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Twilight, over powerfull?


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I really acept of twilight been an alicorn since she learn about friendship and to have that special and powerfull magic EVEN without the elements.


(Like Princess Cadence when she was with Shinning Armor, she didnt have the cristal heart and she defeted Ween of Changes)


But... She got the most powerfull elements of all of equestria, she is the studient of Celestia, his brother is from the royal guard, she have access to the most important library AND NOW SHE IS GOING TO HAVE A BOYFRIEND...Isnt she having...idk... over powerfull? She is having more than Celestia.

  • Brohoof 3



ID: cloby604

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Nope. First, Flash Sentry won't be in season 4 so a boyfriend is unlikely. Second, yes her Element is important, maybe most important, but she wouldn't have found it without her friends. As she said herself:


I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful.


Yes she is very lucky pony, and powerful, but she never took her gifts for granted and if anything is too modest. She's fine power wise. If you don't believe me listen to honest Applejack:


Your magic is a part of who you are, sugarcube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend.


Everything will be just fine!

Edited by Nature Spell
  • Brohoof 4

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


My short stories

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But... She got the most powerfull elements of all of equestria, she is the studient of Celestia, his brother is from the royal guard, she have access to the most important library AND NOW SHE IS GOING TO HAVE A BOYFRIEND...Isnt she having...idk... over powerfull? She is having more than Celestia.


Because clearly having a boyfriend gives you power. Not like, you know, gives you a partner you can weather stuff through and rely upon. xD


In all seriousness, no, I don't worry about Twilight being OP'ed. I think she's going to be just fine, I trust the writers enough.

  • Brohoof 4
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To me I always thought all the other unicorns were under powered. Twilight being the only unicorn to really use and study magic while the others don't, but this all thanks to her destiny being magic. Twilight as you said is also the element of magic which means she even more inclined with magic  


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Twilight is just learning the new perks, that a unicorn must learn when it comes to lessons. Twilight isn't really too powerful but, with her skill and knowledge of everything that relates to magic it shows the tasks that Twilight will face in the future in Season Four or at least later in her life.

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she is the studient of Celestia, his brother is from the royal guard, 


 Clearly Twilight Sparkle is overpowered because it can change genders. What's a studient, by the way? I know she's a student. mlp-dscrunchy.png
























Nah, i'm just yanking your chain, mate. I believe the writers have a good idea of what they're doing. Don't be afraid of change! mlp-aexcited.png


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Currently no, but whether or not she ultimately will become overpowered in season 4 is possible but we don't know enough to really say one way or another yet. She is extremely powerful but is because of her years of training, hard work and study. It is true that has amazing talent and did get lucky a few times but talent means nothing unless it is properly channeled.

  • Brohoof 1
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In Equestria, magic is like a science. One of the reasons I think Twilight is so good at it is that she studies it like her life depended on it. This is why Twilight seems to be more powerful than other unicorns, other than the fact that magic is related to her talents. Though I always thought Rarity to be quite powerful (or practiced), considering how many objects she can hold with precision and her fashion show to Hoity Toity.


I'll only consider Twilight overpowered when she can hold a shield over an entire city against an assaulting powerful enemy. Or when we see her control both the sun and the moon.

Edited by moonlightavenger


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Keep in mind a character may appear overpowered if the writers do a bad job of portraying that character. Twilight is very powerful in comparison to other ponies in the MLP universe. That doesn't mean that she is too over powered, it just means that the writers will have to approach her character in a different way in order to show conflict. Remember, regardless of what she has now she is still a pony that suffers from OCD, social awkwardness, fear of rejection/loss, and general anxiety. Trust me, she's got plenty of flaws as well as strengths to her character to make her interesting. 


If you want to put it into perspective, Celestia, Luna, Discord and possibly fully grown adult dragons are stronger than Twilight in both magic power and finesse. Without her friends, Twilight would lose in a one on one, all out magic battle against any of those mentioned above. 


One final thing to take note, it seems that if you can injure the horn of a unicorn you could destroy their ability to cast magic. I'm just basing this on the episode of Gabby Gums where Sweetie Belle flicks Rarity's horn in order to cease her magic levitation. It is a possible approach to temporary de-powering her though. 

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I don't think she's overpowered at all! As tough as she is now, there's still spells that she cannot do that only a true master/high level unicorn can perform, as mentioned in the episode "Magic Duel."

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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Twilight is powerful in comparison to most ponies and unicorns in the show, true, but she isn't overpowered. Remember, she studies magic majority of her free time, so it's not surprising she learns new spells daily and her magic becomes more powerful. I doubt her magic will become as strong as Luna or Celestia, even with all the time she spends learning about magic.

  • Brohoof 1
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If Twilight's magic is the main concern of her being overpowered it still would be an odd question.


'Cause really, throughout the show Twilight's magic being uber-strong and amazing to.... not uberstrong and just somewhat amazing. Her magic basically adjusts to mostly whatever the plot demands.


Granted, I might get suspicious if i see Twilight moving the sun and moon by herself, but even she does pull of some deus ex machina (I find even that doubtful though), I doubt we could really tell much difference compared to what we've already seen Twilight do before she became an Alicorn.

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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I dont understand why she cant just blast a hole through all who defy her will. Or even just levitate them 1000 of feet in the air and drop them. And Dashy for that matter If she goes like over mach speed during the sonic rainboom cant she just literally run some one through. I know it's a kid show but i want to see Twilight make some pony's head explode! XD

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Twiligt OP? Please.


We clearly saw her unable to fly in Equestria Girls, leading me to believe that her flying in MMC was just a spurt of excitement.


Plus, she lacks any form of aggressive magic.

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer:


First Contact


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  • 1 month later...

the one time we saw a alicorn fight on the show she got beat up by a changeling LOL.


badly.  it wasn't evena  sneak attack.


So no alicorns are not over powered.

Twilight herself is, was already powerful to being with, her new wings if anything seem to be a hinderance


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Twily overpowered? Gimme a break. She's not over powered, she can't do age spells and gender changing spells at a whim. if she could then maybe but there is still significant magic out of her reach as hinted by magic duel and technically it's about time.

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