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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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    Ms Claudia had been on her way out - " I have some work Ms. Beauty asked me to finish for her, Busy me!~"- when it happened. The harsh light of florescent light bulbs flickered and died, sending the room into near pitch darkness. She almost hadn't noticed the transition, her nocturnal eyes adjusting quickly to the sudden change. But she noticed it soon enough. And this made for one uber pissed ghost lady.


* 'I'm so done with this already' sigh*


    "Oh, Good grief." Ms Claudia huffed, pressing a hand against her temple as the faint hum of electricity died away. "Can't those dummies do their jobs properly?.. Of course not."  For a moment, she spoke under her breath. It was hard to make out what she was saying. Like someone was reciting Shakespeare, something like that. But it was easy to tell that she wasn't saying anything...nice.

After a deep breath she opened her eyes again, showing  bright scarlet irises that glowed faintly.  "Alright Johnny boy. You go do-" Before our spectral beauty would finish, Johnathan jetted by and pass. It caught her off guard for a moment, but not enough to distract her from his slip of the tongue. With a cat-like glance at his disappearing figure, she continued.
"- that.... Anyways... I'll go set up a few Will-o-my-Wisp around the school ,"  Ms Claudia lowered her hand to the red gem stones set underneath her collar bone and cupped her fingers around the center, and largest, of the three gems.


    Slowly she pulled her fingers away from the gem. Two flickering orbs of blue flames slipped from the gem and follow suit of her fingers, as if they were lead by needle and thread. The flames gave off a soft, bluish light that reached out around half a yard. Claudia held them out in her palms like circus balls, tossing them in the air a few times. " I can't pop out all that many of these... Maybe fifty if I want to risk fainting...But it'll do for now, neh? " She tossed the Wisps at Lhee and Althila before spinning on her heels, waving goodbye and slipping through the doorway into the halls.

"Do what you want with those, Lovelies~ Bye-Byee"  The Wisp floated, almost orbiting around the two gijinkas....W-wait, Claudia, you forgot to explain how they work... C-Claudia...



   Amaya sat incredibly still the millisecond the lights cut. Her wings shot up behind her, nearly decking the man at the table behind them in the back of the head. She sat, eyes wide, cradling a piece of fish just centimeters from her lips. What happened why is is dark is this normal? Everyones so calm oh ohkay Samantha thats a lot of food your eating oh mew please don't choke- WHY IS EVERYONE SO CALM ABOUT THIS WHY IS IT DARK OH NO ITS ALIENS IT MUST BE WERE GONNA- Amaya stopped herself. Not the time to dwelve into crazy.

Slowly, she popped the fish into her mouth, watching everyone start to stand. Oh, everyones leaving....



Amaya shot right out of her chair, decking her knees on the table as she stood and turned to follow suit. She squeaked from surprise and just the teensy bit from pain, and ran after her friends.

She let her hand close around the end of Dusk blindfold that trail behind his person. Amaya was afraid if she didn't have something to hold onto she might lose them.




@(everyone there)
Melissa quickly followed Dusk outside. 'How the hell did he memorise then ENTIRE ACADEMY HANDBOOK!? This gijinka is goes crazy with memorising stuff.' Melissa silently shouted inside her head.


She was silent for a moment before she stated in a very shocked, matter-of-fact voice.
"He must be....a big nerd." Amaya let her words settle for a good long moment before giggling.


"Just kidding~"


( I literally forgot how to write. jesus)

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@(That big group)


Zoe smirks and rolls her eyes as she casually follows behind her friends.  The only thing that worried her was what Samantha had said, but she was trying to stay calm for all of their sake.  "Read the handbook?  Dusk, I'm going to take a wild guess and say you have a hand-written copy of the handbook, don't you?"  The fact that all the lights seemed to be going out didn't seem to bother the Zorua girl in the slightest.  She was at home in the dark, it may as well have been fully lit as far as she was concerned.


Grinning as they turn onto the road leading back to the Academy, Zoey's mind was already racing for trying to come up with ways she could have fun if the school really was in a blackout.  Most of her ideas involved fun that would be borderline getting in trouble, but that didn't matter.  Who didn't love a good prank now and then!?







Lhee tilts his head slightly as he looks at the floating Will-O-Wisp, with no idea of what he should do with it.  He REALLY didn't want to touch the floating ball of fire.  With Amaura still chewing on the tip of his skull, the Marowak boy tries to hold her with one arm as he glances at the Archeology teacher.  "She didn't tell us how to carry these..."


