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open Beautiful Morning with you(open and looking)

Rainbow    Dash

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(OOC and Sign-up Thread:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85528-beautiful-morning-with-you)

Dakota walks down the dusty streets of Ponyville, searching for Sugar Cube Corner. He had came all the way from Mustangia to taste a cake made in the bakery. Dakota had on a thin plaid shirt; white with blue patterns.

Somber sat in a dark, damp cave on the edge of the Everfree forest. His long black cape slid along the ground as he awoke. The sun shined brightly into the cave, making Somber wonder if it was night.

Braeburn worked hard at his farm in sunny Appaloosa. He  wipes his brow of sweat and breathes a deep breath. Braeburn looks around to see only two apple trees left to pick clean. Braeburn dusts off his vest and adjusts his hat, as he walks towards the last two trees.

Edited by Auron

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Rye, was just waking up, he had parties so hard last night he had to recollection of even getting home, the last thing he remembered was taking one last sip of cold cider. He got to his feet and walked to the bathroom, he was still very groggy, he wiped his eyes and stared into the mirror "What the heck?!" His friends had written all over his face, it read "have a nice time getting this off your face Rye- Applejack"

He couldn't believe this, but then again this wasn't the first time this happened

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Genevieve (Proper as always) was trotting down the street towards the nearby market. She had her usual elegant/royal aura as she walked, keeping her head held high as if every other pony was lower then her...it was a funny thing, as the Alicorn mare's proper attitude seemed to draw most attention away from the zebra following behind her...though this Zebra was a little different. Rather then having a more noticeably white coat with black stripes...this zebra had a geryish coat with white stripes, and eyes so purple it seemed as if she could look into somepony's soul. "Genevieve...you said we'd only be downtown a few minutes...do you have any idea where we're going?" She asked, her voice quiet but sounding rather bored.
The alicorn gave a sigh. "We are going to zat...whatever...ze bakery...ze one zat colt told us about...'e 'ad a very red coat...Quel était son nom?...She trailed off, mumbling some things in french before looking up and back at Snow (The zebra) "Big...mac? 'e did not speak zat much, did 'e?" She said, looking forwards again as Sugar Cube Corner came into sight.

Meanwhile, up by the lake.
A shy looking pink pegasus sat by the waters edge. He was surrounded by birds of all sorts. His back hooves floated in the water as he read a...very large looking book...and knowing this colt, it was about birds...Sweet Chirp had a bit of an obsession.

Something something something something


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Rye took a picture of his face in the mirror, he always liked remembering a good prank, he would save it and put it on his wall. Then he brushed his teeth, he had to look good today, Rye saw it as he had to look good everyday. He treated everyday like it was his last which lead to parties almost every night, Rye knew this would leads to him probably passing on at a long age, but he didn't care he wanted to be happy everyday, and partying, making friends, and fun was how he had fun. Of course he had to work at some point, he worked on the apple farm with Applejack, he wasn't very much fond of her, she always worked and didn't seem to take nearly as much time off then she deserved, he usually finished up work, said goodbye, and went of to find himself some fun.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Twilight blinked as she looked at the clock: taking a few seconds longer than usual to read it. It wasn't that she had trouble telling the time - her head just wasn't working properly.




Another night without sleep... of course, it had been worth it - she had completly reorganised the ground floor of the library - sorting the books alphabetically by author, then volumes and finally, date... Of course she was probably the only one who would notice any difference, but that was an issue for another day: folks didn't seem to visit the library too much in Ponyville anyway.


She yawned and ticked off the last box on her list. Perhaps the whole library had been a little... ambitious, for an evening project. Still, it wasn't as if she was doing anything interesting today - until the next delivery arrived she was pretty sure that she had read everything in there a good two or three times.


"Coffee..." She murmured to herself: pushing down on the table that she had finally fallen asleep onto for the last two hours and stretching as she stood upright before shaking herself a little and glancing in a mirror. Somewhat dishevelled but... not too bad for someone who had spent the night organising books. "And we're all out. Huh, not as if anyone's about at this time anyway... I'll just pick up a cup at the stand down the street. It'll only take a few minutes."


Blinking carefully as her sleepless eyes struggled with the sunlight she was met with on opening the door - she set off in search of that precious drink.






