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Ask Applejack!


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What are you gonna get AppleBloom for hearthswarming eve?

If ah told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it? 'sides, Bloom would just pester it outta ya.



whats a ginger snap

They're like, err...cookies. Made with ginger.



Do you have anything against those who enjoy Apple Cider, but had to quit drinking it because it disagreed with them and upset their stomach?

Not a thing. ...ah'd actually advise 'em against trying it anyway.



Tell him not ta destroy anythin' valuable. Ah mean really, Pinkie's already taken care of that. *sigh*



Would you ever give in if Apple Bloom ever gave you this face?



Even if you were so cross at her that you didn't want to talk to her?







*sigh* nope, ain't built up mah resistance to that. Yet.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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*sigh* nope, ain't built up mah resistance to that. Yet.

Well, have you ever considered giving Apple Bloom and her friends a chance to explain themselves instead of outright shunning them after the Gabby Gums incident?

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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Well, have you ever considered giving Apple Bloom and her friends a chance to explain themselves instead of outright shunning them after the Gabby Gums incident?


Lookie here, what's done is done. Ain't no point in dwellin' on it. Everything did work out in th' end, anyhow.

thanks (eat cookie) tastes great maybe I should settle down with a country gal and take break of monster hunting (lay down on the ground next to AJ) so do you know where I'll be staying?


No idea. We tend ta get a lotta visitors - might have ta put up a guest house pretty soon.




Your thoughts?




Pfft, fake. Why, ah'd snap that thing like it was a twig.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Lookie here, what's done is done. Ain't no point in dwellin' on it. Everything did work out in th' end, anyhow.



No idea. We tend ta get a lotta visitors - might have ta put up a guest house pretty soon.





Pfft, fake. Why, ah'd snap that thing like it was a twig.


yeah guess I'll live tbeir thanks for the hospitallity. So when are your parents gunna get here I really want to meet them.

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....err, no comment.




yeah guess I'll live tbeir thanks for the hospitallity. So when are your parents gunna get here I really want to meet them.


Ah'm not sure. Us'ly ah go ta visit them, not the other way around.




Pssst apple jack Wanna know a secret.


Depends if ah have to keep it. The last time anypony asked me if ah wanted to know a secret, it turned out they had gone an' burned down the mayor's house on accident.




Do you use your own wood on the farm, or do you buy lumber?

Apple wood doesn't grow thick enough to make good hardwood timbers. But I think there are pines nearby so you might have softwood like cedar kicking around.


Ya'd be right. It's no good ta bite the hoof that feeds ya. More trees ah chop down, the less apples we can harvest.  Trees in the Everfree are surprisingly durable, though. 




Hey aj who is your best friend out of the main six plus what's your least favorite fruit.


Ah've already repeated mahself one too many times fer the first one. But y'know, ah've always disliked durian. Only ever had it once, but boy did it stink.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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....err, no comment.





Ah'm not sure. Us'ly ah go ta visit them, not the other way around.





Depends if ah have to keep it. The last time anypony asked me if ah wanted to know a secret, it turned out they had gone an' burned down the mayor's house on accident.





Ya'd be right. It's no good ta bite the hoof that feeds ya. More trees ah chop down, the less apples we can harvest.  Trees in the Everfree are surprisingly durable, though. 





Ah've already repeated mahself one too many times fer the first one. But y'know, ah've always disliked durian. Only ever had it once, but boy did it stink.



You see the guy in red armor from the video eating apples with applebloom in front of her club house, what do you do?




This world is like an apple tree

And all the apples are the ponies who live.

There will always be rotten apples in this tree.

Sometimes there will be more rotten then good, you see.

The two Princesses are the farmers of the tree.

They can buck some rotten ones

But not all

This may not be my best work you see.

But just remember

How our world is like a tree

Your thoughts on this little thing I wrote?
Edited by Fluttershysguy
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This world is like an apple tree

And all the apples are the ponies who live.

There will always be rotten apples in this tree.

Sometimes there will be more rotten then good, you see.

The two Princesses are the farmers of the tree.

They can buck some rotten ones

But not all

This may not be my best work you see.

But just remember

How our world is like a tree

Your thoughts on this little thing I wrote?



Better than ah can do. Ah flunked literature...


No, but really, it's a pretty darn decent poem, if ah say so mahself.




so why havn't we seen your parents her?


S'ppose ya'll don't look hard enough.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I know for a FACT that you're NOT gonna tell me that the biker guy in that clip doesn't sound like Big Macintosh when he's angry!


Errrr.....one, what the hay was that?


An' two, he'd sure as the sun never hit a mare.




yeah I left my parents when I was just a filly been traveling around homeless and on the run maybe I can settle down at your farm making it a permenant stay


Well, ah mean....why don't ya see how ya do here first?




Why do you talk like that?


You sound uneducated.


Hey! Ah'll have ya know ah did too get an education. Ah can do that fancy, err, variable math!



Nope dont have to keep it that way but... Your number came up.



Mah what now? huh.png


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Forget that what i really wanted to say Aj is that where i grew up (not here in equestria) the only apple that would grow and grew like crazy is... Zap apples.


Ohh...heh, yep. We got some o' those too, but only at certain times. Ya missed the last crop, though ah'm sure ah could save you a jar next time.




what do you mean sorry my farm talk is rusty XD


Err...well, see how ya like workin' on the farm before ya jump to any conclusions? 


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Since its the holidays, I'd like to ask you AJ, what's your personal favorite apple dish? And if its pie do you have a particular method? I won't persist if its a family secret recipe.


Also what's your opinion on quinces, pears, and of course cherries?

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