With a shrug, and before he can be told otherwise, Lhee uses his free hand to smack one of the Will-O-Wisps with his bone club like it was a baseball.  When the fireball flies down the hallway, he just chuckles and starts to slowly walk after it.  "I guess...  Tell me where to put them and I'll hit them there?"







Raiga had stood back while Mister Fernmint dealt with the other two students.  He didn't want to draw attention to himself, considering that the Smeargle kid seemed obsessed with him for some reason, but that didn't stop him from silently disapproving of what the two of them had been doing.  Senseless fighting...  Someone is going to get hurt.  Most likely a bystander.


After the situation had seemingly diffused, Raiga quietly steps up behind Fernmint to try and get his attention.  "Sir?  What are we supposed to do in a situation like this?"  Raiga had most certainly not read the entire handbook.  But, at least there was a bit of light around him...  The glow coming off of his claws wasn't a lot, but it was certainly better than fumbling around in just darkness.





Walking from his office towards where the student dorms were to make sure no one was panicking over there, Darius casually held his wand above him with the end still glowing as a bright torch.  "C'mon students, just because the lights went out doesn't mean you all need to go to bed.  Everyone gather at the designated meeting points, we'll have lights and fires prepared soon while our wonderful maintenance staff looks into the power outage.  Just remain calm, and if you have a light then feel free to help your fellow students...  No, do not aim fire attacks at your fellow students, and for the love of Arceus, if you're going to use Flash, ONLY USE THE ACTUAL MOVE!  No other interpretations of the word!"

  • Brohoof 3











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Lhee tilts his head slightly as he looks at the floating Will-O-Wisp, with no idea of what he should do with it.  He REALLY didn't want to touch the floating ball of fire.  With Amaura still chewing on the tip of his skull, the Marowak boy tries to hold her with one arm as he glances at the Archeology teacher.  "She didn't tell us how to carry these..."


With a shrug, and before he can be told otherwise, Lhee uses his free hand to smack one of the Will-O-Wisps with his bone club like it was a baseball.  When the fireball flies down the hallway, he just chuckles and starts to slowly walk after it.  "I guess...  Tell me where to put them and I'll hit them there?"


"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Althaia said disapprovingly. "Just walk with it, it should follow you around the halls, orbiting you." She went to the burning orb and cupped a hand behind the burning purple orb. "It won't be a ton of light, but it will be enough for you to see. If you need any assistance keeping your Amaura under control, I'll likely be either in the utility room with Jon helping him fix this mess or, if it turns out the power went out for more than just the Academy, I'll be outside waiting for any students that left campus so I can take them to the right places." She guided the orb back to Lhee and let it begin an orbit around the boy to keep his immediate surroundings lit. "Alright, now head for either the gym, the cafeteria, or the commons, the other students and most of the faculty are gathered there." She said as she left with her own orb following her.




Althaia continued to the breaker room and found Jon fiddling with the switch panel in the utility room. "Alright Jon, you got this under control, or do you need help fixing the breakers?" She eyed the Shedinja in his hair. "You've got something in your hair." She teased.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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We she finally deemed herself well into the wild depths of the school halls, Ms Claudia twirled on her heels and came to a stop." Oh? You came to help me pup? How sweet~  Could you be a dear and set them against the wa for me? They'll get knocked around terribly if they aren't 'nailed down'  ll  With hands place confidently on hips she closed her eyes, a cat-like smile playing at her lips.  Alright Claudia you know it takes a bit of energy to make as many as we need, so just take your time... She takes a deep breath. Relax...And-


With a flick of her wrist Ms Claudia tapped a finger against the gem and out poured about a dozen Will-o-my-Wisps. Ms Claudia giggled to herself as the Wisp swirled around her person at a dizzy pace, almost as if they were waiting for instructions. "Taking your time and knowing your limits is oh so boring, don't you think?"


She waved her hand for the Wisp to file off down the hallways. For them to one by one take there places, and they obliged being the non-sentient and easily controlled ghostie flames they were. At least at first.  The Wisp only made it about three solid yards before coming to a shaky halt, and doing a complete 360, flying straight towards her. More specifically behind her. The Wisp whizzed by, just nearly nicking  the tip of her ear.

