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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Still giggling as she drags Dusk into the store, Zoe makes an immediate turn towards where the jackets would be.  She had never been in this particular store of course, but they all had generally the same layout...  And she knew her way around a clothing store.  "Alright, let's see what we can find!  What did you have in mind?  Black leather?  Maybe something more like a leather aviator's jacket?  Hmm, what do we have to choose from..."


Without waiting for an actual response, Zoey starts pulling some of them off of the racks.  Some she puts back with a frown, others she tosses towards Dusk.  "These should be about your size, I think.  See a style that you like yet?  I'm sure there are other clothes stores in here if we don't find anything in here that you like!  Go ahead, try one on, you got kinda bigger when you evolved so I'm just kinda estimating the sizes."


Samantha went over to the coats and grabbed a long, black coat with a floral pattern on top. It seemed very nice, but it was a men's size. She wouldn't be able to fit in it even if she tried. She looked around and found a nice looking compression shirt. It would fit well under her dress, and she could use the shirt, with some gloves, and not have to worry about wearing the arm warmers all the time. She went in to the dressing room and tried it on, a rich burgundy under her red dress with some turquoise gloves and a turquoise scarf. "So, Zoey, what do you think?"



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dustin quietly walked around the place, hands folded behind his back, looking at anything that caught his interest. He looked around and finally saw something that he somewhat liked. He went to go try it on in the dressing room, and came out wearing a orange-golden colored fleece jacket that fit his slim body type quite perfectly as well as a brown scarf that perfectly matched the color of his eyes. "I uh... think I found something..."

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@,Daniel looked up from his state of thought to see one of the newcomers of the academy looking down at him, and even before he could ask why she was here he was asked a question about the somewhat dirty-look he had given the other student in the mall earlier.   Daniel stood up to his full height, an intimidating 6' 5", and looked down at the Gijinka before him and started explaining.  "Well...they're new here, I only gave him the look because I don't particularly trust Gijinkas who are new at the academy; due to them being mostly compiled of immature trouble makers, and I say that only because I've had bad experiences with the newcomers back when I was still a Lampent."  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Melissa looked up at him as he stood up. "You don't trust new students? Why is that?" Melissa started to rapidly ask question after question. She didn't want to sit down as that would make him seem taller then he is now. "You had bad experiences. We all have but that's no reason to mistrust new students."



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@,"For me, it gives a prefect reason.  Maybe it's just my non-social side talking but to be honest...newcomers don't really seem interesting...to me anyway.  Anyway," he said as he took out his purple- blackish cigarette pack, he took one out and griped the back end of it in-between his teeth, lighting it in the process and blowing out wispy, black smoke before continuing.  "Your friends are probably looking for you right about now, wondering where the heck you went off to; take care."  Said Daniel as he turned around and walked away towards the academy, the black trench coat following behind him and his square-toed boots making hiss foot falls against the gravel fairly loud.  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Daniel almost immediately collided with another... student, by the looks of it. The kid was quite short, in fact very short, and the collision caused him to jump into the air. And stay there. He put a hand on his chest and gave a short smile, as if saying Daniel had startled him. His eyes could be seen visibly vibrating, as if he was taking in every detail of Daniel he could. Teenager... no.... young adult.. large stature, young face. Early twenties. Smoker, possibly due to his Pokemon half. Looks severely Chandelure. Dresses to look intimidating, but has a sort of faint sadness in his eyes. Bullied as a young adult. Dresses to intimidate to prevent it from happening again. His eyes stopped moving and he smiled again, taking out a tablet and a stylus. He quickly scribbled on it and showed the screen to the young adult. 


Hello. I'm Matthew.

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"Right." She turned around and headed back to the mall. What was she thinking? Heading back into the clothes store she saw her friends try on different stuff. Walking past Dustin she saw him try on an outfit that completely suited him. "Y'know what Dustin? That outfit actually looks good on you." Melissa complimented him.



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Dustin jumped slightly at the sound of Melissa's voice, but he turned around and gave a nervous smile. "Oh uh.. Really? It was the only thing I really liked... Same color as my hoodie too.. And I needed something with it, it was too plain. So I found a scarf that matched my eyes and went well with the color of the... ahem... yea I thought it looked okay..." 

Edited by Ampharos
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"Seriously, it does look good on you. I'm going to see if I can find anything, if not, then I'll just head to the bookstore." Melissa began to search for anything that she liked. Taking a couple of pieces of the shelves, she walked to an unoccupied change room. Changing into the new set of clothes, she admired herself in the mirror. Melissa had chosen a cerulean dress with black leggings. Opening the door, she asked Zoey,


"How does this look Zoe?"



