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open The Dark Tournament II (FULL!)

Literally Snails

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(Link to OOC is in my signature)

This first post is pretty long, but it's also important. So read it!

The Dark Tournament. Once outlawed in Equestria, but now, thanks to shady business deals and money loans, it has come back to this once peaceful land. This brutal game pins sixteen of the lands deadliest fighters to fight to the death for entertainment and gambling, all for the purpose of becoming the grand champion and getting one wish granted by the corrupt tournament committee. However, participation is not an option for them.

Rail, the tournament director and owner arrived later than he had intended. When he walked into the stadium, he was flooded by reporters with questions.

"Mr. Rail! What are your comments on the new head of security you hired?"

"Is it true that you doubled your fortune in the last tournament? How much of that was added to the tournaments funding?"

"What are your comments on the ethical concerns raised against the tournament committee?"


The contestants (That's you guys :3 ) were all directed into the fighter's lounge. It was a large room with plenty of drinks and furniture and monitors to watch the fights.

The door to the room opened. It was supposed to be locked, which means that whoever opened it had the key. A tall, thin stallion in a security uniform stood in the doorframe. He gave off an uneasy feeling, like a pony you would avoid walking near on the street. He spoke with a hushed, deep, nasally voice thickly accented with an unplacable dialect. "Welcome to the second Dark Tournament. I am Mason, the new head of security. If you have a concern, you address it to me. If you cause a concern, I address it to you." He smiled. It was the kind of smile that makes something beautiful shrivel up and die. "I do hope all of you are ready. Rail is already giving the opening remarks."

He directed their attention to the monitors. All of them showed Rail standing alone on the stage, levitating a microphone in front of his mouth.


"Who the hell is that guy?" An audience member asked.

"Don't you pay attention to anything?" Another audience member scolded. "That's Rail! The owner of the tournament!"

"What's he doing on the stage?"

"QUIET! Let's hear what he has to say!"

Rail put on a professional smile. "Welcome, all of you, welcome," He said, "to the second annual Dark Tournament of Equestria!"

"RAIL, BUDDIE! YOU GOTTA HELP ME!" Someone in the audience interrupted. There was a rustling in the crowd and Big Shot, the former Tournament committee Head, jumped over the railing and approached the stadium. He was dressed in casual attire. "I spent everything I had to get a ticketI I had to sell my jacket! This was the only time I could see you all year!"

"Who's this creep?" Topaz, the lead announcer asked over the speakers, not recognizing Big Shot. "And where is the security team when you need them?"

Rail watched his former partner approach the ring. "It would be unwise to walk onto the stadium." He stated.

Big Shot didn't listen. He pulled his fat body onto the stadium ring and walked closer to Rail. "I need some of my money back!" He begged. "Not all of it. Just some!"

When he was within hoofs length of Rail, Rail lowered the microphone, sighed, and delivered a swiping kick strait into Big Shot's neck. Big Shot's neck snapped and he fell on his back, gasping for air.

"*HUUUUF*- We were- *HUUUUF*- partners!" Big Shot gasped.

"And I used you... pity." Rail said coldly before stomping down on Big Shot's face with one powerful hoof, causing his face to bend inward and shatter. Rail turned back to the audience and dusted his left leg off. "Ladies and Gentlecolts!" He announced on his mic, "The first blood of the Dark Tournament!"

The crowd broke out of their silence with a loud cheer. Rail dropped the mic and strolled off stage. "Animals." He said to himself.

Edited by SecretAgentSnails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Tempest rolled his eyes as he watched the monitors. "This should be interesting." He thought. The cyan pegesus was actually waiting for somepony important to him. "I hope she's able to make it."


Ivy trotted towards the Fighting Lounge. "Tempest should be around here somewhere." She thought, as she noticed Mason.

Edited by Missingno
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Tempest rolled his eyes as he watched the monitors. "This should be interesting." He thought. The cyan pegesus was actually waiting for somepony important to him. "I hope she's able to make it."


Ivy trotted towards the Fighting Lounge. "Tempest should be around here somewhere." She thought.

"That's close enough." Mason said. He turned his back on the Fighter's lounge and blocked the doorway, facing Ivy who he saw walking down the hallway. "You aren't one of the contestants. I'm going to have to ask you to leave unless you have expressed permission!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Ivy sighed and nodded. "I was just going to talk to my husband." She said. The silver unicorn then started to trot away. "I'm sorry."


Tempest sensed Ivy's aura and sighed. "I knew she was here." He thought. "The cyan pegesus then sighed and smiled. "I won't lose, no matter what."

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Thunder Dash strolled into the fighters lounge. "Well, that was a journey." He said. He had come all the way from Cloudsdale to participate in this tournament. He then stretched, which caused sparks of electricity to flare about his body. "Gotta get loose." Thunder Dash said to himself.


He then looked up at the monitors.  

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Tempest glanced at Thunder Dash and rolled his eyes. "Well, this might be interesting." He thought, noticing the electricity. "This might not be pointless after all. If anything, it'll give me a new opponent to fight and a bit of experimentation with my abilities." The cyan pegesus then chuckled darkly.

