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The Master took out his scredriver quickly and put her horn and legs into stone. High laughed evily and insanely as walked to her

"You were always my favorite,but Celestia put my as prime minster and hiding it from you",he said,"But you don't know do you? How Nightmare Moon came into form?"

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Rolo heard Sombra's call and went out from his hiding place. He found The Master and Luna and chuckled. "The mighty princess dethroned. As much fun as I'm sure this is for you, we should be moving on before suspicion arises. Oh but where are my manners, I am Rolo Lamperouge, owner of the Geass of Absolute Suspension, and loyal servant of Lord Sombra," Rolo told both The Master and Luna with a bow. "Shall we get a move on?" He asked The Master.


Eren followed Light outside and grappled to the top of a building with his 3D movement gear. "Any ideas for what I should keep an eye out for?" He called down.

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Unishar heard the call "weird, i thought that the king just ignored me" moving away from the caverns entrance he ran up the incline "at least the hours of tracking were not for a waist. I just wish he  did not say not to hurt the 'heroes'" Unishar shrugged it off sighing.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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"Sombra is getitng impacient I see tell him I'll be there after my crowning and annoucement", he said to him

Guards then took Luna away 

"Wait guards", he said taking his sonic screwdriver and putting Luna into stone expect her face

Another guard came in 

"My lord,the elements are here", he said 

"Good lure them into dinner hall", he said 

"And guard", he said then whipsered something in his ear 

"Right way my lord", he bowed and trotted away


Twilight and the others saw Rainbow Dash

"Rainbow good your here", she said hugging her 

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"Sombra is getitng impacient I see tell him I'll be there after my crowning and annoucement", he said to him

Guards then took Luna away 

"Wait guards", he said taking his sonic screwdriver and putting Luna into stone expect her face

Another guard came in 

"My lord,the elements are here", he said 

"Good lure them into dinner hall", he said 

"And guard", he said then whipsered something in his ear 

"Right way my lord", he bowed and trotted away


Twilight and the others saw Rainbow Dash

"Rainbow good your here", she said hugging her 

Rainbow Dash hugging Twilight back "Yea but I wounder why Fireblaze wasn't invited."



Fireblaze following Gamer into Canterlot while thinking. *I don't like this and something is not right. Dash please say safe I don't know what will happen if you in trouble. I will lose it.*



Then Coppy was heading to Canterlot and hearing Sombar call and nodding *Right boss* As he turn into a Royal Guard.

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As Game walked Blazed into Canterlot and turned to him with a raised eyebrow.


"What was that all about?" Game asked as he walked the brown Pegasus into Canterlot. He then looked back and realized that it was Rainbow Dash flying to the castle. He looked puzzled but then looked back at the stallion waiting for his reply.

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Rolo gave a bow before he left the throne room and headed out of the castle. He roamed around for a bit before bumping into Fireblaze. "Excuse me sir," he told the stallion as he dusted himself off. "What brings you to this fine city," Rolo asked him as he helped Fireblaze to his hooves.

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As Game walked Blazed into Canterlot and turned to him with a raised eyebrow.


"What was that all about?" Game asked as he walked the brown Pegasus into Canterlot. He then looked back and realized that it was Rainbow Dash flying to the castle. He looked puzzled but then looked back at the stallion waiting for his reply.


Rolo gave a bow before he left the throne room and headed out of the castle. He roamed around for a bit before bumping into Fireblaze. "Excuse me sir," he told the stallion as he dusted himself off. "What brings you to this fine city," Rolo asked him as he helped Fireblaze to his hooves.

"Rainbow Dash is my lover, also I do work at Canterlot as a Assisent Blacksmith and since my boss give me his shop in Canterlot he went to Manhattan. These Guards didn't know I work here and I wounder Why I couldn't get in with my girl?." Fireblaze saying as he was not happy with this and then he see his shop still close too. "I Just close up shop in the afternoon."

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"I wouder that too", she said walking to the castel

"I hope it's nothing too bad", Fluttershy said looking down

"Maybe its a pary!", Pinkie said bouncing in the air

"It's too terribblie, dear", Rarity said flippinf her mane 

"But whatever it is the Princess is sure keep a tight guard,"Applejack said,noting the guards in the air and around Canterlot 

The messager for The Master was waiting for her 

"The princess will see you now", he said 

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Lila was trotting around Canterlot castle working as a maid. She had waited patiently for Sombera's call. When she heard it she began to hastily search for the six ponies while still keeping her calm facade. She wanted to be there when Sombera gave the okay to attack.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Game looked back at the castle and stopped. He wondered for a second and smiled then turned back to Fireblaze. 


