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private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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"Eh, its fine. The small patches of blood are nothing to me. And besides, I feel myself healing as we speak."
"Excellent. Come along then."

Celestia escorted the three out into her living room. There she showed him around.

"It may not be as big as canterlot castle, but it still feels like home to me."
"Not as big?"
"Ha! This would be a guest room compared to my original bedroom. But between you and me. I kinda like the smaller one. The large castle life was so lonely. No pony to talk to, no free time. It was always business. And now with the war, it has gotten even lonlier. Friends going to war on the battle field, and most of which are lucky to even return. Its over whelming."
Aaron saw her sadness in her eyes. She may be equine, but sadness is still sadness.

"If you wish, I could be a friend."
"Your kindness is admirable. Such a thing is hard to come by these days."
She looked to Mirrorwing.

"Mirrorwing. I would like you to take him to the soldier training ground. If he wishes to help us, I need to see how skilled he is in combat. I'll be there shortly to assess his skill as well."


(Last post for a while.)

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"as you wish my princess, follow me"    he walks alongside aaron, "your kind, perhaps too kind for this war, i feel bad for you but im glad your willing to help, ive known the princess for a long time, and not many are willing to just help her these days, especially with the fog" he says, hinting that hes far older than he appears

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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'Of course.' Luna said as she moved to a small table. She placed the bag in the table and opened it as she moved a muffin to each side. She happily ate hers while the stallion ate his. The princess finished hers and looked around, wondering where Crypt was. She chuckled when she remembered what the guard had told her. 'I assume it works.' she whispered.


The two had finished their muffins and Luna crumpled up the back. 'Shall we go on a walk?' The blue pony asked.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Corporate Crime


Corporate Crime walked slowly in Manehattan's streets. It was still a bustling metropolis despite the split of power. "It's not my concern whether or not the Princesses reconcile their differences and bring Equestria back together." the salt-and-pepper haired stallion said to nopony in particular as he walked. "But I shall admit....many of my favorite clients not returning is somewhat....lonely for lack of a better word."


@@Comet Starflash,


Nuclear Neurotic


Nuclear stuck her tongue out at Discord as he flew off before turning to Comet.

"Why not stay with me?" she asked, a smile on her face. "I don't think my friends would mind."

The gray mare patted the changeling's back. "There's not much extra room but you can room with me if you're fine with that."

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Comet's jaw dropped almost instantly, his mouth gaping open. "W-what? I-I don't know... I mean it sounds like its real stuffed in there. I'd hate to be a burden to you. Oh eer... One question. What gender would these... Friends... be? Just asking." Said Comet, his mouth overacting trying to keep up with his mind.

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Shadow couldn't believe the taste that came with the muffin, it was sweet but not overly sweet and the blueberries in it were delicious. Once Shadow had finished his muffin he nodded in agreement. "Of course my lady. It would be an honor." Shadow started walking with Luna, detouring through the park, Shadow stopped once the reached a hill that was a little ways out from where everypony normally would go. Shadow moved some bushes aside revealing a garden of white star like flowers that were glowing in the darkness. "They're called Moon Flowers my lady. From the intel that I could gather, somepony created them long ago my guess is that they loved your night so much that they wanted to show it somehow."



#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Luna walked with her guard to the edge of the city. The pair walked up a hill and he revealed the flowers. Luna looked at them carefully. After hearing the explanation she smiled. 'They're beautiful. I think it's nice that they created them for the night.' Luna managed to get out. She was at a loss. With so much stress and rarely leaving the castle, this was something she had not seen for a very long time. 'Thank you. I have not seen something like this for a while.' The mare thanked the guard. 'We should be getting back now.'

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Aaron gave a smile taking the hint. He decided to leave it be. And if worse comes to worse, a useful cliff note.

"I am happy to help her. Sure she summoned me through time and space itself, but she could have tossed me out the window. I wasn't what she wanted, but what she got. Plus the trip has left me in an injured state, and she bandaged me up. Truly I am grateful to have met a kind hearted ruler."
His smile staggered for a minute.

"Though, hearing what her kingdom has become tears me apart. Someone so kind, betrayed by her own sister. Truly heart breaking."
The two walked in silence for a while. Coming out to the city, Mirrorwing took Aaron to the guards training ground, not far from the hotel.