"Not... now... Opal!" Snarled the no-longer-prim fashionista as she struggled to keep the feline at arms length. "Today is a very important day and I simply can not have you under my hooves all day!"


Picking up the disgruntled cat and placing it firmly aside, she proceeded to continue speaking towards her beloved pet. "Perhaps we can find Sweetie Belle or Fluttershy to take care of you for today? Or maybe little Spike... you had such a good time when he watched you last didn't you? Of course you did!"


Opalescence listened, and that was why she was still the only one about - customers and friends would come and go but she endured Raritiy's 'chit chat' with only very occasional complaints... usually when she was hungry.


Preening herself carefully, the mare paused, examined herself in the dazzlingly reflection of the full wall mirror and beamed.



Never quite forgotten.

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Rye peered into his closet, "hmm I've worn like all of these like twenty times over.... I've got some extra money, maybe I'll pay Rarity a visit see if she's doing anything right now" Rye put a button downed shirt on and set out on his walk to rarity's, he wondered if she had anything store for him today. He wanted to look presentable today, though he had partied hard yesterday he also had something to attend to today.



(((For story sake, will not post anything till Rarity acknowledges me)))

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Dakota stops to look up at the sun that beat down on his back. He sighs, shaking his head, and continues walking. Moments later, Dakota spots a bright pink building that resembled a gingerbread house.
"That must be the place." Dakota says out loud. 
Dakota walks towards the building, smiling. He begins to think about what to buy once he is inside.


Somber trots to the entrance of the cave he had been staying in. He looks outside, but immediately recoils, hissing. Somber hides in the shadows, popping his head into the sunlight from time to time. Somber didn't know what was going on, and became more and more curious.


R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Ten minutes ago," Architectural Dream muttered as he looked at his watch. Normally he would be lax, but he wasn't in that mood. Tapping his foot impatiently. Muttering something's incomprehensible, he decided if there was any nice shops around. A cup of tea would be wonderful right now. Sighing, he walked off.


Gentle Secret finally walked out of the Everfree Forest after straying off of the road. Which wasn't the best idea in the world, but she was certain that she would have been fine. Currently carrying a bag with a old tome, she smiled at the sight of Ponyville. Adjusting her scarf and fedora, she entered the town. Hopefully her friend wouldn't have ran off.

Edited by Demirari


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(we should have an order of posts so that  it isnt all messy btw. hank is a timelord)


Hank was in his tardis as it appears in ponyville near the library as the famous sound of the tardis appearing can be heard through out Ponyville. Hank stumbled out the tardis as he looks at it and sighs "not again.." he frowns and looks at the library and noticed Twilight opening the door and smiles "hello!" he waves as he looks around "so.. im in ponyville. you seem familiar.. im Hank." he smiles "aren't you twilight sparkle?"



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Traveller walked into the town. It was a particularly colorful town. He walked to the large tree, suspecting it was near the center of the town. He quickly realized he was wrong, but something else caught his eye. He saw a large blue box. 'That seems...oddly familiar.' He commented as he walked passed it. He walked into the town center, unsure of where to go.


((I'm just assuming what your TARDIS looks like. Someone will get my reference eventually.))

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Fluttershy slowly made her way down the road that led from her cottage to Ponyville, Angel Bunny sleeping in her crossed arms.  As was usual for her, her gaze was turned down more towards the road in front of her rather than making eye contact with anypony she may have passed on the road.  She was making her way to the marketplace, hoping to make the trip a fairly quick one.


She needed to pick up some more food for her cabin - she had let an adorable little raccoon into her home last night, and a sudden chase had started when he tried to take some of Angel's food.  Unfortunately the two of them had managed to wreck her kitchen before she had been able to calm them down, and now she needed to place an order to have the cupboards refilled...  Taking care of so many precious little animals took a lot of work, after all!


"Oh, I just hope that placing an order like this on such short notice isn't going to be a bother to anypony...  But I just can't let all of my little friends go hungry..."  Fussing quietly to herself, Fluttershy enters the main area of Ponyville to make her way into the marketplace.











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Rye knocked on Rarity's door "God dang it man, I guess she's not here right now, dang she's my number one fashion designer" Rye was disappointed but how could he blame Rarity she has a social life as well, she couldn't always be stuck in her office "oh well, maybe I'll head to sugarcube corner for something to eat then I'll see if Applejack has any work for me to do.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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(Apologies - found myself hyper-busy all of a sudden.)