"I can get you in side. An old friend of my is good friends with Celestia." Game explained smiling at Fireblaze. 


"We'd have to stop bu Celestias school for gifted Unicorns but after that I'm sure he would let you in." 

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Rolo nodded to Fireblaze. "I see, if you would like I may know a way you can get back to your lover. I happen to know the Prime Minister and can surely get you in," he told him. 'As soon as I get him in the castle I can get him and his precious little mare wrapped around my hoof,' Rolo thought.

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((@ they're villains! all villains start out as overpowered, but the score is evened eventually.))

"Good plan, Ambrose! Everypony, we head out at the rising of the moon! Do not be afraid, for Luna will be watching over us!" Yelled Light to all the heroes. "We travel on foot and by air. Sorry, Doctor, can't use the TARDIS, since Sombra will find us from the noise." The moon began to rise as Light said this. "Everypony, grab your things, it is time to depart!"


Sombra was waiting for this moment. "All villains, find the heroes and stalk them. Don't hurt them until I give my mark." Sombra hissed.



"I wouder that too", she said walking to the castel

"I hope it's nothing too bad", Fluttershy said looking down

"Maybe its a pary!", Pinkie said bouncing in the air

"It's too terribblie, dear", Rarity said flippinf her mane 

"But whatever it is the Princess is sure keep a tight guard,"Applejack said,noting the guards in the air and around Canterlot 

The messager for The Master was waiting for her 

"The princess will see you now", he said 

"I hope so, I don't want anything happen to Dash and if something happen to her then I will lose it." Fireblaze saying



Rainbow Dash nodding too. "Let hope so Pinky."



Copy then since someone close. *Brother Oh boy better get there and get the master to listen* THen he running towards the castle as the Royal Guard. *Master Sombra I just found out my brother Fireblaze still here and He can be our Trump Card too.*



Game looked back at the castle and stopped. He wondered for a second and smiled then turned back to Fireblaze. 


"I can get you in side. An old friend of my is good friends with Celestia." Game explained smiling at Fireblaze. 


"We'd have to stop bu Celestias school for gifted Unicorns but after that I'm sure he would let you in." 


Rolo nodded to Fireblaze. "I see, if you would like I may know a way you can get back to your lover. I happen to know the Prime Minister and can surely get you in," he told him. 'As soon as I get him in the castle I can get him and his precious little mare wrapped around my hoof,' Rolo thought.

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The messager walked Twilight and the other to the dinning hall 

"Who are you?", Twilight asked 

"Messager", he said 

"That's an odd name", Applejack said 

" I know", he said,"I wish I could change,but that is my name and duty to the rulers of Equestria."

Pinkie made a hmmm when looking aorund

"Something doesn't feel right", she thought 

"But what about Spike?", Rarity asked arriving

"I am one who dlivers and sends out Celestia letter that aren't from you,but you can ask her", she arriving at the door ,"Yourself we arrived."

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"'You and your band of evil won't stop us, Master." Said Luna. "The heroes will rise to stop you, as they stopped so many evils before."

Added Luna.

"We're heading out!" Shouted Light, "keep an eye out for any ponies that seek to do harm." Said Light.

"Attack them..." Hissed Sombra to the villains, "leave them wounded, don't kill them..."

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Rolo heard his master's call and immediately froze Fireblaze and Gamer with his Geass and sliced him up with his knife and putting it away before releasing his Geass. "What happened!?" He yelled, feigning ignorance.


Eren started rushing through the city in his 3D movement gear keeping an eye on any suspicious activity.

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The messager walked Twilight and the other to the dinning hall 

"Who are you?", Twilight asked 

"Messager", he said 

"That's an odd name", Applejack said 

" I know", he said,"I wish I could change,but that is my name and duty to the rulers of Equestria."

Pinkie made a hmmm when looking aorund

"Something doesn't feel right", she thought 

"But what about Spike?", Rarity asked arriving

"I am one who dlivers and sends out Celestia letter that aren't from you,but you can ask her", she arriving at the door ,"Yourself we arrived."