"Wh....What are you-" She spun around to find her stupid Will-o-my-Wisp encircling a couple of student just down the hallway.Those..Those were students, right?. "Oh, oh! Hold on!" She called, holding back a fit of laughter as she rushed towards them.

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Charlotte woke up with a jolt and hit her knee against the desk. "Yowch that's gonna sting. Wait. Why are all the lights out?" She asked herself. Charlotte went to grab the lantern that was by her desk. She turned it on and walked out into the corridor. Turning her ear 360 degrees she heard Claudia shout something about holding on. Charlotte began to rapidly walk in the direction of the voice.


"Hey, Claudia. Did you say something about holding on?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Well, I don't know if your 'overseers' would allow it." Rune said dejectedly. "I suppose we could go for winter break, it's very relaxing. But as for the power plant, yeah there is a hydro plant near the town in a canyon. It's on the other side of town, so you can't really see it from here. But it's a bit of a journey to Hoenn, though I think we can make it, especially if we take one of the express ships, since Hoenn is pretty much one big island. We'd probably need to go to Castelia city here in Unova, then take a ship to Lilycove City in Hoenn, then take a bus to Lavaridge."

"I wouldn't worry about it. I can hear their camera a ways back, which means they just heard you. Right now, they're probably setting up shop, prepping your house and such. It's probably not what you imagined, but it's true." She blushed, embarrassed by her 'parents'.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I wouldn't worry about it. I can hear their camera a ways back, which means they just heard you. Right now, they're probably setting up shop, prepping your house and such. It's probably not what you imagined, but it's true." She blushed, embarrassed by her 'parents'.


"Prepping my house? How so?" Rune asked, perplexed and somewhat worried. "I mean, the break isn't for a while yet, why would they need to set up anything, and if they did, what would they even set up? Couldn't they just have one of those floating cameras follow us around? That'd honestly be preferable to them setting up an entire lab in my house."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Prepping my house? How so?" Rune asked, perplexed and somewhat worried. "I mean, the break isn't for a while yet, why would they need to set up anything, and if they did, what would they even set up? Couldn't they just have one of those floating cameras follow us around? That'd honestly be preferable to them setting up an entire lab in my house."

"Implanting microcameras and bugging rooms, trying to figure out anywhere we might be, setting up a portable camera station, making sure the delivery team knows the new address, dropping your folks a permission slip... They want to control as many variables as possible without totally destroying my life."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Implanting microcameras and bugging rooms, trying to figure out anywhere we might be, setting up a portable camera station, making sure the delivery team knows the new address, dropping your folks a permission slip... They want to control as many variables as possible without totally destroying my life."


"That is some Orwellian stuff right there..." Rune sighed. "You want to go check on what's going on down at the school? See if Nik has wrecked the place yet in a fit of rage or whatever?" Rune half-joked. He honestly thought Nik could have done quite a bit of damage to the school if it weren't for the staff.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"That is some Orwellian stuff right there..." Rune sighed. "You want to go check on what's going on down at the school? See if Nik has wrecked the place yet in a fit of rage or whatever?" Rune half-joked. He honestly thought Nik could have done quite a bit of damage to the school if it weren't for the staff.

She nods, "Sure. And, um, Rune? I'm sorry I come with so much baggage. They warned me beforehand, and it's only fair I warn you too." She took a deep breath before proceeding, "If you continue dating me... if we get serious, you will be monitored along side me. You'll get a watch in the mail designed to scan you body for abnormalities. You'll have limited privacy at best..." She hugged her knees to her chest, "In the name of protecting me from my own decisions. I... understand it's a lot. You should think it over Rune. You can still... still back out." I'm some sort of product. It's like trying to sell myself while downplaying the bad sides. I hate this.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She nods, "Sure. And, um, Rune? I'm sorry I come with so much baggage. They warned me beforehand, and it's only fair I warn you too." She took a deep breath before proceeding, "If you continue dating me... if we get serious, you will be monitored along side me. You'll get a watch in the mail designed to scan you body for abnormalities. You'll have limited privacy at best..." She hugged her knees to her chest, "In the name of protecting me from my own decisions. I... understand it's a lot. You should think it over Rune. You can still... still back out." I'm some sort of product. It's like trying to sell myself while downplaying the bad sides. I hate this.


