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private The Orphanage

Feather Gem

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((Oh damn xD two touchy subjects in one post xD))


"O-o-okay..." Sunset replied, but she still stayed curled up in a little ball.  Did he really think it was that simple? Even if nopony hurt her physically, there was still the possibility of emotional pain. How did he know that she wouldn't get bullied/ she had at school for the past month, even by her fellow orphans. She wasn't going to just believe a stranger when he said nopony was going to hurt her. She hid even further behind her mane.


Sweet Symphony felt tears stinging her eyes as he said she should make friends. She didn't want new friends. She wanted to be back home with Brightheart. (her best friend- used to be an OC I was going to make but meh.)

"I don't know," she said, choking up a bit at the end of her sentence.

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Mint Drop, ((Mwahaha))


Castor was unsure of what to do. This little filly was shy, and seemed to have a low self-esteem. "Hey come on, let's go get you something to eat." ​Castor got up and held out his hoof, smiling sincerely.


Pollux winced when she choked up. He hated seeing fillies sad or hurt. "H-hey I'm sorry if I said something that hurt you." Noticing his brother stand, Pollux got up as well. "How bout we go get a little breakfast huh?"

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Shade perked her head up from her little ball from the talk of breakfast... She looked at her stomach as it growled... She moaned as it growled, she needed food and love... Love she can barley live without... But food was a must... But she was too scared to face the ponies and ask for food.



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Sunset wasn't sure what to say, but her stomach answered for her with a low growl. She nodded a tiny nod and uncurled from her ball. She didn't quite trust him yet, so she slipped off the chair and stood on her thin legs, pretending she hadn't seen his extended hoof. 


Sweet Symphony tried to stay calm. "I-it's okay," she said. "Just... umm.. a memory...

At his mention of food, she nodded and  stood up. She hadn't eaten since lunchtime at school a few days ago; the day her parents died. As a result, her stomach was begging for food.

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Mint Drop,


"Oh," Mystical Flow frowned.  "Well, could you please take care of that for me, Mint?" she said, changing her frown to a smile.  "I'm arranging for the filly named Shade to stay here at the moment.  it may take a few calls."



Chamois Vine pushed her mane out of her eyes and stumbled to the bathroom.  She went inside and took a quick shower, the cold water causing her to shiver as she wrapped the towel around herself.  The best thing about being one of the first to wake up is that she could take a shower without waiting in any lines.  Though it didn't make the shower any warmer.

Chamois dried herself off, placed the towel in the dirty clothes bin and then made her way downstairs to the mess hall.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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 @@Mint Drop,@@Feather Gem,


Without talking Lionheart walked in and bow wasn't loud. Talking and ponies in alarm and not only that but a changeling was there. Lionheart had read about them but they were  supposed to a be a hive how can one be by itself. He pondered for a second before realising he won't be figuring it out. It was a rather interesting even to say the least.


He started walking toward a map hand beside the stairs. Checked what he needed and walked up the stairs ignoring the rest of the ruckus in the room. Upon reaching the first floor he walked up the next set of stairs and stood infront of the lone door of the second floor. Another pony was standing there  and the door swang open before Lionheart could even knock.


"May I speak to the person in charge of this place ?" He asked looking up.


 @@Mint Drop,@@Feather Gem,

~In construction~ 

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Mystical Flow looked at the unfamiliar foal who had just appeared at her door.  She blinked at him once, a bit startled that a foal was asking for her, seeming to not have a guardian with him.  She quickly smiled at him.  "Yes, that would be me," she smiled, talking as she normally would to a guardian.  "Can I help you?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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((I am NOT letting this die AGAIN))

((I'll just have it where Mint was tired because it's early and didn't realize he was a Changeling...))

@@Feather Gem

Oh, that must be the filly I saw, Mint thought.

"Alright, i will. There's also a stallion downstairs and he would like to be hired. I'll send him up once i've worked everything out with the fillies." she said, before heading back down the stairs.


Mint Remedy passed by the stallion. She paused and looked at him. She hadn't really noticed -or, rather, paid attention to - his appearance earlier, as it was still just past the sunrise and she hadn't had the best sleep the night before, but she knew something was different. She waved it off and said, "There's somepony speaking to Mystical Flow at the moment, but you can head to her office now and wait at the door. it's upstairs, the second floor."

