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Child Of Darkness

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"I'm made of smoke" Tenebris chuckled proudly before resuming the poking of Zinn. 

"Nah, tar tastes bad. I'll take paper anyday" Iwiek grunted non-commitally while looking at Zinn wearily. "If you want to help, we're trying to dig out a cave to find some ponies" Iwiek commented.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jaeger nodded slowly, "Kinda sorta....I'm all about the strong for your religion thing, but don't like.....kill over it alright?" he said in a sympathetic tone. "A simple sorry will do.....and I suggest that you stick with us for a while....could use you in a fight." he muttered as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it..."smoke?" he asked the others.


The phrase "don't kill over it" echoed in his mind.  No, he wouldn't kill over it.  Not yet.  Now he had to become stronger.  "Right," he said, "sorry...  I'll try to do what I can to make up for it, but my magic won't be any good for at least a day or two.  I kind of overdid it back there..."


"I'm made of smoke" Tenebris chuckled proudly before resuming the poking of Zinn. 

"Nah, tar tastes bad. I'll take paper anyday" Iwiek grunted non-commitally while looking at Zinn wearily. "If you want to help, we're trying to dig out a cave to find some ponies" Iwiek commented.


Zinn sighed.  "I might be able to help you, but it's been a very long time-" Exactly seven thousand years, said a voice, not Tectonus's, in the back of his mind. "-since I could dig with any sort of speed.  I lost a lot of my magic after- " my enlightenment "-an... incident.  It would be easier for me to scan the ground above the cave, and then take you to where it opens up again."

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Jaeger nodded slowly, "Don't worry about it, I believe in your religion as well. I believe in all religions, its better than believing in none I guess." he chuckled taking another drag from his cigarette. "We could blow it open, it's a wick easy way....we just need somethin to blow it hehe?" he chuckled awkwardly

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Iwiek shrugged before tapping the side of the mountain. 

"Not a chance, we're not blasting through this" Iwiek scoffed. 

"Is this good?" Tenebris called after dislodging one pebble, causing a rock-slide so the cave would open again. 

"Yes, that's good" Iwiek managed to sputter before powering up his Electro-Whips and heading into the cave with Tenebris

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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(Sorry for being gone again. I have been busy with Exams.)


Violetina turned to the sound of the cave colapsing in on itself. What was left of the Bat ponies scattered and left the three of them alone.

"It looks like they found a way inside. Go on ahead, I will catch up. I have to do something first."

'Niru go with him. His name is Gloomfury and he will protect you.'


Niru nodded to her sister and trotted over to Gloomfury.

"Take care of her. I will be back. Hurry out, the eneterance may be open but the curse will become more agressive giving you less time to escape. I will slow them down."


Violetina turned away from the two and proceded back to the enterance of the cave, clinging to the roof to avoid being spotted.

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Jaeger walked into the cave and took of his bandana and sun glasses, being away from the storm there was no need for them. He hid them in his saddle bags. "Iwiek! Don't do anything stupid.......hello? We are just here to talk.....or at least I am." he called out, mumbling the last part under his breath.

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"Did one of you die?" Tenebris questioned while looking around the cave. 

"Ugh, this place is dank" Iwiek snorted before kicking away a bit of shale that was in his way. "Where are they?" Iwiek hissed while looking around, frustrated at their lack of success with tracking these bozos down

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@Evil Dragon Master


Jaeger scanned the cave over, up down and every which way. "We can't see anything in this darkness .....got a light?" he asked Iwiek and Tenebris, taking another drag from his cigarette. "If your still in here, we have come to explain ourselves.....if you attack us....you will die." he warned in a serious tone.

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@@Child Of Darkness,Gloomfury put Niru on his back. "There's no way in hell I'm leaving you. You have no chance against them bastards and you know that. " @@Frosty V, Just then hear heard the pony that had the gun when they were attacked. "Well the same go for you pricks as well. And I don't give a damn what you have to say." 

