Lunas Husband 2,777 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 (edited) So we have all be mad, can't say you haven't been mad in all your life. So this is all about those times you where really mad bro....really mad..... Me it was when I was 16 years old, Things at school didn't go to well. Failed a test I study my butt off for, me and my girl friend got in a fight. So I went home hoping things may get better! it was Friday! So I get home a friend calls me I have not talk to him in years, so what does he do? He tells me his life is shit because of me.. yeah what a nice guy right? So after all that I said ok lets play some WoW! that well make me feel better. Well guess what... wow was down for this time I was ready to scream, I told myself its ok lets go have a cigarette. I get out side got the cigarette in my mouth and everything then I look at this brick wall, still do this day I don't know why I did this...I punched it has hard as I could...guess what I got to hear.. Snap, crackle, and pop and no it was not a blow of cereal it was my hand. So my hand was broken bad, some bone was sticking out and there was a lot of blood, so I scream AHHHH! at this point I dropped my cigarette and stepped right on it, didn't mean to. At that point I wanted to hit the wall once more but thank Celestia I didn't, and that is the time I was Mad bro... So please tell me about the time you got really mad! about whatever... Edited August 12, 2013 by xPrincess Celestiax 8 "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Silver Essence~ 2,625 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 (edited) My maddest moment was a critical break down of me... In short, I couldn't stand the lifestyle I was living, my sister pestering every moment she can, my stupid and uncomprahensive dad, little to worry over nothing mom, that I pretty much threw a meltdown of anger and fury towards them, and they were not only saddened to see me this way, but they feared me for a week.... But after this, it was never spoken again.. Edited August 12, 2013 by DXSilverX 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaReaper 1,945 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 I would be here all day if i told you every time i let my anger take over, last time though was the girl i work with kept saying something to me i didnt like after asking her 5 times to please stop i finaly lost it and starting throwing stuff so i didn't say what i wanted to say cause she would have probably left in tears. Now to calm down i actualy watch mlp for some reason the show calms me better then anything. I hate letting my anger take over i put holes in walls and even sent someone to the hostipital, nothing wrong with him i just one shot knocked him out cold( dont worry that happened before i accepted love and tolerance and he started it by swinging first gotta defend myself) but yeah i hate losing control i always feel miserable afterwards sometimes for days 2 ^^ avatar and sig by me Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here Voted best Scootaloo fan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyper Tumble 1,483 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 (edited) I got about that mad once. It was a bad day from the start. I woke up late, so I got to school late. I was tardy to my 1st period class and couldn't exempt that class's exam because I had been late before. Then, a pen exploded in my hands and mouth while I was chewing on it; thankfully it only got on my clothes a little. Then at lunch, some complete ASSHOLE (pardon my french, you'll see why in a minute) took my seat at the table I sit and had to sit with a bunch of people I barely even know (not too many of them like me, either). Football practice rolled around, and by then I was ready to bury someone. Turns out, the guy who took my seat at lunch took my cleats and hid them from me, so I had to run and run after practice. I'm pretty sure you could see steam coming from my ears by the time Football was over, so what does the kid do? he throws my cleats back at me, and the hit me spike first. I charged the kid, pushed him across the locker room, and threw him against some poor kid's locker and put a dent in it. Edited September 3, 2013 by Hyper Tumble 2 You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman Signature made by Kyoshi MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoney Pony 100 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 There was this kid on the football team who used to mess with me in high school. I was like 16. I was Not popular at all. I was a complete loner, I was really awkward at the time. I always had my ipod in my ears and my hoodie up walking to classes and i dressed in kind of a goth style. so i was an easy target. He would pick on me every day just call me name's the generic ones you can guess what they were. he was like 6 '1 and im 5'10 but i let it go im not a confrontational person but he never laid his hands on me. One day near the end of sophmore year he walked up to me in the hallways when i was about to go home and says "what's up." and pushes me against the locker. I try to walk away he pushes me again and calls me more name's. like faggot and pussy and all the like. He had his ipod in his ears. (probably thinking i would not fight back.) I got really mad and was tired of people messing with me. I grabbed his ipod by the ear bud string and threw it against the wall. I turn back and i hit him in the throat then the stomach because ive been in fights before, I just did not like them. someone always got hurt and i found them useless. I reaper him when he's stunned and i start beating the ever loving crap out of him. i swear ive never been more mad in my life. I ended up breaking his nose knocking out his front teeth. after i laid in to him i got up and starting kicking him in the face. After about 10 sec of me beating him his friend jumps in and starts beating me for like 10 sec before a Gym teacher sees us. the Gym teacher was a badass. Coach Vega (he coached the football team the kid was on.) He literally grabs the kid by the collar and holds me against the locker i was getting beat on and says sternly "thats enough." He said it