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Dustin quietly walked around the place, hands folded behind his back, looking at anything that caught his interest. He looked around and finally saw something that he somewhat liked. He went to go try it on in the dressing room, and came out wearing a orange-golden colored fleece jacket that fit his slim body type quite perfectly as well as a brown scarf that perfectly matched the color of his eyes. "I uh... think I found something..."


"That actually looks pretty nice." Samantha said, flexing around in the compression shirt. "How does this look?" She asked. She put the scarf around his neck and fluffed it slightly. "That looks nice. I think it would be functional too, keeping sand out of your eyes and whatnot. What do you think about this outfit?"



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dustin turned and gave another small, nervous smile to Samantha. He gave her a quick look down and then averted his gaze slightly. "It um... ahem... it looks nice. Compliments you. Porygon colors were a good choice by the way..." He had no idea how he had managed to get the full opinion out. His face was slowly turning red. She looked quite good in the get up, and she had complimented him on the practicality and look of his own outfit, causing him to blush quite a bit. "It's uh... pretty hot in here... The fleece doesn't help... I'll just go take this off now..." He quickly walked back to the dressing room and changed back, this time carrying his hoodie with him along with the fleece jacket. He was now just wearing a white tshirt.  

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Pausing from throwing jackets at Dusk, Zoe turns to look at her friends with her ears twitching slightly.  It made her laugh a little that they had come to ask her opinions on the outfits, though it did make her feel good that they wanted her thoughts on them.


"That looks pretty good, Sammie!  Way to play off of your pokemon's colors, way cute.  And Dustin, very ground-type outfit, looks great on you!  Some people complain that earthy colors are too bland or boring, but that's kinda dumb.  If you can pull it off, you can pull it off!  Right?  And Melissa, nice pick!  That blue really makes your hair and eyes stand out!  Very pretty, yet you still manage to look like you'd rather be swimming.  Must be the colour."  


With another giggle she turns her attention back to helping Dusk pick out a jacket, the Zorua girl's tail wagging happily.  All of her friends were picking out new outfits and even asking her for fashion advice - it was some of the most fun she'd had since she came to the Academy!  And she still hadn't picked out anything for herself yet!











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Dustin turned and gave another small, nervous smile to Samantha. He gave her a quick look down and then averted his gaze slightly. "It um... ahem... it looks nice. Compliments you. Porygon colors were a good choice by the way..." He had no idea how he had managed to get the full opinion out. His face was slowly turning red. She looked quite good in the get up, and she had complimented him on the practicality and look of his own outfit, causing him to blush quite a bit. "It's uh... pretty hot in here... The fleece doesn't help... I'll just go take this off now..." He quickly walked back to the dressing room and changed back, this time carrying his hoodie with him along with the fleece jacket. He was now just wearing a white tshirt.  


"Thanks. I hear ya, it does get kind of hot, especially considering we're in, you know, a desert, but still." Samantha said. She turned to Zoey. "So, did you find anything nice for yourself? I know Dustin's outfit looks nice and Melissa's dress is nice-looking as well. I'm sure you'd find something good."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"You look good as well Samantha. I don't think Zoe has chosen anything yet as she's still helping out with Dusk." She walked over to Samantha to admire her clothes. "Looking at your outfit more, I see where Zoe's coming from. You do look cute in that and those colours are just right for you too!"

Edited by Roxas XIII



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"Wow, shows what I know about fashion. This store is one big mystery to me." Dusk said as he scratched his head in confusion about all the outfits he was seeing inside the boutique shop. Everybody else was trying on new things and new looks. Dusk was just standing there twiddling his thumb while Zoey sifted through the many bundles of hanging outfits. Dusk also couldn't get the image of that person that passes by him on the escalators. He looked...menacing but that was purely from his own outfit. Who was he? And why did he look at him the way he did at Dusk? Dusk shook his head and looked back at Zoey as she continued her mission.


"It doesn't have to be over the top fashionable Zoe, just ya know...simple and comfortable." Dusk said hopefully making it easier for his Zorua friend.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@Ampharos, Daniel had jut been walking a short while before colliding with another student who appeared to be quite small by his comparison of 6' 5".  The impact with the other student apparently sent the little guy flying into the air, to Daniel it just suprised him a bit, enough for his cigarettee to drop to the floor.  Then after the little guy had calmed himself down he seemed to take something out that resembled a tablet and stylus and began writing something on it, and in no time at all he was shown the front of the tablet; Hello. I'm Matthew.  Is what it said.


