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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,



Pavisa watches quietly as Scribbler levitates Kingfisher's sword back to her, mentally taking stock of what they still had.  A sword, some rum, and enough armour to cover one leg...  Not exactly reassuring if we run into trouble.  When the option came up to either move or get left behind, the ex-guard sighs quietly before taking a few steps towards the unicorns.  


As she starts to walk towards them, she slows down enough to walk next to Fisher.  Leaning closer, she whispers quietly to the other mare "I've got a bad feeling about all this...  Whatever we run into, stay close?  I want both of us to live through this..."  





@@@Tricksters Pride,@@Windbreaker,  


Stahl gives a small nod before turning down one of the roads.  "They went this way once those things showed up...  I don't know where exactly they went, but something tells me that they'll find us if they have as many ponies as they say, right?"  His thoughts drift towards one of her other questions, and Stahl tilts his head slightly as they walk.


"As far as the Guard, it would depend on who we ran in to...  If they outrank me, no.  Some of the younger lads are ones I've trained myself though, I think they would listen to me...  Well, a hoofful of them would at least."  He would have been more confident about the suggestion if the rumors of his sister (and possibly himself) being a changeling hadn't been tarnishing his reputation with the newest recruits.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,


After the fight had finished Shadow brought his form back together and sat beside Clockwork in a lazy manner though he eyed the... Mare?... Yep going with that. Anyway he eyed up the mare with a bit less hostility than the barbaric ones. "Remorse is good, means you aren't a monstrosity yet. But if it was it or you then you shouldn't dwell over it. Besides i'll confirm that those things aren't quite sentient so it would have killed you and eaten you, so feel remorse for the loss but don't let it get to you too much... Remember that you killed another living being but don't stress over something that you had to do to survive."

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@,@@Midnight Scribbler,


White Eclipse

Eclipse heard Clockwork and grunted under his breath at his statement. Though, he knew he was right. These creatures attacked first, and they'd eat the group without a second thought. Killing it was the only option.

So, he fired the shot at the weak and grounded stalker, and followed up by firing a second shot at the dizzy one that was near Blast.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Aegis Dare


Clockwork and Shadow’s words made sense, but Aegis wasn’t reassured by the hoof on his shoulder. Instead, he tried to bury his emotions as far down as he could, taking on an uncharacteristic and ill-fitting cold stare. “You both have a point. I did what I had to do… We’re wasting time here. Clockwork, would you come with me? I’m going ahead and it’s not a good idea to go without backup.” He said as he stood up. He leaned closer to whisper, “And I have something to talk to you about that the others don’t have to hear. In fact…They shouldn’t hear it at all.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Clockwork Green

@@Tricksters Pride,




&team brandy nearby


Clockwork listened as Shadow materialized, speaking in agreement to what he'd said. Aegis did not seem comforted by this notion in the slightest, and upon asking Clockwork about speaking in private, Clockwork raised a brow. "What could you possibly need to speak to me in private about?" He pondered, and smirked. He spoke in a low voice, turning to Shadow with a quick wink, out of Aegis's sight. "Excuse us.." He began to follow Aegis, whispering back. "What is it, Aegis?" His tone was somewhat more hospitable than normal.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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@@Midnight Scribbler


*'Heh... Hope for them yet.'* Upon clockwork's statement and Ageis' request, Shadow returned to his favorite hiding place after stating. "Of course, take all the time you need. Call when your finished."   *'It would seem that this is going to be more interesting than i had first assumed... hehehe'*

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Forcing a sharp grunt of reluctant thanks through her teeth, the mare snatched the cutlass and gave it a couple of experimental swings before returning it to its home at her side.







"Well, are we going to talk to cap'n crackpot or what? Thirty bits says he doesn't even stop to listen..."


She was making it up as she went along now - stalling them had been her only real plan - and since there hadn't been any world-shaking explosions or gouts of magical fire up ahead, it appeared to not have worked. Given her options, it looked like they were going to have to improvise.




"Deal. You can uh... you can stop trusting me now. I'm kind of making this up as I go along." Kingfisher added under her breath to the guardsmare beside her.