in such a scary way and even though he was only like 5'7 he was a big guy muscular wise that both of us were not going to try and hit each other. The whole encounter lasted probably 30 to 40 sec. I get suspended the kid and his friend get suspended for like 3 days and since finals were over and there were only a couple days of school left. I did not have to come back until the end of summer. Needless to say after that day no one picked on me again and i used to be the whipping boy. Lesson learned Fighting gets you off of school...JK. The lesson i learned today princess celestia (i made a reference.) is that if people are messing with you hardcore Showing assertiveness will get them to stop even if you get your ass kicked like i did. they will still leave you alone because you proved you were not a target. you dont even have to fight just stand up to them let them know they dont scare you. this only works for school dont try it on the street someone actually might kill you. LOL people is cray cray. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyper Tumble 1,483 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 There was this kid on the football team who used to mess with me in high school. I was like 16. I was Not popular at all. I was a complete loner, I was really awkward at the time. I always had my ipod in my ears and my hoodie up walking to classes and i dressed in kind of a goth style. so i was an easy target. He would pick on me every day just call me name's the generic ones you can guess what they were. he was like 6 '1 and im 5'10 but i let it go im not a confrontational person but he never laid his hands on me. One day near the end of sophmore year he walked up to me in the hallways when i was about to go home and says "what's up." and pushes me against the locker. I try to walk away he pushes me again and calls me more name's. like faggot and pussy and all the like. He had his ipod in his ears. (probably thinking i would not fight back.) I got really mad and was tired of people messing with me. I grabbed his ipod by the ear bud string and threw it against the wall. I turn back and i hit him in the throat then the stomach because ive been in fights before, I just did not like them. someone always got hurt and i found them useless. I reaper him when he's stunned and i start beating the ever loving crap out of him. i swear ive never been more mad in my life. I ended up breaking his nose knocking out his front teeth. after i laid in to him i got up and starting kicking him in the face. After about 10 sec of me beating him his friend jumps in and starts beating me for like 10 sec before a Gym teacher sees us. the Gym teacher was a badass. Coach Vega (he coached the football team the kid was on.) He literally grabs the kid by the collar and holds me against the locker i was getting beat on and says sternly "thats enough." He said it in such a scary way and even though he was only like 5'7 he was a big guy muscular wise that both of us were not going to try and hit each other. The whole encounter lasted probably 30 to 40 sec. I get suspended the kid and his friend get suspended for like 3 days and since finals were over and there were only a couple days of school left. I did not have to come back until the end of summer. Needless to say after that day no one picked on me again and i used to be the whipping boy. Lesson learned Fighting gets you off of school...JK. The lesson i learned today princess celestia (i made a reference.) is that if people are messing with you hardcore Showing assertiveness will get them to stop even if you get your ass kicked like i did. they will still leave you alone because you proved you were not a target. you dont even have to fight just stand up to them let them know they dont scare you. this only works for school dont try it on the street someone actually might kill you. LOL people is cray cray. pretty interesting. I can relate. The only reason I don't walk into school every day with my earbuds in full blast is because it's against school regulation 1 You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman Signature made by Kyoshi MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 Hm, well i've got pretty mad, i haven't really got all that violent, but i do get angry and yell alot. I've had many occasions where my brother annoys the crap out of me, and i get really ticked off and him, yell at him, maybe swing at him to try and scare him off or something, he just doesn't know when to leave me alone it seems :/. There was also this time during band practice where i was really mad because i was frusterated already, then we had to have the whole band keep stopping for pushups because people kept talking at attention, so two of the people talking where next to me, and i got really mad during walking to another set and went off on them a bit and told them i was going to punch their lip off(Sorta a weird and lame threat, whatever i was ticked off to much to think.) of course i regretted it and while i was still ticked off tried to cool down. I have a pretty bad temper alot of times, so yeah i have plenty times where i'm mad. Of course, i also have a good bit of times, possibly more, where i'm just more so frustrated. Like last year my freshman year during marching season, where i was getting frustrated because i felt like i wasn't getting all the marching stuff down very well, and it was hot and i was just getting well, frustrated. Theres also the time during bandcamp where we we're doing jazz runs, which last year we where gonna do, but it got cut from the show eventually, we we're doing them for this years show, and i couldn't do them, like last year, i was like incapable of doing them, so i got frustrated, and kinda embarrassed, actually to the point where i just gave up and sat against a wall trying not to cry out of frustration.(Frustration causes me to cry most often then most things frankly.) But anyways, i've been mad plenty times with my temper, thats for sure, not sure i had any really crazy ones, because my anger is normally in bursts, but still. 