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private Ripped to Shreds,Tears of Sorrow

Aurora Lights

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As Black Glade slowly trots through the night,his dark grey fur being a nice blend for the night,he says to himself in a soft whisper "Do it Glade,do it,kill him...kill him,then kill her...kill them both...you know you can,you know...kill them both,kill them all while your at it...kill...kill...kill~" He whispers darkly,the souls around him swirling quickly while making a scary whispering,but he stops,saying louder "...I can't kill them...I can't...I can't kill anypony,I'm no monster..." he gulps softly and looks forward,a very quick shaking of his vision with a yellow-ish tent around the edges of his vision occurs (he can't see this of course) and he sees two ponies in front of him making out,he stares at them for a moment and they start tearing each other apart,limb by limb,blood splattering all over the walls as they laugh loudly,the laugh slowly turning scarier and more demonic with every tear and bite,the delusion finally disappears as he is shaking in place,frozen by horror "...W-was that...another delusion?"he asked himself,slowly walking forward again,his mind starting to fog up again as he says to himself in a whisper again "It seems our hormones are mixing with our desire for blood...this may get interesting..." Glade smacks himself across the face and winces slightly "Shut up...you're not insane..."he hears a spirit whisper to him "Alley way...Rape...murder..." Glade slowly looked up to the Alley way and gulped softly as he saw a scene of the past,started by the spirit that said it,a pretty mare being raped and murdered as it said it had been,Glade then looked back and gulped softly,he slowly walked more. He didn't realize it,but he was at the door of a bar,a drunk pony stumbled out and yelled "HEY!!...Watch were you're going shrimp...as a matter of fact...I think I might teach you a lesson...free of charge..." the drunk pony says,he then rears back and way-lays Glade in the face,knocking him down,leaving Glade with a bleeding nose and blurred vision and ringing ears,he clenched his teeth as the pony laughed at him and started kicking him in the ribs,Glade assumed control of one of the spirits around him and possessed the stallion,his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he broke the bottle that lay near them,he the took a large shard of glass and slowly,agonizingly,tore open his throat with it,blood pouring out as he gurgled,slowly drowning to death in his own blood as Glade slowly got back up and walked on,the spirit going back to be around him,slowly swirling,he knew which one was able to be used for attack because it was red,the normal ones were blue,Glade coughed once and shook his head,stopping the bleeding after a minute and continued on "Such a beautiful kill...so flawless...so bloody,ooooh to think,you can do that to anypony you want..." he whispers to himself,his eye twitching.

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(earlier- not the same bar btw)

Dreamless was running. He was running through the insides of tavern, pushing any pony stood in front of him and the exit out of the way. A small light was glowing from his head to guide him. There had been a small blackout in the tavern, something wrong with the wiring. "Why hear, why now!" He continued to run. He could hear a scream, he could hear an angry shout... He could hear a scream. 


He looked back for only a moment, and could see a stallion. He was already dead, but he could still see his soul in pain. It kept screaming! He couldn't clearly see the murderer. All that was visible was a black haze, filled with meaning red eyes. Looked away to see the haze in front of him. It grabbed his throat and forced him to the ground. "KILL!" 


Dreamless screamed amd snapped out of it. The monster was close. He got up and ran out the door. As he left, the light turned back on. He glanced back to see a mare, still screaming, with broken beer glass in her hooves; and one of the stallion he pushed standing next to her. Had he done that to her? He couldn't tell. He saw a small black circle, fading into nothing, right beside the mare. Had it done this to her? He might never know. There was no chance he would go back in there to ask...



That was earlier this after noon. Now dreamless was flying over a new town. It was late and he needed to find a place to rest... Fast.

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Glade slowly looked up and saw the pegasus flying overhead,he watched him a moment and whispered to himself "Bring him down...kill him and finally taste a pegasus's blood...you've never killed one before..." he whispered softly,Glade slapping himself twice "SHUT UP!!!...You're not a killer...you're not a murderer...stop talking like that! You're nothing but a normal,quite Earth-pony,not some psychotic crazed murderer!!!"he yelled at himself,standing in a wide stance,the pegasus could hear his yell,his vision shook slightly and he saw blood start to fall from the sky,soft,warm drops of crimson,sticky blood,he noticed that the pegasus that was flying overhead had his intestines hanging out of his stomach,and when it looked down,half of it's face was gone,nothing but bloody bone and an eyeball that was hanging out of it's socket was there,the pegasus roared,Glade was then drenched in sticky,warm,dark red,clotted blood...Black Glade gasped and fell on his back-end,he was gasping as his body was shaking violently "...A-Another...delusion..."he said softly and closed his eyes.

