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planning Beyond these walls Chapter 2: A Darker Fate (Adventure, Survival, EPIC!)

The Elusive Cinder

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Possibly a little - godmoddy, not giving them a chance to react, even if they are just NPC's.


May need some editing your earlier post to flesh out whats actually happening, as the group might have heard Ronin but wouldn't have been able to see him, or that he was being attacked - he had taken off ahead into the passages to scout the path ahead.


@@Midnight Scribbler,


On that same note, there are three possibilities: that he passed Clockwork, that he went the wrong way or that the stalkers somehow got between the two of them: all three options seem viable given the characters and creatures in question - I know biscuit stated that Ronin has a sense of direction roughly equal to that of a spoon. (Okay, he didn't use those exact words, that might just be my interpretation but I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong. :P)


Oh, and Orion... well, someone better go see what he's up to! I'm still RP'ing, even if I'm not posting for him I know exactly what he's doing, and he's keeping himself busy while everyone argues downstairs. ;)

Edited by Cinderscribe
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All of this editing every other post is getting monotonous, Cinder. I can't do anything. I feel so restricted, and it's taking the fun out of it. I feel like I'm so much less fun than the rest of you are :/

What do you want me to do?

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Clockwork's going to let Ronin duke it out with Eclipse against those things. He's not interested in taking any damage. XD
Well, if you mean an iron spoon, you could use that to determine north. :) Just find a small piece of bark to float it on, and it will point north like a compass. Good to know if you can't see the sun, or you're underground.


I'm so ready to go up those stairs ^_^

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So, basically, you want me to be more specific with how the duo got there in the first place?


Whatever fits - just something that explains the situation. Did they hear the commotion? Just go after Ronin to be safe? At the moment, Eclipse is talking to Ronin and Amethyst, who are in different places.

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Battle Log! Because it looks like my phone decided to autocorrect a few words... incorrectly.

One Stalker is disabled and laying on the floor pretty thoroughly stabbed.

Ronin hit one, but it did nothing - they've learned to defend against swords.
Eclipse hit another - and hurt it.
Blast hit a third - and hurt it.

A fourth attacked Ronin from behind.

The Fifth and Sixth are standing on either side of Eclipse - watching to see how much damage he managed to do.

Then everybody else showed up.




Also, the black marks that keep spreading whenever Eclipse has cast magic since back in the cave where it was upgraded, have extended yet again.

Edited by Cinderscribe
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Scribbler won't remember much of the night he was injured. The thread Denarius gave went somewhat unmentioned, and Scribbler doesn't realize it was his. :P All he's going on is that Willow did something, and Mirror used magic to relieve the pain he was in. Other than that, he doesn't remember anything much from that night.


On that note, he will likely be more grateful of Denarius' contribution if he does point it out. To be fair though, Scribbler seems to be doing most of the work right now, so he's going to be short tempered with anyone making his life more difficult.

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I think the north door is clear of traps, btw. Scribbler destroyed the sparks in that direction, at least for some ways in, there appear to be more trailing up the hall and stairwell. Hopefully Pavisa won't be too worried about letting Scribbler take that piece of armour. ^_^

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I'll put this on poll... i kinda want to see what character would fit more in this roleplay and what are your opinions about the fanctions they would be in.

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Battle Report!


Stalkers have learned to use the environment around them.


Ronin is being circled by a single, slightly wounded Stalker.


Blast is facing down a stalker: who has backed against a wall again.


Eclipse has wounded another stalker and freed himself - the stalker lashed out.


Aegis has wounded a stalker - who has lashed out from the ground.


Amethyst is face to face with a Stalker.


The darkness and movement are making it hard to keep track of their numbers - there is one confirmed kill.

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Long story short - not a lot. To both of those questions.


The Princesses are gone (without a trace, just vanished) and an emergency counsel have taken charge: the guard has been pulled back not so much because they don't care, but because there just aren't enough of them to look after the whole city. Protecting the castle is the top priority, and the nobles tend to be the ones in the nearest districts... not to mention them having connections and money.


There's just too many that need protecting, and not enough protection. Most of the outskirts are completely undefended aside from various militia groups that have sprung up, and Nobles guard.


At first it was just civil unrest, criminals and thugs being opportunistic - but now there is evidence of a more prominent threat everyone's at panic stations.

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