She smiled and moved on. 


Noticing the small filly from earlier, Mint trotted up to her and smiled gently.

"You can go for breakfast if you would like," she told the filly softly.  "I'm sure Pollux and Castor there will show you the way. I would myself but they seem to be getting ready to go there with the other fillies, and I have to deal with some paperwork."

She went up to Castor.

"Good morning, Castor. Would you mind taking this young filly with you to the mess hall?" she asked, gesturing to the filly in question.

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@@Mint Drop,


Mystical Flow nodded at her.  "Thank you, Mint!"

(working together, we can make it stay alive D:)



Chamois Vine entered the mess hall and glanced around.  It was mostly empty at the moment except for a couple of foals sitting together.  Chamois went up to where they were serving food and got a few pieces of toast.  Then she went further down and got a glass of orange juice.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade got up from her little ball and started walking towards the kitchen slowly. Even tho she wasn't cold, she was shivering. She needed to get some food in and calm herself down. She was scaired of this new place, but being scaired wasn't something new. She had been scaired all her life.



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"Help me ? No no i don't think so but since the unfortunate events came that I have to be here.*He pulls a scroll out of his coatand hoofs it to Mystical.*  I might as well do what I can." He said his tone kind of bland.

The scroll reads: 

Dear Mystical Flow,

This young colt had his parent recently deceased on duty. Unfortunately unlike his sister we couldn't take him to my academy for unicorns soI leave him in your care .

His is quite the tricky one and though not a liar he is good at persuading ponies to get on their good side. He might seem moody but he is quite easy to please. Give him chocolate he might not show it right away but chocolate lifts his mood.

Take good care of him 


Princess Celestia(copy paste from the old one yes XD)


Lionheart sights. "In any  case  can you tell me where the cafeteria is ? It been a long trip from canterlot to here and the train food was.........uneatable. I so I am  hungry." He said 


@@Feather Gem

Edited by Leafeon

~In construction~ 

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Already, Sorrow's stomach was beginning to growl. She was getting pretty hungry, and on that note, had decided to trot to the mess hall. Though, with her skinny stature and personality, it was almost like a tiphoof more than a regular trot to some ponies...


Though, once she got in there, there was a problem... There were already ponies inside... And this was already bad to her. She couldn't sit next to anypony, since... she just didn't like being near ponies... So all she did was just grab a single piece of toast, and went over to the far side of the mess hall, sitting down in the corner on the floor, and not at a table, and just starting nibbling her food.

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Sunset and Sweet followed the stallions to the cafeteria.

Sunset's stomach rumbled as she smelled the food. It smelled much better than at the last orphanage. 

She got in line and grabbed some toast and apple juice. Looking around at the tables, she noticed that none were vacant. She hid behind her mane. She was far too timid and afraid of being bullied to go up to somepony and ask to sit there. She noticed a filly sitting in the corner and decided to follow suit. She went over to the corner closest to the exit and sat down to eat.


Sweet Symphony grabbed the same breakfast and looked around. There was a filly sitting at a mostly vacant table and she decided to strike up conversation. She wasn't interested in making friends, but she wanted to talk to some pony; this place was already boring her.

@@Feather Gem,

"Um... Hi," she said, walking up to the pony. "Mind if I sit here?"

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@@Mint Drop, @@Feather Gem,


Jing Zi nodded and trotted out of the room and headed up the stairs. He followed the mare's directions and stood outside of the office and waited for his turn. As he ascended the stairs, the last bit of his energy was used up and he reverted to his changeling form. I suppose this is good though. He thought. If I reveal my true form at the start, less problems will arise.


@, @@Doppelrac,

Gears took Castor's advice and began trying to take off from the ground instead of the dresser, but quickly grew frustrated and bored, when all he could do was hover a few inches from the ground. He took off downstairs sliding down the rail, but quickly jumped down when he neared the bottom. He didn't want to get scolded again. He headed to the mess hall for breakfast.

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Mystical frowned and took the scroll, opening it up and reading it.  She glanced up from it as the foal spoke.  "Oh...y-yes.  The mess hall is on the ground floor.  Just go straight down and you should be able to find it from there," Mystical smiled gently.


