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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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Twisted looked to Moon, "Moon you had a hoof in this also, and I'll heal my own wounds if needed. Your a crew of pirates violence is in your blood! You've stopped me from one fight and she was asking for it." Staring down Moon. "You play the protector here, but at the same time you play the fool messing with fire. I've taken a lot of shit from you and Lume, but this has me seeing red." Pointing his gauntlet towards Moon.


A red spark going off in his eye, "Unleash your rage Fate do it!" A voice speaking to him inside his head.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Moonlight fought to keep her voice steady, as she stared back at Twisted. "Perhaps you're right. I've probably angered you and talked to you more then I should have," she admitted, watching Twisted get angrier and angrier. The mare most definitely didn't want to fight, heck, she came in here to get food!


"I also agree, Star did come in here in a huff," she said, glancing at the mare quickly. "But your rage is triggered too easily. Now, honestly, can we all just put down our fists already?" Moonlight said, shrugging nonchalantly.

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Twisted lowered his hoof, "I can control my anger, but when you get shit all day you kinda become pissed easily." Trying to resist the urge to rush Moon or Star. "This is the second fight I'll walk away from, but if there is a third time I promise blood will be spilled." Putting the cards away.


Turning to Star, "You stay away from me or we will have a problem." Glaring at the mare.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Moonlight breathed a sigh of relief as Twisted put down his hoof. "I understand. And, I suppose, I should apologize. I've been saying that your part of the crew and we should treat you like it, but I haven't been putting a big effort myself," she said, giving him a quick nod. Moonlight winced as the words came out of her mouth, she usually wasn't one to apologize, and it took great effort to do it.

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Twisted Fate felt Moon's words to be truthful, "Thank you Moon." Walking up to her he held out his hoof. "You got guts or your really stupid, but I believe you are smart. Anyways I should go back to my room before something sets me off again." Glaring towards Star.


"Wow I'm kinda shocked she said sorry for her actions. I thought she would think to highly of herself, but no she actually has a heart. Star and Lume are still on my list and it's not going to be easy for them get off." Thinking to himself as he walked out of the room.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Moonlight smiled wearily and shook Twisted's hoof before heading to the sleeping quarters. Maybe, deep inside, he really isn't a bad pony, she thought to herself. The mare felt bone tired, and couldn't be happier to collaps onto her bed and get some sleep. Hopefully, she would be able to squeeze in some sleep before somepony needed her.

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Twisted Fate felt Moon's words to be truthful, "Thank you Moon." Walking up to her he held out his hoof. "You got guts or your really stupid, but I believe you are smart. Anyways I should go back to my room before something sets me off again." Glaring towards Star.


"Wow I'm kinda shocked she said sorry for her actions. I thought she would think to highly of herself, but no she actually has a heart. Star and Lume are still on my list and it's not going to be easy for them get off." Thinking to himself as he walked out of the room.

Star Belle took a deep breath. She stepped out of the room, chasing Twisted.

"Look l'm not the kind of pony who likes to get physical. I just want to live, if that's not to much to ask. Let's make a deal: I pretend you don't exist, you pretend l don't exist. Nopony gets hurt, and no graves are dug. Fair enough?"

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Gray sighed as he stormed out of the room punching the wall creating a hole to be fixed later. He didn't even care about his broken glasses or aching stomach he was just angry. A very strange occurrence in which he doesn't try to make himself happy again.


"NO DISTURBING ME FOR THE NEXT FEW HOURS!" He yelled with an annoyed tone as he walked to his closet workspace. 

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Twisted turned around and gave Star a death glaze, "No deal, but I will warn you now cross my path again and there will be no Moon to save you from my wraith." Smiling at the mare. "Now go back to eating unless you have anything else to say." Slowly opening his card carrier.


"This mare is really stupid if she didn't understand I will crush her under my gauntlet." He thought as he stared at the mare.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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crimson walks in just in time to see twisted glare hatefully at star and threaten her, crimson quickly placed a calm hoof on twisted's shoulder, "listen Mr. stowaway...I have no problems with you personally, in fact I usually tend to like ponies with guts...but if you lay one hoof on a mare in my presence...then we just might have a problem..." crimson's voice seemed to change from calm and cool for a moment, to deep and sinister on the last sentence, his eyes even seemed to glow a deeper red than usual as he said this.

