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open Beyond these Walls: An adventure through Equestria. (Applications open!)

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight raised an eyebrow, he could sense that Orion was stubborn to hide his weaknesses, he was a proud being, and didn't seem to want to admit to pain. He was a leader, there was no doubting this.

"I understand as best I can, though I think unless I were you, I could not fully grasp the power that you contain. I hope I don't sound too doubting of this power, but.. Are you sure that reading it would help? It may be just as likely to destroy you as it would to give you full control. I sense that there is something far more to this thing than either of us can know as of now.."

Scribbler leaned in, speaking quietly, only to Orion. "Should you wish, I can ease your headaches at the very least until we get things figured out.. You'll be able to focus better.. I can tell you aren't one to admit to weakness, however small it may be..And though it is admirable, it won't do you any good to put up with distractions, especially with the ponies ahead of us being hostile towards us as I imagine they will be... Do you trust me?" Scribbler looked with sincerity into Orion's eyes, awaiting his response, whatever it may be.

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Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,


'You might as well try. We won't change Equestria if you drive yourself into the ground...'


"Yes, I trust you." Orion said, nodding uneasily.


"I... no. It's... I can't not know. If you could right the wrongs in Equestria, wouldn't you? Even if it does destroy me: wouldn't it be worth it? Worth it for that chance - even if a chance is all it is - to make a change for the better? I can't walk away and spend the rest of my life knowing that I might have made a difference. I've got a chance to make this world the one Willow deserves. That we all deserve."


'You should have asked us for help - though we have heard worse speeches before...'


"Now answer a question for me." He continued. "Why are you here? Why are you helping me? It's not that it's unwanted but... well me and Willow normally just have to look out for each other. Why would you want to help us?"








"Wh... Oh no. No. No. NO!" The mare panicked as she backed away: she had regained clarity on some of her memories - mostly from her childhood and none of them matched up to what the pony in front of her was saying: she was called Kingfisher: her mother and father were business-ponies: the family owned a modestly large company that dealt in importing exotic goods into Equestria. She wasn't an... an adventurer: she was going to inherit the business when her parents retired!


There was that name again though... She still couldn't place it.


"That's... that's not right! You must be thinking of somepony else...!" She stammered: stopping at the edge of the water - determined not to touch it again.


"This is some kind of joke isn't it? Heh, very funny now please stop - you're scaring me..." She murmured.

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribbler looked down for a moment. He hadn't truly thought about why, he just did what he felt was right.

"I choose to help you, Orion, because.. Well, I came to you in the night, and you looked like you needed it. It is in my nature to help those in need. I saw you, and didn't have the heart to leave you behind, even if you were going to be fine without me, I had no way of knowing. Now that I know you a bit better, I'm finding more reasons to stay by you, and though it may seem odd, I tend not to think about why I do what I do. I merely follow the pathway that seems the most righteous, and true to my heart."

He smiled at Orion, hoping this would be a sufficient answer to his question.

"Your intentions are most noble, reckless as they may be, noble nonetheless. Not to mention my curiosity to witness this Litany myself is very high. It's within my reach to witness what could be the most eventful moment in history.. How could I miss that?"

With that, he stepped in front of Orion, and raised his hoof, placing it on Orion's cheek "Now, about your headaches. Hold still for a moment, while I cast this."


Scribbler closed his eyes, his horn lit up in a reddish glow, and it began to travel in an etheric cloud towards Orion's horn. The healing cloud began surrounding his head, and glistened with sparks of white magic. "This should get rid of those nasty headaches" He thought.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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Orion Starsinger.

@@Midnight Scribbler,

As the spell washed over his mind, Orion held a brief moment of panic as the constant, binding ache that seemed to link him with whatever the second consciousness was fade to almost nothing. He had never asked for the voice: never expected or desired it yet the thought of being separated terrified him for no reason that he could decipher.

'Can you still...?' He thought desperately.

'We can hear you. Things seem, clearer now...' It thought back.


Sighing in relief, he sat down heavily to wait for the return of his sister: smiling slightly at the pain relief. It wasn't unlike the brief respite he had felt that morning while the voice was still sleeping. He had no idea how long it might last - or indeed if he would be able to cast spells without the pain returning - but for the time being at least, it felt of blissful nothingness.