"Umm, hi," Daniel said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Hey, sorry for the scare; Chandelures usually have that effect on people I've noticed.  Names Daniel by the way."  He said as he reached out with a gloved hand so Matthew could shake it.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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@@Ampharos, Daniel had jut been walking a short while before colliding with another student who appeared to be quite small by his comparison of 6' 5".  The impact with the other student apparently sent the little guy flying into the air, to Daniel it just suprised him a bit, enough for his cigarettee to drop to the floor.  Then after the little guy had calmed himself down he seemed to take something out that resembled a tablet and stylus and began writing something on it, and in no time at all he was shown the front of the tablet; Hello. I'm Matthew.  Is what it said.


"Umm, hi," Daniel said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Hey, sorry for the scare; Chandelures usually have that effect on people I've noticed.  Names Daniel by the way."  He said as he reached out with a gloved hand so Matthew could shake it.

Matthew smiled and waved off his hand, as if saying it weren't a big deal. His mind made a few other notes, like how he seemed to be nice despite his appearance. He finally landed himself and dusted off his clothes. He was wearing nice clothes. A white dress shirt, grey waist coat and black pants. The only thing out of place were the black converse sneakers.

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The girl rolled her eyes heavily at the man. She honestly didn't see any reason to stand by his point or argument, and turned to her right, clutching the several bags in her hands. What? The situation wasn't that bad, and honestly, she would have had to do what she had done in order to purchase, well actually, receive the items.


And who was this man? A cop, supposedly. Well, at least he behaved like so.


The girl pushed her grey curls around her shoulder, and rotated her ears to the side, hearing what the man had to say to a better volume. Although, she highly doubted that he would make her change her mind. Curiously, she looked back at the young male at the counter. The slender, bread-headed male stood there, in a daze. Ha, 'Attract' sure does it's charm with the younger ones.


'It's goddamn stealing!' he would say sharply, under his breath. He was sure not to cause a commotion in the middle of the store's hour of highest population.


'Are you dumb or something? Eh? Face me when I'm speaking to you young lady! You must be a student or something, I'll contact your school and parents if you do not return those items.. Hell, you needn't wait! I'll contact the nearest school straight away!'


The girl raised an eyebrow at the man with a strict and serious tone. Despite this, she didn't fret and turned to face him as he recalled the number of the nearest school - which she knew would be the Pokemon Gijinka Academy. He looked at the girl and his expression soften as he looked upon her gentle expression, which radiated into his iris.


She gently raised a finger by her side and looked at him deeply, putting her ability to work. This would be a breeze. She quickly looked around, noticing that all into their own business.


'Sh ht. It's just a few things, nothing else. They'll be many other outfits, much more stock.. You needn't worry - am I right?'


'Yes.. you're right.'




Gently, she tapped the man's head, as though he was a puppy who had just learnt a new trick. She squatted slightly, picking up the bags and turning back. Great, she had forgotten where she had been heading. At least it would only seem that she was talking to the officer on camera. But then, she noticed something that she must of missed when she was performing quick mental checks. Her left ear rotated a full 75° at the sound of a silent gulp. In the nearby shop it seemed. The girl froze.


She whipped her head round, her cold eyes scanning towards the sound. It seemed that someone must of witnessed the event.


And at once, their eyes met.



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With one last giggle, Zoey shoves three different coats towards Dusk and turns to push him towards the dressing room.  "There should be a mirror in there - go try those on, and pick whichever one you like the best.  And remember, you promised to let me work with it a little when we get back to school!  But anyways, go on, I'm going to take a look around myself okay?"


Now that she'd finally gotten Dusk taken care of, Zoey smiles happily before abruptly disappearing between a couple displays of clothes.  She was wasting no time in going through the store and looking around at the different selections.  She saw a number of pieces she already owned, and a few more that she wanted to own but wouldn't be able to afford just now...  But she didn't let it discourage her!  She was fairly experienced at making her way through stores like this, so she was confident she would find something.




Her exploration of the store brought her closer to the front of the boutique, where she noticed another gijinka standing near the counter.  The Zorua girl's ears perk up as she watches the strange sight, tilting her head slightly.  What is she doing?  She recognized the move Attract in action fairly easily, considering it was one she also knew, but using it on a store clerk like that...  And on a security guard?  Zoey must have been watching for a little too long as the other girl quickly turns to...  Stare directly at her!?  Uh oh!