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Thunder Dash appeared calm, but deep inside, he was a bit nervous, for he could be risking his life in this tournament. He then reached into his bag and took out his long staff and wiped it down. "Sure hope this thing won't break 'cause I'll be using it a lot." Thunder Dash thought. 


(OOC: A staff is a long stick used in some forms of martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do)

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Prince Umbra trots into the fighters lounge with his Duel Crescent Blades in hand then withdraws them back into their sheath. "Ugh. Can believe Luna convinced Celestia to bring me back from the moon to do this." He said as he walks over to Thunder Dash to ask if he wants to practice before the tournament.

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Sole sat in the lounge with the rest of the fighters. He didn't care about money, fame, or even the ultimate prize. All he wanted to do was fight strong opponents, and enjoy the ride. But as he saw rail murder the pony he glared "bastard..." he said angrily.


((Heads up. Sole is very carefree and has a personality similar to goku. So... he won't kill, no matter what. Sorry!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"A quick sparring match you ask? I don't mind. Let's go for it!" Thunder Dash said getting up with his staff as more sparks flared from his body. "We must find a good place to practice...but I don't know where the hay are practice areas." Thunder Dash said looking around.  

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"That's close enough." Mason said. He turned his back on the Fighter's lounge and blocked the doorway, facing Ivy who he saw walking down the hallway. "You aren't one of the contestants. I'm going to have to ask you to leave unless you have expressed permission!"


Ivy sighed and nodded. "I was just going to talk to my husband." She said. The silver unicorn then started to trot away. "I'm sorry."


Tempest sensed Ivy's aura and sighed. "I knew she was here." He thought. "The cyan pegesus then sighed and smiled. "I won't lose, no matter what."

At that moment, crimson put a hoof on ivy's shoulder, "hold up ivy, you can't leave without coming inside to say hi to that good for nothing husband of yours, can you?" Asked crimson jokingly before turning to Mason, "hey buddy, she has MY premission to enter, do you got a problem about that?" Asked crimson calmly, yet warningly.

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Tempest glanced at Umbra and smirked. "Well, it seems that I'm not the only pony who fights with dual swords." He thought. The cyan pegesus then noticed Sole and sensed Crimson's aura. "Well, things just got very interesting." He muttered to himself.


Ivy glanced at Crimson and smiled. "Thanks, though he isn't that bad." She said.

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At that moment, crimson put a hoof on ivy's shoulder, "hold up ivy, you can't leave without coming inside to say hi to that good for nothing husband of yours, can you?" Asked crimson jokingly before turning to Mason, "hey buddy, she has MY premission to enter, do you got a problem about that?" Asked crimson calmly, yet warningly.

"Disrespect is a very dangerous thing to play with, boy!" Mason scolded. "She can enter, but remember who's in charge. Rail wouldn't hire a chief of security who couldn't handle you. I could win this tournament given the chance!" He pulled his head forward to Crimson. His neck seemed to stretch an inch or two as if it were warm putty.

Edited by SecretAgentSnails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Hey, thanks." Thunder Dash said. "Now..." Thunder Dash said as he charged up and flares of electrcity darted around his body. "Shall we begin?" Thunder Dash asked as he twirled his staff around and went into a fighting pose, eying Umbra sharply, waiting for him. 

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"Haha here" Umbra said as he stomps the ground the disappears. Thunder Dash and Umbra appears on a shadowy arena. "Haha... Your probably wondering where you are. Hm hm >:)... Welcome to the arena of shadows: location the dark side of the moon. Here you might need these." Throws night vision goggles to TD... "Your welcome" >:)

everyone ignore what prince umbra posts. He is not approved to be in this RP. Do not reply to what he posts. As for you, Umbra, I suggest you leave and learn how to roleplay properly before you start making people very mad. After this incident, you will not be approved to enter the roleplay.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Man oh man, I must be utterly mad doing this again. Hello, don't think I've met you before." Standoff was leaning on the wall, looking at Mason with a look of mixed amusement, resignation, and friendliness. His countenance had a new addition, a large scar that ran down his face right-to-left, courtesy of his final battle with Swordpoint. He also walked a little more stiffly than he had.

Edited by Monsieur Buttmad



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Disrespect is a very dangerous thing to play with, boy!" Mason scolded. "She can enter, but remember who's in charge. Rail wouldn't hire a chief of security who couldn't handle you. I could win this tournament given the chance!" He pulled his head forward to Crimson. His neck seemed to stretch an inch or two as if it were warm putty.

Crimson merely smiled sadistically at Mason's words, "hehehehe...funny how many overconfident little pricks there are in the world...it almost makes me wanna burn it all down...just to get rid of them...you might want to watch what you say BOY because I don't care how much money Rail has...or how strong you SAY you are...if you threaten me...I WILL kill you...in a very unpleasant manner..." growled crimson before turning away and walking to the door, but turned his head back, "oh...and you might want to fix your neck before somone here gets tempted..." said crimson before walking inside.