"Thank you, that's... much better." He said.

Never quite forgotten.

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@(Everyone again, I'm being lazy)


Pavisa gives a small sigh as she finishes the last touches of putting her armor back on.  She was in no position to enforce any kind of plan anyways, there was no way she could -make- anyone stay behind.  Alright, Plan B.


@@@Icy Void,@,


"Eclipse, that's enough.  If she doesn't remember yet, upsetting her isn't going to help anything.  Okay everypony, listen up!  We need to start moving!  Midnight, you take the lead since you know where we're going...  Eclipse, Crimson, you two should follow closely behind him.  If one unicorn was able to find the Litany, than the three of you should have a better chance at detecting any kind of traps.  Blast, you're probably the fastest one here, can you bring up the rear in order to respond to whatever happens?"




Taking a moment to catch her breath, Pavisa walks over to Kingfisher and smiles at the mare.  She drops her 'guard voice' in favor of a softer, more worried tone.  "Fisher?  Until you're feeling like yourself again, I want you to stick to my flank no matter what.  Alright?  I can't make you stay behind, but I'm sure as Celestia not going to let anything else happen to you."  Pavisa was positive that this would be unnecessary if Kingfisher could remember who she was, but the way things were now the guard was very worried about her friend.







Zintiik couldn't resist the urge to taunt Redwave.  If the stallion had been at full health he would have been much more cautious, but as it was the temptation was just too great.  With a flash of green fire, Zintiik changed into the familiar form of Tactic Wind and grinned at Redwave.
"We've always been able to speak, Captain.  Now let us sort this out, hmm?"  With another flash, the changeling is very quickly back in his natural form as he turns his attention back to Willow.  His joking, rude attitude disappears about as quickly as he changes shapes, the changeling once more submissive in front of the mare.
"Willow, Orion is going to be furious if he finds out about this!  What are we going to do?  He's waiting for us even as we speak, I had volunteered to come find you before we crossed Splinterhoof Hills...  I'll help however you can, but..."  His insectoid wings buzz quietly, the changeling for once having difficulty coming up with some kind of plan.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Scribbler smiled warmly, feeling he'd accomplished some progress in befriending Orion. He knew he needed to gain Orion's trust in order to keep his advantageous position at his side. The Litany awaited, and he wasn't about to miss out on a chance to see such a potent magic at work.

"You're most welcome, my friend. That should help you for at least the rest of the day, though I don't know how it will work under strain if you should use high amounts of magic. It's meant to aid in healing, and dulls pain, but it's not a cure by any stretch. I can cast it again if you need it later on."



With that, Scribbler wandered back to the foot of his bridge, and sat. Awaiting the return of Zintiik. He glanced at Mirror, who'd been silent for a long time.

"You've been very quiet for some time now, Mirror. Is everything alright?"

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Mirror Image


@,@@Midnight Scribbler,  


Mirror Image had wandered off from the rest of the group to take a closer look at the various razor sharp rocks. She reached out to slide her left forearm across one of the stones. Without applying more pressure than she would to just touch it a thin line of red began to run down her leg. With a sigh she turned around to rejoin Orion and Scribbler. Mirror had just unknowingly cut her right side multiple times, leaving drops of blood behind her. Because of her illusion, there were no identifiable wounds.


"Oh, yes I'm fine. I just took a closer look at the rocks."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Scribbler peered down at Mirror's hooves, seeing blood drip down. "Er.. I don't mean to alarm you, but.. you're bleeding." He was confused, not seeing any visible wounds. He pointed a hoof at Mirror's right side, which appeared to be oozing blood for no apparent reason. "that's strange" he thought. "How did she not notice that?"

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Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,


"It is... More than I had the foresight to do." Nodded the faux-alicor, before turning to look at the mare his newfound companion was addressing.




"Did you see... are you okay? You weren't attacked were you?"


His mind jumping to the worst possible solution (I'm his opinion) as he stumbled upright, Orion missed the fact that there was certainly no wound visible - least of all one that could have trailed the amount if blood that it had.


The voice was more perceptive: though in a different way.


'There it is again: that feeling - it's the aura of a spell, we're sure of it. Be careful...'








