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Let's talk about romance. :)


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I'm sorry... I didn't like them all that much... :(

awweeee im sure they were good. but I guess I can understand. I can always find something wrong with my work. :)

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Personally, I really enjoy those "Oh, I'm scared, if only I had one of those nice brave heroes to rescue me" moments. A protective guy who's a bit on the sassy side is always something I really enjoy. I haven't really had any romantic moments yet but even I do have a loving romantic side. Cuddling is just 'yes' and it's simply adorable seeing my two favorite fictional characters cuddle and enjoy one another's presence. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic even though I claim to 'hate' romance, it's really amazing.

  • Brohoof 3


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Well, they weren't perverted or anything. XD But they were a bit too mushy for my target audience.

ahhhh I see. I know what you mean. :)

Personally, I really enjoy those "Oh, I'm scared, if only I had one of those nice brave heroes to rescue me" moments. A protective guy who's a bit on the sassy side is always something I really enjoy. I haven't really had any romantic moments yet but even I do have a loving romantic side. Cuddling is just 'yes' and it's simply adorable seeing my two favorite fictional characters cuddle and enjoy one another's presence. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic even though I claim to 'hate' romance, it's really amazing.

thats legit. :) I completely agree. not many people know what a sap I am :3

  • Brohoof 1

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Ahhhh, romance...


Kisses, hugs, cuddles... flowers for no reason at all...the old-fashioned "down-on-one-knee" proposal...


Knowing even if you fight, you'll make up. That you can and are willing to compromise. Knowing someone well enough to know that there are things you aren't going to see eye-to-eye on, but you respect the other person enough to try and come to an agreement.


Being able to trust that your special someone will be true to you, being able to have an unwavering faith that even if they occasionally look at someone else that it's out of a general appreciation for beauty and not because they are looking to stray.


Honesty, even if it hurts sometimes. Loyalty, even when times are difficult.  A deep-seated knowing that you are willing to fight for what you've got.

  • Brohoof 2
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Actually when I write stories, I seem to be interested in writing romantic stories. Like I write fan fics where all the mane six find special some ponies. I don't read the genre a lot but I for some reason have an interest in writing it.

  • Brohoof 1



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I just like a guy who is trustworthy, kind, has some of the same traits as me and can be my best friend ever! None of that 'needs to have a six pack and be super handsome' stuff, because im all for 'it's whats on the inside that counts'. 


I think at the moment everything is going fine romance wise in my life, my boyfriend and I have shared the same life pretty much so we understand each other better than anyone!  :catface:

A night in shining armor isn't really my thing  :huh:

  • Brohoof 2


Go away Pikachu, you aren't an Eevee evolution  :okiedokielokie: 

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I don't watch romantic films etc so I will answer from a 'real life' view :P 


Hmmm where to start... xD  Well first off I find physical things very romantic, such as cuddling, kissing and even things like someone running their hand through your hair and smiling at you =]  For a romantic trip I would love nothing more than just being on a secluded beach somewhere alone with just each other company, maybe bring a picnic but absolutely no technology (in the future when I have a relationship I have always considered a beach wedding, that would be awesome :D


So yeah, just being playful, cuddles, kisses, spending some quality time somewhere secluded with just me her and nature, don't need anything fancy hehe ^^ 

  • Brohoof 2



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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My boyfriend and I have been in an online relationship for almost four months now. We were friends for about a year before we decided to start something more, and I guess we just started to get feelings for each other, and then we fell in love. There have been a couple times where we almost broke up with each other, but we decided that the good times are more important than the bad times. I'm really happy that I've met a guy who I just "click" with, and if soul mates exist; then I feel that my boyfriend is definitely mine.


I guess the one thing I don't really like about our relationship is the fact that it's long-distance. I really wish that I could physically be with my boyfriend, and kiss him and cuddle with him so very much, but I know that it's going to take awhile before I can do that - he lives in Europe, I live in the US. Still, that doesn't stop me from hoping that I'll get to be his real life girlfriend someday in the future, even if one of us has to move across the world - I know that it would feel so magical if we could be together in real life.


Anyway, I think it's important to get to know someone before you take things to the "next level". If you start out as friends, then you'll get to know the each other really well. :)

  • Brohoof 2


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You know, I have a theory. I think that you can be happy without any relationship. Romance it's not necessary love. As like I said earlier romantism it's ability to see a beauty in simple things. 

Being happy in love it's the most common way, and the most easy way I guess. But actually, there are workarounds. 

I can make an analogy with food:  


There are vegetarians people and people who eat meat. Meat contains more calories and therefore more energy, you can be easily satiated with meat. Vegetarians do not eat meat, so they should look for other ways to meet the needs of their bodies, and they do it. 


