main trouble. There was one thing holding you back more than anything - yourself. So tell me, if you want to change, how will you change?'

'I don't know...'

'Exactly! You don't know because you haven't thought properly about it once! You're satisfied with eating from bins, you're satisfied with running from your troubles and you're happy to make others fret and worry about your pathetic life you're doing nothing to change! You don't care that your actions are hurting you, just as long as you can delude yourself into thinking it's good.'


'Awww... what's wrong? Is wickle Pondee Wondee sad now that somepony has shown you how stupid you are? That's so sweet.'


With a thunderous clack, Pondah threw the dustpan and brush to the floor, his head pointed straight toward the door and the sorrowful look in his eyes had been replaced with one that burned with the flames of determination. He stomped hard on the floor.


'Enough! I don't know who or what you are but I will prove you wrong. I'm not going to be the failure they said I'd be and I'm not going to let myself be destroyed by myself. It will be hard and there may be blood, sweat, tears or any combination of the three. Even though you've insulted me, it has given me the smack in the face I've needed.'


A smile etched its way into Pondah's face as the fires of determination burned brighter than before.


'There we go! That's the epiphany! You keep that determination going and you'll conquer this challenge. Now finish up here, apologise to Bubble and get to work.'

'I will! Thanks... whatever you are.'

'Still desperate to find who's helping, eh? I'll tell you something. Look in a mirror at somepoint. I, your hero, will be staring back at you.'


A wild 2132 characters of pep talk appeared!

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Ember tried to walk closer towards the rain, but couldn't bring himself to do it.  Shaking his head he backed against the wall, focusing on keeping his breathing even before looking back to Caramel.  "I...  I can't go out in this."  An overhang like this was in no means proper cover, but at least he was staying mostly dry...  "But that's no reason we should both suffer...  You should go find somewhere comfortable to wait through the storm.  I can catch up once the rain lets up."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Caramel shook her head, "Ain't no way I'm gonna leave you here alone so you can just drop it, I'm stayin Em. Besides..." the mare walked over casually to Ember before plopping down next to him, "I like the company." She looked out at the rain longingly as the water splattered on the streets and small bits of lightning cracked across the sky. "You know Em...ever since I was a filly, I've always loved the rain." Caramel spoke as though in a trance, "Back before I got my cutie mark, there was a year when not a dang bit of rain or water touched the farm. Crops couldn't grow and the railroad looked to buy us out...then when there was nothin else to do but sell...it rained. I was so happy I went out and danced and wrestled with my family in the fresh mud. That was what I wanted to show ya Em...that by the miracle of rain, my family survived."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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