"Sure, I can do that." The distressed, merchants daughter nodded towards the guard. She looked back at the sword, and at the unicorn that had claimed that she was supposed to be skilled with it.


Stepping forward a little, she picked it up gingerly and slipped it deftly into the strange harness that she seemed to be wearing - it was a piece of the puzzle about what had happened to her - she wasn't going to leave it behind.




Redwave and ???





"Scoundrel!" Snapped Red - lunging towards the changeling: in his weakened state it was more of a half-stumble but was a great improvement the motions he had been making since coming back - at least he had managed some kind of sudden movement...

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Eclipse nodded and his psychic aura appeared over his horn.

"I guess I could team up with the stallions. Somepony must want to keep this Litany right where it belongs." He muttered.

Blast smirked and nodded. 

"Well, I'm not really one for staying behind at a slow pace, but I guess it's for the best." Blast then marveled at the Falls and smirked. "Let's do this!" He exclaimed in a cocky tone.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@,  


"Bleeding? Where?" Mirror Image asked, confusion clearly in her voice, as she looked down and lifted her left leg and then the other, beneath which was a slowly growing pool of blood. The confusion on her face gave way to panic as she spun around in circles trying to get a better look at her right side. Oh no! What's going on? How'd this happen? The rocks...I must have brushed against some of them. Hayfeathers, the illusion! It's hiding the cuts...I have to change it...I can't let them figure it out. Celestia, please don't let them notice.

Mirror Image spun around once more, timing it so that when her right side wasn't visible she altered the illusion to include some wounds. She came to a stop facing both Midnight Scribbler and Orion. Breathing heavily she shook her head, "No...I wasn-wasn't attacked. I think I cut myself on those rocks back there....they're sharper than I thought they would be." The mare shook her head a few times, attempting to clear a headache, only to make it worse in the process. She looked back and realized she had lost more blood than she thought. "I need to rest for a few minutes...I'm feeling a little light headed. Sorry to have worried the two of you." Mirror Image took a few steps away from the blood puddle before laying down on the spot. She didn't want to risk passing out and having her illusion dispelled.
Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@SilverHeart, @,

Scribbler looked with concern at Mirror, wondering how she could have possibly not noticed such a grievous wound. She spun around, and he noted the change in the appearance on her right side, suddenly a gash was visible, where there hadn't been before. This was strange, but he didn't question it, thinking he must have missed it. There was a lot of blood after all. "Well, it seems I'm going to be playing medic on this adventure." he thought to himself. He trotted over toward the mare, and sat in front of her, looking down into her face, which seemed to be losing colour.


"Mirror, let me see your wound.. you can't continue like that, you're bleeding out." He glanced down at her side. "I'll close the wound, but you'll have to be careful not to overwork yourself again, or you might cause it to bleed again."

He sparked his horn with the same healing spell he'd used on Orion, and directed his horn toward her gash. The reddish glow began to spread down onto the wound and the blood flow ceased. It began to congeal, and close up, leaving what would soon be a scar once it healed fully.


Scribbler could feel himself begin to weaken from the amount of magic he'd been weaving in this short amount of time. He was far from spent, but he could definitely tell he wouldn't be able to keep up to the demand all day if he continued using his magic like this. Though the bridge would return some energy once they finally managed to get across it. He would absorb it's energy again, bringing him back up to full strength.

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Aegis had watched Kingfisher's group quietly, as he usually did. This group was disjointed. They had no leader without Kingfisher or the guardpony, and Aegis didn't want to be part of the group's politics. sadly, this decision meant that he went ignored for the most part. He could slip away right now, and they'd be none the wiser.


'I'm seriously considering just picking up and leaving right now. Splinterhoof isn't far away, and I can fly back over it. It's not like they really need me anyway. They'll be fine just fine without me.'


"Hey! Everypony!" He called, trying to get their attention. "You've got this pretty much under control, and I've got nothing to contribute here, so if it's all the same to you, I'm leaving. You need warriors, and I'm not a warrior. Arrivederci, friends, and good luck."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@,  


Mirror Image watched Midnight closely as he walked towards her. Looking for any signs of distrust or hostility, instead she saw only compassion and concern...which meant that he still trusted her...for the most part. Most likely he was going to try to help her with her wounds. Unsure of how he was going to heal her wound, she raced for an excuse to keep him away from her. Before she could protest, he cast a spell. She breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't get any closer. 