"'You and your band of evil won't stop us, Master." Said Luna. "The heroes will rise to stop you, as they stopped so many evils before."

Added Luna.

"We're heading out!" Shouted Light, "keep an eye out for any ponies that seek to do harm." Said Light.

"Attack them..." Hissed Sombra to the villains, "leave them wounded, don't kill them..."


Rolo heard his master's call and immediately froze Fireblaze and Gamer with his Geass and sliced him up with his knife and putting it away before releasing his Geass. "What happened!?" He yelled, feigning ignorance.


Eren started rushing through the city in his 3D movement gear keeping an eye on any suspicious activity.

Fireblaze was stuck then got slash and then he fell after something was holding him. "What the? OUCH."



*It Starting." Then Copy turn into Prince Blueblood as he aporch the guard. "I Need see my Auntie Celestia and Luna now I AM PRINCE BLUEBLOOD. I DEAMND TO BE LET IN MY HOME!"



Rainbow Dash is Loyitey and she with Pinky on this one too. "How come we haven't see you?"

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Lila heard the call but still couldn't find the heros. She passed through the dinning hall and noticed all of them there. She approched while charging her horn, a bright flame enveloping it. She grinned and approached them as a gout of flame shot from her horn and at Twilight.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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The door open and The Master was at the head at the head of the table with Celestia and Luna,90% into stone, behind him

"Because", the guard said turing into Sunset Shimmer,"I was undercover".

Tons of guards surrouded them from behind

"Sunset", Twilight growled 

The girls all looked worried and Fluttershies knessies were shacking 

"It would be honor if you would join us", The Master said unfollding his hooves and waiter coming out to with their food 

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The door open and The Master was at the head at the head of the table with Celestia and Luna,90% into stone, behind him

"Because", the guard said turing into Sunset Shimmer,"I was undercover".

Tons of guards surrouded them from behind

"Sunset", Twilight growled 

The girls all looked worried and Fluttershies knessies were shacking 

"It would be honor if you would join us", The Master said unfollding his hooves and waiter coming out to with their food 

Rainbow Dash was shock and growing. "So what is your Lame plan and If I get hurt by you my boyfriend will hurt you."


(One thing who controlling the guards? Fake Prince Blueblood aka Copy is outside the castle and want to be let in so he can tell master about blaze other form)

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"Your boyfriend,is of no concern,Rainbow Dash", he said,"And my plan,spoilers."

Applejack sat down and asked,"Who in the hay are you?"

"My name is The Master", he said 

Pinkie sat down an ate and along with Rarity

Twilight looked more angry than she had ever been in her life

"Oh Twily you look mad,oh I have to say more then I can remember", he said with an evil grin eating his food

(Oh you'll see..)

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Ambrose heard the commotion in the other room, and she saw several ponies being attacked. Ambrose darted forward giving herself some space, and took out one of her projects from a side satchel. It wasn't done yet and was highly unstable, it could create a bubble, to destroy the whole castle. She looked around first to make sure Light and the others were okay. Then she turned and saw a unicorn shoot a bolt of fire at Princess Twilight. She quickly summoned her magic and shot her project at the attacking unicorn. The "project" was in the shape of a ball, and decided to stop in mid air, where it started to shake rapidly and glow. 'Uh oh' Ambrose thought. "TAKE COVER" she yelled in the loudest voice she could muster.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Crimson nodded and followed Light with a grin, "sure thing! After all, kicking badies asses is one of my hobbies! And I'm pretty damn good at it, if I do say so myself." Said Crimson with a chuckle. He immediatly stopped once the comotion started however and grew a serious, getting into a defensive stance, "what's wrong!? Are we under attack?" Asked Crimson.


((I edited my post, bad timing...))

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The Master pressed a button and the doors and windows shut tight between steel.

"You'll find getting out is impossible", he said ,"And if use Magic Twilight to get beyond that door it will taser or electrocute you."

Twlight growled in repsonse 

"Now eat",The Master said going back to eating

On by one girls started to eat 

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Unishar had found the group that he had encountered earlier and had been following them for almost 20 muinets when the signal was given to attack. But the timing was crappy Unishar would have to wait in order to not kill them. So for the time being Unishar would have to wait in the sealing rafters watching them.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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