Same with romantic and love. You can be happy to loving someone, or you can be "vegetarian" and looking for happiness in smth else. 


Another example: bicycle and car.

You will quickly reach destination by car than by bicycle. But travelling by bicycle is much more safety than by car.


I know that it's all looks too weird... and this looks like a pathetic excuse of a loser, but anyway it's my theory.


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I'm not a fan of mlp romance stuff or the most part, but I ADORE romance anime. It's my favorite genre. I like to see multiple character's friendship evolve over time into something more, as they help each other in real ways and have an impact on each others personalities. I myself am not a romantic, but there is definitely something refreshing about romance fiction to me.

  • Brohoof 1


"You must never give in to despair.  Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

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Even though I haven't had any real experience with the concept until I met my wonderful girlfriend here on the forums, I would say that regardless, I have always been well versed on the subject of romance. Enough to where, despite the fact that I was single at the time, I have given many single friends of mine (as well as those who are already in relationships) great advice, as they would often tell me. Ever since I was young I have always had somewhat of a romantic heart. Unfortunately, I used to sought for it quixotically and as a result, I had been spurned numerous times by many who I thought would be the one for me. My life has always been driven by passion, adventure, and a heart longing to seek the one who would grant me eternal fulfillment. I sought for the admiration of female friends whose body languages and authenticity of speech were wrongfully read by my lacking human perception. As a result, I had been rebuffed numerous more times and lost many close friends of mine. My social life was falling apart. I was confused. I didn't understand. I even thought that my place in the reality of romance was not welcomed. So I abandoned my romantic endeavors altogether for almost two years.



In the interim, I have read many books, articles, and done much research in romanticism and poetry. Despite lacking any hope of finding my significant other, I have become quite inspired in a sense to pursue other romantic dreams of mine. Adventure was one of those aspects. I've researched and learned a lot about the practice of mountaineering and thus, I have become immensely fond of mountains; their summits: the farthest and highest I could ever reach before the very empyrean above. I've read the written works of John Muir and various other adventurers of that particular sort. I have done many hikes around that time as well, relishing the sublime scenery that was all around. My love for the winter season grew immensely and my experience in being in the midst of snow and ice was breathtaking. Oh what I wouldn't give to reach the summit of Earth's highest heavens! My love for nature and the mountainous peaks was my way of expressing my romantic passions. 


“Long, blue, spiky-edged shadows crept out across the snow-fields, while a rosy glow, at first scarce discernible, gradually deepened and suffused every mountain-top, flushing the glaciers and the harsh crags above them. This was the alpenglow, to me the most impressive of all the terrestrial manifestations of God. At the touch of this divine light, the mountains seemed to kindle to a rapt, religious consciousness, and stood hushed like devout worshippers waiting to be blessed.” ~John Muir, The Wild Muir: Twenty-Two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures



However, a romantic soul in solitude could only go so long without being affected by the overwhelming loneliness. I could have the greatest adventure that would make even Alexander The Great's endeavors seem nil. I could participate in the greatest war that would make WWII appear like little raucous. But no matter what, I could not by any means free myself of my innate human desire for a companion. I have always wanted someone I could share my adventurous passions with, someone to fight for, someone to love. No matter how hard I tried, I could never rid myself of this longing. Curse the beauty and divinity of love! Its very essence doesn't make any sense. I began asking myself numerous questions. Why do I feel lonely? We as humans only need an adequate supply of air, food, water, shelter to survive; why do I desire love like it is a life necessity? Why is it the most beautiful thing to ever have existed in the entirety of the existence of the universe? All these questions, questions that have left the greatest philosophical minds in history debating and pondering for many centuries. I knew I couldn't accept a life of loneliness. This beautiful gift from the heavens above, just the very thought of it, was not something I could ignore forever.


"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence." ~Erich Fromm


"There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved.  It is God's finger on man's shoulder." ~Charles Morgan


"Love is a symbol of eternity.  It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end." ~Author Unknown



My desperation was finally at a low at this point, but from that point on I was well aware of the fact that I was not meant to be single. I remained content through each passing day, week, and month but I've always kept my romantic dreams in mind. Someday love will find me I thought. Someway. Somehow. Sure, I did feel lonely through my early years in high school; I was very shy and introverted. But those lonely thoughts were decently suppressed as I began to fully immerse myself into my school's academic paradigm. I typically got good grades which was great for me academically. My mind was ultimately set on a successful future, "the big picture." I was shooting for the stars. If love were to find me along the way then so be it! If not, that's fine too. I was no longer discontented by the possibility; I knew there would be hope for me eventually. Unfortunately in the midst of my academic endeavors, despite the hopeful assurances I'd given myself, my own well-being was in a state of disarray socially, mentally, and emotionally. Depression and cynicism became mundane. I was still the overachiever in the majority of my classes, but deep down inside I was empty. My outstanding academics were the only things keeping me going. I was still alone and I felt that that was not going to change anytime soon.