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Jaeger shook his head. "I wouldnt say I'm a prick....just...misguided." he said rubbing his chin "I'm here to give an apology for MY actions, these two are a different story......if they want to kill you...that's your problem." he growled not taking kindly to the pony. "....but if you so much as touch me or my friends ....I won't think twice about putting a bullet in you skull." he warned in an icy tone

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@@Frosty V, Gloom smirks. "And if you lay one hoof on the lasses and I'll rip your trachea out with my bare teeth." He spits out some the blood from the bat bony. "And can hardly call them monsters friends. I can smell the remorseless on them, And I can tell they wont give a dame when you fall. You ain't like them at all. So way stick with them?"

Edited by Gloomfury
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Jaeger kept his ground....the pony was starting to get to him, he honestly didn't want to speak his mind in front of his two friends in the fear of losing their support.....but if he had this ponies support would he be better off? He was torn...good and bad...death and survival....Jaeger stayed quite for a long time before he spoke. "What about you eh? The foal, the mare? If I left with you right now and left these two behind, what's to say you wouldn't do the same thing?" he questioned in an angered tone. He wanted to talk in private, but he didn't know how to get the privacy he needed......

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@@Frosty V


"You know, when you have nothing to live for, you find it pretty easy to put someones life before your own. These girls have more to live for then I ever will. And I'm willing to make sure they do. But that don't mean I'm gonna go down like a  coward. I would rather fight and die to make sure someone worth living goes on then fight with bastards you put themselves first and prey on the weak. Now let me ask you something: Can you say the same thing?"

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Jaeger. -Dammit! He's right.....I know he is, but...but....- Jaeger, "You could say that, I would be more than happy to make sure others live.....im just a washed up old merc....who would care anyway." he said his growl becoming less and less. "Tell me this. I am willing to redeeme myself, these to are..."different" but they are good at heart. Let's just forget this all happened. You know as well as I we have a better chance of surviving if we work together......what do you say.?" he asked

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@@Frosty V

"What do I say? You, you seem to be alright. But those shit heads were willing to take down a mountain just to kill and rob a filly and a mare and you say they're good at heart? How can you say that when they could do something like that with a smile on their face? You ain't like them and you can come with us if you want, but them two? They can go straight to hell, and I'll send them there myself if I have to." 

Edited by Gloomfury
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Jajaeger stood still, eyes wide, stunned at the deduction layed before him. "I-I......" he trailed off, deep in thought. -If I go with those ponies we will be strong and likely to survive.....the same with Iwiek and Tenebris, but their.....their so mislead, if we give them a chance.......perhaps they could change. "At....at least give them a chance....just one." he almost begged.

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Niru stared at Jaeger with an angry look in her eyes. She did not like him, at all. She hissed at him trying to sound dangerous, a trick that she picked up from her sister. She tried once more to talk to Gloomfury.

'What are you doing, we have to leave, or you will die.' Niru now starting to get worried for the safety of Gloomfury.

Violetina dropped down from the roof next to Gloomfury.

"Niru is right, Gloom, and you, all of you have to get out of this cave. You attacked the landscape and invaded the cave, and if ny knowledge of elder bat magic is correct, I give you both one hour, before both of you wither away and die. We have to leave, right now. Or you will all die."


(No matter what you try, this caves curse will kill you in one hours, if you do not leave. There is no way around this curse.)

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Jaeger looked at the goal as she hissed at him......that did it for him, he started to cry a small, but powerful cry.....a tear ran down his cheek as he looked at the trio before him. "I have a safe house not far from here......I will take you there if you wish.....it has water, food, shelter, and weapons......" he trailed off, sniffing back a tear.

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Tenebris heard the rambles of Gloomfury before feeling a tear leave it's eye as Jaeger joined Gloomfury. Iwiek growled with anger at the betrayal but Tenebris was starting to steam and turn black while crying. 

"I HATE YOU! WE WERE YOUR FRIENDS AND YOU LEFT US" Tenebris said with a sound like a tea-kettle before slamming through the wall of the cave and flying to freedom. Iwiek gave the ponies a glare. 

"When we meet again, I will kill you for the pain you caused me sibling and me" Iwiek spat with hatred before following Tenebris out their escape hole

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Child Of Darkness,@@Frosty V,  

Gloomfury turns to Violetina. "Alright then we better get out of here fast." He then looks back at Jaeger. "Alright but first we better get running or we're gonna die. And knock off the damn crying. You're a stallion, act like you go some balls." He looks at Niru on his back and smiles. "Hang on darlin." He then starts running towards were they were heading. "Move your ass stallion! And no lollygagging!" He calls back to Jaeger.