2 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 The time that I was really mad, was when I was playing basketball with my friends then a guy that I know who was the same age as me started to push me. So, I was already angry from earlier then I started to grab him, throw him near a basketball hoop, and just start punching him down. Then, I just left away in anger. 4 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReGen 1,466 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 I'm a pretty level-headed person, so you done fucked up if you make me mad. One day, I woke up late, so I didn't eat breakfast. By the time lunch rolled around, I was starving and I was cranky. Our table was called up around 7 minutes before the period ended, so I had to hurry. The bell rang by the time I started eating, so I kinda rushed. I dropped my milk and proceeded to bend over to pick it up. Then some butt walking out threw out my lunch. I starting screaming and blew up the moon as a warning. Don't buck with my lunch. 3 "I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see." Cloud of Sounds | YouTube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 I have a very short temper, it doesn't take much to get me angry and it takes me a while to calm down, I've broken countless keyboards, mice, monitors and controllers out of anger but that's normal. I have attacked people in anger before but only twice notably. Most recently, about a year and a half ago, someone in my class that had spent years pissing me off decided to pull my chair put from me whilst I was balancing, I landed awkwardly on my bad arm (I broke my arm rather badly a few years beforehand, it's never fully healed), I just saw red, I leaped onto him and strangled him, he was probably near passing out when I came to my senses and stopped. Another time, about 4 years ago, one of my classmates accidentally kicked me in the mouth whilst I was sitting on the floor in a classroom at break, I thought he did it intentionally, so I flipped, picked him up (he was short) and smashed his head into the whiteboard, dropping him unconscious to the floor and left the room. 2 Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eureka 1,119 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 You guys are going to think I overeacted. All of my life I've wanted to play softball. Last week, I went on vacation to a small dude-ranch. It's a really cozy place and everyone knows each other. There are always softball games and after watching my dad play, It really looked liked fun. So I was telling my friends at the ranch that I wanted to play. Some idiot comes up to me and says: "Sweetie, softball is a man's game." I responded: "Then, why were there girls playing?" He responded: "Because they didn't get the memo. They should be in the kitchen, helping making dinner." You know how much that ticks me off? A lot. I believe girls and boys are equal. We can do anything guys can do. I honestly felt like slapping the guy. Quote Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Bay 1,027 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 I can't really remember the last time I've got really mad. And honestly I don't want to. I know, I know it's this whole optimistic hippie wishful thinking yadayadayada, but that's just what I think: Life is to short to think of your bad times. That's why I just try to ban them out of my memories. What use is there in reminding yourself about your erstwhile tantrum? Nothing. Maybe you just get angry about the same things again and burst out in an animalistic rage, even if only inwardly. Life is going on, so screw the times you went mad, even though there surely will be several more times you'll get mad again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 Last time I got sincerely mad and punched a kid was back in Primary School. This boy was the classic 12 year old that loved messing around and basically annoying people. He annoyed everyone in the entire school, to the point he was bullied quite a bit. Anyway, one time he kept poking me and my friends in the stomach and arms. Eventually we all got mad and told him to piss off, obviously, being him, he didn't leave. That's when I punched him in the face. After that he didn't bug me or people around me ever again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staticboom 33 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 (edited) I have some anger trouble so this list can go on forever. But the last time I did something because of rage I got an applause. Now my neighborhood isn't....the best. It's full of punks and kids who don't know discipline. It started at the skate park. This is a skate park I go to very regularly to let off some steam as I am an avid freestyle BMX junkie. Anyway I'm in there doing some tricks, the other few kids around are respecting my space and I'm respecting theirs and we're following the invisible rules and yadda yadda....Then this asshole pops in on his skate board. Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy to share at skate parks obviously, but this guy, well you'll see. Anyway, he comes in and dive right into the bowl where I'm already riding, cuts me off mid descent and makes me stack, just so he can have it to himself. I face plant, smack my nose and I'm bleeding pretty bad. Some other kid helps me out of the bowl with my bike and this guy with the skateboard is laughing. Now I'm sure the other kids would've done something, but they were all pretty young, around the 10-14 age mark and this guy is about 16-17, my age. Anyway, I watch this guy pull some horrid tricks, not allowing anyone else to use the bowl, when he finally stops and gets out. I check my bleeding and go over to confront him about it, just wanting an apology. What I got was laughed at and told I didn't deserve the bowl anyway, this guy was the essence of blind arrogance. Now I'm pissed off, bleeding, and my ego is damaged too. I swear a little, starting to get really mad, and I throw some insults, which he throws back. Now all the other kids are watching and the park is dead quiet. He starts calling me all this shit, and goes to hit me in the face. My already broken face. Damn it was on. I grabbed his hand and pulled it to the side as I punched him square in the eye. But he didn't quit. However, I knew it was self defense now and I