"Um...thank you for your help. If I had been alone that probably would have gone a lot worse."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"W-wait, you're leaving?"  Pavisa bit down on her lower lip, an old nervous habit.  It seemed to her as though the group was starting to fall apart, and so close to the Litany too!  "I...  Well, we can't stop you if you want to go, but a pony that knows how to think could still be of great help...  Who knows what we'll encounter as we get closer..."  







Zintiik quickly buzzes away from Redwave, still cautious enough to stay far out of the stallion's reach.  He had absolutely no desire to let those stone hooves get ahold of him.  As he lands again he hisses at Redwave, though there's the slightest hint of a laugh behind the sound.  The changeling was having far too much fun teasing the poor captain.  "Aww, is scoundrel the best you have?  I was hoping someone with your vocabulary could be a little more creative...  I mean, I've heard way worse."


He really was trying to behave - Willow had gone through the trouble of freeing this pony after all, so she must have had some reason to do so.  For her sake he was trying not to antagonize Redwave too much...  It was a very difficult temptation for the changeling though.  He just sees a monster like all the others.  Makes him too much fun to mess with.  Gotta act the part, if they wanna monster I better give 'em a monster...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Scribbler noticed how tense Mirror was as he finished with his spell, seeing how worried she looked by his mere proximity. He gazed quizzically at her for a moment. "It's not a problem, Mirror. Try to be more cautious next time." He wandered back towards his bridge and laid on the ground. He didn't feel like putting Mirror on edge, she appeared to have an issue with being close to anypony. Scribbler couldn't understand why, but he had a feeling she had been hiding things from them. For the time being, he rested, conserving his energy for when Willow and Zintiik returned.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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Aegis stopped in his tracks. He'd expected to just be ignored, unless he started spouting sarcasm, which was about as helpful as trying to break a rock with his head. "If you don't want me to leave, just say it and I'll stay. But it won't kill anypony to ask my opinion on things. Because as it stands, I feel like I may as well not be here. So, Miss Guardspony, do you want me to stay?" 

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Of course!  We're going to need everypony's help if we're actually going to make it to the Litany before it jumps, or before Orion catches us!"  Pavisa sighs and glances at her hooves, thankful that her helmet is once more hiding her facial features.  She really didn't want anypony to see how frantically she was trying to keep things together.


"Listen, I...  I just want to get all of us through this in one piece.  I'm not trying to take charge of this expedition, but with Kingfisher unable to even remember who she is, somepony needs to take action before we miss our opening.  All I'm trying to do is hold things together until we can get Kingfisher back...  If you have a suggestion, please, speak up now."  


She brings her gaze back to Aegis, and that was when she realized he was one of the group members that had only recently joined.  All he likely saw was a guard - there was a fairly good chance that he wasn't aware that she was barely more than a recruit fresh out of training.  "I'm a soldier, I don't want to play politics.  I just want us to finish this mission, preferably with us all in one piece.  We've already lost too many on this stupid quest.  If anypony else has a better plan then let's go with it, but we need to decide on what to do soon."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aegis cleared his throat. "Then we'll organize two teams. The first team scouts ahead and searches for traps. The second team will consist of the rest of us. I recommend Midnight Sky and his sister to lead the first team. The rest of us will gather our belongings and catch up with the first team. Good plan?"

'Why do I feel like I've become a tactician?' He thought to himself, trying to figure out where he drawn this plan from.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Pavisa gives a small nod.  She really didn't care who's plan they went with, only that they had to do something now!  If they just stood around debating about it all day, either the Litany itself or Orion were going to ruin all of their possible plans.  


@@Icy Void,


As the guard turns back to Midnight, she once more puts her 'soldier voice' to use.  "You heard 'im Midnight, pick who's going with you and get going!  We don't have any time to waste!  Fisher is staying close to me, and I'd recommend keeping Blast near Aphrodite so they can keep an eye on each other...  But either way, let's get going!"  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Crimson saw how most of the group seemed in some sort of trouble, he groaned in exasperation, trotting up to Pavisa. "We should hurry up and finish this quest soon soon, before I get frustrated and begin to drink heavily, warning, I'm huge flirt when I'm drunk, also, I find you very attra-" Crimson didn't finish his sentence, because he punched himself in the face. "Why couldn't I just say that first damn thing!?" Thought the pirate angrily, as his nose began to bleed and he blushed.