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@@Aurora Lights,


As Dreamless flew overhead, he started noticing that the area look slightly familiar. He just couldn't figure out why. He kept flying until the feeling of de-ju-vu started driving him mad. He let his curiously get the better of him, and dove towards the ground. 


He started walking and could see a pony breathing frantically in and out, and it simply wasn't in his nature to look away. FI kept buzzing, telling him to move on and fin shelter, but in a matter like this. "I'll be a minute, hold your~." She glared at him angrily before he could make a bad joke. 


"Fine, but you can't stop me." Fi let out a long low pitched buzz, as Dreamless walked closer to the pony. 

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Glade gulped softly and he slowly looked up at the pegasus,his made concealing his right eye as he stared at him "..."he kept quiet,as he normally would,he slowly stood again,still feeling the slimy stickiness of the blood that he had deluded about,he coughed once and wiped off the dry blood around his nose,he could feel a clot of blood in his throat,so he cleared it and spit it out,the black sticky clot landing on the ground in front of him,he heard the souls around him start to yell warning out to him.



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@@Aurora Lights, (Assuming it's late at night, kind dreamless mode on)


Fi's light had stopped glowing when she saw the vile spit. She crawled towards the back of Dreamless' hair, and buzzed in an 'I told you so manor. Dreamless took a step back and sneered in disgust at the black spit that was on the ground in front of him. He could see the small amount of black around the stallion's nose. Clearly he had seen better days.


He looked around before trotting closer. "You alright? Looks like you ate something bad..." He stared at the pony's hoof and nose, and assumed that he had a nose bleed from some sort of stress. Was he allergic to something... Olives? "Do you need a hoof, will you be alright?"

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Glade slowly looked at the alley way and heard a whisper from one of his souls "Shot...eaten..." it whispers and the scene of the pony being shot and then gruesomely eaten played out in front of him,Glade gulped and jumped back with a soft yelp when the stallion got closer to him,his eyes were wide with fear as he was trembling where he stood,he was breathing heavy and he looked at his bloody hoof,he gulped softly and sneased,fresh blood splattering on his hoof again,his vision shook slightly and he looked back up at the pegasus,he saw his eyes lower to have a "saucy in the bedroom" look in them,Glade looked at his hoof again and saw it was completely covered in crimson liquid,he looked back up and saw a very disturbing scene unfold,the pegasus slowly leaning forward to kiss him or something,and right when he got close to his face,he blinked,the delusion gone,he was left,looking at the pegasus with a shocked,yet blank look on his face,his mouth open slightly.



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(My first instinct, drop the bucker on his head and hope he bleeds out. My reasoning, went straight to bedroom without buying me flowers!  ^_^.)


Hack looked back at the pony that fell into his hooves. He thought he could see the ponies eyes start looking distant and leaned in close to look at them for moment. They were unresponsive, and his pupils were not moving,


He seemed to regain consciousnesses of what was happening around him moments later. He didn't know what to do, so he pulled his face away and stared at the ponies bloody hooves... "Wait?" He looked at them again. If it were were his own, this pony might have tuberculous. If it weren't... This scene started to look awfully familiar.


"Was it a vision from the future?" He thought, "Does that mean I... or maybe..." He dropped the pony and backed away slightly, "Kid that had better be an Olive and your blood!"

(nope, still dropped anyways. XD)  

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Glade stared at him a moment and gulped softly,he wiped his nose and saw a smear of bright crimson,he looked back up to the pegasus and said softly "I-I'm...not...sick...I'm not...a killer...no..."he says in a quiet whisper as he starts trembling and backing away,he started to feel tears come to his eyes,his poor,green eyes,he gulped once more and tried to run,but something stopped him from running...something not of his control,he stared at the pegasus and started crying "I'm not a monster!! Please...I-I...I only did what I had to...he would have killed me! please,please understand!"he yelled out,it was now obvious that this young stallion was under the impression that Dreamless was accusing him of killing somepony because of the blood on him,though it was even more obvious he had been in a fight and killed the attacker...