Smiling a little nervously, Zoey drapes the shirt she had been looking at before she was distracted over one arm before lifting up a hand to wave slightly at the other girl.  "Uhm, hi!  Why are you using Attract on those two..?  I mean, you're pretty enough without needing to use it, are you in some kind of trouble or something?"  She was making it a point of avoiding the obvious conclusion, that the girl was trying to get by without paying for the outfits she had on the counter...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, @@Candiey


Samantha returned to the changing room and took off the clothes. She took them to the front desk and saw Zoey conversing with a gijinka she hadn't seen before. "So Zoey, who is this girl." She asked. "You know her at all?" 'Hm... She seems to be trying to do something similar to the CASIE system, but without having any enhancements. Might be charm or something of the like.' Samantha thought.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Melissa went back into the change rooms and put her ordinary clothes back on. She walked over to the front counter inr order to pay for dress. Getting the shopping bag from the store clerk, she turned around and spotted Zoey and Samantha talking to a Glameow gijinka. Not wanting to get involved for once she told the group that she was going to the bookstore early. Walking outside the shop, she passed by a Lopunny gijinka who looked old enough to be a teacher. Seeing the gijinka gaze at the Glameow girl Melissa decided not to interfere and hurri3dly walked to the bookstore.



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The girl raised an eyebrow, looking at the two. They were both ginjika's it seemed, and were slightly familiar. In her mind, she snapped her fingers and it came to her. Students from the school. She looked at the man, back at them, and blushed slightly, wavering her hands.


In her mind, she scoffed. Covering it up wouldn't be difficult - after all, they did seem slightly younger.


And the girl had gone through situations like this in the past, and if the girl were to question theft or some sort, she would simply refer to an old self trick - Well, I'm an elder student with high grades and a high status, the fact that people still do that kind of thing today brings me chills.. Ha, yes. It would all be easy.


'Oh my.. No, no. I know what your thinking. It's not what it looks like, honestly.'


The girl's eyes would droop slightly, and she would look back at her. She monitored the male at the desk, in her head, avoiding quick glances. He was far from attractive, and that she could add to her story.


'Look, I know the guy from the past and that he was working here.. and he's a real pest. I know I shouldn't be saying that kind of stuff about people but, every time I shop here, he's a real pervert and I've just been using attract to shut him up when I come in here.


'I guess your compliment just exemplifies that.. And it's always boys like this chasing after me.'


Removing her hand from her arm, she gulped hopefully and looked back at the girl, dropping her sad tone slightly and turning to an optimist. She smiled at the girls and changed the subject, waving her hand symbolically as to wave off her worries.


'Ha, it's amazing how I still keep coming back. I guess that shows how much I love the brand.'


She looked at her jumper carefully, smiling at the entwined gems.


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As Matthew was waiting for any response from the tall man, he glanced around the stores at different people, hypothesizing what whey were like. He saw three girls at a register, one of them looking quite suspicious. Hmmm... Part Glameow, looks rich. Gets her way a lot. Is in a pickle and trying to charm her way out, looks like it's working. Obviously lying. So obvious. Skilled at manipulation. Weaknesses... Possibly self esteem or reputation. Would be broken with out it. No further deductions. Now this one....  Part Zorua. City girl. Intrested in fashion and things f the sort. Weaknesses... Insults to her appearance and lack of will to fight. And finally... Part PorygonZ, most likely not by birth. Toned body, most likely skilled martial artist. High intellect as well. Weaknesses... Inconclusive. That last part bothered him. She was unreadable beyond her physical traits. He'd have to dig deeper into that one.       

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@@Candiey, @


"Okay... Just to be sure though, you have a receipt?" Samantha asked. "I mean, unless you haven't purchased it yet, you'd have a receipt, right?" She said, folding her arms. She started up her CASIE modification. Pupil dilation and skin temperature seemed to suggest that she was less than truthful.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Glancing briefly at Samantha, Zoey shrugs slightly before looking back at the new girl and smiling again.  Zoey places the shirt she had been looking at back on the shelf before stepping closer, still trying to keep the friendly smile on her face.  "I know how that can be...  It is a great brand though, isn't it?  The materials they use feel great AND look great..."  


When Samantha brings up the topic of a receipt, Zoey waves a hand dismissively towards the Porygon girl.  "Oh c'mon Sammie, no need to be so critical...  I saw what she went through, everything's fine."  She glances towards the Glameow gijinka and winks.  "Right?"


Under the cover of one of her illusions, Zoey slips her credit card through the machine next to the cash register to pay for the Glameow girl's purchases.  She wouldn't be getting anything for herself on this trip, but...  Well, she wanted to be able to settle this without anyone getting upset.  Plus she felt some kind of connection to the new girl - she seemed to know her fashion, after all!  Zoey winces slightly as the machine beeps quietly, likely enough for the new girl to hear...  Zoey had similar ears, and she knew how sensitive the large gijinka ears could be.  She may have been able to hide the motion, but not the sound.


"I'm Zoey, by the way."  The Zorua gijinka smiles again as she extends a hand towards the other girl, her ears twitching just a little and her tail wagging slightly.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

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