"Coming Darling!" Called out Rarity in response to the knocking downstairs: trying to get ready during working hours was such a pain! Still, some sacrifices had to be made in the name of fashion: business had to come first!


Of course, whether she had been heard was questionable. With a whole floor between them, not to mention the door...


Rushing downstairs and pausing to collect herself, Rarity opened the door. Thankfully, she had only been in the process of double checking her appearance so nothing was out of place.


"Ever so sorry my dear - I didn't mean to keep you waiting!" She called out as humbly as she could. "Very busy day, don't you know? Completly forgot that the shop was open... Come in dear, come it! What can Rarity do you you today? A new suit perhaps? Something formal and dashing perhaps? I know just the thing!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Right before Rye left he heard the door open and saw Rarity standing in the doorway, he couldn't speak like he usually could he had to speak formal and polite "so sorry to bother you at the moment but I require something new to add to my wardrobe, something dazzling and epic, I'm heading to something pretty awesome today and I want to look awesome" before she said anything she was off, he watched her dash off hoping she had just what he needed he yelled after her "don't worry about pricing, pick out what you think would look awesome trust me I can afford it


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"Hank...?" Twilight mused... not a name she was familiar with at all, but he seemed to know her. This wasn't so much 'surprising' as it was 'mortifying'... considering her current, sleep deprived state - she looked like she had been drinking!


"Uh, I mean... Yes! Twilight... ahem... Twilight Sparkle!" She answered - flustered and desperately trying to think of a way to hide her unfortunately tangled mane. Unfortunately, apt as she was, magic didn't even come to mind. "Sorry... I'm really tired right now... can I help you at all? The library isn't open just yet."


Smiling weakly, she held up the keys in front of her.


"Might be... half an hour or so? I need to uh..."


'Drink half of the coffee in Ponyville?'


"... pick something up. And make the place presentable - I've... I mean we've been having a bit of a clear out."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"Hank...?" Twilight mused... not a name she was familiar with at all, but he seemed to know her. This wasn't so much 'surprising' as it was 'mortifying'... considering her current, sleep deprived state - she looked like she had been drinking!


"Uh, I mean... Yes! Twilight... ahem... Twilight Sparkle!" She answered - flustered and desperately trying to think of a way to hide her unfortunately tangled mane. Unfortunately, apt as she was, magic didn't even come to mind. "Sorry... I'm really tired right now... can I help you at all? The library isn't open just yet."


Smiling weakly, she held up the keys in front of her.


"Might be... half an hour or so? I need to uh..."


'Drink half of the coffee in Ponyville?'


"... pick something up. And make the place presentable - I've... I mean we've been having a bit of a clear out."

Hank smiles "well. can i tag along? you seem like you are very tired. I should come so incase you do pass out. i can bring you back okay?" he smiles and pats her back "lets go okay?" he said as he goes to lock the tardis. "lets go twilight. if you want me to that is." he said and sighs 



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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By some sheer luck, Gentle Secret and Architectural Dream managed to meet each other in a café. After ordering and eating, Gentle Secret brought out the large tome.

Architectural Dream looked intrigued as he opened the tome, being very careful. He spoke as he read the script, "Interesting. Exactly where did you find this?"

"On one of my travels," Gentle Secret replied happily. Nodding, Architectural Dream decided to see what the tome had to offer.


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"Oh marvelous!"


It was only a small inconvenience - and she did so love to do business when she knew that she could really go to town - so to speak. Tugging at Rye and drawing him into the center of the boutique, she immediately summoned several measures and bundles of fabric and threads from about the room.

"So then dear..." She mumbled brightly as she began taking measurements. "Where is it that you need to look fabulous tonight? What kind of look are we looking for? Something refined? Or something a little more... casual?"


She tittered to herself a little - at her next thought and shot him a knowing wink.


"Something to dazzle perhaps? Trying to attract a certain lady friend? In that case you wont want just any old thing, no no no! Something tailored especially by yours truly!"

Never quite forgotten.

