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It was, of course, purely out of curiosity that Symphony watched as the Griffon ran her talons through her feathers: nothing more. She didn't have trouble taking her eyes away from the dangerous edges. Not at all. Not Wind Symphony.


"So, Sabel. Tell me about you. I'm dying to hear about your kind: you're fast, I take it? With wings like that...?"


She asked, making certain that her line of enquiry was something that was likely to help her at some point. Of course, she knew Griffons were fast: but she needed to compare them to be sure...


"I mean, I can outrun just about any pony I've met - one way or another. I just wondered about you two?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabel grinned, spreading her wings out again.  "Fast?  You bet that I'm fast!  I've been flying since I was big enough to leave the nest!"  She didn't seem to care about the arrogance in her tone as she continued.  "I haven't seen anyone who can keep up with me.  Well, Percy here almost did..."  


@,  She glances at the other griffon again and laughs.  "I still have yet to see him try and keep up without an obstacle course."  Sabel snickered again, her teasing of course completely good-natured.   


"But yeah, griffons are built for speed!  Not just in the air either, though most of us are faster flying than we are running.  We can still keep a pretty steady pace on the ground though."  Sabel stops to lift up one of her hind legs so that the unicorn could see what she meant.  "That's all muscle!"  Though she was mostly trying to boast and show off, there was a measure of truth behind everything she was saying.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Eddie walked around the kiosk for 15 minutes now, asking adult ponies to buy him the smokes, with every pony refusing to buy him any witch only made him more angry "oh you aint gonna buy me none?! well buck you and get lost you puppet!!" Eddie sat on the public bench and was smoking his last ones "prepare your flanks, you motherfuckers dont want to take my bits because im one year short? lets see how ya'll keep this kiosk running when the bit registers are robbed and empty" he kept talking to himself in a whispering tone

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"Huh, not bad. For a bird." Symphony smirked with obviously fake indifference and a glint in her eye. "Speeds not all about muscle though."


Teasing a flying killing machine... Not exactly one of her smartest moments. Still: she couldn't help it - the Griffon reminded her of herself. Well... One the 'herself's' she had grown up as anyway.


"I'll show you how a pony races sometime: how a real pony races." She grinned cockily: her strategy wasn't exactly conventional: cheating, deception and skill were used in equal measure. She had a feeling that this creature might actually understand though: she seemed... on the same level. Or at least, closer than any of the ponies she had met had been.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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"I'll show you how a pony races sometime: how a realpony races."


"Ha!  You are SO on!"   She grinned cockily and attempted to whack the pegasus teasingly with her tail.  "And I'm as much cat as I am bird, Sparkles.  Griffons are the best of both, and this griffon isn't about to lose to a pony."  She winks at the crystal pegasus.  Sabel couldn't help but enjoy the teasing back and forth they currently had going - she was more accustomed to having ponies get offended at her manners than returning them.


A race?  It would have to be a ground race...  There's no way she can fly with that wing.  Probably won't be my strongest moment if we actually go through with it eventually.  Too late to back down now though, not after that little speech.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Vincent continued to run down the road, rounding corners abit quicker than he should have, occasionally having to weave through a crowd of people and getting many strange looks. He supposed he looked like a madman, running around like that. He saw the mare coming back, slowlying down abit so she could run along side him. As she explained what had happened, he cursed under his breath. "Dammit... I`ll deal with it when we get there..." he said, a few minutes later arriving in the hospital, slowing down as he entered the large medical building. "Here, take him." he said, carefully sliding the colt onto the Mare "Get him in the waiting area" he said, gestureing to some chairs, a few already full of ponies waiting for care "I`ll go get him set up." he moved up to the counter, ringing the bell. When the pony turned around, she jumped at the sight of him. "I found that stallion..." he gestured towards him with a talon "He collapsed, and has been vomitting. I brought him here. How long will he have to wait for care?"

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"We'll see, I'll go easy on you.." She joked arrogantly. It had been far too long since she had been Sonnet without some terrible out-of-character disguise. She liked it.


"Nothing around here but thugs and merchants: no one appreciates finesse anymore and it's no fun playing against talentless fools who think that a pretty, crippled mare can't take them."