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@@Aurora Lights, (sorry for his over reaction, but he's paranoid easily. Just note logic beats paranoia.) 


Dreamless looked down slightly, and then back up at the kid. He was afraid he had made a mistake. He could hear Fi's buzzing telling him to go before he became involved, but he wouldn't listen to her on this one. He took a single step closer and no more, "I'm sorry kid, but all of it seemed to sketchy. If that really is your blood, we need to find you some help and the pony that did this..." He let the last words trail off a bit. He knew that he couldn't help until he was sure. "You fought him... and then?"

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Glade looked down and coughed one more time before replying quietly "...I made him...I made him drown in his own blood...I made him suffer..."he says quietly,still crying as he says this,after he finished his sentence,he collapsed and curled up into a small,painful sobbing ball,he cried ever harder as he remembered taking control of that pony and making him cut his own throat,he remembered seeing the blood pour out of his neck,hearing his gasping and chocking,hearing his body hit the ground...feeling how sad he is now...

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@@Aurora Lights, Dreamless watched as the pony fell to the ground. He quickly ran over and started checking his heart for a beat and pulse. He could still hear them, signifying the pony was still a live. He let out a small sigh of relief before realizing his other problem. 


The pony had passed out for stressing about something, and mentioned killing the other pony that attacked. To do this in self-defense is one thing; but to slit another's throat must be hard on the kid, if not unnecessary.


He debated for moment, trying to decide turning him over and giving him to the hospital. After a while, he decided that he could pick as he walked; being out in he open wasn't helping the stallion's situation. 

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Glade didn't resist,he was passed out,his body was limp and easily carriable because he was lighter than most stallions his age,he rarely ate more than what was needed to stay awake and focused all day,he didn't snack,or even drink much,he was truly a pitiful disgrace of a life,or atleast he thought that about himself,truly though,he was worth much more than that,due to his amazing ability to control spirits and see how they died...but...his delusions drove him to pure insanity,and the stress from carrying around so many souls...it broke him this time,he passed out from stress and pain...right now,he is dreaming of what it would be like to kiss a mare...he had never had his first kiss...how pitiful...



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@@Aurora Lights,


The stallion was surprising light, even for dreamless strength. He managed to bring the stallion over his back and start trotting away from the area. He looked back one more time at the dark alley, knowing he couldn't step foot in there to examine further, but he remembered the scene that played out at the tavern. The kid said it was in self defense, but the shadow he saw bothered him. He would see something like that in a deranged killer; but the stallion had died, leaving him with a pony that had blood on his hooves.


I made him suffer


He looked over his shoulder to stare at the stallion on his back for a moment. "... This isn't my job, not that I have one, I'm no crime scene investigator; but I can at least get him some help... As long as he's not awake..." He looked up at fi, who was watching the stallion carefully. "Keep an eye on him, tell me if he moves..." Fi gave a short determine buzz, and continued to eye the stallion.



He came to a near by plaza. Luckly it was late, and no one seemed to be there. Even with this stallion small size, Dreamless still couldn't take carrying him this long. He set him down a bench, and started to rest. He reflected back on what he knew.

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Glade slowly woke,at first,he saw his mother,she was softly petting him,smiling wide as his father laughed softly,playing with his sister,tossing her into the air,catching her,this repeated a few times,he looked back to his mother that was still softly petting his head,he smiled slightly and as he went to hug her,she disappeared and he was left alone,no one around him as the dark slowly started to hone in,he curled up and started crying,he opened his eyes for real and he looked around,he really was crying,he softly wiped his eyes and looked up at Dreamless "w-where...where are you taking me?...I-I don't want to go to the doctors...I...no...please..."he pleaded.

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@@Aurora Lights,


Dreamless looked kid, unsure what to do. He looked hurt, but he himself knew what it could be like at a hospital. He started wishing the pony stayed asleep. He  couldn't bring himself to take him there unwillingly. He let out a short sigh and looked away from the pony. Fi was still glowing at the top of his head. "... Yeah, I know..." 


