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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Melissa took her hood off and gave a saddened look to Nik. She quietly followed behind the group and waited to see if something else would come up. "What are we going to do when we get there guys? Look around, try to get a feel for it? There's gotta be something to do there." Melissa piped up.


"I'm just planning on finding the nearest restaurant and getting some food." Samantha said, shrugging. "If you want to tag along, that's fine, but you'll be paying your own tab. I'm thinking of looking for a good sushi restaurant. I think it would be a good idea to have somewhere we meet up when we're ready to leave though." Samantha suggested.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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It was... rather odd how quickly Amayas expression changed once Zoe had caught up to her.
" Oh! I'm just fine, Zoe. ♪ " She answered cheerfully, resting a hand on the arm Zoe had slipped over her shoulder. " Lets catch up with them, okay?"

( I know its short and im sorry about that but i need to go do something ill be back fairly soon))


( im so ebarrassed i posted this in the wrong thread..))

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Zoey smiles and nods at her friend, her ears perking up slightly.  She was ready to get into town and get on with their day.  "Yeah...  C'mon, let's hurry!"  With a grin as she tries to push her thoughts towards what was going to come rather than what had happened, Zoey grabs Amaya's wrist and takes off at a run.  She slips past Dusk and Zach, practically squeezing between them before taking off ahead of them.  "Let's go, guys!  Last one to town buys the rest of the party lunch!"  Giggling and trying to get everyone's mind off of what had just happened with Nik, the Zorua girl starts running down the path with a completely un-fair head start.








Lhee grunts as he puts his weight behind the wrench, following Jon's instructions as the janitor gives them.  He wasn't keeping track of how long it took, though he did make sure to pay attention to everything the two of them did...  He was going to make sure he knew how this machine worked, in case it would need further maintenance in the future.  


With a quiet sigh Lhee rubs the back of his hand across his forehead, leaving a smear of oil from the depths of the machine across his otherwise white skull.  "How are we going to know when this thing's working again?  If it's not powered up, I mean..."  He glances out of the corner of his eye at his fossil, like he was reassuring himself it was still there before turning his attention back to the repairs of F.R.E.D.

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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( im so ebarrassed i posted this in the wrong thread..))

((It's oki I know that feel too d: ))



Razor looked around the cafeteria she was seated in. Gijinka she knew and didn't know were involved in some sort of early morning drama she wasn't going to get involved in. She finished the juice she was drinking and got up to throw away the cup. She hadn't eaten any breakfast there since she'd had a snack. Razor waved to Samantha as she rushed out the room with a gijinka she'd never seen before. And I didn't get to ask her about the internet thing.. They'd all left so she went walking around the school to find anyone else there to talk to. 


Edited by The Leafeon Pinkeh


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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Zoey smiles and nods at her friend, her ears perking up slightly.  She was ready to get into town and get on with their day.  "Yeah...  C'mon, let's hurry!"  With a grin as she tries to push her thoughts towards what was going to come rather than what had happened, Zoey grabs Amaya's wrist and takes off at a run.  She slips past Dusk and Zach, practically squeezing between them before taking off ahead of them.  "Let's go, guys!  Last one to town buys the rest of the party lunch!"  Giggling and trying to get everyone's mind off of what had just happened with Nik, the Zorua girl starts running down the path with a completely un-fair head start.


"Hey! Wait up!" Samantha said, activating her lung implants to keep her able to sprint for a longer duration. "I've got a spending limit dang it!" She yelled after Zoey. 'I don't want to leave them all in the dust, I could if I really wanted to, but I want to keep it fair.'



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Zach regained a smile as Zoey slipped past him and Dusk and he took off after her. Hopefully noone else would dwell too much on what had happened, because Zach sure as hell wasn't forgetting.


@@Suitaloo, @,


Dustin stepped back in line with Samantha and Melissa and listened silently to what they were saying. "Oh! I've never had sushi... That sounds like a good place to start." He then blinked as the Zorua girl yelled back and a smiled creeped onto his face. He ran forward a little before frowning. Dustin was slow. There was no way he'd beat anyone here. He conjured up some of the sand around him and encircled himself in it like it was a Protect. He then took off at what looked like twice his speed, just fast enough to keep up with everyone else.


@, ((Reposting in case you missed it))


Varrick looked intriguingly at the scribbles on the paper. He was able to decipher a surprisingly large majority of the words and he looked simply amazed. "Incredible! Brilliant! You never cease to amaze me Mr. Corsac!"

