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Why do gamers fight over Xbox and Playstation?

~Rule 63~ Lyeco

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Hey guys,

I was wondering why does gamers fight which console is better? I actually had no problem with both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 because My dad bought both of them so he can play different exclusive games.

Why not just buy both so you just shut up and have peace for life :). Also My dad is thinking about if he can buy both the next generation Xbox One and Playstation 4.



Please answer


I will show you a proof soon that I have both Xbox 360 and PS3. And the games too:)

Proof that I have both Xbox 360 and PS3



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Because people are ignorant and simple minded!


Simple as that. 

If i want an Xbox i don't see why people need to go hayshit all over it.

If i want a PS4 its the same thing. 


My pro tip to everyone.


Mind your own business. People don't give a shit about what console you are going to buy and they won't change their minds just because YOU like the other one! 

  • Brohoof 3



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the platform wars are something that is not gonna be solved with just buying both consoles.

that being said, most gamers don't have the money to buy both consoles, so they have to choose for Xbox or Playstation or nintendo.

i have no money to buy both, so i am going to buy the playstation 4 only.


better hardware. less restrictions. better design. awesome exclusives.

but those are my opinion. and people tend to rub their own opinion in other's faces. 

i guess in hope that the others egree with their opinion

Edited by repsol rave
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I think it mostly has to with people want the game that they own be the best thats why the fan boys go off, for me i jave owned both xbox abd ps3 and they both have good games for em i ended up selling the xbox cause i liked the ps3 games better

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...You do know this isn't anything new, right?










Console wars have well been around since the olden days. Gamers want to feel that they made the better choice and that they have the superior console. It does get annoying, though. If I want a PS4, don't start freaking out about it. mlp-dscrunchy.png

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Okay, It's a joke. But yeah, I dont know. I jumped from N64 to PS1, then to Xbox, then Xbox 360 and finally to a gaming PC. If I go back to consoles It will either be a Wii-U or the PS4.


I buy things based on what I want: you get fanboys raging over all of the platforms and when they get too close the rage is truly a sight to behold. Best to avoid that in my opinion.

  • Brohoof 8

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...You do know this isn't anything new, right?










Console wars have well been around since the olden days. Gamers want to feel that they made the better choice and that they have the superior console. It does get annoying, though. If I want a PS4, don't start freaking out about it. img-1735592-2-mlp-dscrunchy.png

OH EM JEE, A SNES! :D I've had one if those before, they were awesome :3 I just wish I had the Genesis though :(


OT: Honestly, I think it's the stubborn pride that people get whenever they see a certain console they like. Most people tend to fanboy hard over these things and say that 'x' console is better than 'y' console...


I say it's pointless...


I personally like Playstation for gaming and Xbox for social interaction...


Though sometime later in life I would like to give the PC a shot and see how well that goes

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Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I don't know, I don't hate Xbox or Playstation but I'm sticking with Nintendo.  For some reason, they're always left out of the debate.  Also, I bought both a gamecube and a playstation 2 so it's not uncommon for people to buy both.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm sticking with Nintendo.  For some reason, they're always left out of the debate.


I don't know, I'm not accusing you or anything so dont get the wrong idea, but I've seen a good chunk of people who think that Nintendo is the only 'real' games console and that anyone with anything else is just a 'poser' gamer... On the mirror side you get the EXACT same argument coming from owners of the other two consoles about Nintendo players. >.<


And yeah, I had the PS1 and Xbox at the same time, same with the 360 and the Wii. Still got them actually: I couldn't NOT get the Wii when I saw Twilight Princess.





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  • Brohoof 3

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the way I think about it is the same way i think about everything it's okay to be curious of others opinions but it's not okay to shove it down everyone's throat this is how i think everything in life should but with that being said this is also an opinion




this made me think of a quote i don't remember what famous person said it though "to each is own" it's a short quote but respectable nonetheless

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I guess people fight over it cause they're elitists.

They also feel the need to say "you're dumb, I'm smart, stop thinking things I don't think" because they want to have the superior choice.


It's like the whole PC gaming master race elitism. People who don't use it as a joke need to lighten up.

Gamers are gamers. Gamers play games. Doesn't matter which you play.

So shut up and play.