Meanwhile, Celestia was going through the last of her paperwork. Reading through reports on the borders of her sector, casualties, and victories. Things seemed to be at a stalemate for her, bringing her frustrations even higher than before. But, she shooed them away for now. She wanted to see what this human was capable of. Opening the window to the balcony, she took flight to meet Mirrorwing and her new friend, Aaron.

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Sensiquill roamed the halls of the Crystal palace, manning his post.  As he walked he recited the eleven general orders of a sentry to himself.  "To take charge of this post and all Crystal property within view.  To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert...  Etc."


   The Grey-blue pony heard a slight clopping in the distance.  Sensiquill began to shout his commands upon entering the next room before he was interrupted by a stoic figure.  "Oh, it's just you, Sir.  Nothing out of the ordinary, Sir.  You know, given the circumstances and all."

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Aaron and Mirrorwing entered what looked like a large padded arena. Guards in training and various other ponies were present in the room. Some looking into his direction in curiosity and wonder. Mirrorwing left his side and went to a pony with an odd set of armor. Aaron looked around some more. Some of the pegasi in the rafters were looking down on him from above. A second later he saw Celestia fly in, the guards giving a solute. She saw Aaron on the ground and gave him a wave hello. He did the same. The guard came up to me.

"So. You're here to see what you're made of. Celestia tells me she summoned you, well that means nothing to me. I'm going to pit you against some of the newbies. I don't know what you are, but after this we'll know."

He walked away and another came up with a trey that had some kind of weaponry on it. Mostly practice weapons.


"Your majesty, are you sure this is a good idea."

"Relax. Aaron will be fine."
"I wasn't talking about him."
Celestia gave a chuckle. Aaron looked over the choices. A sword, a shield, and a spear. He grabbed the spear, but it was heavier at the edge. This will not work. Aaron snapped the bladed part off and it was now to his liking. A suitable bow staff. Now he can have a fair chance against magic users.

"Whats he doing?"

"I don't know. But I'm curious to find out."

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Graceful Decent and Visionary Heart
Graceful had entered the bakery just as Vision turned the corner of the block. She barely noticed him out of the corner of her hollow eyes. Sighing, he took a seat outside the bakery and rested his head on a table.-I wonder how princess Luna is holding up in all this?- He thought to himself before closing his eyes. He hasn't met her yet, but siding with the night he would like to see her. Walking into the bakery she noticed it was almost empty. walking up to the main counter the baker came out.

"I would like some plain bread, nothing else" She said as she placed some bits on the counter. The baker nodded and pulling out some bread from under the counter.

"Keep the change" She said when the baker was making change. he looked at her, than nodded. Lifting her bag of bread she walked out of the store. She noticed Vision asleep on the table.

"Time to go" she said tapping him on the head. Raising his head he looked at her and nodded.  Graceful noticed he was off in his own world.
"What are you thinking of?" she said
"... Nothing" He replied back. With Vision walking behind Graceful, both began walking back home.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Aaron entered the training arena. Opposite to him, a rookie guard came up to him. Holding his shield and sword with his magic. Aaron was holding the makeshift bow staff. The rookie rushed Aaron, holding the sword in front of him. Aaron rolled his eyes, and saw an opening. Swinging the staff, he swept the hooves of the rookie, bringing him down. Aaron walked around him, watching him get back to his feet... hooves. He looked angry. Seeing this, Aaron gave a smirk. He twirled the staff in a taunting manner. The rookie got up and began to swing his sword. Each swing was blocked by Aaron's staff, with a bit of a bored look on his look. Growing tired, Aaron parried and swung the staff and brought him to ground once more. But this time he pinned him with the tip of his staff in his face.


Celestia looked to Aarons performance. She was intrigued. She began to watch with a look of fascination on the human's fighting capabilities. Each second of which cemented the fact he was indeed a warrior. After his second fight with another Rookie, Aaron shot her a look. Celestia gave a wave. The trainer wasn't liking this guy. His best students were being made a fools of, and he would not have that. He motioned his five best students to enter. The trainer wanted this guy brought down from his pedestal. As they enterd, Aaron had a still bored look on his face. The first one charged him, but Aaron dodged him with ease. The next two came at him. Aaron got a good hit on the first one, but the second got him. It was getting interesting now.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Nuclear Neurotic


"Oh no no no. It's fine. Plus if you can't find a place right now, it's a good temporary solution. Oh!" Nuclear laughed hearing Comet's question. "Ice Breaker and Pallete Puddle are both mares. Don't worry about them though. IB mostly minds her own business with Icy Delights and Pallete likes to hang around the shop helping her. They won't be a bother." she assured him.