Amethyst Void.




"No. We don't bleed."

"it's disgusting... no wonder you're so stodgy! Ugh, you've put me off my lunch..."



@@Midnight Scribbler,

@@Icy Void,

@@Frosty V,


@@Tricksters Pride,


As she spoke, her 'lunch' was promptly destroyed by the tainted unicorn - too far away for her to absorb. She rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.


And something happened.


A slight fog formed in front of her mouth - not unlike that of any of the ponies in this frigid weather. She ignored it - outwardly at least: it wasn't like any of them knew about her anatomy - but that was a result of breath... and she didn't need to breath!


"Simple, brutal, efficient: we're more similar that you'd like to admit I think... now, if you're all done slaughting them, shall we move on? There's the turning we need, I suspect, just up ahead."

Never quite forgotten.

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@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Windbreaker,  


White Eclipse

Eclipse did it... he killed them. He killed the monsters. He couldn't believe it. It actually felt good, empowering even. He felt as if he could take on the world, and he was powerful enough already. It seemed like he would only get more powerful as time went on. Maybe he'd use the power to save the world, but judging by his team and how they were all acting... he was having second thoughts. He might use it for other purposes...

He looked at Amethyst with a killer's smirk, and continued on his way.

But then, he saw Clockwork move with Aegis, away from the rest of the group. Suspicious, the unicorn decided to follow after them, very quietly.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Shadow noticed the odd murderous one following Clockwork and Aegis and practically rolled his eyes... Then he noticed Amethyst's breath. *'Getting weak so fast are you... *Cruel chuckle* Well its your fault for choosing a pony as your physical form. Poor little Ammy's going to have to rely on her barbaric allies soon... Anyway time for pest control.'*   -'Clockwork... You have a tail. Shall i open up a temporary line between you and your friend here?... Half price, this one is rude.'-

  • Brohoof 1
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Frost shook his head, he really must not have been paying attention to this mare, the one called Amethyst. He hesitated before nodding in agreement to her statement to move on ahead. He took this chance to trot up beside her. "I don't think we have officially met, my name is Frost." He said in an awkward tone trying to figure out what to say next. "I...I uh wanted to ask....what exactly are you?" He said, trying not to make it sound rude.

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Kingfisher.@@Midnight Scribbler,

Forcing a sharp grunt of reluctant thanks through her teeth, the mare snatched the cutlass and gave it a couple of experimental swings before returning it to its home at her side.@@SilverHeart,@,@@Nomadic,@,"Well, are we going to talk to cap'n crackpot or what? Thirty bits says he doesn't even stop to listen..."

She was making it up as she went along now - stalling them had been her only real plan - and since there hadn't been any world-shaking explosions or gouts of magical fire up ahead, it appeared to not have worked. Given her options, it looked like they were going to have to improvise.@,"Deal. You can uh... you can stop trusting me now. I'm kind of making this up as I go along." Kingfisher added under her breath to the guardsmare beside her.

---------------Amethyst Void.@,"No. We don't bleed.""it's disgusting... no wonder you're so stodgy! Ugh, you've put me off my lunch..."@@Geek0zoid,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Icy Void,@@Frosty V,@,@@Tricksters Pride,

As she spoke, her 'lunch' was promptly destroyed by the tainted unicorn - too far away for her to absorb. She rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

And something happened.

A slight fog formed in front of her mouth - not unlike that of any of the ponies in this frigid weather. She ignored it - outwardly at least: it wasn't like any of them knew about her anatomy - but that was a result of breath... and she didn't need to breath!"Simple, brutal, efficient: we're more similar that you'd like to admit I think... now, if you're all done slaughting them, shall we move on? There's the turning we need, I suspect, just up ahead."

ronin was about to come up with a witty remark about the blood argument, but lost his train of thought as he saw her breath fog in front of her. It's something he'd seen a million times in cold weather like this, but he'd never seen amethyst do it. 'Weird... Maybe it's an eathral thing...' He thought, before shaking his head "y-yeah, amethyst is right. Let's keep moving, we lost a lot of time with that battle." He said to no one in particular, as he started to walk again