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crimson walks in just in time to see twisted glare hatefully at star and threaten her, crimson quickly placed a calm hoof on twisted's shoulder, "listen Mr. stowaway...I have no problems with you personally, in fact I usually tend to like ponies with guts...but if you lay one hoof on a mare in my presence...then we just might have a problem..." crimson's voice seemed to change from calm and cool for a moment, to deep and sinister on the last sentence, his eyes even seemed to glow a deeper red than usual as he said this.

"I would have to agree with Crimson," Star Belle said."I couldn't care less if you were a stowaway or about your personality. It's the fact that you tried to kill me that makes me dislike you." With that, she grabbed her history book and stomped off. If anything could kill an apptite, that was it.

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Twisted could feel his blood pumping once again, "You don't know the whole story and I don't care who blocks my path I'll take whoever down if needed." Trying to remember Moon's words. "I have nothing to say to you, so I'm leaving before blood gets spilled." Walking down hallway. 


"Keep calm and just think about the bits...Just you wait Star your time will come..." Evilly smiling to himself.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gray quickly rushes out of his closet workspace  and runs to the deck "Cripes I almost forgot! Were close to Manehatten I need to bring the ship in!" 


He rushes to the wheel and Presses a button on the wall that seems to be connected to a speaker. he speaks into it and his voice echos throughout the ship


"We will be arriving in Manehatten very shortly  Everypony get ready to land! Oh and if any of you need to take care of any business while we are there be sure to tell me. Once we arrive we will be taking off again In two days so make sure whatever you need to take care of you do it whiten that time. Oh and Crimson and Star I need to see the two of you as soon as you can make it over here."






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Star went to the engine room. Once there, she pulled out a light green pair of binoculars from her vest pocket and put them around her neck. They were the little kid kind, but they worked well enough. Then she checked to make sure she had all her supplies:

★A compact mirror

★A bag of marbles

★Band-aids-2 big, 4 normal-sized


★ Juice box

★Small notebook and small pen

★Small hairbrush

She was prepared, certainty. She sat in the corner of the engine room and continued reading.

Star Belle was ready for this monster.


( i wasn't in the room when you called, grey. You'll have to look for me)

Edited by EpicHarmony
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crimson glared at twisted as he walked off, "that kid might want to watch who he's threatening...especially if its someone who could kick his ass...if he lays even one hoof on star...he's  a dead stallion..." thought crimson but just before he could dwell upon more darker threats for twisted, crimson heard grey's message and sighed and nodded, "at least it gives me something to do besides sit around and drink..." mumbled crimson before trotting to the deck of the ship, seeing grey at the wheel, he walks over to him, "what's up? is there something wrong or do you need my help with something?" asked crimson.

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Gray looked over at Crimson and nodded. " When we arrive I need you and Star to run an errand" He tosses a book over to Crimson


"I need you to take that to a Unicorn in an apartment building that's called Xiers. Just ask for Zeric he is an old friend of mine. The reason I ask you is because I have to talk to a guy about parts for the ship. Be careful though there are a lot of ponies who would kill for that book."


Gray scratches his head and sighs "And get some rest before we get there, it'll be an half hours walk to Manehatten since we can't bring the ship too close without attracting the guards."



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Sweetie Pie trotted into the little corner office she owned, the bell above the door tinkling as she did so, it was a small place trye enough but Sweetie didn't need all that much room. Matched in Manehattan was one of a kind so she didn't have that much competition finding matches for other ponies. Not that it would matter if she did anyway, she thought herself to be the best match maker in all of Equestria, though she had never been outside of her home her whole life. She thought all the while getting her shop ready for the new customers of the day and in her thoughts she wondered when the last time she had taken a vacation was. She had to think far back enough to remember one shopping trip she had taken over a year ago and had the idea that perhaps she should get away for a while maybe just a few days in one of the neighboring towns might be a good idea. This thought made her crystal coat show bright, this only happened when she was happy or excited and she knew it had a contagious happiness to the ponies around her. though she didn't much like ponies seeing her like this for it made her feel embarrassed so she dimmed her happiness and carried along with the day waiting for the first of the customers to start coming in.