It was easy, being Sonnet. Almost as easy as being herself. Much more entertaining too: as well as giving her a perfect chance to learn more about the creatures.




"So, Percy, you say you live here? Where's interesting? Anywhere worth visiting nearby or are we making our own excitement? We can keep looking for dates for the two of you if you want: I've got an eye for that sort of thing."


An eye for beautiful things: yes, she certainly had that.

Never quite forgotten.

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It was afternoon in Manehattan, and Autumn Glow was on her way to enjoy the city. She flew low among the skyscrapers, maneuvering her way around the central district. Her face was that of a bliss. The city was practically overrun with ponies, waves upon waves of residual love energy filled Autumn's inner core. It had been decades since the last time she felt a need to 'feed,' thanks to her foster family, but it felt nice to have a weekly snack like this. She sighed in content.


Autumn Glow flipped and turned around a corner. She could feel it all, the emotion of the city. Love, anger, hate, jealousy, happiness, envy, hope... even lust. She giggled. Her mind trailed back to her sister's wedding. The intensity of love shared between the bride and the groom was, simply put, overwhelming. Autumn Glow had barely opened any of her receptors, but the wed pair had flooded her system with enough love to sustain herself for years. She even gained quite a weight. So lost in her mirth Autumn Glow hadn't noticed the lamp post in front of her.




Autumn Glow crashed facefirst into the steel post. Her light scarlet mane quickly stood on its end from the shock. Dazed, she slowly fluttered down in a spiral pattern. She groaned. "So much for a good flying..."


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"So, Percy, you say you live here? Where's interesting? Anywhere worth visiting nearby or are we making our own excitement? We can keep looking for dates for the two of you if you want: I've got an eye for that sort of thing."


"Well, there's a problem. I've only ever really worked here, flew around for exercise, and just stayed in my apartment otherwise." He frowned, "Never had the time or energy to really get out much. I was actually hoping you might have some ideas of what we could do." He raised an eyebrow expectantly.

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'Oh I just steal, eavesdrop and break into places I shouldn't be just to find out if I can... bet that would go down a storm... She thought, catching herself absentmindedly smirking to herself.


"Well, I tend to be more of a night-pony... but there's always something going on here from what I've seen. Like I said, you were looking for dates? Want some help?"


There were a few places that she held an interest in. A few places that other ponies might that she had seen too... but a Griffon? What did a Griffon do to kill time? Besides... killing things? Racing might be an option. Hunting...


A brief flashback to the chase with Vincent earlier invaded her mind.


... might also be an option, she smirked.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Like I said, you were looking for dates? Want some help?"


Percy shifted his eyes for a moment. "Why must everypony know this...uhhm, no we're not likely to find another Griffon for me, if that's what you're asking. I was thinking...maybe a cute mare or stallion." He noticed his left eye sort of twitch, so he took a deep breath. "Why are you telling everypony this??"

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'Seriously? Can a Griffon and a Pony... Is that even safe?'


She shrugged nonchalantly, despite her bewilderment at the notion: it wasn't unusual exactly - just not something she had ever had reason to think about.


"Right them, one 'cute' pony for Percy - no preference. And for Madame...?" She grinned, shooting a look back at her other new dangerous acquaintance.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Sable just smiled and waved a talon, seeing an opportunity to get out of her boasting from earlier with Percy.  "Eh, don't worry about me, let's just focus on finding some'pony' for Percy."  She pronounces the pony of somepony a little foreignly, as if she's not used to the phrase.  "I'm just along for the ride."  She laughed, a little nervously, hoping neither of them were going to press the matter.


How the heck am I supposed to know something like that?  I've never even considered it before.  "I just came here looking for something fun to pass the time with.  Not really the romantic sort, hehehe."

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"All right then, lets do this! Try to keep up!" She said.


With a backward glance, Symphony broke into a canter, moving towards the busier areas of the city. Sure, she had no idea what he might find attractive but there were a lot of ponies in Manehattan: there had to be one or two he would take a fancy to.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabellah laughed and raced after the pegasus, crying out teasingly at Percy "Watch out for any low-hanging clotheslines, Ace!"  She started to flap her wings before folding them back, forcing herself to run instead of fly.  May as well get some practice in, if I'm going to race like this eventually.