It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts. ~K.T. Jong



That all changed over the following summer...


What started off as my loneliest summer ever, became the most unforgettable summer of my life. To start off, my love for MLP:FIM rekindled after some free time spent browsing around on the interweb. I was an avid fan of the show prior to this, having already seen all the episodes of both the first and second season. I fell in love with the show on the summer prior to this one (that was also when I first joined the forums here) and unfortunately the pressure of going to back to my school regime and other various work forced to take a year-long hiatus from the fandom entirely. After rediscovering the wonderful show, and eventually, this site, I had become reacquainted with the community here quite fast and for the first time in my life, I felt accepted and loved. My sociable nature had significantly improved during my hiatus and as a result I befriended many wonderful members here.The forums here became a form of quasi-escapism for me. I suppose you can also say that I was able to further embrace my romanticist side in the midst of this. The show as a whole is full of numerous qualities that seem to embrace the wonder and beauty of nature, as well as imagination. The Elements of Harmony, the mystery of Princess Luna, the Everfree Forest, and the harmonious equilibrium of the atmosphere of Equestria, altogether inspired me romantically.



With my interest in the show and the fandom slowly but surely returning, my depression thankfully subsided. I was feeling great optimism and the ponies in the show became my ultimate sources of happiness. This site, my friends, the show all helped me get through the majority of my everyday problems and distress. For the first time in my life, I witnessed harmony at its most refined. This fandom brought me complete bliss.And just when I thought my life couldn't get anymore happier... I eventually encountered the surprise of a lifetime.



After a couple months of enjoying and getting accustomed to this wonderful medium, I met my soon-to-be girlfriend here, Pink Mist, a pegasister that had only been a member of the site for a couple months at the time. It all started with a status update in which she said that she was in the mood for chatting. She seemed like the eccentric type and I thought it would be nice to befriend someone like her, and thus I sent her a simple "hello" message. The first message of thousands. It started off as nothing more than simple small talk. Our conversations were very casual but nonetheless I felt happy just to have made a new friend. Three months passed and our friendship was becoming something truly genuine. We shared our life stories, philosophies, ideas, and some of our deepest thoughts. At that point, she had become my greatest friend and I too had become a closest of hers. I trusted her with all my life and her trust in me was just as grand. After all the hardships and ever-changing times we had gone through, our bond eventually became stronger than the purest diamonds, enough to withstand all the stormy tides of our lives. Our emotional bond was able to survive even whilst enduring a month-long separation. Our friendship was able to triumph over it all. Eventually, to my utmost surprise, I had developed romantic feelings for her. The level of trust, honesty, care, and compatibility we shared was too perfect and she possessed many great qualities that I had always dreamed of witnessing in my idealistic girlfriend. Compassion, kindness, humor, and she had also had a bubbly personality similar to my (our) favorite pony, Pinkie Pie. My mind was telling me just how ridiculous it was to be feeling this way. She's three years younger than you! She lives over 2,000 miles away! It cannot and never will happen! But deep down inside, my heart was telling me the exact opposite. Was my heart overestimating the potential of our love? At the time, I knew or at least had a good feeling she felt the same way, but whether or not I should pursue it was the conflicting issue at hand. My trepidation was at an utmost high and I was nervous beyond belief, but on the night of September 13th, 2013 I asked her if she would want to be my special somepony. Despite the insane odds my mind knew were against me, my heart felt at peace afterward; this feeling of peace and tranquility was enough to give me the reassurance that I had made the right choice - screw logic for all I cared, I was in love. She was offline at that point so I had to wait till the next day to see her response. When I got back from school, I was experience a seemingly heavenly euphoria to see that her answer was an ecstatic YES!  :D



We have had a beautiful relationship ever since and this coming Thursday just so happens to be our fifth month anniversary. We have been through so much together and I love and care for her like no other. I truly wish for us to last for the years to come. Expressing my love for her by text alone, while they are sincerely the truthful expressions of my love for her nonvocally, can only do so much to satisfy us. We have had the opportunity to call via Skype one time, and sweet Celestia it was a fortunate opportunity for us. Hearing each other voices and actually speaking to each for the first time ever made the moment all the more magical. It was an unforgettable night. We should be able to call each again soon hopefully. We are not exactly sure when to be exact, but we know the opportunity will come and when it does, it may sadly be our last call for a really long time. Nevertheless we will make the most out of it. I have promised her numerous times that I will never leave her for another and she has promised me the same. We plan on remaining loyal to each other until the end. We pray and pray and pray with all our hearts that our destinies may eventually cross in the near future. She means the world to me and she is my beautiful pink angel. I love her with all my heart. She has made my whole life better by a thousandfold. I really hope for us to have a bright and promising future together. :)


What I wouldn't give to smother her with hugs and kisses in real life. :) Someway, somehow, that day may come.