He looked back at the pony. "I'm not going to take you to a hospital..."

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Glade stared at Dreamless and coughed hard a couple times,he spit out some more clotted blood and touched his nose "..."he knew he probably had internal bleeding,but he did NOT want to go to those doctors...but,knowing him,he was probably over-reacting,it may just be a broken nose,or it may just be he isnt resting...yeah,that's it...I need to relax...calm down... They heard sirens going off in the distance and his ears flattened to his head,he started trembling and shaking like a leaf in a harsh gust of wind,he shook his head and put his hooves over his ears as he cried more and he curled up in a ball on the bench again,"I'm...I'm..."he muttered.

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@@Aurora Lights, Dreamless heard the sirens and saw the kid shaking. Were they after him? If he really did kill somepony, they couldn't have found out that fast, and by the way he was shaking. He was really scared. Maybe he was innocent, at the very least, he didn't do this often. That left him with one other thought. "The tavern... the mare... Buck!" He was about to take off sprinting, he couldn't let them take him back, but he saw the kid still hurt and coughing up blood.


He wanted to kill himself over the mistakes he had made. He was so cold to a kid that had clearly been under a lot of emotion stress over what happened.


He ran over to him and picked him up. "Kid, I'm not going to take you back to the hospital; but if you want to get patched up we've got to go!"

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Glade stared at Dreamless a moment before he started running after him,he was pretty fast to be so weak,but,he had ran his entire life,guess that is ok...right?...he heard his spirits screaming in his ears,he knew something bad was bound to happen due to the severity of their screams,he tripped over his own hoof and fell out into the streets,he then saw lights heading for him,he gasped and tried to get back up,but he couldn't he was so exhausted,he had so much pain inside...what was the point?...he was a killer,he decided to stay in the road and wait for the inevitable...for his death.he closed his eyes as he heard tires screeching and a horn blaring,he opened his eyes and saw that the car was flipped over,the pony inside was being burned alive,he had a gas leak and he had a cigarette lit,he slowly got up and stared at the fire "NO!!!...why..."he cried before he started running after Dreamless again,his head down as he cried and ran.

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@@Aurora Lights, (I guess an odd opening for others to jump in)


Dreamless saw the scene unfold in front of him. He didn't need to be half asleep to see that the situation clearly gotten out of hand. An officer's car had just exploded. This would be a miracle if they weren't headed straight for the flame. He made a sharp turn into a building, possibly home, and stuck his hoof out. 


He felt his hoof hit the stallion and quickly pulled him inside along with him.

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(wasent a cop car,just a regular car) @@@Miss Reaper, (your time to shine Miss Reapy =P)


Glade was yanked in and he fell to the ground,he was so tired of running,he sighed and slowly started to drift off back to sleep,but he was greeted by screams of pure pain,ones he had made because he had killed by accident,he saw it again...red eyes,staring at him,then a long,eerie smile slowly stretch under the eyes,it's teeth sharp as razors,it opened it's mouth and started laughing slowly,demonically;Glade was jolted awake by the nightmare,he gulped softly and looked around,his vision shook slightly and he saw them...Dreamless an a new pony he didn't recognize,a mare,they were making out and almost started to get "dirty",but Dreamless tore out the mare's through with his teeth and then proceeded to eat her,he moved down to her stomach,somehow,the mare was still laughing,it's gurgling dark laugh sounding like she was drowning,dreamless picked up a warped piece of metal and tore open her stomach,tearing out her intestines,then her fetus...she was pregnant...he started laughing like he had told a joke,a dark,twisted joke,he ripped the unborn child's head off and forced it back in her through her private area,the blood soaked Dreamless slowly turned towards Glade with the piece of metal,he started to slowly trot over,the mare creepily crawling to him while laughing,demonically,Glade had a knife in his hoof,he slashed out and cut the mare's head clean off,blood splattering on the wall and painting his face,he looked up at Dreamless,he raised his hoof and aimed for his stallion-hood,he gasped as he brought the piece of metal down,right before he made contact,they disappeared,he was shaking violently,by the look of it,he was asleep for only a couple minutes "...These delusions...they are getting scarier..."he murmurs and looks at his stallion-hood to make sure it was a delusion,he sighed in relief as he saw it,he slowly turned on his belly and looked at the wall,no blood...he looked in his hoof,he had no knife...

