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ooc Firestorm (OOC, still accepting)

Cerise Hood

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Good! Now I know everything, Starbound came by my house yesterday and told me all about your story. And I must say, it is very, very interesting. I have not ever seen before a post-apocalyptic pony story quite like that.

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As always I'm super happy that everyone thinks the story is so interesting :)


And starbound how scary could it be I mean the seer is just stuck in a tree right? Though we can ignore the fact the tree he's stuck in relates to your first OC's name and the name you used to have right? Right.



Willow trees are fun ;)


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Yeah especially a willow tree I was looking for a creepy picture of one and most of the deviantart creepy trees have nooses in them, and the fact that the seer could turn every hanging branch in the Willow tree into a noose is very terrifying...

Edited by Torrent505
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Now, can you accept this as my very first post?



Candela hid among the trees, careful not to take a step she could regret. She had woken up at the ruins of the Ponyville Library; she had been there to accept some books to take back to her library in Canterlot. Since then Candela had been wandering through Equestria, following the scars left in the land because of numerous battles. Somepony is very powerful, she had included, as she neared Froggy Bottom Bog.


The noise of the battle attracted her to this particular place, and upon seeing the pure intensity and danger of this battle, went into hiding, only occasionally stealing quick glances. It appeared the Princess Luna and two very strange fillies were here, along with others who were also locked into battle. She ducked as the dragon flew above her. She had seen the transformation of the stallion into a dragon, that frightened her in many ways.


Hopefully the battle would end soon; Candela just could not run away. She feared that something would find her. It was best to stay here, where whatever Princess Luna was fighting would stay distracted. But she also felt an obligation to protect one of the fillies; the one hiding under Princess Luna. While the other one seemed confident, this one seemed so helpless. Lost.

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That sounds fine to me, though you might want to mention the fact princess Luna has no wings :P I imagine most ponies would find it weird that the princess is no longer an alicorn. But yeah otherwise that's perfect, I love the level of detail :)

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Right, so just to prevent any confusion I'm going to list the strengths and weaknesses of Shadow in this particular RP. Bear in mind that your characters do not know what I revealed here, it's just so I can't make up abilities on the fly.


Good Factors:


Magic: When it comes to magic, Shadow is definitely beyond average, however unlike Twilight (who surpasses other Unicorns in almost every way, it's her special talent after all) Shadow is only slightly above average most of the time, however he makes up for this with the ability to manipulate Light and Shadows better than any other Unicorn (as far as we know.) As a result he has the basic Unicorn spells (light, telekinesis etc.), extremely advanced Light/Dark spells as well as those of his own design, like the illusions. Unfortunately, he's not the best with offensive spells and so will take on a more supportive roll in combat.


Intelligence: One of Shadow's greatest strengths is his vast intellect, especially when it comes to the concepts of magic, he may not be able to cast Teleportation for example, but knows exactly how it works. This knowledge helps him greatly when it comes to designing his own spells.


Bad Factors:


Arrogance: Pretty much what it says on the tin. Shadow never works well with others and takes on an extremely arrogant attitude in a fight, further bolstered by his delight at watching his enemies become confused at his illusions.


Not self sufficient: Shadow has spent all of his time learning about magic and it's uses, never once has he had to work towards keeping himself alive. So while he may excel in magic, he has little to no experience with much else.

Edited by Blissful Chaos
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Starting? Um the RP started a long time ago we're already 2100 posts into the story, which is longer than I've seen a lot of RP's last :P

We're only about halfway through the story and you are very welcome to join still, if the fact that it's all ready started doesn't bother you :)

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I think it would be okay especially since frozen supports you, sorry for the slow response we've had a lot of people asking to join lately and I'm making sure I deal with them one at a time. Would you mind send me a pm, I have a couple of questions about your OC before you jump into the story :)


I think I'm going to go ahead and call the RP closed for now after Lightwing at least for a little while until we get all the new players straightened out and in the group.

Edited by Torrent505
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Oh, I'm sorry for your loss Dashian. Welcome back though and I hope that you and the rest of your family are doing okay I know it can be hard to go through, if you need any support you've got friends here you can turn to.


The last thing dealing with your characters was this:

"The grand seer glared at the teenage dragon clawing at him, "I'm going to use your body as fertilizer!" The gaping rends the attacks Astrid and Steel had opened up suddenly stretched wider and sprayed forth a storm of barbed splinters and fractured gem slivers all coated in poison, they were aimed directly at the two of them."


And since then nothing involving the seer has happened, though Embers managed to kill the pack general and the pack Alpha just exploded himself after being annoyed and distracted by Shadow, Alpha Filth's explosion was directed at Luna, Willow and Melody. Luna is unconscious but Wanderlust got to her and she's not drowning Shadow is moving to help him and we haven't heard from the fillies. Also the poisons in Wanderlust are making him hallucinate really badly right now...

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Well, Embers has taken the spot for badass of the encounter.


Unless... The Seer isn't dead?


Well, I dont think he is dead yet :P Taking out his eyes wont kill him xD up to torrent though

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Okay, so we overcame the challenges in finding the sun shard in the froggy bottom bog, lets remember to go pick it up still :P


We've got some new players and some time to get to know each other. But eventually we'll have to move on and head for another sun shard. We have three choices: Tartarus, The Land of Shifting Fire, or the Griffon Kingdom. As always I'm going to give you guys a glimpse of what you will face in each place. I'm not going to give any description but instead a song that I feel captures the essence of the land or challenge we will face.


For Tartarus I have two songs:




For The Land of Shifting Fire:



For The Griffon Kingdom:




Where we choose to go is completely up to the group, and we can take care of them in any order we wish to, but to get to the shard on Dragonsbane Mountain we will have to travel through either the Land of Shifting Fire or the Griffon Kingdom. It's beyond the edges of those two but borders both of them.

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Okay, so we overcame the challenges in finding the sun shard in the froggy bottom bog, lets remember to go pick it up still :P


We've got some new players and some time to get to know each other. But eventually we'll have to move on and head for another sun shard. We have three choices: Tartarus, The Land of Shifting Fire, or the Griffon Kingdom. As always I'm going to give you guys a glimpse of what you will face in each place. I'm not going to give any description but instead a song that I feel captures the essence of the land or challenge we will face.


For Tartarus I have two songs:




For The Land of Shifting Fire:



For The Griffon Kingdom:




Where we choose to go is completely up to the group, and we can take care of them in any order we wish to, but to get to the shard on Dragonsbane Mountain we will have to travel through either the Land of Shifting Fire or the Griffon Kingdom. It's beyond the edges of those two but borders both of them.

 I vote for going to The Land of Shifting Fire and end in Griffon Kingdom ((then on to the mountains))

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