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as mirrorwing watched he noted several key details that might be useful later on, "not bad, a not a rookie, but i wouldnt call him a veteran either, he will be helpful, but i still think we should be cautious, after all, we dont really know anything about him and with this war, we dont know what could happen to him" He looked somber as he said so, "ponies have changed since this mess started" he sighs

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Each rookie fell before him, one after the other. Aaron was whistling a tune spinning his bow staff. The trainer was aggravated to a boiling point. He looked up to the rafters and motioned for one of the pegasi to come down. This one was no rookie. This was an experienced warrior. She was a light blue with a light green mane. She wasn't wearing any armor. Which would probably make her faster. Aaron gave a bow to his opponent, and she him. She grought out her weapon of choice; a spear. She rushed Aaron as well, except she was faster than the others. He had barely enough time to block. He saw her again, this time swinging the blade towards him. He ducted backwards and barely missed the swing. Celestia was looking from her seat with worry for the human.

"I must admit, you are a worthy opponent." She said nothing, though that smile of hers was a bit bigger. This time it was Aarons turn to rush her. The Pegasus taking up arms was prepared for anything. However, Aaron plaved his staff on the ground and propelled him self into the air. The ponies looked to him in astonishment, but Aarons opponent was letting out an expression of surprise. Aaron was plummeting at a goo pace and swung his staff down onto the Pegasus's weapon, both of their weapons snapping in two. Celestia looked in astonishment.

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Shining nodded at the earthpony. "Thank you. Good job. Keep an eye out. With the princesses acting like this, no pony knows what under hoofed tricks they might resort to." He then turned, ready to walk away, then hesitated. Turning back to the earth pony, he asks "Can I ask your opinion? Do you trust Paladin? I mean he's a pretty good friend, but...he is a bat-pony. And it's been years since I last saw him. I was beginning to wonder about him. Maybe Cadence was right..."



Edited by The Dragonborn

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Shadow nodded and started heading back with the Princess towards their castle. He had to do everything to make sure that she was calm and at peace with herself. Shadow had been noticing that she had been getting agitated with things easier than normal. Shadow looked at the princess and smiled, he would gladly do anything to make her happy. Tonight would be good for him, he would definately have a good night sleep and the fact that he was off duty tomorrow was good as well. Shadow made it back to the small castle that had been erected in just the few months. "It was an honor my lady, thank you for the chance to spend some time with you."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@[member'the dragonborn']


   Sensiquill stood at attention before the eyes of the relatively new prince.  "My opinion?"  The pony was taken aback by the question but quickly recovered.  "Sir, I've known the dark guy for even less time than you.  That being said though, I have taken the time to get to know him a little better."  The pony paused a second to allow his following words to gather momentum.  "Honestly sir,  I'd trust Paladin with my life.  He's sworn to the crystal kingdom just as I am, and we couldn't afford to have that sort of brotherhood broken in battle.  He may give me the creeps sometimes, but...  It's not him I'm worried about, Sir..."

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Corporate Crime


The stallion sighed, checking the watch on his hoof. 'The last train hasn't left yet I don't think....' Corporate thought, heading back inside the building he had come from. He had one of his secretaries bring his suitcase saddle bags from his office. "I'll be leaving for an extended period of time for the Crystal Empire." he stated to his subordinates. "As work here has slowed enough to allow each of us a time to rest. Goodbye for now."

Corporate adjusted the straps before heading to the Manehattan train station.

He purchased a first class ticket for the train to the Crystal Empire before climbing aboard.



Nuclear Neurotic

@@Comet Starflash,


"So what do you say, Comet? Wanna crash at my place?" Nuclear asked, smiling at the changeling.

