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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Joshu noticed the Smeargle's eye twitch and he hoped he didn't offend him.

"Whatever I said, i am sorry. I didn't mean to say it, it just came out." Joshu hurriedly tried to make amends but it seemed to have failed.

"What do you mean you know what transformers can do?" Joshu realised who he was talking to and mentally facepalmed himself. 'I am such an idiot.'

"It's fine" Nik said, his teeth gritted. "By transformers, I mean I know what the likes of Castform, Meloetta, and Burmy do" Nik explained, now grinding his teeth so hard, that one might think he would break one of them. It didn't really matter if he did, he could use Slack Off

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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How does one respond to that? Joshu noticed the gijinka was about to have a virtual nuclear meltdown.
"So you know what transformers do? Is it because you are one or is it because of your special tail?" Joshu really hoped he didn't make him more mad than he already is.

Edited by Piece Bot



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Interesting... So they're like energy drinks in the form of a berry... Well, I know Leppa berries are somewhat like that," Rune mused. "I know we have some Leppa berries over there." He said as he pointed to the bush next to the Sitrus berries. "I know I've had to come by here a few late nights when I was studying for finals. They're very juicy, but have flavors across the board otherwise. I'll go and grab you one." Rune stated as he strolled over to the Leppa bush, grabbing a Lansat berry and chomping on it on his way. Tangy and sweet, just how he liked it. He picked a couple Leppa berries and placed them in his basket, grabbing a few more just for Synthia. As he returned he placed the Leppas in her basket. "There you are Ma'am." He said with a bow.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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How does one respond to that? Joshu noticed the gijinka was about to have a virtual nuclear meltdown.

"So you know what transformers do? Is it because you are one or is it because of your special tail?" Joshu really hoped he didn't make him more mad than he already is.

Nik's anger faded and his vanity took over, loving the praise even if it was tiny. "Know, I just read a lot" the Smeargle gjinka said, having cooled down now that his ego was being fed. "I could learn to transform if I found a Ditto, but it seems like a useless ability" Nik commented, knowing that transformed pokemon were typically weaker than the original

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Amaya nodded quietly to Dusk, her curiousity moving her to do so. She wondered if he had only one red eye. Or...

'W-what if he only has one of those lures, like a Lanturn has, for an eye!?!' N-no, of course not...maybe.


She took a bite from the Tamato berry.'Huh...It not too spicy," Amaya thought with a sigh. "It's a tad dissapointi--!!!

She drops the Berry, with rolled onto the table with a dull 'plop'. No, very spicy. Very very hot spicy. Too much, much too much!

"W-wuaah! Wayh Toh hottt!!" She whimpered helplessy, gulping down the berry.

Edited by lyridiandandan

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"Interesting... So they're like energy drinks in the form of a berry... Well, I know Leppa berries are somewhat like that," Rune mused. "I know we have some Leppa berries over there." He said as he pointed to the bush next to the Sitrus berries. "I know I've had to come by here a few late nights when I was studying for finals. They're very juicy, but have flavors across the board otherwise. I'll go and grab you one." Rune stated as he strolled over to the Leppa bush, grabbing a Lansat berry and chomping on it on his way. Tangy and sweet, just how he liked it. He picked a couple Leppa berries and placed them in his basket, grabbing a few more just for Synthia. As he returned he placed the Leppas in her basket. "There you are Ma'am." He said with a bow.


"Th-thank you," she mumbles, taking one to nibble on. She nibbled on it with the :3 face, omnomming happily until it was gone. She then stood, and wondered to herself, "Do we have enough berries to mix a poffin? I dunno, maybe we should get more. I mean, it does take four a piece...."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Well we could do that. We have some Leppas, I grabbed some Lansats... How about a Pecha berry and an Aspear berry to finish it off?" He said as he picked both. Even if they weren't used in the poffins, he could still re-plant them. As long as the bushes were in the correct areas, the staff didn't mind. "Nice and tangy poffins... That's making my mouth water already." Rune said with a chuckle.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Nik's ears twitched at her squealing. His tail flicked upward and squirted out some milk into her mouth. "Milk Drink" Nik explained, knowing that the milk would ease her pain. "My version can't heal you, it's just regular milk, but it will still help" Nik said. He did not mention how he had only helped her to stop her whining, not any concern

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Dusk nodded back and untied the strap holding up his mask by reaching into his hoodie. He saw the events transpire in front of him and was worried for a second, but he guess Nik had it all under control with his...Milk Drink. Dusk lied down his mask on the table revealing his face for the second time today: His skin tone was very pale and had the potential to glow, just not during the day, he sported freckles on his cheeks and nose, and finally his eyes were blank and black where his eyeballs would have been but were replaced by that single glowing red eye that travels between each socket.