"It's not your fault, you didn't choose to have this much baggage." Rune consoled. "I'm fine with giving up my privacy. You are worth it to me. I'm not going to back out on you, you mean too much to me to just back out because I wouldn't really have any privacy. I don't really have a ton of stuff to hide anyway." He kissed her forehead. "I'll stick with you through whatever may happen. It will be fine."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"It's not your fault, you didn't choose to have this much baggage." Rune consoled. "I'm fine with giving up my privacy. You are worth it to me. I'm not going to back out on you, you mean too much to me to just back out because I wouldn't really have any privacy. I don't really have a ton of stuff to hide anyway." He kissed her forehead. "I'll stick with you through whatever may happen. It will be fine."

She shrunk away from him, "No, Rune. I said think about it. Anything... everything you do. It will be recorded and evaluated. You will never be alone again. You like solitude; I know this of you. Meditation interrupted by electronic hums, cameras floating around watching you change. Just... I..." Who am I to ask this of him? she stood, What kind of person asks this of anyone. Her pupils dialated Monstrous creations to monstrous fates fail their passions, attempting to save themselves and others, find themselves alone. Can I, a creation, know what it is to truly be at peace with myself to stay with another? "I... need..." she turned away from him and ran blindly into the forest without finishing that thought.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She shrunk away from him, "No, Rune. I said think about it. Anything... everything you do. It will be recorded and evaluated. You will never be alone again. You like solitude; I know this of you. Meditation interrupted by electronic hums, cameras floating around watching you change. Just... I..." Who am I to ask this of him? she stood, What kind of person asks this of anyone. Her pupils dialated Monstrous creations to monstrous fates fail their passions, attempting to save themselves and others, find themselves alone. Can I, a creation, know what it is to truly be at peace with myself to stay with another? "I... need..." she turned away from him and ran blindly into the forest without finishing that thought.


"Wait Synthia! Come back!" Rune shouted after her. He ditched his bags and chased after her. "I told you, you are worth it to me, I will learn to adapt to it! Don't leave!" He knelt down and saw a camera hiding around a tree. "YOU SONS OF BITCHES!" He ran over to the camera and used Psycho Cut on it, leaving a large dent in it, then charged a Power-Up Punch and slammed his fist in to the camera lens, shattering it. "I know you bastards can still hear me, so listen to this. You caused this. She. Is. Not. A. Fucking. Experiment. She is a living, breathing person. I am going to undo the damages you've done to her over her entire life, and you are not going to stop me." He unleashed his fury in a Close Combat on the device, smashing it until he was sure there was no way it could still be functioning.


Rune sat back against a tree, breathing heavily. He brought his knees up to his face and rested his head in them. A light stream of tears started to drop from his face.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Ah...well...nooooo I don't...t-that'd be silly!" Dusk said towards Zoey as he chuckled nervously while facing back toward where he was walking.


"They mustn't know..." He muttered to himself. He turned his head to look at Amaya as she held onto his trailing blindfold looking all adorable like a she was his own tail.


"Oh yeah?? If I'm a Big Nerd then what does that make you? You little book buying ballerina? C'mere!" He said as he playfully hugged her and picked her up and had set her on his shoulder.


"Can a nerd carry you on his shoulder for the rest of the way? I DONT think so!" He said grinning as even he was amazed by his newfound physical prowess.


The group was nearing the campus gates as they had been walking for quite a time now. It would only take a few more for them to finally arrive at their destination, still it never left his mind on just what the heck happened with the power all if a sudden.




It hadn't been more than a couple of minutes from Jon's initial take off that he was already running maintenance on the school's own power breakers. Althaia had walked into the utility room and asked him if he needed help....help? It almost offended him...almost. He kept this entire school running on its finest since day 1...but still it was odd for the power to go out. Once she made the joke about the thing in his hair he merely chuckled and finally turned to look at her from his work.


"I know but no matter how many times I throw it away, it always keeps coming back to me.."


"Shed!" The little Shedinja said as it thwacked Jon on he back of the head.


"Ah! Was kidding! Sheesh..." Jon said as he rubbed the back of his head. He stood up and wiped his hands on his jumpsuit tied to his waist.


"The problem isn't with the breakers...they're still new and unpopped... His outage might be outside of my jurisdiction." He said giving his assessment.


"I might have to see what's going on at the Plant..maybe something went wrong..." He said sighing as he brought a hand to his mouth mask bringing it down to his neck so he can cool off better.