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"Rarity you know me, I don't have anyone to impress but I've always got a party to attend to, I need something easy to move in, but something dazzling" Rye was particular about his clothing choices he always wanted to keep his friends impressed and that's exactly what Rarity always delivered something that was impressive and was just what Rye wanted


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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'No!' Her mind screamed at her - she wasn't presentable! The library wasn't ready to open on time! She had to get her coffee and then take a shower and...


"Uh..." Her face contorted slightly as she looked at the colt. "I'm not going to pass out, thanks. Just going to get some coffee! Heh..."


'Oh Celestia... there's that thing that Rarity wanted to do - that was today too! Ugh... It's going to be a loooongday...' She thought to herself - already somewhat stressed before she had even done anything!


"Uh... You can come if you want. It probably won't be very exciting though - It's good coffee but its not that good."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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'No!' Her mind screamed at her - she wasn't presentable! The library wasn't ready to open on time! She had to get her coffee and then take a shower and...


"Uh..." Her face contorted slightly as she looked at the colt. "I'm not going to pass out, thanks. Just going to get some coffee! Heh..."


'Oh Celestia... there's that thing that Rarity wanted to do - that was today too! Ugh... It's going to be a loooongday...' She thought to herself - already somewhat stressed before she had even done anything!


"Uh... You can come if you want. It probably won't be very exciting though - It's good coffee but its not that good."


Hank nods "well. if you dont want me to.. then..okay.. its just.. i had to look something up in the book of the history of Equestria. there is something i needed to see that is in the book. it will only take a second. please.. just let me go inside and check. i dont care how messy it is. just please." he sighs and frowns 



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"Lovely! Well then, we shall have to make sure that you look that part! Now, just hear me out..."


Penciling several notes of his various measurements, she started to work through a series of materials - seemingly unimpressed with most of them.


"No... No... Certainly not! No... Aha! Perfect - something bright and bold: that says 'Look at me! I'm here!' Quite exquisite if I say so myself - I've used a little of this for some of my own personal projects but never really found a customer who it might suit... Yes!"


The vibrant, deep emerald green was brought up to eye level: suspended in midair where she caught it with one hand. "Very striking - very special... A little too bold for some but I think that you could make it work! Oh yes, and it would contrast your mane so perfectly! You will be the absolute centre of attention!"

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"Aww Rarity you never cease to amaze me, this is epic, ill take it, this is perfect for my occasion at the party, how much is it?" Rye looked at it in Awe and wondered what a master piece like this would cost, it certainly wouldn't be cheap, but he would use it for many occasions he couldn't wait to try it on at the party


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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The library wasn't due to open for at least another... what? Six minutes? Admittedly she was going to be late anyway but...


'Oh come on Twilight! Do something!'


She sighed and levitated the keys over towards the front door and twisted - pushing the door open and wandering inside reluctantly. This was not her day... and where was spike? Shouldn't he be awake by now!


"Okay - okay it's open." Twilight sighed - slumping down in her 'sleeping chair' and hastily pushing aside the book which had been used as a makeshift pillow. "You'll have to find it yourself th..." She yawned. "...though, It shouldn't be too hard: they're all in order."








"For you darling? Well lets see... There's the material... the labor... the... three, four..."


She stopped: she couldn't charge the full price for this: the material was imported and extremely expensive... but on the other hand she couldn't just give it away - much as she wanted to.


"one hundred and eighty bits - to cover my costs: it needs fitting to your size but I can handle that just fine darling: it really is a pleasure!"


Snatching the material aside, she gave a friendly smile - with work to do on top of preparing for later that day, things were starting to get a little busier than she had anticipated!


"I'll have it ready within the hour! Come and collect it whenever you like after them... and be prepared to be astounded!" She fluttered her eyes for effect - she was the very best after all.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Rye looked at her intently, he knew she was trying to do something Nice for him "Rarity, don't lie to me, I know you too well you do all my apparel, this can't cost less then mmm, 400 bits and that's nothing less then what I'm paying, you have a store to run and this material can't be cheap" Rye was conflicted but he knew it was the right thing to do, after all he had tons of money, the suit would look amazing, and he couldn't do this to his friend, "I'll come pick it up when your done, no rush at all, I'm paying 400 and I don't want to hear anything else about it, I'll catch you later Rarity" Rye walked out and gave Rarity one last wink as he trotted out the door. Rye was on his way to see if Applejack needed any help on the farm.



(((Going to bed see everyone tomorrow)))

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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