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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@@SleeplessSketch, @@Ampharos, @, @, @@Lyridian


Samantha shook Dusk's hand. "So... you all planning on going somewhere? I don't have anything to do this weekend, mind if I tag along?" She asked. "I'm pretty much fine with wherever you want to go, I just won't get in the water if I can help it. Don't want to take a risk of frying the hardware."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@@Ampharos, @, @@SleeplessSketch, @@Lyridian, @@Suitaloo

The beach sounded nice but Blissey told her to refrain from going into the water at all costs. "We could go to the beach or we could just wander around town and see what there is." She kept her tone quiet. She didn't want to talk about it and Dusk would kill her if he found out she was Nik's partner.



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"Legal age....you speak as if they were actually real...I don't know your ideals...or thought process you possess...but you should have thought of the consequences before making them..." Jonathan said as the bugs dissipated back onto his hands. He rolled down his sleeves more and began pacing around the room once again.


"They were your blood....your mind....your emotions and feelings.....they were you...and you had the misfortune...of having me punish you....now I want you to stay silent and hear what I have decided....for the both of you.....and act out of turn again little kohai.....and I will not hesitate to issue more punishment towards your way..." Jon said looking at the Absol student.


"Now then...as said before....I have made my decision based on the ideals of your Professors....your weekends will be stripped of any and all privileges and you will report to the main detention room upon those weekends to stay the entirety of your enrollment of the school year...this will allow you to complete homework and projects required in your classes...you will be accompanied by a different teacher each weekend and will be decided on what else you do there by said teacher. As for the weekdays, once classes are finished you are to report to the Utility room where I will issue you cleaning supplies that will help scrub the filth of this school created by your fellow peers. You will make your rounds until all facilities are sparkly clean and only then will you have your precious freetime." Jon stopped in order to catch his breath and clear his throat...he really wasn't use to talking so much.


"There will be no questions...there will be no outbursts....this is a chance...a chance to prove to me that you belong here...show as much dedication to helping this school, your peers, and your teachers....and my punishment will be lifted....I suggest you read a book about ethnics gentlemen....because if I so much as hear or see anything breaking one conduct of proper ethnics...I will personally see to your punishment....and trust me...there is nothing in this school that I don't know about.....I am the eyes...and the ears...of this school...I intend to keep it clean...and safe." Jonathan stopped in his tracks and stared at both of the boys. His eyes never leaving theirs as he proceeded to pierce his words through their skulls.


"Do I make myself clear.....?" He asked the two. "Just nod your heads...because this is your best bet...." He said not wanting to hear any further cripes about the situation.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Nik nodded but inwardly scoffed. The guy who had just slaughtered two of his children was lecturing him on ethics? That was a laugh. The Smeargle gjinka simply nodded and kept a hard exterior on the outside though. While Nik thought of his clones as dogs or tools, getting them killed for such a pathetic reason was odd

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Nico nodded his head at the Ninjask gijinka and wisely said nothing. He would be very surprised if Nik decided to talk back to the janitor. He relaxed his grip on the Absolite and he relaxed immediately. This was just like back at Snowpoint. Clean, clean, clean. Cleaning all the time. At least it helped develop his strength over time.

Edited by Roxas XIII



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"Now get out of my sight.....my eyes hurt from looking at dirty children..." He said rubbing his temples in exasperation. His throat was sore and his body still ached from exerting himself, he had been cleaning all day too. He then turned his gaze at the unknown person and merely shot him a glare.


"Get lost. I find you anywhere remotely near this school again....you will wish the police had found you...don't even speak...your words are silent to my ears.." Jonathan almost looking as if he was using the move Scary Face, but he had perfected his intimidation in his years that he need not use such a move. He could care less who this person was, he wasn't a student nor faculty, so he could care less for the well being of this man...he didn't belong here. 



@@Suitaloo,@, @@Ampharos@,  @@Lyridian




"Sure! The more the merrier! The beach sounds like an awesome idea. I never really...swam before either so I might be a little hesitant about it...but I want to try it! There are other things to do besides swimming, like playing in the saaand or...catching krabbys...and eating beach food!" Dusk said as he ran the day through his mind. He's never been to the beach before and only read stories or....watched...television about it. He stopped shaking Samantha's hand and slammed his owns on the table as he stood up in excitement.


"Yeah! Let's do it!" He said as he flashed a grin at the group. He could hardly contain his excitement.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Nico gulped and took off from the room. He ran to the outdoors and sat himself down on one of the school walls there. That janitor really gave him the creeps. He wanted to get the 'deer caught in the headlights' look off his face but he couldn't seem to. Failing that, he headed back inside to Dorm 5 and sat against the wall there next to his bed.



"We've all decided on the beach have we? That's fine, I guess." Melissa shrugged her shoulders. She didn't really care with what they did.

