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Thunder Dash hurried to the bar as fast as he could. He soon found it and a band was about to start playing. He quickly ordered a burger and apple cider as he listened to the music the band played. This band was an amateur band, who were playing only simple stuff.      

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Caramel tried to be polite with eating the food, but when the pancakes covered in apple slicing came out, she couldn't hardly contain herself. She merely nodded as Ember continued to show she was listening while she gobbled down the delicious meal. It was hard not to laugh as she watched Ember's expression. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Skycoaster watched as Pondah ran off to tell his friend about his job. He looks up to the sky and lets out a grown as clouds fill the sky.


"Where are they...well at least I should check the forecast for what Cloudsdale wants...Crap! Evening thunderstorms. If I pull this off by myself, somepony needs a promotion, and somepony else is getting a good swift kick in the flank! Three of the to be precise!"


He began to use his hostility towards Baltimare's lackluster weather team to give himself the energy to clear the old clouds to allow the storm clouds to move in.

Edited by Skycoaster

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"We wont be late!" Grinned Bubble as she bounced after Pondah, thoroughly enjoying having a reason to burn off some energy as they raced through the hotel and out from the lobby. Passing a few of the colts who had helped her carry her most recent purchases as they did. 

The sky had started to become dotted with clouds as Bubble and Pondah left the hotel lobby. He ran ahead and began leading Bubble to the point he'd met Sky. The day was still young and as a result, the streets were very quiet. With the local area drilled into his mind and the bare streets, the pair reached the meet-up point in a very short time.



"Sky!" ​Pondah shouted. "We're here!"

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@, @,



Skycoaster was working frantickly trying to get caught up. Only one of his pegasi even bothered to show up, and she was late. She wasn't the best, but at least she was loyal.


"OK, I'm going to finish up. Thank you for coming. If you see your co-workers, Let them know that if they don't show up tomorrow, there fired. You are now Co-Captain of the Baltimare weather team. You've earned a break."


Sky looked down after hearing Pondah's voice.


"Hey guys, Whats up?" He said with a grin, hoping that somepony would finish that joke for him. 

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Clouds?" Bubble guessed with a flight of her ear - what a curious thing for him to ask. Surely, as a pegasus, he was in a better position to know than they were? "Birds? Oh! Princess Celestia on a really warm day!"


She was trying, to her credit.


"Hey Sky! Ponder said you wanted to see us about fixing the weather or something!" She said happily, knowing full well that nopony expected earth ponies to be any real help dealing with the weather.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @@Skycoaster,


Sky laughed a bit at Bubble's remarks. "I was refering to me being up here." He began to land near the two so he wouldn't have to shout.


"I only had one pony show up today to clear the skys with me." he said with a grown. "What I was hoping you two could do was maybe getting things organized on the ground. Somepony has to keep in touch with Cloudsdale...Through mail of course, and I need somepony to run the paperwork for getting us some more help, do you two think you can handle that....wow! those are some sweet goggles! Do you think you'd be able to get me a pare? I don't know how many clouds I got in the eye today while clearing them."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Oh, these?" Bubble asked, removing the goggles and marveling at how much easier it was to see now that the world wasn't covered in an aqua hue. "I don't think so... they're my sisters - she made them out of,... Apatite?" She explained, clutching the lenses close to her for fear of losing them. "Anyway, they're for sciencing, not flying!"

  • Brohoof 1

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Ember chuckled and grinned at Caramel through a mouthful of his breakfast, but was too hungry to keep talking until they had finished their meals.  After the last bite was gone and he had settled paying for the food, he nodded towards the door with a smile.  "Well, should we go for a walk in the park?  On the way to the store I need ta visit, at least?"  Ember adjusted his saddlebags out of reflex; they were much lighter than he was used to, and he kept thinking they weren't on right.  Moving to the door before the mare could reach it he holds it open for her, one of his ears flicking.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Wow, She made them? That's amazing. Some day, do you think I could meet her? I've got an idea for a machine. I have the blue prints in my room." He said with a huge smile. "I've got the layout done, but I needed somepony to run the stresses on the track for me. Do you think she could do that?"