"I better help the kitchen first before things begin to get sour.."

  • Brohoof 1

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Wh....What are you-" She spun around to find her stupid Will-o-my-Wisp encircling a couple of student just down the hallway.Those..Those were students, right?. "Oh, oh! Hold on!" She called, holding back a fit of laughter as she rushed towards them.

Daniel and the others stopped in their tracks when something started encircling the trio. Daniel then heard a voice in the distance as well as foot steps rushing towards them, Daniel was confused up until he saw the figure in the purple lantern light. "Ms. Claudia? What are you doing here?" He said as Daniel and the other two, a Haunter and a Lampent, stood there and stared at each other and then back at the staff as Ms. Claudia came closer into view.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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It hadn't been more than a couple of minutes from Jon's initial take off that he was already running maintenance on the school's own power breakers. Althaia had walked into the utility room and asked him if he needed help....help? It almost offended him...almost. He kept this entire school running on its finest since day 1...but still it was odd for the power to go out. Once she made the joke about the thing in his hair he merely chuckled and finally turned to look at her from his work.


"I know but no matter how many times I throw it away, it always keeps coming back to me.."


"Shed!" The little Shedinja said as it thwacked Jon on he back of the head.


"Ah! Was kidding! Sheesh..." Jon said as he rubbed the back of his head. He stood up and wiped his hands on his jumpsuit tied to his waist.


"The problem isn't with the breakers...they're still new and unpopped... His outage might be outside of my jurisdiction." He said giving his assessment.


"I might have to see what's going on at the Plant..maybe something went wrong..." He said sighing as he brought a hand to his mouth mask bringing it down to his neck so he can cool off better.


"I better help the kitchen first before things begin to get sour.."


Althaia laughed out loud when the Shedinja lumped Jon on the head. "Alright, if it was off of school grounds, I'll be waiting at the front gate to tell any students that left the campus what happened and where to report." She said. "When you finish up in the kitchen, meet me at the front gate and we can get going to the power plant, see what went wrong."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@[whoever's there.the groups too huge.]

"It seems like the school has had a blackout as well. The school's had a blackout!? Nope no reason to panic." Melissa said while panicking. She really hated blackouts.





@, @@Ampharos

Nico nodded at Fernmint's punishment for them. "Right. I'm going to head over to the common room. You coming with me Nik?" Nico asked. Fernmint scared him but not as much as the wacky janitor.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"I think I'll take my leave" Nik grunted bluntly, not wishing to stay close to Batman wannabe anymore. In a flash of light, he had teleported to the roof and was crawling along, invisible once more after biting his lip for Acupressure to kick in. That was embarassing!

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Wait Synthia! Come back!" Rune shouted after her. He ditched his bags and chased after her. "I told you, you are worth it to me, I will learn to adapt to it! Don't leave!" He knelt down and saw a camera hiding around a tree. "YOU SONS OF BITCHES!" He ran over to the camera and used Psycho Cut on it, leaving a large dent in it, then charged a Power-Up Punch and slammed his fist in to the camera lens, shattering it. "I know you bastards can still hear me, so listen to this. You caused this. She. Is. Not. A. Fucking. Experiment. She is a living, breathing person. I am going to undo the damages you've done to her over her entire life, and you are not going to stop me." He unleashed his fury in a Close Combat on the device, smashing it until he was sure there was no way it could still be functioning.


Rune sat back against a tree, breathing heavily. He brought his knees up to his face and rested his head in them. A light stream of tears started to drop from his face.

A Rotom gijinka in a rather battered uniform, a cut on his cheek, and broken glasses came out of the device. He looked on the verge of death, his vector now destroyed. Trying to push his glasses up his nose, they fell apart. He sighed depressingly, "Look, this isn't exactly what you think. It merits some explanation, so listen up;


"You think that me and my associates are evil. This is not true. For instance, we have already decided Synthia has passed all of her tests. With flying colors. Including her ability to procreate, which we established at age of maturity. We harvested an egg... it was a process. You can consider her simply under our protection. She's 17 and naive, and we want her to live a good life.