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A groggy, tussled, really lousy looking Duskrunner made his way out the blanketed off corner he had made his 'room' and made his way to the top deck.

Entering his water closet he closed the door and pulled the lever. A gentle spray of cold water and he was soon feeling much better.


Five minutes later he was towling himself off as he heard the gurgle of the drain emptying off the side of the vessel.


"Works perfectly. All right, back to business. We make Manehattan in a bit and that means supplies. Our gentlemen friends, Crimson and Gloom mainly no doubt, will take care of whatever cargo we won't be keeping in the hold and I've gotta set forward a shopping list. hmm, better triple up on the alcohol supplies. And i'd be well served to find a meat provider. or fish. I don't know what our gryphon mate eats but I bet he won't be satisfied with hay forever. Aw heck, i'll just deal with Gray myself."

Dusk made his way to the machine shop room Gray had taken over in lieu of the Captan's quarters. He wrote and slid a note under the door.
"Afternoon captain. I understand we'll be at anchor soon. That being the case time to send off those 2 letters, one absolving the maintenance crew in general and one from me in particular about how you all have my checklist so I have no way to know what you all did or didn't steal. And speaking of highway robbery, it's time to stock our larders so if you can give me an idea of what kind or how long a voyage we're headed too i can prepare accordingly.
Don't want everypony aboard to become a literal scurvy dog if we're flying far and not stocked with enough oranges.
Seriously. it's 2 days. I need the provisions budget ASAP."


With that Dusk went up and found Moonlight cloud-watching.
"hello Doc. Lovely voyage so far eh?" Said with just a bit of cynicism at how badly a lot of the trip went.
"Looking forward to land?"

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Moonlight Fire briefly lost her footing on the railing for a second, startled at Dusks's sudden presense. With a yelp, she caught herself, and breathed a sigh of relief. The mare glanced embarassingly at Dusk and replied, "I suppose so, although I really don't have a lot to do there. I could always use some more medical supplies I guess.." she trailed off and looked back at the sky.


"By the way, I saw that nifty shower you built. Pretty amazing," Moonlight commented, allowing a small grin.

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"Lume's been busy with the engine and I heard everypony talk about showers, I figured 'well, if that's what they want and need...' "

Dusk leans on the railing next to Moonlight.

"I turned in a budget request. Asking for food although I have no idea where we're headed or what we're doing. I hope we get an idea soon. This is a lovely ship. If the captain is planning on entering it in a cross-Equestria race, or go plunder shipping and supply lanes, or if he's going to raid a foreign nation's townships... well, I need to stock different things.

By the way, I know we need oranges and lemons to avoid scurvey, any other stuff I should plan for? Y 'know, that ounce of my prevention to spare you a pound of cure."

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Moonlight closed her eyes in thought, before responding. "If possible, get a few limes. They aid in sore throats and coughs, which aren't a big deal, but could grow into an infection which is kind of a big deal. Or, our whole crew could get sick." The mare shuddered at the thought of all the ponies on the ship with throat infections.


"I suppose you could also get some cinnamon and cloves. Their spices are great when making medicine," Moonlight advised. "If you need help with anything, let me know. I'm not going to be doing much of anything in Manehatten."

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"You wanna join me for my errands? I know it's not shore leave but it'd probably be safer traveling in pairs. I mean, you don't have to if you don't wanna, but it hit me any one of us could be snagged by a guard and nopony'd think about it except that they went AWOL. Two of us in a group vanishing and they'd at least suspect something is up."

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Dogboots had finished his shift over at the docks. He had been unloading cargo all day from some of the ships and it really took a lot out of him. Still, nothing would hit the spot more than a drink at the pub. He stumbled around the large city before entering what he thought was a pub. A small bell rang as soon as the door had opened.

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