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@@Snowy Storm,


Max shook her hand.


"Max Allen. Or just Max. Pleasure to meet you Scribe Shield." She turned to face the colt before them.


"And a pleasure to meet you as well...Icy Night was it?" Max was actually surprised by her manner.


"Wow I...I'm usually not this confident meeting new ponies. I guess being female makes socializing easier?" She asked nopony in particular, shrugging. 


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"Well from what I understand from mare do tend to be more social, if not flirty" 

"Yes my name is Icy night" She thought back to what Regal taught her. He had always made her a pony that pride herself on her magic and looks. Plus his jokes always set her off, but now as a stallion she could understand some of his sick humor.

"Please tell me I won't end up like him" she said sadly. she meant to say it in her mind, but it slipped out.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,


"Yeah that would make sense. Though I have never been flirty in my entire life, so I don't think being female would immediately change that. Plus...it would be kinda weird. I understand that I'm still straight, meaning that as a mare, I am attracted to colts, but...I don't know. It just seems like it would be awkward." Max thought about it for a second, remembering his interest in what life as a mare would be like.


"Though I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to the idea. I mean, we all end up our proper genders when and if we stop this, so everything would work out in the end." 


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"Uh?" Icy thought about what she said.

"Calm yourself. I didn't mean you. I was just thinking about another stallion I knew" She said rolling her eyes. Still she wondered about something. -No I'll bring it up later- she thought to her self


"I don't know about that. I mean me liking Mares? Well at least as a stallion I don't have to worry about being a mother" she said thinking it over.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Howdy yall what I miss?"

Skitter run asked still holding sunsets hoove.

" I managed to get the sleepy head up she should be coming over shortly"

She looked down the hallway at the 3 ponys walking down it

" what are they talking about and what's sticking out of that one"

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@@Snowy Storm,



"Huh... Yeah thats a strange thought..." Scribe mused before the unfortunate implications of what Icy had said hit her. "Oh no! No no no! Can that happen? Tell me that can't happen."


Of course, experimenting to find out wasn't exactly high on her list of priorities but the thought was still there. She shook her head.


"On second thoughts, please don't answer that." She winced.

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Icy only shook his head.

"You act as ifs a bad thing. Besides I'm sure if you were still a stallion that thought would have never crossed your mind" For some odd reason this new body of her was beginning to feel normal. not as normal as her other body, but it was getting there.

"I think this new body of mine is starting to mess with me" He said confused. She didn't mind the being dirty. yeah it did bother him, but not to the point where he would be complaining.

"I don't know if this is a good thing"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,
"Well... probably not to be honest." She admitted. "Isn't there a plant you can eat for that or something?"


'Because thats the most important question you need answering right now?'


"Why am I even asking about this?!" She groaned, raising a hoof to her face in dismay: how had the discussion even gotten onto this topic? "It's not important! Not like I'm going to... yeah!"

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Tempest sighed as he glanced at the group. He was starting to get used to this body, but he shook his head. The cyan pegesus then stood up. "I'll go see if there is anything up ahead. I should be back shortly." He said, before trotting away.


Ivy glanced at Tempest and sighed. "I hope he isn't angry." She thought.

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"yes there is a plant you can eat for... that kind of thing I don't remember the name for it though" He said then quickly blushed at what Scribe was implying.

"I mean not that I have ever eaten it. I mean I haven't done it or anything like that yet" He seemed at a lost for words

"Why are you even asking that?! That is something only a mare should care about" He quickly remember that Scribe was a mare now.

"I give up!" He said throwing his hoof in the air.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Ugh... my head hurts." She grumbled. It was all a little overwhelming: Scribe was fine dealing with just about anything she had faced before... but nothing else that she had faced had messed with her head like this. 


Saving her hoof the effort, she made to hit her forehead against a wall before realizing that even though she was female - she was still a unicorn with a horn to get in the way.


"Lets just figure this out and get changed back before I end up doing something stupid like tripping over my own hooves again..."

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Skitter run suddenly screamed


And bolted down the hallway pulling a tripwire in the process.

"ow it bit me"

She slowed down and started grabbing her her neck

"oh it's just a dart"

As she started back she started sway

" whoa I feel funnny"

She started laughing

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@@Skitter Run

Sunset watched this and quickly slipped his hoof out of Skitter's as she ran away.He backed into a nearby wall.