Edited by ragestar
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Midnight Sky


"Alright, I have nothing against that plan Aegis. Now does every pony agree, because we really need to get moving soon. Every second we spend talking is a second Orion gets closer, and we learned from last time that we have no hope in a full on battle with that alicorn so it should go without saying that we need to get the Litany before he gets here and we need to destroy it. As such the ponies I'd like with me and my sister are Eclipse, Crimson, and Aegis. And I want Blast to come with us on the way up so that he can guide the rest of you once you're all ready, and so he can deliver messages if anything major happens." Midnight said, walking up to stand beside Pavisa and Kingfisher. Normally he preferred to stick to the background, but somehow he had managed to bring himself right into the forefront of their group.


At least he had already confessed to being royal born, so he didn't need to worry about his behavior seeming odd, but it felt strange to be something similar to a leader after several years of getting away from that life. "A few things before we separate. Be very careful going up, the path is very narrow and slippery. In addition, the waterfall by the entrance is so strong that flying would be ill advised so don't. And finally, let's keep magic to a minimum, we have no idea what kinds of magic defenses could be in place. Now those of you coming up with me, let's get going. We've wasted enough time." Midnight said, using his 'prince voice' to match Pavisa's 'guard voice'. After that he turned and began walking towards the Falls, whether or not the others came with wasn't his problem anymore.



Sunshine Rays


Sunshine was brimming with pride in her older brother. Ever since they had run away from their home, Midnight had tried to hide his true self by hiding behind a wall of anti-socialism that eventually became his norm. But Sunshine still remembered him when he had been a prince, a pony to look up to for guidance if things got bad, and it was good to see him like that again. "I'm with you brother, as always." Sunshine said before following Midnight Sky, after giving a little laugh at that one ponies burst of embarrassing truths..

Edited by Icy Void


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Blast shook his head.

"If we're having this sudden change in plans, I'm going to go down on my own. If Aphrodite comes with me now, she'll just get hurt, or worse. I can't let that happen." He then looked back up towards the falls. "Unless you have a better approach for me, I want to head out alone."

Edited by StevenEarthPony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@(Everyone involved)


Pavisa couldn't help but smirk and roll her eyes at Crimson, able to guess well enough what the last part of his thought had been, but she didn't have time to deal with the poor cursed pirate at the moment.  "Alright, you all heard for yourselves.  The ponies that Midnight mentioned, get going!  Blast, the rest of us will follow when you come back to show us the trail.  No lone hero antics, if we don't work together as a group we're liable to lose somepony on this!  And just a reminder, if any of you get killed by a trap I'm kicking your flank myself!  Now let's move!"


She was glad that the group finally seemed to be cooperating, at least better than they did when they first started this expedition.  She was also incredibly surprised at herself - she had always pictured herself taking orders, not barking them out like this.  Once more Pavisa was thankful to have her helmet hiding her face.  Is it normal to be this frantic at times like this, or am I reaching the end of my rope?  I really hope Kingfisher gets better soon...  I'm not sure how long this 'not having a leader' thing is going to hold together.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Icy Void,@, @,@@Windbreaker,

Blast nodded and smirked. They've come all this way and lost a lot along the way. He wasn't about to lose the Litany to some alicorn.

"Alrighty then. I'll be back in a jiff." Blast said, jetted off to the falls. Once he got to the falls, he began running up the narrow and slippery side of it, working his way to the top.


Eclipse simply gave a slight "hmph."

"Don't count on him being back as quick as he just ran. He'll be scouting out the entire falls, looking for traps, passages, and such." Eclipse remarked. "Let's just start on our way. C'mon, guys, let's get moving." He said, beginning to make his way upwards. The unicorn couldn't believe that he made it this far. Soon, he would have the answers to who he really was. Who was he? Where did he come from? Soon, the truth would be revealed.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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