"Guess it comes in...handy that you know....so many other moves..." Dusk said quite impressed with Nik's ability as he handed a cloth towards Amaya. He hoped his face wasn't TOO off-putting as well, he was still quite embarrassed about it.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Amaya gulped down the milk, coughing hard.

" I-I * cough cough* appreciate it, but don't do something-*Cough* something like that, and so suddenly-*cough*"

Amaya might have been niave, but she wasn't oblivious. She could tell that Nik didn't like here, not in the least. Amaya didn't want to anger him, but-- You can't just squirt strange things into others mouths!

Amaya lifted the cloth from Dusk hand thankfully, and wiped at her mouth, giving a final cough.

( i.....i tried my hardest to make it not sound dirty...but..)

Edited by lyridiandandan
  • Brohoof 1

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"Bah, it'd be nice if I could actually do most of them right" Nik grumbled, knowing that roughly 80% of his techniques were flawed, poor man's versions of the real thing. "Do you only see through the red eye?" Nik questioned Dusk, noticing that the red eye moved back and forth

Amaya gulped down the milk, coughing hard.
" I-I * cough cough* appreciate it, but don't do something-*Cough* something like that, and so suddenly-*cough*"
Amaya might have been niave, but she wasn't oblivious. She could tell that Nik didn't like here, not in the least. Amaya didn't want to anger him, but-- You can't just squirt strange things into others mouths!
( i.....i tried my hardest to make it not sound dirty...but..)

"Would you rather have the spice still burning your mouth?" Nik said bluntly, tucking his tail back into his belt.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Yeah that's...correct...I can never see as...well as most with two eyes.."


Dusk responded as he took a bite out of some of the strangely colored grey and purple poffins he picked out. He couldn't help but smile as he took a bite into it, oh how satisfying it was to find food he could eat.


"Do be careful next time Miss Amaya, those are...especially spicy...." 


Dusk said a little late to the punch there.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Amaya cheeks puffed sightly, a habit a habit she had picked up from her maid.

"W-well, i could have done it myself..." she mumbled stubbornly. Amaya lifted her hands from her lap, cupping them infront of herself. Slowly, a ball of iredescent blue rings formed in her hands, each encircling each other, fading and growing, like a pulse. Amaya took the Aqua Ring on two fingers, and raised it too her lips. As the first ring touched her lips, the whole of it faded into sparks of blue.

"..Like that."


"I don't think ill be making that mistake again, Dusky. Don't worry." For the the first time since he lowered his mask, Amaya looked up at Dusk. His face could be considered very charming, with his pale skin and freckles, but there was the starkness of the blackness that were his...eyes? Although the red light that skipped across them was more identifiable as an eye. Singular.

"Oh!...Oh?" She leaned a tad bit closer, to get a better look at him, peering.

"How neat... much better than what i expected though." The swanna girl murmured, thinking of the Lure she had been expecting.

Edited by lyridiandandan

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@, @, @@SleeplessSketch, @, Damon noticed the look on "okay, the look on your face a few seconds ago said the opposite but whatever." he said as he started to play "So what's your names." Kari asked Nik, Dusk and Amaya while smiling, Damon just kept playing his guitar.


((Damon is playing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f7XNFTs0oc  ))

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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@,@, @,


Dusk couldn't help himself but chuckle at her when she muttered about whether she expected worse or not.


"What do you mean much better than you thought?...what were you expecting...a skull?...........actually, don't answer that.." 


Dusk scratched at his cheek with a finger and couldn't help but feel a bit bashful from her staring so much. Though from the distance he heard the strumming of the guitar the Blaziken Gijinka near the table was playing. Dusk was always interested in music and smiled quite widely when he looked over to their direction.


"Hellooo...I'm Dusk and this is Amaya. You have...some talent there sir."


Dusk said upon hearing him ask for their names as he admired the skill he displayed on that guitar.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Dark leans back a bit,

"Well, it seems you like reading, so maybe you could find a book on girls, how they work and such. As for convasations, those skills come with practice, and sometimes alcohol. NOM" he finishes having absentmindedly grabed some sort of plant from his plate,

"Hmm, that could've use a bit of Vegemite. Hey, umm, Shy guy, what are those, little coloured things everyone seems to be eating?"