Edited by Kobato
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"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I don't know, I'm not accusing you or anything so dont get the wrong idea, but I've seen a good chunk of people who think that Nintendo is the only 'real' games console and that anyone with anything else is just a 'poser' gamer... On the mirror side you get the EXACT same argument coming from owners of the other two consoles about Nintendo players. >.<


And yeah, I had the PS1 and Xbox at the same time, same with the 360 and the Wii. Still got them actually: I couldn't NOT get the Wii when I saw Twilight Princess.






Well, I'm not saying Nintendo is the only good console because that's a matter of opinion.  Personally I buy a console for the games and since Nintendo has all the IP's that I love (and are still living), I see no reason to go to other consoles.  Level 5 could easily get me to buy a PS4 though if they really want to *cough*dark cloud 3*cough*.  


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Gamers are gamers. Gamers play games. Doesn't matter which you play.

So shut up and play.

He is right you know. (Awesome short poem anyway ;) )

This is somewhat true to gaming war we have today

No matter what game console it is.

You are a gamer

No matter what console you use

You are STILL a gamer

No matter if you don't play Call of Duty or Battlefield

You are STILL a gamer

No matter if you own a Xbox one or a Mac

You are still are true gamer

As long as that specific platform has many games

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Because psychologically speaking people love, and I mean, LOVE, belonging to a team, literally the same thing that causes national pride. Another reason is that it validates their purchase. As in, "My console is better" is said because they don't want to admit that there is anything better they could have wasted their money on.


Another factor that likely contributes to the arguing is that they might really just be fanboys, but being a fanboy goes back to the whole "Being part of a team" thing.


As for which console is actually better, the answer is neither because it's an opinion question. People say the Xbox has inferior hardware to the Playstation but that doesn't matter because the Xbox doesn't use it and has a huge selection of games. The Playstation has the Blu-ray drive and the free online, it's really a trade off and is comparing apples to oranges.


Personally, my experience went like this chronologically for main systems


I went from SNES to N64, from N64 to Playstation, from Playstation to both Playstation 2 and Xbox, from Xbox and Playstation 2 to Xbox 360 and PC. Of course I do collect a ton of old and obscure systems but I don't really play them too often, partly because it preserves them, overuse might ruin the value.



My question has always been "why not both?", tis', in my opinion, yet another advantage PC gaming has over consoles.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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Because people cant handle that the Xbox 360 has better games and works better, (other then the rings of death.) Every third game on the PS3 has got major bug's and glitches and there are a ridiculous amount of Hackers on COD. (which is one of my favorite games.) The only thing the PS3 does right is there graphics which are spectacular in comparison to Xbox. Dont get me wrong i own both and i enjoy both but Xbox is my go to system for console gaming. But we all know nothing beats a tricked out custom desktop with a top of the line video card and awesome mod's for your games.

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As far as I'm concerned, I really don't care what console someone else buys. I've played on both the 360 and PS3 and honestly there's very little difference between them. In the end, unless you like the exclusives, there's no reason to think one is significantly superior to the other. I prefer the PS3 myself because the user interface is a lot more simply to navigate and playing online is free. That is going to change soon in the sense that you have to pay to play multiplayer, but considering I'm not into gaming for that, it doesn't affect me.


However, with the Xbox One and PS4, I can definitely understand how it affects others because afaik, and do correct me if I'm wrong, you have to pay to be able to use any Xbox Live service to begin with while you can still purchase DLCs and add-ons for single player games on the PS4 without having to pay anything. And there's also the matter of trust in the brand. After what Microsoft tried to do with the Xbox at first, I can see why previous fans, or some of them at least, would be weary. Add to that the Kinect cannot be turned off is also a turn off by itself and that it has too many other features that have nothing to do with gaming.


This is why I'm personally against buying the Xbox One but everyone has their preferences. If they're willing to buy a cable box and a gaming console all at once, fair enough. Afaik, most console gamers just want to play games and focusing so much on TV seems like a waste to me.

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It's just another silly thing to fight over. It's like Stone Cold vs The Rock, Razer vs Tornado, Messi vs Ronaldo. I just see this pointless fight as no matter what you pick, you're still a gamer regardless.

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I honestly think that the constant arguing over which console is better is predominately hold-over from prior console generations. Excluding the Wii, the consoles this generation seems to have a rather low number exclusive titles. many games over this generation have come to the competing console, and if I compare this to the prior generations of consoles I can name a whole lot more exclusives, yet this might be just due to my waning interest in home console games. 