Edited by Nuclear Neurotic
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Both combatant's weapons were destroyed. The Pegasus and human were panting from exhaustion, waiting for the other to collapse. Celestia was glued to the duel between the two. The Pegasus fought with years of battle practice, skilled in her military training. But Aaron fought in a way completely foreign to her. Such animalistic ferocity and yet calculated to a degree. His knowledge would be useful to her in the coming battles. She stood from her seat and began to applaud their performance. Aaron saw this and bowed to the princess. The trainer was shocked. There was yet to be a victor and the princess was applauding this... thing. She flew down from her pedestal and joined the human.

"Aaron. Never before have I seen such skilled fighting."
"Thank you, Princess. That means so much coming from you."

"I would like to extend a gift to you. I would like to offer you a seat as a general in my army."
Aaron began to think of her offer, rubbin his chin.

"No thanks."

The whole room became silent. The tension was thick. Aaron had turned down the Princesses offer.

"I-I'm sorry. But it sounded like you said no."
"Because I did. I will not join your military. I'm sorry, but I am a man of peace, not war."
Celestia began to ponder his words. The ponies in the room expected her to send him to the sun. But...

"very well then. But will you be willing to teach my soldiers to fight as you do. It will help us a lot."
It was Aarons turn to ponder.

"Alright, but I won't teach them all of my tricks. I at least want to keep some for myself."
"So be it. Im the morning, you will be training my new soldiers. And, I wish to bestow upon you a title of my personal champion. It will only be in title, but I will call upon you at times. Will you accept this."

Aaron knelt before her.

"Of course. I would be honored."

With that, the two left back for Celestias domain. In a few hours, Aaron will be training her soldiers. But first, it was time for rest.

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"I-I suppose I could accept that offer... I don't know if it's a good idea to have me in there with the others, you know how I get around others I don't know." Said Comet, accepting the offer given to him. Comet yawned and realised the time. "Is it really that time? Gosh, I'm absolutely exhausted..."

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Corporate Crime


Corporate sat in his cushy seat, setting his bags in the seat next to him. With only one other pony in the train car he allowed himself to let out a tired sigh. He looked out the window a few minutes before the train whistle blew announcing the final departure for the night. A slight jerk made Corporate grunt as the train slowly began to move away from the loading platform.

'It'll be a short while before the train gets to the Crystal Empire...' mused Corporate closing his mismatched eyes.


Nuclear Neurotic

@@Comet Starflash,


"Don't worry. You can stay in my room if you want to be away from the others. Also, they are probably asleep by now so I'll just leave them a note saying you're staying for a while, okay?" Nuclear smiled, trying to ease her friend's discomfort.

Edited by Nuclear Neurotic
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Aaron awoke from his slumber. Finding himself in a familiar setting. It was Celestias living room of her penthouse sweet. He was on her couch and next to him were his clothes, washed and tailored. There was a not next to them.


Dear Aaron,


I took the liberty of washing your garments and having them repaired for you. I am also having others made like it so you may

have others to wear. I may not understand your fascination with them, but I will not pry into your personal business.

And for your residence, feel free to stay in my sweet. Just refrain from my personal quarters unless given permission.

I'm sure you have business to attend to, so I will not keep you waiting.


Sincerely, Princess Celestia.


Aaron found this charming. Placing his clothes on and grabbing some fruit, Aaron headed out to fulfill his promise. There were some new techniques that Celestia's guards are going to learn, and Aaron was going to teach them.

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The pair walked back to the building in Baltimare. They came to the entrance. 'The same goes for you.' Luna smiled as she stepped into the crescent-adorned building. She tidied up her desks before running back up to the waiting chariot. 'We shall leave now.' She said as she climbed into the blue vehicle.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Celestia was in her office. Sorting through the piles upon piles of paperwork. Until her captain came in. Now it was going to get worse. She could feel it in her gut.

"Your highness. News from the battlefield."

"Ugh. Fine, what do you have."

She began to scan the page to the letter. This wasn't the greatest news, but it was something. Guards at the borders managed to scare off a few spies trying to sneak over from Luna's sector. Luckily they weren't harmed. And only three this time. She's learning from her mistakes.

"Thank you for bringing this Solar Spear."

He gave a bow and left her to her work. Things were getting worse and worse as things went on. Hopefully her new companion can help in some way.

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