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"Oi! Don't leave me behind" Melissa yelled after the racers. Her legs glowed blue and she sprinted off after after them. Easily catching up to Zoey and Amaya, she just kept in line with them. "You know what Zoey? This is fun!" Melissa yelled to be heard over the wind.



What else am I meant to put here?


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 Jonathan sat back a little and wiped the sweat from his brow as he examined what else needed to be done.


"Well I'm super sensitive to electricity with me be part flying...so we'll only be able to know once we hook it back up again...and if it doesn't then we keep trying..."


Jon stood up and examined the outside of the machine. He walked around back to see the many cords and outlets the machine possessed and was hooked up to. He saw several in jumbles and some that were outright unplugged, so reaching back he organized it where each cord belonged.


Shedinja on the other hand was having the time of his life staying on top of the ghost lady's head. It was soft and comfy, much better than that Ninjask's gruffy and messy hair. The little bug buzzed in delight as it continued to watch the two guys work at the machine.


"Pff, don't spoil him too much...he'll get lazy." Jon said cracking a small smirk as he went back into the main insides of F.R.E.D.


"Okay kid re-fasten the main power cables in again and we'll start it up." He said pointing to the cables again. Hopefully with the amount of work they had done, it'll at least power on.




"H-HEY WAIT! I'M STILL NOT USE TO RUNNING!" Dusk said as he followed after the group being the slowest. He may have been fit now, but that didn't change the fact that he was still the slowest kid in gym class....you know what I'm talking about.


In the distance the Town came into view and was just what you would expect and then some. The town was fairly clean looking and shone in the rays of the sun as buildings of all shapes and sizes made the town look like a mini-metropolis. The streets were lined with shops and businesses of all kinds that specialized in both Pokemon and People. Since their was an Academy close to the school, the town was very much familiar with having Gijinkas constantly visiting from nearby and had their own establishments in taking care of said Gijinkas. In the middle of it all there was a decently sized outlet mall about 2 stories tall that held the best stores and establishments for miles around. People walked the streets and didn't pay much mind to the students of the Academy, so as long they remember to be on their best behavior that is.


Dusk stared in awe at the town and was filled with excitement when it came closer into view. He wanted to remember this moment well for this was his first time stepping out in plain sight of regular people. Seeing his friends run further ahead he quickly resumed his running falling quite a bit behind because of his slowpokeness...in fact I think a slowpoke would be faster than this poor Dusclops.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Lhee nods and leans over to reach for the cables, setting his borrowed wrench down on the floor as he does.  "I'm a ground type, I can handle the electrical work if you want...  Not like I have to worry about getting shocked even if it's on..."  The Marowak boy spends a few moments getting the different cables plugged into their correct sockets, some taking a little more effort than others, and then pauses as he gets the last one plugged in.


With his head near the electrical outlets, Lhee hears the quiet hum of electricity starting to flow into the machine...  It didn't seem like nearly enough, though.  The machine he remembered as a child could have been heard humming throughout the room, this was barely a whisper.  Standing upright, Lhee gives a frustrated growl and, before anyone would be able to object or otherwise scold him, grabs his bone club from his belt and whacks F.R.E.D. with it.


Whatever it was, the shock from getting hit by the bone club seemed to have actually helped - some obstruction knocked loose, or perhaps something else knocked into place, but either way the hum of power in the machine grew louder and the lights on the monitor began to flicker on.  Chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck with his bone club, Lhee turns to look at Jonathan and Claudia.  "Uhm...  It's on."







Darius chuckles quietly, resting his elbows on his desk and letting his fingertips touch over the top of the thick tome.  "I didn't ask you in here so I could show off or brag, Varrick.  I just wanted you to be aware of the resources available to work with, alright?"  He takes a moment to curl one finger towards the book, pulling the cover closed.  "As I said, I've devoted a large portion of my studies into research like this.  So, if there's a move that you think would be worth teaching the students but need time to refine, I would be more than happy to offer my own resources to you."





@(Too many people to tag)


Zoey slows to a stop as they enter the town, leaning over to catch her breath under the guise of waiting for Dusk.  "Heh...  Heh...  It's...  A bigger place...  Than I expected!  Not as big as back home...  A good sized town though..."  The Zorua girl's ears twitch as she looks around the nearby buildings, her thoughts already on the mall that could be seen from the edge of town.