Dustin's lips lifted slightly at Dark's "girl book" solution. "I don't think it works that way..." He then raised an eyebrow at the colored things comment. Dustin hadn't grabbed any poffins himself so he had to look around to figure out what Dark was talking about. "Um... Oh! Those are poffins I think..."

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Ms Claudia spun round and round in the cushy seat that was Principle Beautys Chair.

"Well,well. I suppose now is as good as any other time." She spoke aloud to herself, musing. Claudia let the chair stop spinning gradually, picked the little mic up from Miss Beauty's desk, and flicked the small 'blood orange' switch on the intercom.

"Hello?~" she quipped into the mic. Ms Claudias voice rung out like a bell through the school.

" Will staff members please make their way to the Principles Office?~ A Staff Meeting is in order. It is of upmost importance that you attend. Thank you~" She was just about to turn off the mic when she thought of something.

"Oh, and Welcome, all new students to Pokemon Academ! Enjoy youre stay, pups!" And with a silvery laugh, the transmission ended.

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Fernmint sighed when he heard the announcement and stood from his seat. He made his way over to Miss Claudia. Giving a short bow in greeting he stood next to her. "What 's the meeting going to be about? This is my first year here so I assume you understand." He gave a slightly sheepish smile and adjusted his sheath.  

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Ms Claudia


She giggled before holding a finger over her lips and winking.

"It's a secret, Minty!" Ms Claudia chirped playfully. But after seeing the look he gave her, she stands, and walk around to the front of the, leaning back on it.

" If you MUST know, here's a hint Minty. Somethings

(techincally someone) gone missing, so we need to talk about the proper actions to take."

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Fernmint raised an eyebrow as he leaned against a wall. "Someone's gone missing? Already? How is that even possible?" He shook his head at the thought. A fight just this morning and now somebody's missing. Maybe I should have just stayed at that other school. I'm more human than most Gijinka anyway... I probably could have pulled it off.

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Darius Corsac





Darius makes his way to the office, hiding a yawn behind his hand as he walks in the door.  "Mmm, I'm not late am I?  I do hope this won't take too long...  These meetings are the worst..."  


As he glances between Claudia and Fernmint he raises an eyebrow, picking up on the mood of the room.  "Hmmm...  Perhaps not this time, though...  We'll begin once everyone arrives, I assume?"  The Delphox gijinka smiles slyly, calmly adjusting his glasses.  

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

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The door opened again, revealing a mumbling Steel Grimore walking in, his feathers clanking together, murmuring about how much of a perfect time it was for Ms. Beauty to be off campus. He sighed and shook his head upon seeing Ms. Claudia in the Principal's chair.  "What is it, Claudia? I don't have time for this."

  • Brohoof 1
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"Ah...I hate to start without Delphy, but this is rather important, so i'll start now." Ms Claudia sat herself on the front of the desk, crossing her legs at the ankle.


"Minty, you may not know this, but to keep the Academy grounds in top form, we aquire help from a special little freind, Castform. Now, Castform is quite the baby, and very sensitive. Keeing that in mind, we must have done something to upset him, because when i went to check on him..." she a poof motion with with her hands." Poof. He was gone. And i've already checked his favorite places, Steely so don't you ask." After a moment of hesitation, Claudia began to tug on her fringe. It was a habit of hers, that only kicked in when she was nervous. And a nervous Ms Claudia was a rare sight indeed. Not that someone could offhandely tell if she WAS infact nervous, she hid it well.

" We need to findd him, sooner or later. A student could get hurt, or a student could hurt Castform.."

  • Brohoof 2

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@, @, @, @

Joshu heard Damon strum his guitar. The tune was unfamiliar but it sounded good. He noticed the Smeargle gijinka calm down and sighed in relief. 'That was close.' He thought to himself.

"You read books do you? What kind of books do you read? By the way, I also think that Transform is a useless move although your signature move, Sketch, is much better in comparison." Joshu turned to the other two occupants that were on Nik's table.

"I don't think I caught your names."

Edited by Piece Bot



What else am I meant to put here?


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@,@, @@SleeplessSketch, @, Damon nodded to Dusk "Thanks, anyone got a request." He said a bit sarcastically to the group, Kari looked at Dusk then Amaya "Well it's nice to meet you Dusk and you Amaya." she said as she finished a spicy Poffin "Yum spicy." she said grabbing one of Damons poffins.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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