"If you notice, everything is strictly observatory. She had not expressed open discomfort, until about five seconds ago. Ugh, dude. Seriously, a whole combo on a camera? I'm... technically her legal guardian. This number gets a hold of me." He put a card on the ground, not wishing to insight another beating, "If you need something, call that. This watch will keep you healthy, and Synthia can explain it's functions. This," he holds up a tool, "Is a short range scrambler. For privacy. I have to, but she left in such an Arceus-dampened hurry. Oh, and she can probably help you with any of your classes, should you need that. I taught her Physics, must've been around when we rescued her from those... assholes at site 17. Wish we could nuke it, those bastards," he look visibly angry. "Also, let's keep the mistreatment of equipment to a minimum. Painful."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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A Rotom gijinka in a rather battered uniform, a cut on his cheek, and broken glasses came out of the device. He looked on the verge of death, his vector now destroyed. Trying to push his glasses up his nose, they fell apart. He sighed depressingly, "Look, this isn't exactly what you think. It merits some explanation, so listen up;


"You think that me and my associates are evil. This is not true. For instance, we have already decided Synthia has passed all of her tests. With flying colors. Including her ability to procreate, which we established at age of maturity. We harvested an egg... it was a process. You can consider her simply under our protection. She's 17 and naive, and we want her to live a good life.


"If you notice, everything is strictly observatory. She had not expressed open discomfort, until about five seconds ago. Ugh, dude. Seriously, a whole combo on a camera? I'm... technically her legal guardian. This number gets a hold of me." He put a card on the ground, not wishing to insight another beating, "If you need something, call that. This watch will keep you healthy, and Synthia can explain it's functions. This," he holds up a tool, "Is a short range scrambler. For privacy. I have to, but she left in such an Arceus-dampened hurry. Oh, and she can probably help you with any of your classes, should you need that. I taught her Physics, must've been around when we rescued her from those... assholes at site 17. Wish we could nuke it, those bastards," he look visibly angry. "Also, let's keep the mistreatment of equipment to a minimum. Painful."


Rune looked up at the Rotom man. He wiped his eyes and said "Well great, now I feel like a dick. I'm really sorry about that. She hasn't exactly been putting you guys in the best light." He picked up the card. "Wait the watch keeps you healthy? I thought it would take blood samples to see if there was anything not ordinary in there. Either way, I'm really sorry about that, I really care a lot about her and I don't like to see her like this." He decided this would probably be a good time to learn more about her creation and her upbringing.


"So, am I allowed to ask what happened at site 17 or am I even 'cleared' for this knowledge or whatever?" Rune asked.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Rune looked up at the Rotom man. He wiped his eyes and said "Well great, now I feel like a dick. I'm really sorry about that. She hasn't exactly been putting you guys in the best light." He picked up the card. "Wait the watch keeps you healthy? I thought it would take blood samples to see if there was anything not ordinary in there. Either way, I'm really sorry about that, I really care a lot about her and I don't like to see her like this." He decided this would probably be a good time to learn more about her creation and her upbringing.


"So, am I allowed to ask what happened at site 17 or am I even 'cleared' for this knowledge or whatever?" Rune asked.

"It takes a blood sample and tests it to administer a generic drug or alert a staff member to a non-responsive pathogen. You don't want to know what happened at site 17. Just know it was unethical, unexpected, and carried out under a small group of radical scientists not affiliated with my group. They wanted to enhance human life, Synthia was their subject zero. She'll tell you when she's ready. And she hasn't lied to you, she just has a little confusion distinguishing one set of lab coats from another. Listen, take care of her, okay? She's still a person, no matter how much she feels otherwise." The rotting gijinkas gathered his broken glasses and camera parts and jumped of the ledge. He dropped and disappeared.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"It takes a blood sample and tests it to administer a generic drug or alert a staff member to a non-responsive pathogen. You don't want to know what happened at site 17. Just know it was unethical, unexpected, and carried out under a small group of radical scientists not affiliated with my group. They wanted to enhance human life, Synthia was their subject zero. She'll tell you when she's ready. And she hasn't lied to you, she just has a little confusion distinguishing one set of lab coats from another. Listen, take care of her, okay? She's still a person, no matter how much she feels otherwise." The rotting gijinkas gathered his broken glasses and camera parts and jumped of the ledge. He dropped and disappeared.


"That was quite... interesting..." Rune said to himself. He decided to go and look for Synthia.