"We should probably decide on a time and place to make sure that we all meet up again...  And I'd say make sure everyone explores with a partner, just so no one wanders off on their own and gets lost..."  Glancing around at her friends, Zoe grins widely and her tail starts to wag slightly.  "What do you guys say - find a place where we'll all meet up for lunch?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@, @@Ampharos


"Sounds good to me." Samantha said. "How about we meet at the bus station around eleven thirty for lunch?" She suggested. "Dustin, you want to come along with me?" She asked the sandshrew boy. "I don't really have anyone to stick with, and I don't think you really do either."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dustin finally made it to the edge of the town and doubled over, panting. The small sand field had diminished as he continued to catch his breath. "Oh... sure... that sounds.... good... Oh my gosh I can't run..." Dustin stood back up straight and brushed the hair out of his eyes, looking around at the town. He took his glasses out of his pocket, scrubbing them clean with his hoodie, so he could get a better look at some of the things that were farther away.




Zach nodded as he looked around as well. "How about that place right there?" He pointed towards a Chinese place that was fairly close to them at the moment. He had heard Samantha saying something about sushi, and it was one of Zach's personal favorites, so it seemed like a good place to meet up.


Varrick nodded at Darius' response. "Oh of course! I believe my first lesson will be on basic things like Reflect, Barrier, Safeguard, and other things of that fashion. Then go into the harder to learn things like Skill Swap. That took me ages to figure out!" (Referencing how it's fairly tough for an Alakazam to know Skill Swap in 5th/6th gen)

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The blue glow on Melissa's legs slowly eiminished as she got closer to the town. It was a fairly decent-sized one. She was barely out of breath. "The resyeraunt that Zacch pointed to and being there at eleven-thirty sound good." Melissa said.


((Posting before I go to school. See you in about six to seven hours,))



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Whew...oh gods....augh...s-sounds...like a plan to me...you guys are QUICK..may I curse every single one of you with my ghostly slowness in the future...auuugh.." Dusk said as he leaned down placing his hands on his knees catching his breath. He took in a deep breath and stood back up as he examined the town.


"Wow...an actual town huh..and sushi? Isn't that like raw fish or something? That sounds weird to eat...but strangely appetizing. Alright! We'll meet up here at 11 for lunch then decide what to do then! The rest of us will probably go straight to that huge building in the middle!" Dusk pointed as he began their trek. Several people along the street turned their gaze to look at the walking group of gijinkas passing by but paid no mind to it, they were pretty much use to the scene, though it did pique their interest when they had to guess which Gijinka associated with which Pokemon.


"I guess the people here are use to us, well I'm most certainly can't say I use to people staring at me every once in a while." Dusk muttered a comment about the stray looks they were getting.






Jonathan stared at the machine when it made a good and healthy hum when the Marowak kid gave it a good hit with his bone. Jon merely chuckled and went up to the machine examining the monitors.


"I guess a good hit every now and then doesn't hurt... but please don't dent the machine...otherwise...good job kid." He said without turning to look at Lhee. It was his way of giving a compliment..sort of. Jon flipped some switches and typed on a few keys that brought up the initial starting program. The F.R.E.D. needed a second to reboot to it's default settings but once done it made a ding noise letting people know it's ready for action. Jon knelt down and slipped on the main control panel back into place and turned to look at Lhee once more.


"Moment of truth...set your fossil in this box next to the machine...then we'll have to extract it's genetic code in order to bring it to life...if it still has it. We'll be able to tell what fossil it is too.." Jon said as monotonous as ever when he explained the process. He opened the case to wear the fossil would be placed and waited for the kid to put it in.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Lhee walks over towards his fossil and carefully picks it up - you would think he was handling a baby rather than an ancient rock.  "I already know what it is..."  He mutters quietly under his breath, not really sure how he knew but just that he did.  It was the same way he felt like he knew that whatever it was was young. 


Cradling the fossil like it was already alive, Lhee very carefully lowers it into the designated case.  Shutting the case carefully, Lhee stares at the fossil one last time before moving to stand next to the monitor with Jonathan.  He wanted to be able to see how the process was done.  "Do you...  Do you mind if I do it?  I would need to be talked through the process though..."  He glances away as he asks, staring at the monitor rather than looking at either of the faculty members.  He didn't know why he felt personally responsible for this fossil...  Just that he wanted to be the one who brought it back.

  • Brohoof 2











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@@SleeplessSketch, @ @@Ampharos @ everyone else too!!

"Of course Sweetie~♫ . Let me show you how..." Ms Claudia smiled, crossing her arms over her chest as she walked up behind the boy, leaning over his shoulder.