She tried to look around as they ran through the crowded streets, keeping track of where they were going.  She had seen most of it earlier, but it had all looked like a blur at the time.   

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Sonny worked for a while before he realized he hadn't had lunch, and was pretty hungry. He tossed the half empty tequila bottle to the bed, and looked back out the window, looking to see if there were any restaraunts he could eat at. Upon spotting a decent looking cafe, he headed out his room's door, and down to the lobby.


"Alright, Skrill, let's do this. We need some food, and quick." He said, almost slurring some words, although he wasn't quite to that point yet.


Then he turned and noticed a certain mare in the lobby as well. The last mare he intended to see during his stay, was there, on his first day, in the same hotel.


"Neighlie?" He asked, rather loudly as he squinted toward the mare to make sure he was seeing straight.


"You have to got to be bucking kidding me." Neghlie thought to herself when she recognised a certain stallions voice.

"Oh gosh! Sonny?!" She span round and tried to look as happily surprised as possible when inside she knew that this would only lead to bad news.

"What are you doing here?! I thought you were touring down in Mexicolt! Celestia, get here you." Neghlie pulled him into a close hug to keep up the act and a slight smell liquor entered her nostrils which she chose to ignore.

Edited by Kaz

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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"You have to got to be bucking kidding me." Neghlie thought to herself when she recognised a certain stallions voice.

"Oh gosh! Sonny?!" She span round and tried to look as happily surprised as possible when inside she knew that this would only lead to bad news.

"What are you doing here?! I thought you were touring down in Mexicolt! Celestia, get here you." Neghlie pulled him into a close hug to keep up the act and a slight smell liquor entered her nostrils which she chose to ignore.

"Gah. Oh hi, Neighlie. I... didn't expect to see you here." The stallion pulled out of the hug after a moment. "Uh, I just got done there.. The crowds were great. But no, I'm actually up here in Manehatten for a few weeks to work on my new material.. Uhm... I didn't expect to see you... here... at least not on my first day in the city." the concerned pony said, not really aware of his tone, which may have at times slipped a bit.


"Where are you off to now?" he queried, adjusting his black frames with a hoof.

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"Gah. Oh hi, Neighlie. I... didn't expect to see you here." The stallion pulled out of the hug after a moment. "Uh, I just got done there.. The crowds were great. But no, I'm actually up here in Manehatten for a few weeks to work on my new material.. Uhm... I didn't expect to see you... here... at least not on my first day in the city." the concerned pony said, not really aware of his tone, which may have at times slipped a bit.


"Where are you off to now?" he queried, adjusting his black frames with a hoof.


"I'm just going outside for a cigarette. Want to join me like old times?" Neghlie pulled a cigarette from the packet and held it in her hoof in front of Sonny. "Come on, you know you want too!" She said with a little flank shake to try and persuade him. Neghlie felt herself warming to him slightly again but in the forefront of her mind, she knew she needed to maintain a low profile in Manehattan until after she'd done a few scheduled interviews.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Sonny hesitated. He had been trying to cut back on the smoking... "Buck it."


"Sure thanks, Neighlie. Just like old times." The Earth pony answered.


He took the cigarette in his mouth, and the two ponies headed out of the lobby for their first smoke together in months.


Skrill was the first speak when they were outside. "So your tour begins soon, huh?"


Before she could respond though, some young colt who looked in his teens trotted up to them.




Sonny obliged, and let the colt take a picture with him, before the young colt ran off screaming about how he was gonna brag to all his friends about this.


With a prideful grin, he turned to Neighlie, whom he was still waiting on a response from.

Edited by BassClef
  • Brohoof 1
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Sonny hesitated. He had been trying to cut back on the smoking... "Buck it."


"Sure thanks, Neighlie. Just like old times." The Earth pony answered.


He took the cigarette in his mouth, and the two ponies headed out of the lobby for their first smoke together in months.


Skrill was the first speak when they were outside. "So your tour begins soon, huh?"


Before she could respond though, some young colt who looked in his teens trotted up to them.




Sonny obliged, and let the colt take a picture with him, before the young colt ran off screaming about how he was gonna brag to all his friends about this.