Another main contributing factor to the constant bickering is because people do like to feel that their money was well spent on the console, especially if they can only afford one console.

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I think it's purely on what console you start off buying first.


Let's sum a little list up, shall we?



-The first console i had was SNES, that thing was awesome.


-Then i upgraded to a Gamecube (Luigi's mansion/Super Mario Sunshine = still best games, hands down.)


-A PS2 came after that (GTA was amazing when i discovered it)


-The Nintendo Wii (The motion tracking was REALLY bad for me though)


-And finally, the XBOX360 Elite.



Now, in some occasions i'd love a PS3 (The last of Us exclusive/no charges to online-play). But like, really, they both have their good and bad sides. It purely depends on what you get first. If you get an XBOX, most likely you'll diss the PS3, and the other way around too.


The point is : Get one of them/both, you can never get everything in life, even in stupid console wars this rule kicks in.


The Wii U? Don't get me wrong, but i found the Wii very annoying with the motion tracking, Smash Bros was fun though. But i'd rather stick with the Kinect (although you need ALOT of room for it).


I purely got the XBOX because "MOST" of the time they get games released earlier on their system. Also the look of the XBOX360 Elite made we go "wow, that thing must pack horsepower", because Elites were friggin' massive, it was like two Wii's stacked onto eachother!


XBOX got a slap in the face when "The Last of Us" was PS3 exclusive, just like "Halo" slapped PS3 in the face some years back. Just get a GameBoy Colours/Advanced, nobody going to fight over that.

The Trixieism thread !(made by Firebolt): http://mlpforums.com/topic/49269-trixieism/




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I actually have both PS3 and Xbox, but just because I grew up on the Sony consoles and most of the things you need on Xbox require money, I like PlayStation. But if I did have money for XBL, sure I will play both.

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well since i am a female i guess most would say "dont listen to her shes a giiirl girls only play BARBIE!" well thats not true at all i am a big fan of cod and mmo rpg games

I like all consoles

I dont know i mean when i was smaller i really liked the xbox (the orignal one)

then at the same time i enjoyed pc and ps

I likes age of empires on the pc because i loved the music and the way you can control people and build little houses and defend your village haha GOOD TIMES! c,:

but now of course we have much more advanced games with MUCH better graphics 

I mean dont we all remember pokemon when it first came out? you could get it in blue OR red "mummy i want the red one" "ok sweety" two hours later "mom my head hurts i wanna try the blue one!" yeah thats why i used to be scared of playi_ng other pokemon games...IT GAVE ME HEAD ACHES! haha
but now that we have much more advanced games i guess id depends on the cosole your using. most video games are best if there NOT based on a movie. but they are best if they were made for that console. it depends on what the user is most interested in

shooter, mmorpg, violent games etc those were just examples for example if you really like shooting annd mmorpg it may be best to get an xbox 360 since you can chat with friends and play online.

but the ps is good too

i guess the ps has been around for a looong time. I guess alot of games are good on that console too!

I also LOVE the playstation I cant choose i love all consoles mainly because ive tried pretty much all of themXP do you guys *know bajo and hex from good game? well Hex/Stephanie is my cousin!

personally i like all consoles even nintendo! 

I reeallly like the Wii U buut there is also a simular console to the wii U...The play station Vita now the play station vita is good too maybe not as good as th wii U but its good! ^^


well c ya!

With all due respects

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Anyone who fights over two consoles that share 80% of their libraries with each other obviously isn't really fighting for good reasons I should say. While it's true that some games are better on one as opposed to the other (I hear Bayonetta has extreme framerate issues on PS3) ultimately there is very little difference between the two ports of a game.


I stand by what I say: Console and company mean nothing. It's aaaaaall about the games.

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Because some people just can't seem to turn off their inner fanboy for one dang minute, sure I have my fanboy moments and preferences but the key is to keep them under control and not be a douche about it. When I was growing up it was the Super Nintendo vs the Sega Genesis and I loved them both but preferred the Super Nintendo. Fast forward a few years and it is the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, and as someone who owns and likes all 3 of them my personal favorite of them is the Playstation 3 because though most of the games for it you can also get for the 360 the exclusives it does have are in my opinion the best out of the 3 making it have the best variety of the major consoles in addition to having a bit more power and doubling as a blue ray player. There is nothing wrong with having preferences so long as you respect other peoples as well which is what I try to do because there is just no point in hating someone for preferring a over b or vice versa.

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