had the whole park on my side, but my rage was blinding. I punch this now doomed kid in the stomach, grab him by the throat and slam his smug little face into the side of the bowl, making sure to let him feel the pain of my stack. Man I was seeing red, but this revenge was good. Finally he runs off with his skateboard swearing and yelling insults/threats clutching a probably crushed nose and a destroyed ego and before I knew it the rest of the park was clapping and cheering for me. Justice was served that day. Edited August 12, 2013 by Staticboom 1 Everywhere I trotI be smokin' potStony Pony's got that swag no other pony's got You can see all of my OC's here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackie 57 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 When my ex's girlfriend kept sending me tons of hateful texts in a matter of a few minutes and I couldn't block her because my phone company said it would take at least 2 weeks for the blocking to take effect. 2 WEEKS! I hung up on them. In 8th grade when this girl stole my shoes out of my gym locker that I thought I had locked, and WORE THEM IN THE NEXT CLASS THAT WE WERE BOTH IN! I got them back though, but she made fun of me for a year after that. I hated her so much, she was so ugly too. She looked like a dinosaur. Last year in my first hour when the teacher made a gay joke and all the students laughed and one kid said he'd beat his kid if he was gay. I wish I would've said something. I hated my first hour, it was an easy class but I skipped it SO much just because I hated everyone in there. Last year when this guy looked at me and then back at his friend and said he'd disown his kid if they had stretched ears. When this inbred hillybilly told me that he wouldn't let me near his 3 year old daughter because I'm bisexual. I can think of soooo many more but I'd rather not, lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyDream 315 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 I very, very rarely get angry, because I tend to be an overwhelmingly one-sided optimist. But there are certainly things that would set me off on an emotional tangent. Usually, it's when someone tells me to do something I'm already doing, or not to do something I'm definitely not doing. It's almost always perception-based, when two perceptions don't match but they really, really need to in order to avoid conflict. Words don't do it justice. You need to be in the other person's shoes to truly understand to avoid this hypothetical conflict that would cause anger. It's just so avoidable... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MotoBrony 77 August 13, 2013 Share August 13, 2013 8th grade science teacher threatened to fail me for the year because some stole my final report and I had to redo it. I had the class 1st period and he said I had until the end to hand it in and not to bother trying later. So I finished it (during 4th period or so) and went to hand it in at the end of the day, since I had to report back anyway (Standard procedure at my school). I gave him the report and he said "Why didn't you hand it in sooner?">You said you wouldn't accept it and I wasn't going to be anywhere near here"Why bother handing it in now then?">I don't want to fail"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...." (Continuing to bust my balls and give me a hard time even though I told him someone stole the previously made copy of my report)He accepted the paper and I didn't fail, but I don't like it when people give me a hard time even though they know all well I've done nothing wrong. Another story:I work in an unnamed retail store (Because anything that can be seen as "Bad reputation" for the store can result in the end of my job. Seriously.) And we have the electric scooter-type things, 9 of them. But people don't like reading the warnings, and do things they're not supposed to with them (leaving them in the rain, not winding up the cords) and they break. When they break we put big "DO NOT USE, SAFETY HAZARD" signs on them. 3 of them were working, the other 6 non-functioning. For 2 hours of my shift I had to explain to many many many people who simply couldn't be bothered to read the 2 ft tall signs reading "DO NOT USE, SAFETY HAZARD". And of course, because I'm work at Unnamed Retail store and am expendable to the corporate machine, people find me as an easy target. So they'd take the broken Electric carts and complain and complain how they're all broken and I should fix them (Which is not my job, I'm not trained for that, I've been explicitly ordered NOT to try and fix anything) and then when we offer to replace a damaged one that a customer took for a functioning one, I get screamed at. I have to tell them that the scooter they took to haul their fat @$$ around a store is a safety hazard, and they'll moan and complain. Just because it was working fine for that minute doesn't mean it'll last, not to mention, the company has given you the instruction not to use it. It's like if I went to your house and you told me not to touch the sofa because it was broken, and I swan dived into it as hard as I could, then yelled at you because it's broken in the first place.Also: Near death experienced because some lady was texting and driving that I have talked about before, and this post is WAAAAY too long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YALL ARE FUCKING GAY 505 August 26, 2013 Share August 26, 2013 im the type of person that can take a lot to get really pissed of but when i get angry i fucking explode and anyone near me is fair game i was about 12 when this happened ( grade 7) the last time i got really pissed i woke up late for an exam stubbed my toe getting out of the car whilst having a ingrown toe nail in said stubbed toe .( all beforehand ) some kid thought it would be a good idea to throw a log at me and when the log hit me rather large piece of wood got lodged in my shin as the result of it hitting me needless to say i grabbed him by the head broke his nose and proceeded to beat the living shit out of him when he fell to the ground signature made by DaReaper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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