"Let's see.. You need to turn on the analysis and scanning functions." She pointed a finger at the panel that sat directly under the dusky screen, pointing out the bits and bobbits he needed to mess with. " So hit those two switches on the right- Yes, those ones- .... Considering the size of your little friend there, you'll need to turn that dial to 150 at least. No not that one, the bigger red one next to it. Yes, right there. Great! Now, push the left most ((I searched forever and couldn't find the name but like the kind of switches on a soundboard)) switch to the red line mark, that one downwards to the blue mark, and that last one to green mark just above where it already is. Oh! Don't forget ..."


The words flowed from her lips easily, guiding him. To be honest, she didn't understand herself how she could possibly remember the things Andrew had so casually taught her so long ago. But she had. And so she put these things to good use for her student.


"- Oh-Kaee! Your all set, Sweetheart~♫. Just pull that little lever... And the rest is history! *giggles* ​Ancient History." She joked playfully.





The rush she felt from running alongside Zoe, using her powerful dancer legs to help propel not only herself but Zoe too, was now gone as she stared up at the town with doe-like eyes.


Amaya watched the towns people pass by, meeting their curious glances only to quickly avert her eyes, blushing with embarrassment. Slowly, she folded her wings in behind her, careful not to hit one of her companions. 

So many people in one place...It's a little... Her hands fell away to the white fabric of her skirt, gripping it tightly.


Daunting. It's scary...


Little Amaya had forgotten about what a trip to town had meant. Lots of people. Rushing cars and loud surroundings. All of which was more than she had ever experienced. She had never visited a town before. Much less one as big as this. In fact the most people at once she had been around was at Pokemon Academy. Deeep breathe Amaya! Just like that! Raise that chin! ...Or..or you could keep looking away, thats fine too I suppose. At least say something okay? Anything is fine!


"Raw fish is very good." She said.

.... Sure. Why not.

Edited by Lyridian
  • Brohoof 1

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Jon merely brought his hand up and sighed into his palm at the lame puns. Once he brought his head back up he stood behind the other two and merely examined the monitors. Shedinja had gotten up and started hovering around once again when Claudia became active and fuddled with the controls. He hovered alongside the fossil and examined it with his own eyes...I think, and began to buzz slightly.


"He's excited for a new playmate....doesn't mean you get to skip out on work..." Jon commented as he saw his little bug buddy become all the more eager.


"Go ahead...moment of truth kid." He said looking at the Marowak kid with arms folded as he gave a nod.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Lhee looks from Claudia to Jonathan, then to Shedinja as well, before taking a deep breath and pulling the lever down.  As the machine began to light up and buzz, Lhee quickly moves from the monitor to the case holding the fossil.  The lights began to get brighter, until it reached the point that Lhee had to lift up his arm to shield his eyes.


It felt like it took an eternity - to Lhee, at least.  In truth it was probably closer to a couple minutes.  As the noise and lights finally start to die down the Marowak gijinka lets out a breath he hadn't been aware that he was holding.  He couldn't see through the glass - it seemed to be covered in fog.


With a glance back at the two older gijinkas, Lhee cautiously opens up the lid to the case.  A sharp intake of breath accompanies the motion, and he starts to shake slightly as a smile splits his face.  Reaching reverently into the case, a sound can be heard as he picks up the pokemon waiting within.  "Amaaauu?"


Holding the little Amaura carefully, Lhee lifts it out of the case and looks at it at arm's length before abruptly bringing it in close and hugging it.  Laughing quietly he turns to look at Jonathan and Claudia, the little pokemon looking at them curiously.  "It worked...  And I was right...  She was young when she died..."  Lhee was smiling as he spoke, and it would appear he was right.  Based on the size of the little pokemon, it was probably not long out of the egg.  


It worked...  It actually worked!  I can't believe it!  Lhee almost seemed on the verge of tears, though he didn't let himself get that far.  He didn't cry where people could see him - not anymore.  Still, one would hardly guess that the boy was a violent and dangerous Marowak the way he held the little Amaura so carefully.  "Amaura!"





Zoe just giggles at the other's comments, already walking down the sidewalk towards the direction of the mall.  "Hehe, you're all too adorable...  Of course they're going to stare!  I mean, I'm used to people staring at me all the time.  Even if they're not surprised to see a gijinka they're going to stare because I'm cute."  Turning to walk backwards for a moment she winks at her friends, hoping to lighten the mood before they get to the mall.