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@@Aurora Lights, @,


The mare's breathing was shallow and quick as she galloped through the streets, driven by nothing more than a feeling. Ariel had had another premonition, in the form of a sharp pang of dread accompanied by a fleeting image of fire - and she was suddenly determined to prevent it from happening. Faster and faster she pushed herself, even though her legs ached in protest.


Unfortunately, she was still too late. She arrived just as the car flipped and burst into the flame; she was forced to watch in horror from the sidewalk. Her already-racing heart was now pounding painfully in her chest, and her breathing was quickly escalating into hyperventilation.


However, another sudden premonition distracted her. It was just a feeling this time, but it was... different. It sent her running again, though she didn't know where. Blindly, she ran wherever this feeling was taking her. She looked frantic, but her mind was soaring high. This feeling she had was not the awful dread she normally experienced, but rather a sensation of... kinship, almost. It was difficult for her to describe.


She did not usually dash around town like this; she had learned early on that doing so each time she had a premonition in hopes of helping or hindering whatever future event she predicted made her seem like a madmare. But there was just something... something that compelled her.


Eventually, she ran into something: a door. The impact shook the solid door somewhat before the mare fell backwards, startled by the sudden obstacle in her path. After a few moments, the unicorn sat up, holding a hoof to her head as she let out a low groan; naturally, she had a bit of a headache now after colliding with a door.


Slowly shifting back into a standing position, she looked at the door before her. She wondered why she'd been brought here, to this particular building. Should she even go inside? She stared at the door, looking fairly conspicuous as her mismatched gaze went blank whilst her mind slipped into deep thought.

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@@Miss Reaper@


Glade heard a loud thud at the door,he gulped softly,making his spirit look out the door first,he saw it was just a mare,he blinked once and made the spirit open the door slowly,he stared at her...wait...THE DELUSION!!! IT WAS HER!!!! IT WAS THE MARE!!! he gasped and rolled backward because he stumbled when he was backing up,he landed against a wall and gasped,making his spirits go out and search for things,he finally found strong stuff,he slid those things over and made himself a barricade and shook in fear,making his spirits go on defense mode,all of the blue ones turning red like his attack souls.

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@@Aurora Lights, @,


Ariel's ears perked upon hearing movement inside; the stimulus yanked the mare out of her daze. She gasped softly when she saw the stallion peeking out at her, and was about to speak when he suddenly scrambled backwards in a panic. She hesitantly reached to the door that had been abruptly slammed shut in her face. She then pushed against it when her hoof made contact. The door didn't budge, of course, now being barricaded.


She stared for a few moments in confusion before she timidly called out, "Uh, hello? I-I'm not going to hurt you..." While she spoke, she felt a strange chill travel up her spine. She was unable to see the spirits that were at Glade's command - she had no such ability as to see any sort of spirits - but she could almost sense their presence, which made her feel a little uneasy. Actually, it made her feel very uneasy. But the feeling that had drawn her here was stronger than ever, and it compelled her to stay and see what would happen next.

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Glade slowed his breathing due to fear of a panic attack and hyperventilation,he calmed himself down and gulped softly "It was only a delusion...she isn't bad...I don't even know her..."he looked back up at the door and made his souls open it again,he made sure he kept decent eye contact with her,if he saw anything that might make him suspicious he was outta there in a heartbeat,but for now,his spirits were blue once more,he kept his back to the wall as he stared at her face,he noticed her eyes and thought they were cool because they were unique;His vision shook again and his pupils widened and the shrunk to tiny pinpoints,he saw her with the "sexy" eyes trained on him,he tried to back up more as she approached,but he was against a wall,so he wasen't going anywhere,she pressed him against the wall and licked his neck,then softly nibbled his ear,she stared into his eyes a moment before slowly leaning in,right before their lips met,he blinked,she was back where she was before,he was now shaking again.


@@Miss Reaper

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