((Soory snails, crimson's motto is, "I don't give a fuck who or what you are...don't piss me off..." so he doesnt take crap from anyone...))

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Crimson merely smiled sadistically at Mason's words, "hehehehe...funny how many overconfident little pricks there are in the world...it almost makes me wanna burn it all down...just to get rid of them...you might want to watch what you say BOY because I don't care how much money Rail has...or how strong you SAY you are...if you threaten me...I WILL kill you...in a very unpleasant manner..." growled crimson before turning away and walking to the door, but turned his head back, "oh...and you might want to fix your neck before somone here gets tempted..." said crimson before walking inside.

((Soory snails, crimson's motto is, "I don't give a fuck who or what you are...don't piss me off..." so he doesnt take crap from anyone...))

Mason touched his nose and smiled (+1 dead puppies). It was exactly the reaction he wanted. "I tell you what." He said to Crimson on the other end of the door. "If you can incapacitate me in one single blow, Not only will I leave you alone, but I'll also quit my job and never show up here again. Hit me as hard as you want wherever you want. I won't move."

Edited by SecretAgentSnails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Ivy sighed and trotted into the fighters lounge. She then hugged Tempest. "Don't get yourself killed. "She whispered. "I know you can take down most of these ponies."


Tempest smirked and returned the hug. "I'm not exactly that easy to kill." He said. "I promise that I'll make it out of here."

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Crimson stopped and laughed, before coming outside again and smirking knowingly, "hehehe, hit you? As in blunt damage? Thanks but no thanks buddy, I know magical abilities when I see them, and judging by how you stretched your neck, I would say your made of rubber, right? I'm not an idiot, I've been in more battles in my lifetime than you ever will..." said crimson ominously.


((Lol, sorry bro, your not the only one who watches one piece!! Rubber man!!))

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"I find it funny how SAS talks about disrespect when he disrespects me on another topic 'noobie, just don't talk to him he'll go away' haha wow hypercritical are we >: ) butt munch." Pins SAS up against the wall with Duel Crescent Blade ready to decapitate his head. "Any last words" As soon as he speaks I cross my arms decapitating his head...... Heh heh I win >: j Thunder Dash lets do this another time. When I'm not pissed at a lifeless loser." Teleports back to the moon.

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Crimson stopped and laughed, before coming outside again and smirking knowingly, "hehehe, hit you? As in blunt damage? Thanks but no thanks buddy, I know magical abilities when I see them, and judging by how you stretched your neck, I would say your made of rubber, right? I'm not an idiot, I've been in more battles in my lifetime than you ever will..." said crimson ominously.

((Lol, sorry bro, your not the only one who watches one piece!! Rubber man!!))

"Rubber?" Mason laughed "Rokurokobi are not made of rubber. I am a very special breed as well. Nice catch on the neck, all rukurokobi can do that. I can do more. If blunt force won't work, try cutting me." He was now taunting Crimson, essentially asking for it.


(Not one piece, Yu Yu Hakusho)

Edited by SecretAgentSnails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Rubber?" Mason laughed "Rokurokobi are not made of rubber. I am a very special breed as well. Nice catch on the neck, all rukurokobi can do that. I can do more. If blunt force won't work, try cutting me." He was now taunting Crimson, essentially asking for it.

(Not one piece, Yu Yu Hakusho)

Crimson smirked and chuckled dryly, "oh sorry, so your not made of rubber, yet you still want me to harm you? How cute! Well let me tell you somthing...kid..." said crimson darkly before igniting his hoof and punching Mason in the face with a flaming hoof. Crimson smiled darkly, "...your not the only pony who's a freak around here..." said crimson as he extinguished his hoof.

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Crimson smirked and chuckled dryly, "oh sorry, so your not made of rubber, yet you still want me to harm you? How cute! Well let me tell you somthing...kid..." said crimson darkly before igniting his hoof and punching Mason in the face with a flaming hoof. Crimson smiled darkly, "...your not the only pony who's a freak around here..." said crimson as he extinguished his hoof.

A large, smoldering hole replaced were Masons face once was. Barely anything was left of his head. "Now that's a punch!" His voice said. "I see why you were invited." The voice was. Coming from his right leg. His face, mouth, nose, eyes, and ears were protruding from his ankle!

Edited by SecretAgentSnails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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A large, smoldering hole replaced were Masons face once was. Barely anything was left of his head. "Now that's a punch!" His voice said. "I see why you were invited." The voice was. Coming from his right leg. His face, mouth, nose, eyes, and ears were protruding from his ankle!

Crimson smirked down at Masons ankle...face...thing... "hmm...a clay-like body? Regeneration after decapitation? hehehe...it looks like were both monsters...but for the record, that's not even close to my full power, if I punched you with one of my hotter flame techniques there wouldn't be anything left of you but ashes...then again, somthing tells me not even that would put you down..." said crimson with a bemused smirk.

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