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Jaeger cried even harder, "You can still come with me! You will have the same things that everypony else here has........stop....just make it all STOOOOOOP." he screamed grabbing his head, it was thriving with pain....everything began to spin.....he felt as if every feeling he had ever felt was pouring into his body all at once. He stopped after a moment and turned to Gloomfury and the others.....he ran after them as fast as he could, tears still falling off the bottom of his cheek as he ran. "I'm sorry....really I am..." he muttered under his breath back to Tenebris and Iwiek....."I look forward to the day....we meet again.....friend."

Edited by Frosty V
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Zinn had chosen to remain in the shadows and out of sight.  This wasn't his fight.  He had no idea what these two groups wanted or why they seemed to despise each other.  He just knew that if it came to fighting the only thing he could do was run.


Chaos erupted when the pony with a gun changed sides, causing the an uproar among his other companions.  It happened so suddenly that Zinn didn't know what to do.  Who did he follow?  The pair, apparently siblings, that had nearly slain him, but instead chose to spare his life, or the curious stallion who seemed like maybe he understood?  Did he follow the pair that could help him become stronger, or the one that he might be able to see as a... as a friend?


Or you could leave them both, said that voice in the back of his mind,  and they'd never suspect it.  This voice was silenced quickly.


Finally, he stepped out of the shadows and looked to the pony with the gun.  "You, stallion!" he called out.  "I have no quarrel with you, but you would be wise to hope to never see my face again.  Go on; live and die peacefully, for if we meet again, I cannot promise that I will be in my right mind.  The path that has been chosen for me is one that you would disapprove of, and, more than likely, the day we meet again is the day that one of us dies."  With that, he galloped off after the siblings, hoping that he could catch up to them.

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Jaeger looked back at the pony who was of the religious type. He shook his head. "They will get you killed or turn you into a killer yourself....if we meet again....I can't say I will hold back." he yelled as he ran back to catch up with the trio from the cave....if he saw his old friends again, he hoped they would be changed...if not, then he would deal with it.

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Zinn had chosen to remain in the shadows and out of sight.  This wasn't his fight.  He had no idea what these two groups wanted or why they seemed to despise each other.  He just knew that if it came to fighting the only thing he could do was run.


Chaos erupted when the pony with a gun changed sides, causing the an uproar among his other companions.  It happened so suddenly that Zinn didn't know what to do.  Who did he follow?  The pair, apparently siblings, that had nearly slain him, but instead chose to spare his life, or the curious stallion who seemed like maybe he understood?  Did he follow the pair that could help him become stronger, or the one that he might be able to see as a... as a friend?


Or you could leave them both, said that voice in the back of his mind,  and they'd never suspect it.  This voice was silenced quickly.


Finally, he stepped out of the shadows and looked to the pony with the gun.  "You, stallion!" he called out.  "I have no quarrel with you, but you would be wise to hope to never see my face again.  Go on; live and die peacefully, for if we meet again, I cannot promise that I will be in my right mind.  The path that has been chosen for me is one that you would disapprove of, and, more than likely, the day we meet again is the day that one of us dies."  With that, he galloped off after the siblings, hoping that he could catch up to them.

Tenebris continued crying as it flew with Iwiek chasing the smoke cloud. Iwiek's heart had room for only one, his sibling and they felt each others pain. 

"Stay back" Iwiek hissed as he saw Zinn approaching. 

"No, maybe he's still our friend" Tenebris whimpered while looking at Zinn expectantly

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Tenebris continued crying as it flew with Iwiek chasing the smoke cloud. Iwiek's heart had room for only one, his sibling and they felt each others pain. 

"Stay back" Iwiek hissed as he saw Zinn approaching. 

"No, maybe he's still our friend" Tenebris whimpered while looking at Zinn expectantly


"Friend?" Zinn asked as he tried to catch his breath.  "I wouldn't say it's a good idea for anypony to call me a friend.  However, I do think that we can help each other.  Plus, I owe you for letting me live."  He gestured to the continuing cave.  "If anything, I can help you out of here.  If the bat pony was telling the truth, we need to be out of here in an hour or we're dead.  Scans don't take that much magic to cast, and with it I can find the nearest exit and get us out."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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