Skycoaster looked up as the storm clouds began to arrive from Cloudsdale's weather factory.


"This is looking to be a doose of a storm....We may need some supplies to.....weather it." he laughed a bit.


"My bosses set me up a small office in downtown where I'll put you two to work. I need to find me some goggles so I can get this storm kick started....Unless one of you two want to help me do it!" He said.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Caramel smiled thankfully as Ember opened the door for her, "Thank ya mighty kindly Ember, thanks for the meal, and thanks for everythin." She trotted out the door and waited for him eagerly, "I promise ya I will give this here city the best songs mah heart can sing." The sun seemed to light Caramel up as it rose above the horizon, causing her to breath in and exhale peacefully. It was going to be a good day, she could feel it. Another smile crept up her face as she felt a calming breeze sift through her mane that shimmered in the glistening daylight. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Rut-Light stopped a few feet from the store and just asked himself why he was going to get more models, he had an entire 6 ft tall book case dedicated just housing half of the models; the entire collection costed him around 1,231 bits, excluding the track.  So Rut-Light decided to go somewhere else to enjoy his day off.  As he trotted the streets of Baltimare, his deep blue eyes looking around at everything, observing and watching; not in a bad way of course for seeing things in motion isn't a crime.  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

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@ and @Skycoaster


"Where is this office?" ​Pondah asked. "I can probably do more to help on the admin side of things. I might struggle with the whole flying thing."


​Pondah looked skywards at the dark clouds drifting their way towards the three ponies. They were already beginning to leak rain onto the ground below. Suddenly, a flash followed by a deafening crack bombarded Pondah's senses.


"So what needs doing?" Pondah queried with a quivering voice. "It doesn't look like we have very long before this storm arrives."

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Beaming at the lightning and starting to bounce in place almost as if she had derived some kind of energy of her own from it (which of course, she hadn't) Bubble wondered for a brief moment about what lend of machine Sky had been working on before almost bursting into a fit of giggles at the thought of how amazing it would be if Cinders machine worked this time.


"I don't know, she doesn't really life near here. Maybe." She shrugged to sky before looking back to Pondah.


"Wow, without some more ponies working of the clouds they might end up in a singularity of growth at this rate!" She babbled, not really paying attention to the words that were coming out of her mouth.

Never quite forgotten.

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Ember hurried to catch up to Caramel, hesitating for just a moment as the sunlight catches the mare.  Blushing and hurrying to catch up before he could get caught staring, he smiles at her as they start to walk.  "Oh, I'm sure ya will!  We'll give ol' Baltimare a show like they haven't had in ages!"  He laughed; even though he was the one talking about their plan, he was getting caught up in the excitement of it too.  One of his ears flicks as he hears what sounds to be thunder in the distance, turning his head to see the stormclouds that Sky's weather team is trying to move in.


"Oh no..."  His good mood starts to disappear, his ears drooping, but then he shakes his head.  Stay positive, Ember!  Stay positive!  "Hopefully the weather ponies can get that storm over before nightfall...  Fireworks are great after a fresh rain!"  The unicorn forces himself to smile again, leading Caramel towards the park and the destination store on the far side of it.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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The oh so familiar sound of thunder made Caramel frown, "I hope so Ember, ah really do." Her spirits brightened when she saw Ember in front, leading her through the maze of a city. He seemed to always be happy, even in the hardest of times...Caramel admired that and his quick thinking. She trotted happily behind Ember, almost dancing as she followed. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@, @,



"Oh, Ok....I'll tell you about it when we get to the office. It should be near by."

Sky looks up to see water leaking from one of the clouds.


"That's not right. Looks like number four needs fixed again."


He looks back up to the storm. "Don't worry, it needs to be....Kick started before it will start. Fallow me and we'll get some gear and I'll show you."