Edited by Roxas XIII



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"Well... no one has really seen it too well.. but it's said to be something like an aerodactyl. Luckily I haven't seen one... yet." Lolita dramatically acted out being attacked by the monster and dropped to the ground. "It..was a fossil pokemon...after..all..." She hopped up and gave out a little laugh, "Yep that's pretty much how it would go."  Hmmm.. soo what now? Firewood, firewood... "LOOK AT THAT!" She pointed at a branch perfect for the fire and broke it off the small tree on their side, managing not to hurt herself in the process. "We're going to have one awesome fire and camping night!" 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Amaya, whom had been silent during most the entire conversations, popped the last of her rice ball into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. 

"But...this is a desert, isn't it?...Is there a beach anywhere close"  She didn't actually know where on the map Pokemon Acedemy was. She had been distracted by her Fathers flurry of questions on the drive too.


Ms. Claudia waved her hand dismissively, walking away.

" I'll...be going now.. Don't get anymore carried away...Jonathan...Oh, you two Minty, get some rest" She sounded fairly calm, but her thought process was something like this,


HOLY ARCEUS CHRIST WHAT THE HOLY GHOST TOWER WAS THAT HE JUST OHFLIP WAT HE JOHNNY JUST LIKE... KILLED TWO sorta kinda? KIDS??!!? No likey. Much too violent for her delicate taste..


But you know, have to keep things dignified. She paused for a moment next to Darius, and cast him a glanced as she pushed back her bangs. 

" I'll be heading back now with Castform, alright?" 

  • Brohoof 1

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Nik teleported to Melissa, not noticing Dusk as he appeared.


"Hey, how's it going?" Nik asked, looking rather grim. He was still bummed that two allies had been killed. Nik 5 climbed out of his back, whimpering.


"He killed them, my brothers" Nik 5 whimpered, shaking uncontrollably. Both Niks still hadn't noticed Dusk 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Melissa got a panicked look and quickly pushed Nik out of the room. "Are you crazy? Dusk was right there! What were you thinking? Nevermind. I'm fine. What about you?" Melissa breathed slowly out. "You really don't look out for where you're Teleporting don't you?"



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Nik blanched.


"Yeah, I should have checked, I was in a rush though" Nik excused, pointing to his clone. Nik 5 still shook, crying softly.


"Well, I got my weekend destroyed but in more concerning manners, two of my children got murdered. It was rather excessive, especially since they were loyal" Nik commented.


"He killed them" Nik 5 sobbed 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"How did you get your weekend destroyed? And who killed your brothers?" She directed the second question to whichever numbered Nik it was. "Which Nik are you? Nik 6?" She's really confused as they all looked the same but had different personalities. "Because you broke my nose I couldn't battle anymore this weekend anyway."

Edited by Roxas XIII



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"Mhmm..." Jon grunted as he nodded at Claudia, watching her leave the room. Once the room only had Him, Shedinja, Darius, Fernmint, and Varrick, he leaned himself on the back of a wall opposite from the rest and began to slide down as he squatted in a position. He let out an exasperated sigh and looked at his two hands. He had to be disconnected to a lot of his actions in order to keep the chaos in this school orderly and safe. If people couldn't handle what he had to do in order to keep it that way, then that is their problem. He was doing his job and he did it well, twas probably the reason why he was so solitary from the rest of the faculty and why no student bothered so much as an interaction with the Bug man.


Shedinja hovered slowly down to Jon and rested on his head. It made a small buzzing noise that resonated from it's hollow emptiness. 


"Yeah I know.......no we had to.....I'm fine..." He said having a quiet conversation with his little friend. It was really the only time where he can have a normal conversation, well as normal as normal gets. He rubbed his eyes for they felt strained and he stood up once again. Turning to the other teachers in the room he gave a nod and made his way to the door.


"Thank you." He muttered as he left the office. He made his way down the hall with Shedinja above him and went about his patrol. His job was never really done just because the sun came down. He and him alone would have to bear the burden of having the heavy responsibility of keeping this school clean...in more ways than one.


@,@, @@Lyridian,  




"AUGH!" Dusk was taken back and jumped a bit from the, yet again, sudden appearance of Nik.


"W-WOULD YOU- GAH! You're going to drive me nuts with that!" Dusk yelled his heart pounding. He flustered a sigh as his good mood was immediately pushed aside with shock and frustration. But upon seeing the other Nik he was even more shocked....and a little disgusted as he never saw something like that.


"O-oh gods..." He merely muttered. Frankly he didn't want to associate himself with much of Nik anymore seeing as how he's caused more than enough grief for him today. Sure the incident from this morning was Dusk's fault to a point, but he didn't want to deal with it right now. Not here. Though he couldn't outright ignore the whimpering the other him was going on about with. He heard that someone...killed his brothers? Probably more clones. Was that who was there with him briefly during the snow situation? Guuuh this was confusing. But hearing about someone killing off the clones...was kind of worrying.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"He's Nik 5" Nik indicated, briefly pausing to remember the order of birth. "The psycho janitor got pissed off when Nik 2 and 4 refused to go back inside my back, then he killed them" Nik explained, Nik 5 cringing at the mention of psycho janitor. "By weekend destroyed, I mean I'll be working with someone who acts like Lex Luthor's evil twin for the weekend" Nik grumbled

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Nik 5, Nik 6 close enough. I was just one number off. Working with a psychotic gijinka has gotta be hell for you." Melissa smiled. She doesn't know why she smiled, she just wanted to. "Did you say a psychotic janitor? That's gotta be terrible if he's the one that dishes out punishments!" Melissa burst into a fit of laughter.