With a prideful grin, he turned to Neighlie, whom he was still waiting on a response from.


"Somepony's getting famous." Neghlie said with a quiet laugh. "At least he didn't spot me, thank Celestia." Neghlie actually was a little bit upset by the fact she hadn't been recognised as well but she soon got over it.


Stubbing her cigarette out on the cold pavement with her hoof, she turned to face Sonny and said, "This city is so different to what I'm used to. I mean, Griffonshall is so tiny but even the cities back home that I've been to for gigs don't compare to this." She stared up at the towering silhouette's with the sun beating on her face.


"So come on then, Mr. Famous. Where are you taking me to celebrate my breakthrough tour?" Neghlie said, even if she didn't like him the way she used too, at least she could get a nice meal out of him.

Edited by Kaz

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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As the less-than-subtle group made there way through the city, Symphony started to make suggestions at random for the male Griffon. She was still somewhat curious as to whether he was being serious about finding a pony: she could just as easily have been helping him to find lunch.


"What about her?" She suggested without breaking pace, waving a hoof at a mare leaving some kind of salon. "Never mind, too prissy... This city isn't exactly the best place for this kind of thing."


It didn't help that the crystal mare was somewhat picky herself: she skimmed over a number of candidates simply on the grounds that they weren't her type. She tried to be a little more open minded: 'cute' he had said...


"What about her?" she asked, slowing down considerably to point a hoof towards a dazed looking pegasus.



  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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"Somepony's getting famous." Neghlie said with a quiet laugh. "At least he didn't spot me, thank Celestia." Neghlie actually was a little bit upset by the fact she hadn't been recognised as well but she soon got over it.


Stubbing her cigarette out on the cold pavement with her hoof, she turned to face Sonny and said, "This city is so different to what I'm used to. I mean, Griffonshall is so tiny but even the cities back home that I've been to for gigs don't compare to this." She stared up at the towering silhouette's with the sun beating on her face.


"So come on then, Mr. Famous. Where are you taking me to celebrate my breakthrough tour?" Neghlie said, even if she didn't like him the way she used too, at least she could get a nice meal out of him.

"Uh actually, it turns our that I was just gonna go get some lunch. I saw this place from my room that looked nice." The pony pointed toward a building down the street that appeared to be some sort of diner, or restaurant... at this point, he didn't know, or care. He just wanted food.... and his tequila bottle.


"How's this place look?" Sonny asked, still unsure about the whole situation.

  • Brohoof 1
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He was  thankful that the mare was trying to help, but at the same time, it made him uncomfortable. He kept pace, still, "Uhm...I dunno...hey, it's nice of you to help, and all, but I'm starting to feel like I rushed this...I did just quit my job, today, afterall." The frown he had been wearing turned into a grin, 




"So, what do you two say we go find some place to party?" 

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"What about her?" she asked, slowing down considerably to point a hoof towards a dazed looking pegasus


In her daze, Autumn Glow can tell that somepony was referring to her in a conversation. Somepony was... pointing a hoof toward her? The mixed emotions from the group and concerned bypassing ponies around her clouded her mind. Without any warning Autumn spun on her hooves and shouted, "Love is great! You should try that sometime!"


It took five seconds for Autumn to fully register what she had just said. She could feel some had started to ridicule her random outburst. Embarrassed and face beet red, Autumn quickly took off and flew away from the scene.


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"Uh actually, it turns our that I was just gonna go get some lunch. I saw this place from my room that looked nice." The pony pointed toward a building down the street that appeared to be some sort of diner, or restaurant... at this point, he didn't know, or care. He just wanted food.... and his tequila bottle.


"How's this place look?" Sonny asked, still unsure about the whole situation.

"Is this one of those subway, train diner things?" Neghlie said, showing how "blonde" she really was. "When in Rome, I suppose! Let's eat. I need something with protein, I've not gone for a gallop in ages and I need to build some muscle up."


Neghlie led the way into the diner and sat in one of the booths, the leather seat creaked underneath her. "You look a bit edgy... You alright?" She asked, gazing at Sonny and not even realising the slightly seducing look she was passing at him.

Edited by Kaz

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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