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Scout looked up at Grell, walking right beside him, his wings open so he can proudly display his cutie mark. "So are we going to get anything before heading home?" He was nomming on a sandwich that Silver had given him.


(((I'm doing a Scout because I decided I want him to say something)))

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Grell smiled "nope just heading home midnight got the cleaning Stuff so we don't need anything " grell said as he walked once at the house he walked up the stairs using magic to hide any sound or shadow he or scout made he got right behind her and used his hooves to cover get eyes "guess who" grell said

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Midnight blinked, getting a little scared. She then giggled, realizing who it was. "Hey babe," she said, turning around and kissing him. She snuggled into his chest, smelling of cleaning liquids. "How do you like it so far? Is it good?"


Scout was looking around, amazed at the size of the house.

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Grell smiled and kissed her back "you as smell like cleaning stuff and yeah it looks great so far "grell said as he hugged her "so what do I need to do oh is the bed cleaned yet"grell asked hoping the answer was yes then had another idea "hey scout coffin or bed"

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Midnight huffed. -I was hoping we'd sleep in the bed... Guess not...- she thought, sighing.


Scout shrugged. "Either is fine with me. I don't care either way, honestly." He kept nommming on his sandwich, still loookiing around the house. -So pretty... It's so well crafted...-

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"well you can take the coffin it's in the other room "grell said "so is the need cleaned yet midnight " grell asked pretending to not notice that she huffed and sighed assuming that it was because she liked the bed better than the coffin

(so when is Skyler gonna show up again))

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(((I don't know. Whenever i guess)))


Midnight smiled. "No. I have it cleaned." She nommed an apple, taking a break. She sighed, leaning on him.


Scout nodded, walking into the room, taking in the scenery as he walked. -Midnight is so pretty... I wonder if she'd... Eh. Probably not

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Grell smiled and used his magic to put her on bed then he got in bed "time to just relax "grell said pulling out an apple and eating it he laid down but kept his head up because if he didn't he'd fall asleep before he could stop himself

(alright I was just wondering ))

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Midnight smiled, snuggling up to him. "This bed is so amazing! It feels like a cloud!"


Scout walked into the room. "Hmm... I can fix this!" He started rearranging the room, trying to make it work. "This needs to go over there." He startes pushing a dresser to the other side of the room

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Grell smiled and nuzzled her "it is rather comfy but I'll definitely have to get used to it "grell said then he heard stuff being moved around and sighed wondering what scout was doing he finished his apple and took the bags off and put them on the floor he had been carrying them for a while

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Midnight laid down, relaxing. "Ahhbhh it feels good to relax. I have been working my plot off ever since i got home. I'm so tired..." She yawned, curling up.


Scout continued to move things, hummming to himself as he moved stuff around. "And this needs to be here."

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Grell sighed and snuggled up to midnight "then go ahead and take a nap " grell said "I'll make sure scout dosent break anything " grell yawned "any idea what he's doing I'm there I thought he was just gonna check out the coffin then come back "grelll sighed

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Midnight shruged, laying down. "I think he's moving stuff around in there. I don't know, hun..."


Scout smiled, satisfied. He walked out abd back into their room. "I like it!" He smiled, trotting over to the bed. "So, when are you guys going to start furnishing the house??"

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Grell smiled "I don't know whenever we think of stuff I guess " grell said as he pulled out another apple and began to eat it he was waiting for midnight to fall asleep "so you enjoying having a cutie mark or have you forgotten about it already "grell asked

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Midnight yawned, dozing off. She snuggled up right next to Grell, falling asleep, her eongs drapped out over the bed.


Scout smiled. "I love having a cutie mark!" He looked at his flank, smiling brightly. He looked up at Grell. "Do you like it??" he asked happily.

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Grell smiled "it's adorable scout". Grell said as he snuggled up to midnight and lightly kissed her check "you know I used to sleep I used to sleep coffins but midnight wants to sleep in the bed so I decided to give it a go" grell said "so be careful with that coffin "

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Midnight smiled in her sleep, snuggling closer. She mumbled his name in her sleep.



Scout smiled and nodded. "I will be!" He looked at the apple sack, his stomach growling. He blinked, blushing. "U-um... Can I have an apple...? I'm really hungry..." He looked at Grell. "Please??"

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Grell smiled "if course you can " grell said when he heard midnight he smiled even more and tossed scout some apples while he munched on his "you know scout you remind me of myself when I was your age I remember the day I got my cutie mark it was when I prepared a body to be buried own "

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Midnight mumbled again. "I love you..." she mumbled, shifting.


Scout smiled, munching the apple. He crawled up there and laid next to Grell. "Can you tell me about when you got yours? Your story sounds interesting. Really interesting..." He continued to nom his apple.

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Grell smiled "I love you too " grell whispered to midnight then he turned to scout "well when I was seven I had to live on the he streets traveling from town to town since one needed bits and I liked the dead I worked for the undertaker for whatever town I was in after a few a while my mentor at the time became sick and ponies where dying and the bodies kept coming it was like an endless wave so in order to stop the town from smelling of death and decay I began preparing bodies I worked on it for days in truth I'm not sure what day I got it on but days had passed since I started and I finally got the last body taken care of that's when my mentor walked in and smiled and stared at my flank till I looked I was so tired that I didn't even celebrate I just went to bed " grell said

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Midnight yawned, shifting again.


Scout smiled. "That sounds cool..." He finished his apple, then yawned. "I wish my story was that cool..." He laid close to Grelll, yawning again. "Can you hand me another apple??" he asked, looking over at the bag. He yawned yet again.

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Grell smiled and used his magic to give him an apple "you saved me by giving me a warning about the spirits wanting me dead if I hadn't had that I'd be in the river Styx "grell said he felt like a dad with a filly on one side and the mare of his dreams on the other

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Midnight sneezed in her sleep, groaning.


Scout smiled brightly and ate his apple. "Really? It looked like Midnight would have had it under control if I hadn't have stepped in. She can see spirits too." He looked over at Midnight, smiling. "She's an amazing mare..."

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Grell chuckled "yeah I know just remember she's taken and to old for you" grell said when midnight sneezed grell tried not to laugh but failed he was worried about waking her up and stopped quickly -I hope I didn't wake her that would kiss plot-grell thought

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Midnight groaned again, opening her eyes a litttle. "Mmmm..." She say up, rubbbing her eyes. She loooked at Grelll, smiling.


Scout blushed. "I-I didn't want to date her..." He saw her sit up, blushing more. -Oh. She's awake... Did we wake her up??- he kept npmmming on his apple.

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