  • Brohoof 1



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"It's not funny, he killed my brothers" Nik 5 grumbled, still crying. A quick whack on the back of the head shut him up. 


"You know, you're actually right" Nik commented, rubbing his chin. "I'm stuck working with someone who's got a 60% chance of being a psychopath and the Batman wannabe to boot" Nik complained

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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(And whoever else is at the table - I've sort of lost track) 


Zoey had made a few inaudible noises as the others joined them and they started discussing their plans, but she was having difficulty speaking thanks to having about half of her sandwich in her mouth.  Eventually she manages to swallow the gargantuan bite, giving a small sigh of relief and grinning at her friends.


"Amaya has a good point though...  I think a beach trip might need a little more planning than a night before kind of thing.  I mean, we may have to book a bus or taxi or something depending on how far it is."  One of her ears flicks slightly as she tries to think back to the ride over, even though she hadn't been paying attention to the route...  And nevermind that she wasn't good with directions in the first place.  "We have all year though, maybe we should start out somewhere a little closer to base.  And we could spend next week planning a longer trip, like to the beach!"


She couldn't help but giggle as she looks at her friends at the table, Dusk's excitement was contagious.  And she still found it funny that he'd referred to her as their 'outside world guru'...  She'd been called plenty of things before, but never something like that.





Darius gives a small sigh of relief as the matter is settled, reaching up to adjust his glasses.  I've got to remember to thank Jonathan the next time I see him...  His methods may be somewhat unorthodox, but I can't deny the effectiveness.  The Delphox gijinka hides a yawn behind a hand and smiles at the other faculty members.


"Well, if that's all taken care of, I believe I'm going to turn in early tonight...  Being up late looking for a lost pokemon, and then having the first class on the schedule right afterwards has left me fairly drained."  


He glances at Claudia and smiles, raising an eyebrow slightly.  "Don't stay up too late with the little one, I imagine you need sleep just as much as I do."  Darius calmly pats her on the cheek before turning towards the door.


Before stepping out into the hall, he glances back at the Alakazam gijinka.  "Oh, and Varrick, meet with me sometime tomorrow if you would?  I'd like to have an opportunity to discuss the lesson plan for the year."











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"Please tell me Nik 5 isn't the one who likes to cry all the time. He should really be taught a lesson." Melissa went over to Nik 5 and did something unexpected. She hugged hI'm and at the same time, Melissa made soothing noises and gestures. "There we go. You feeling better?"



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Nik 5 sniffed and wiped his eyes.


"I could have fought with them, maybe I'd have helped. At least I'd be dead instead of being worthless, like now" Nik 5 whimpered. Nik winced. Great, one of his sons had gone suicidal, as if things couldn't go any further south

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Zach shrugged and nodded slightly. "Yea I guess you're right... Maybe we could just sort of head into the city like uh... Someone said... wasn't really paying attention. But yea that'd probably be easier right? Just go around to different buildings, stores, restaurants. The like." 


Varrick, who was now floating upside down, put on a serious face and put his hand up for a salute, before vanishing to go into his own office.


Fernmint picked himself up and brushed the hair out of his eyes. It was time to go mourn the death of someone near and dear to him.

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Melissa threw her arms up in the air. "Great. Now he's thinking about killing himself off." Melissa went to pinch the bridge of her nose but then remembered that it was broken so she put her palm on her forehead instead. "What are we going to do about him?" Now she started to sound like a worried mother.

Edited by Roxas XIII



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"I don't know" Nik shrugged, not too worried. The Substitutes had climbed slightly higher on his priorities, about the level of a decent pet. They still weren't real people according to Nik though.  "I guess we could try traumatizing him again, Substitutes have easily swayed minds" Nik suggested

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Melissa thought about that course of action. "It could work. But there's also the option of killing him ourselves or there's another one where he can kill himself. What do you think Nik?" She turned around in the hallway to look at him. "Your option sounds but at least consider the ones that I've laid out for you. The final decision is up to you."

Edited by Roxas XIII



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Before Nik could answer, Nik 5 wailed, flinching at an unknown sight. 


"He's here, he's tracking me" Nik 5 stammered, pointing at nothing. Nik looked somewhat sad as he used Sharpen, growing claws. While Nik 5 continued to writhe in fear, Nik made his decision. A quick slash across the throat, Nik 5 stopped suffering

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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