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@(Everyone there. I lost track of who was there.)

"I'm used to people staring at me as well, but I'm swimming when they stare. This feels different." Melissa walked with the group and shouted in delight when she saw the mall. "Hey! We're here! We're here!" She pointed enthusiastically at the entrance.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Dusk smiled a bit and chuckled at Zoey's lighthearted attitude towards things and merely continued on their way...once arriving there he was in utter awe at the presentation of the building itself. One could make the argument that it could have rivaled Celadon City's Poke Emporium....almost. It may not be a tall building towering the skies, but it's length and ground coverage were enough to give the impression that this was a decently sized Mall. The front walkways were littered with lush veneer and a fountain that had statues of Gyarados's squirting water from their mouths to the water collected below.


"Well no time like the present. Allonsy~" Dusk said having heard that phase somewhere before on a documentary about the Kalos region. Making a bit of distance he arrived at the front entrance with his friends and to his surprise the glass doors opened up themselves. 


"Whoooa...technology is amaaaazing." Dusk said grinning ear to ear as he stepped into the cool Outlet. He was immediately met by amazement when the he took a gander at the bustling inside of the building around him! Shops lined up with establishments, more than the ones outside. In the center of the large open space were people walking to and from each of them. There was a skylight on top of the center area as the Sun's rays penetrated the glass materials. A food court was somewhat visible on the top second floor from their position and there were plenty of stand alone stalls around the area that beckoned passerbys to look upon their wares.


"This is...freakin' incredible..." Dusk said being a little overwhelmed by the huge sight in front of him. The noise was a little crazy too as people talked from all around with laughing and shouting and other indistinguishable chatter. He turned to the group and gave a smile as it was clear as day that he was ecstatic. 


"This is gonna be crazy and awesome, but let's make sure none of us are by ourselves. Especially on our first visit...and on our best behavior." Dusk said rubbing the back of his neck laughing a little.He looked at Amaya who was quiet as usual and thought about her overwhelming experience. If was was overwhelmed...then Amaya must have been feeling that only 100x over.


"Hey. Let's have some fun huh?" He said to her lightening the mood, then looking at the rest of the gang giving them the same optimism.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Of course. We're reflecting on the academy here." Samantha said.




She turned towards Dustin and asked "Where do you want to go? I didn't have any specific plans other than wander around the mall and see what shops they had." Samantha explained. "I might get a coat or something, but I'm not sure."

Edited by Suitaloo



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Nik sat in his room, panting like a dog. Dusk had just increased on his "I crapped myself scale". Nik reran the events in his mind. The Porygon would also be dangerous, probably on Nico's tier. Zach was still not a threat though. Nik frowned as he remembered his rage at Amaya. Nik conjured up a small Substitute, a stupid one and gave it a letter. "Find Amaya and give this to her" Nik ordered, tossing the Substitute out the window. The letter was an apology


"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Dustin looked around and shrugged. "Oh uh... Not sure... We didn;t have a mall back home... Or stores really... Maybe a closing store could do. You could get that coat and I could look for something I guess. Not sure what though... Maybe a hat. Do they make hats with ear holes in them?" he asked, wiggling his ears a little. 

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Dustin looked around and shrugged. "Oh uh... Not sure... We didn;t have a mall back home... Or stores really... Maybe a closing store could do. You could get that coat and I could look for something I guess. Not sure what though... Maybe a hat. Do they make hats with ear holes in them?" he asked, wiggling his ears a little.


"You know, I'm not sure." Samantha said, resting her chin in her hand. "If they don't, we could try to modify one to accommodate your ears. Cut some holes in it or something. I think you might look good with a bow tie." She suggested. "Maybe a Fez or a Stetson. Trilbys are also nice. A fez would probably be the best one, though, since it wouldn't interfere with your ears."

Edited by Suitaloo



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dustin wrinkled his nose. "Eh I don't know... Stetsons are cool I guess.... I don't think I could pull off any of those. All my clothes sort of look like this." He gestured down to the hoodie, jeans, and bare feet. "I doubt they would go together... I'm sure I'll find something..."


"Wait, you don't wear shoes?" Samantha questioned. "I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, to me at least, but don't your feet get cold if you are in the snow or if you are walking on something sharp, are you worried it will hurt and then get infected because of the dirt? Shoes are something we could get you, if you wish. I just know a lot of places have things against people not wearing shoes, so at the very least, we could get some shoes, then cut out the soles so you could wear something to cover them."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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