"Wh-wh-where are we..." he whimpered.


Firecracker jumped at the mare's scream, and flew over to her as she started into hysterics.

"Ummmmm.... As much as I love laughing and seeing ponies happy, you don't look so good..."

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@@Snowy Storm,



Max did all she could to stifle laughter at the very unusual predicament. She decided it best to put an end to this though.


"Look, all of this is irrelevant. I wasn't a hopeless romantic as a stallion, and I'm not one now. And even if I were, we are trapped in a crazy pony's castle like structure. It isn't the best time to sleep with somepony. Bottom line is if it happens, it happens. Otherwise we stay focused and find a way to escape with our lives and original genders. Sound good? 


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"Thank you! You're exactly right... lets get out of here." She turned to examine what the rest of the group were having such an issue with.

"... Do you suppose those darts are tipped with something? They don't look too good..." She observed, watching the reactions of those who were hit. "I'm going to go check it out, make sure they're okay."

She stepped towards the hall, spent a few moments looking as if she were carefully analysing the traps there and shrugged before bolting straight in - horn glowing - hoping that this wasn't the day her luck ran out.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Skitter run continued laughing

Apparently a flying pony was the funnest thing he ever saw then he noticed a cute mare walking towards him

"why how do you do cutie what do you say abou-."

At the point she trip and started laughing even harder.

"omg I tripped hahaha"

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Max watched as the colt laughed hysterically, followed by attempted flirting with Scribe. All she could do was facehoof. She spread her wings and flew over to the group, hovering next to another pegasi, this one being a rather familiar looking stallion.


"So...anypony got any idea on what to do about this? We can't really be stealthy if he's busting a gut at all times."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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Blundering through the hall with admittedly a little more grace than before, Scribe felt the force of several projectiles of some kind as they struck her less-than-sufficient barrier. A couple of metallic sounds echoed from the pieces of armor and one or two whistling sounds marked where she might have been struck if she had made the run in her normal form.


Her luck held out though, and she made it to the other side without incident: evidently a good number of the traps had already been triggered.


@@Skitter Run,




"I think I know how to cure him... her... whatever!" Declared the unicorn, who's medical knowledge was roughly equivalent to that of an inanimate object. Raising a hoof, she brought it swinging around to collide with the side of the mares face.


"Hey! I can still hit things pretty hard!" She squealed delightedly before looking back at Skitter. "Uh, feel any better?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"Luna's night, Scribe! He isn't a soda machine you kick when it jams!" Max shouted, unbelieving in what she just saw.


"Does anypony here have medical training that doesn't involve beating the crap out of him?" Looking around, she was hoping somepony would answer the call, as this guy was going to make life much tougher in his present state. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Skitter run fell back to the floor after being punched and got back up and stumbled towards max with tears in his eye

" that *sniff* hurt why is everypony hurting me *sniff*"

She went to hug Max But tripped again and feel beside her.

"hello ground I'm skitter run "

And then started laughing again.

( I'm a mare right now remember)

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Tempest trotted through multiple halls and sighed. "There has to be a way out of here." She thought. The cyan pegesus then noticed Ivy trotting through and trotted next to her. "Hey, where are the others?"


Ivy glanced at Tempest, and pointed back. The other ponies were just down the hall. "Don't leave me again." He said.

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@@Skitter Run,


Max looked at this display with at first concern, then sympathy, then a deadpan stare, and finally back to concern. She landed just in front of the colt, helping him to his hooves.


"Easy there. Everyone isn't being mean, it's just...some of us have different ways of...expressing love, I guess? Point is that everything is fine." Max didn't even know what she was saying at this point, but it doesn't matter considering this stallion's current state. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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( I'm a mare right now)

Skitter run look at the mare next to and started sobbing again

"theres one colt I like but I don't know if he notices me "

She tried to stand up again and after a few trys managed to stand up with a lot of swaying

She felt weird but most of all she felt alone.

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@@Skitter Run,


(It gets hard keeping track of who is what gender)


That peaked the curiosity of the pegasus mare. After stabilizing herself, Max decided to see about learning a little more. 


"Oh? And who might this colt be, if you don't mind me asking?" She said in the most innocent tone she could muster.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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