Sky walked to the nearby office. It looked like nopony had been there in ages. The windows were covered in dust, as was the whole place. He pulled a key out of his saddle bag and unlocked it. The cloud of dust shot out, covering his face and causing him to sneeze. After some time had passed, he looked to the two. "After you.....I guess your first job as part of the weather team is to ....CLEAN." he said with a laugh.  "I'll be right back. I need to get some flight goggles. I shouldn't be more than a half hour."


As he flew off in the direction of a store that would carry them.


"I'll take the best pair you have," as he showed his weather factory badge.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Pondah coughed and covered his face as dust flooded the air. "Urgh!" ​he protested. "This is disgusting! You're so lucky have those goggles." ​Looking inside, Pondah saw that the office was just a regular office with desks, chairs and a hideous amount of dust. "Where do we even start in here? There's more dust than things of worth!"

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"It's simple, just jump right in!" Chirped the mare before bounding into the room, dust billowing up with each step. Reaching the far side, she stopped and blinked for a few moments - wondering why it was so hard to see before she reached up and rubbed the lenses clear with a foreleg.


"We just need to open some windows, show it a bit of love and hard work... it's not such a big deal!" She declared happily as she waved a hoof through a particularly dense cloud of dust, watching it swirl about in the air through the aqua-tinted lenses.

Never quite forgotten.

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Following Bubble's advice, Pondah made his way into the office. He worked his way round the edge of the room, opening the dust smothered windows as he went. The windows opened one by one and the room was flooded with light. Silvery particles of dust floated in the light. "Much better!" ​Pondah exclaimed. "Now we can actually see what we're doing." 


​The number of draws and cabinets in the room gave Pondah a sneaky idea and a devious grin spread across his face. "Hey Bubble," ​Pondah said. "Let's add an incentive. Anything interesting you find, you keep."

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@, @,

"Thank You." He said to the store clear as he is handed a pare of Wonderbolt grade goggles. "Just be ready of a doosie of a storm today. You've been do for rain for about a week, and this is how we catch up."


He waived a hoof and exited the store to fly back to the office.


About a half hour had passed since he had left. He could notice three desks in there now from outside. He was hovering outside, watching through the large window in the front of the office.


On the large desk under the map of Equestria, he noticed something sitting on that desk, There were hoof prints around the dust only in that paticular area. It was a somewhat thick file and he could notice his name on it. The last pony to use the office must have had his file pulled, but why?



Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"I don't want to keep any dust!" Bubble giggled, causing her to inhale a good about of dust and sneeze violently - leaving her sat on the ground in a cloud of swirling particles still giggling to herself. "I'm going to need a shower after this... I don't think jumping in the lake will be enough."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Skycoaster,@, @, @,  @,



Thunder Dash soon found himself sitting in with the amateur musicans. He played a very technical solo, which left just about everypony in the bar in awe, looking at him. They weren't really used to having such a talented musician as Thunder Dash in their bar. After a few songs, he left to go and find some others to hang out with. 

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"You're not sure if the lake will be good enough?" ​Pondah enquired. "That sounds like a challenge to me. That being said, I haven't got a shower and unless we find one in here, I'm stuck with the lake."


​Pondah began to move the desks and chairs outside of the office. As they were made of a very light wood, even Pondah could move them by himself. A large dust cloud obscured Pondah's vision but he could see the cause. He walked towards Bubble and extended a hoof to help her up.  

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Grasping his hoof, Bubble pulled herself upright and grinned. "Thanks! See? We're making progress already! Well, you are..." She said, perfectly aware of how useless she had been so far. "We'll figure something out! You can't keep using that lake: It'll be dirtier than you eventually, and then what?"


Making a start at actually doing something useful, she started to push some of the heavier pieces of furniture towards the door, watching Pondah over her shoulder as she spoke rather than looking where she was going.

Never quite forgotten.

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