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Midnight Scribbler







Now that the others had finally made their way into the northern passage, he turned to face the chamber, and fired up his horn. He began to focus, weaving a wall across the doorway. Nopony was going in or out this way, at least not for a long time. He charged the wall with enough energy to last for a few hours after they'd left it behind. Nothing physical was going to pass through, magical maybe, but most creatures couldn't teleport anyway. As soon as he finished, he turned to the others, and glanced down at Willow. "We should get moving now. Orion has been left alone for too long.. I fear what he may be up to ahead of us." He was beginning to worry that they might be too late. He'd been left to his own devices, and for all he knew, could have found the book, and been reading it the whole time. What a disaster that would be. Regardless, he moved on, following the others up the passage, making sure Willow was with them.



Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,



Clockwork glanced back, seeing Eclipse trailing them, as Shadow had tipped him off. He glared, eyes slitted in a cold and murderous expression. "Sure thing, only one rule.. have fun with him." He directed his thoughts to Shadow, as a smirk crossed his face. He cleared all expression, glancing back to Aegis, and continuing on, still waiting on his response.

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Aegis Dare


“To put it simply, hanging around these ponies isn’t good for my physical or mental health, and they couldn’t solve a problem more complex than sticking a peg in the right slot. And they’ve proven that they can’t negotiate with a bag of potatoes, let alone another pony. So I’m ditching them. And I’m offering an alternative to staying here and being caught in their shenanigans.” Aegis said in a low tone so only Clockwork could hear, though he was almost certain that Shadow was listening in as well.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Midnight Scribbler@@Geek0zoid,


((OCC  Just a basic darkness spell paired with an area of silence, nothing serious.))



-'Of course, wouldn't have it any other way *hehehe*'- Shadow then blocked out all sound over the Clockwork and the mare and then 'turned off the lights' for Eclipse. "Heh, i think your going the wrong way there Eclipse... Might be a good idea to turn back while you still know which way back is."

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Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,

(OOC: Windbreaker- Sorry, I totally just remembered I hadn't responded to your message about that post.)


Clockwork raised his brow at this. "Interesting.. seems we may have ourselves a little following." He smiled, and lowered his voice to the same level. "I couldn't agree with you more. Follow my lead, and we will be off to greater things before you know it." He winked "I have some.. rather devious plans of my own. Nothing too fancy, just a break away mainly. At least for now." He chuckled There was much more in mind, but Clockwork didn't yet wish to indulge this pony with any further information as yet. He seemed to be turning coat at a rather convenient time. Was it too convenient? Or was it perfect coincidence, and wonderful luck for Clockwork's sake? Everything seemed to be falling into place, just as he'd hoped.. better than that even. It was nearly too good to be true, and so he remained cautious of this new information. If Aegis was about to join him, this was going to end up being the greatest plan he'd pulled off in a long time.

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@@Tricksters Pride,

((OOC: This'll be fun :3))


White Eclipse

Pitch black darkness.

It's all Eclipse could see. One minute, he was walking through the cave, which was already dark enough as it was. The next, it was just... nothing. All he could hear was the sound of a voice.

That creature... Shadow.

"Shadow? Wha- where have you taken me? I can't see anything but pitch black darkness!" Eclipse said, running left and right.

But, it was no use. The black limbo just never seemed to end.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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(Indeed  ^_^)


Shadow watched the... really strange pony run around for a bit before he responded with confusion. "Ummmm... I haven't? Seriously turn a quarter to the right and walk that way and you'll be fin- Your about to run into the wall....."   *'Its a darkness spell... Seriously?'*

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@@Tricksters Pride,

White Eclipse

Eclipse began grasping onto what was going on. He came to a stop, placed a hoof in front of him and felt the stone wall. It was magic... a darkness spell.