Mystical then noticed another figure waiting outside.  "You can come in!" she called.

Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll have some time to run down to the mess hall and get this another foal some chocolate.  And maybe Chamois would like an apple.


@@Mint Drop,


Chamois looked up as a pony appeared at her table and asked to sit with her.  Chamois paused for a long moment before answering with a gesture at the seat opposite here.  "Sure," she said.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@@Feather Gem

((I'm gonna be afk for an hour or so. In a rush, so no pretty text))

Sweet Symphony sat down where the pony had gestured to.

"Thanks," she said. "So, what's your name, if you don't mind me asking? I'm Sweet Symphony."


Leaf Heart had returned to the lobby.


"Hi. Mystical Flow's busy, so i'll be going through the paperwork with you."

"alright then, let's get to it, shall we?"

"Right this way," Mint said, opening a door for Leaf.

The mares went into an office and sat down to do paperwork.

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@@Mint Drop,


"No problem," Chamois said, sipping her orange juice.  The thing about the orange juice was that it tasted like it had 99% water and 1% of orange in it, leaving it to seem more like water with a orange-flavored medicine tablet dissolved in it.  "I'm Chamois Vine."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@@Feather Gem,


Jing Zi entered the room slowly just in case the mare shared the same fear of changeling as every pony else in the building. "My name is Jing Zi, and I have come to seek employment. I am a changeling, but I do not feed on love. Instead I feed on awe and amusement." He said. "I can clean, I'm good with foals or I can just file paper work." He listed off.

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Mystical Flow jerked back automatically, surprised to see a changeling right before her.  Her heart beat rapidly inside her chest.

But at the same time, she knew something.  This changeling immediately let it known that he was one.  He didn't even try to hide it.  That itself was a good sign.  And Mystical Flow was the kind of pony who gave every pony a chance no matter who or what they were.  Why should she treat this any differently?

"O-oh.  W-well...uhm..." she stuttered for a moment, grabbing a few pieces of paper before her and tapping them against the desk for something to calm her.  Then she forced a smile onto her face and looked back up at him.  "Well, what is it that you would like to do if I gave you a job here?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@@Feather Gem,


Jing Zi winched when the mare jerked backwards, but it was to be expected. The reactions to his species was not going to change anytime soon.

"Anything is fine." He murmured. "I can clean, I'm good with foals or I can just file paper work." He repeated. "At the moment I think it would be best if I worked in the background as a janitor or handy pony (handyman), as my appearance clearly frightens...Most of the residents of the building." He said.

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@@Feather Gem,

"Nice,"  Sweet replied, before taking a sip of her own juice. It was pretty bland, and she hated it, but she knew she would be here for a while, so she might as well get used to it.


Sunset nibbled on her toast. it was burnt and a little stale, but it was the best thing she had tasted in years. She continued to eat it, hidng away from the others.

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Shade made her way to the kitchen, she stood in the corner after grabbing some tost. It was the best food she had eaten in a long time. Last time she had something that wasnt in the garbage was when she was in mainhatten, she could just steal all the good food she wanted if she got the chance.

Even tho she was starving, one pice of tost was enough for her.



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"If you say so," Mystical Flow said.  "So I'll make you into a janitor then."  Mystical reached under her desk and pulled out a drawing.  She took out a map and placed it on her desk.  "As you can see here, you'll have your own room and all that here on the ground floor.  Also, you'll need to sign some paperwork," she said, pulling out more papers.

She didn't really need to ask him if he could clean.  Anypony could clean.



@@Mint Drop,


Chamois nodded at her and took a bite of her toast.  She didn't speak, not knowing what to say if she were to.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Thanks" He said as he trotted down the stairs and swiftly reached the ground level. The changeling was still there but Lionheart was set on eating first before learning about this.


He walked to the door and entered the cafeteria. Some ponies were already there but he didnt pay much attention to it although the scenary seemed familiar to him for some odd reason. He walked to the poor boufet and looked at it. "..........." *This is way worse than I expected." He thought to himself without speaking. He grabbed some toast from the boufe and purred some milk into a an empty glass before walking to the table and sitting near the other ponies to eat.

~In construction~ 

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