"Synthia? Are you around here anywhere?" He called out to her. Rune wandered the forest, marking his path by cutting slashes in to the trees as he passed them with his saber. "Synthia? It's just me, Rune. I'm getting worried." He shouted in to the forest.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"That was quite... interesting..." Rune said to himself. He decided to go and look for Synthia.


"Synthia? Are you around here anywhere?" He called out to her. Rune wandered the forest, marking his path by cutting slashes in to the trees as he passed them with his saber. "Synthia? It's just me, Rune. I'm getting worried." He shouted in to the forest.

(Stupid spell check. Rotum*)


She was behind a tree a good distance away. Her ribbons lay limply at her feet, twitching slightly as she shook from silent sobs raking through her body. Her ears flicked, hearing his descent and she mounted the tree, disappearing in the branches.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Ah...well...nooooo I don't...t-that'd be silly!" Dusk said towards Zoey as he chuckled nervously while facing back toward where he was walking.


"They mustn't know..." He muttered to himself. He turned his head to look at Amaya as she held onto his trailing blindfold looking all adorable like a she was his own tail.


"Oh yeah?? If I'm a Big Nerd then what does that make you? You little book buying ballerina? C'mere!" He said as he playfully hugged her and picked her up and had set her on his shoulder.


"Can a nerd carry you on his shoulder for the rest of the way? I DONT think so!" He said grinning as even he was amazed by his newfound physical prowess.


The group was nearing the campus gates as they had been walking for quite a time now. It would only take a few more for them to finally arrive at their destination, still it never left his mind on just what the heck happened with the power all if a sudden.


Amaya laughed as Dusk pulled her into a mushy ghost boy hug. 

"But ballerinas are cool Dusk, " She she argued softly, her words muffled by his chest. "Your argument is simply inva--awha!!" Woosh! Suddenly, she was being swept away and over his shoulders! The hugs were a trap! How deceptive of him! How clever! Cupping either of his cheeks with her hands Amaya steadied herself atop his broad shoulder. 

"D-don't drop me. Dusk! It's a long walk, even from here... I don't think a nerd could possibly make it. But it should be no problem for a mighty, Big Nerd like you, neh?"

 After awhile of walking Amaya seemed more that at home on her Dusk perch.

"Say, about the black-out... Maybe it has something to do with Riaga Senpai? Maybe his electricity was too much and caused something to short-circuit...", our swanna girl mused. It seemed like the most reasonable answer to someone like her! Amayas hands drifted now from his cheeks to his hair, where she starts to weave little braids into the longer bits of his coarse locks. She was humming softly as she worked. 




Daniel and the others stopped in their tracks when something started encircling the trio. Daniel then heard a voice in the distance as well as foot steps rushing towards them, Daniel was confused up until he saw the figure in the purple lantern light. "Ms. Claudia? What are you doing here?" He said as Daniel and the other two, a Haunter and a Lampent, stood there and stared at each other and then back at the staff as Ms. Claudia came closer into view.


She stopped short of the three students, an apologetic smile on her lips as she ran a hand through her hair, pushing back the long bangs that framed her face.

" Oh, it's you Daniel! No wonder they came this way oh so frantically. Like Moths to a flame, ironically. Or maybe a push pin to a magnet? Maybe a nickel would be better than a push pin. Oh, but would a nickel be attracted? What kind of metal is in a-" She stopped herself short, catching as she realize she was getting off topic very, very quickly. "..What am I doing? I was setting up a few of my- Shoo, shoo! Stupid little things- Of my Wisp around school to help brighten things up~ "  She drew a hand threw the Wisps and they dispersed at her touch, fading into itsy bitsy blue embers, that fell like dust to the floor.


With a sigh she shook her head, took a step back, and gave a look back in Lhees direction. " I suppose its time to change tactics, though.. Slow and Steady it is... How boring." She turned back to face Daniel and his friend once again, her head tilted in curiosity. "But what might you and your friends be doing out and about now?"

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(Stupid spell check. Rotum*)


She was behind a tree a good distance away. Her ribbons lay limply at her feet, twitching slightly as she shook from silent sobs raking through her body. Her ears flicked, hearing his descent and she mounted the tree, disappearing in the branches.


Rune continued wandering the forest. As he kept slashing marks in to the trees he saw a ribbon hanging down from one of the branches. "Synthia!" He said, elated. "I finally found you! You had me so worried! Come down here, please! I don't care that they'll be monitoring me. We need to have a talk, can you please come down here?"



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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