"Well, it seems like I figured out your game." Eclipse said. "Release me from this spell, Shadow, and let me see clearly again!"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Midnight Sky


Noticing Aegis and Clockwork walk off a little to talk privately, Midnight was curious as to what was being said, but he felt it would be rude to try and eavesdrop on them. That and he noticed Eclipse following them, probably for the same reason Midnight had been tempted to, so Midnight felt it would be too obtrusive to have two ponies eavesdropping. Plus Midnight was a little disturbed by Eclipse's actions against the Stalkers, he knew killing them was the only way but those last two had been beaten and frightened. Midnight just didn't like the fact that Eclipse would so coldly kill two pathetic creatures that were clearly no longer really capable of resisting, and he could only imagine how his sister must be feeling right now because of their execution by Eclipse. "All right, now that that's all done is any pony injured enough to warrant medical attention? Even though time is of the essence we can't risk dying before we get the chance to save the world." Midnight said loudly to make sure everypony heard. Knowing the others somepony would need to give them guidance or they'd end up stuck here for an hour talking, and with the other level headed members of the group busy he might as well be the one to take charge for now, at least until they get Fisher and Pavi back from Mirror.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@@Geek0zoid@@Midnight Scribbler, @@Windbreaker,


" *Amused laughter* I'll be honest... I have no idea where you've wandered to so i'm just going to say that your friends are somewhere to your left and the right splits off in a few ways... Your choice but i'm done playing and the crystals are broken so i don't need my spell anymore. Enjoy!" After dealing with the unicorn (And leaving him to decide his fate in the darkness.) Shadow flitted back towards Clockwork and Aegis and settles his misted form back into Clockwork's shadow. *'Shit... well there goes form shifting for a while, gonna have to stay a mist till i can choose another form.'*  -'Done... If he gets lost and dies it'll be his own fault.'-

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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@@Tricksters Pride,@@Icy Void,@Midnight Scribbler@Windbreaker,@Cinderscribe,


White Eclipse Blasted Nova

There in the darkness stood a frustrated White Eclipse. He felt like shouting at the top of his lungs... but, truth be told, there was no one to shout to. At least, not to whom he could see. Eclipse decided not to be stupid and turned backwards, where he reunited with Blast, Ronin, and the others.

"Eclipse! Where are Clockwork and that Shadow guy? Come to think of it, where's Aegis?" Blast asked a bit worried.

"They're gone... They left us for dead. I don't know about Aegis, but Clockwork is pretty much on his own..." Eclipse said, more angry than before.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Pavisa smirks at Kingfisher, muttering under her breath "I'm supposed to stop trusting you because we don't have a plan?  Yeah right, that's never stopped me before."


@@Midnight Scribbler,



Her small grin fades as Scribbler's shield goes up behind them, quietly stating "Well, there goes any chance of the others coming after us..."  Left with no other choice now, she turns to go up the passage with the rest of them.  At least we might have a chance to put a stop to whatever Orion is doing...  She briefly glances towards Kingfisher, but quickly averts her gaze.  ...First things first though, we have to get out of here alive.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aegis Dare


Aegis hated himself for what he was saying, killing the Stalker, and for going against his own nature. He started thinking that it was a mistake to join this adventure. ‘No. Can’t think like that. Regrets won’t help me now, and my compassion… Compassion won’t help me survive.’


“I don’t know where I’m going yet. Just away from these guys.” He said, taking on a stony expression. “Survival…Survival comes first, after all.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,


Clockwork smiled at the pegasus. "I couldn't agree more.. You seem much more intelligent than the others.. I could use more assistance, if you were willing. There could potentially be very high pay-off in the end of this. We must deal with these ruffians until we can get free of this labyrinth, but as soon as we are out, you may follow me. I do not intend to leave without gaining something from this wretched quest." His last words were nearly spat with venomous tones. His distaste for this place had reached it's peak, and he longed to return to Canterlot. But he knew that was no option yet. "We must save our worlds before anything is to happen.. Shall we go back? Or have you more you would like to add?" He asked, wondering if Aegis had any further thoughts. "Good work, my friend. Much appreciated." He replied to Shadow, as he returned to his thoughts.

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Aegis Dare


“My brain is the reason I’m alive after our last adventure. And we need to be careful. The others are gonna be suspicious of us, especially Eclipse. You’ve seen the way he was acting before and the way he treated you as far back as the train, maybe even before that.” Aegis said. As far as he was concerned, right now, Clockwork was the last decent pony in their group.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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