You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ~Dr. Seuss


For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

~Rosemonde Gerard

Edited by Dsanders
  • Brohoof 11
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After discovering the wonderful show, MLP:FIM, and long after that, this site, I have become acquainted with the community here quite fast and for the first time in my life, I felt accepted and loved. The forums here became like a form of quasi-escapism for me. After a couple months of enjoying and getting accustomed to this wonderful medium, I met my soon-to-be girlfriend here, Pink Mist. It all started with a status update in which she said that she was in the mood for chatting. She seemed like the eccentric type and I thought it would be nice to befriend someone like her, and thus I sent her a simple "hello" message. Three months passed and our friendship, after all the hardships and ever-changing times it had gone through, was becoming something truly genuine. At that point, she had become my greatest friend and I too had become a closest of hers. A few weeks prior, to my utmost surprise, I had developed romantic feelings for her. The level of trust, honesty, care, and compatibility we shared was too perfect and she possessed many great qualities that I had always dreamed of witnessing in my idealistic girlfriend. Compassion, kindness, humor, and she had also had a bubbly personality similar to my (our) favorite pony, Pinkie Pie. I was nervous beyond belief but on the night of September 13th, 2013, I asked her if she would want to be my special somepony. She was offline at that point so I had to wait till the next day to see her response. When I got back from school, I was elated to see that her answer was an ecstatic YES! :lol:


We have had a beautiful relationship ever since and this coming Thursday just so happens to be our fifth month anniversary. We have been through so much and I love and care for her like no other. She means the world to me and she is my beautiful pink angel. :) She has made my whole life better by a thousandfold. I hope for us to have a bright and promising future together. :squee:



Wow, that sounds so romantic! Your relationship actually seems quite similar to the one my boyfriend and I share. It sounds absolutely beautiful and wonderful, and I just wanted to wish you two a fantastic future together ;)

Edited by SparklingSwirls
  • Brohoof 1


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Even though I haven't had any real experience with the concept until I met my wonderful girlfriend here on the forums, I would say that regardless, I have always been well versed on the subject of romance. Enough to where I have given many single friends of mine (as well as those who are already in relationships) great advice, as they would often tell me. Ever since I was young I have always had somewhat of a romantic heart. Unfortunately, I have sought for it quixotically and as a result, I have been spurned numerous times by many who I thought would be the one for me. My life has always been driven by passion, adventure, and a heart longing to seek the one who would grant me eternal fulfillment. I have sought for the admiration of female friends whose body languages and authenticity of speech were wrongfully read by my lacking human perception. As a result, I have been rebuffed numerous more times and have lost many close friends of mine. I was confused. I didn't understand. I even thought that my place in the reality of romance was not welcomed. So I left altogether for almost two years.


In the interim, I have read many books, articles, and done much research in romanticism and poetry. Despite lacking any hope of finding my significant other, I have become quite inspired in a sense to pursue other romantic dreams of mine. Adventure was one of those aspects. I've researched and learned a lot about the practice of mountaineering and thus, I have become immensely fond of mountains; their summits: the farthest and highest I could ever reach before the very empyrean above. I've read the written works of John Muir and various other adventurers of that particular sort. I have done many hikes around that time as well, relishing the sublime scenery that was all around. My love for the winter season grew immensely and my experience in being in the midst of snow and ice was breathtaking. Oh what I wouldn't give to reach the summit of Earth's highest heavens! My love for nature and the mountainous peaks were my way of expressing my romantic passions. 


However, a romantic soul in solitude could only go so long without being affected by the overwhelming loneliness. I could have the greatest adventure that would make even Alexander The Great's endeavors seem nil. I could participate in the greatest war that would make WWII appear like little raucous. But no matter what, I could not by any means free myself of my innate human desire for a companion. I have always wanted someone I could share my adventurous passions with, someone to fight for, someone to love. No matter how hard I tried, I could never rid myself of this longing. My desperation was finally at a low at this point, but from that point on I was well aware of the fact that I am not meant to be single.


After discovering the wonderful show, MLP:FIM, and long after that, this site, I have become acquainted with the community here quite fast and for the first time in my life, I felt accepted and loved. The forums here became like a form of quasi-escapism for me. After a couple months of enjoying and getting accustomed to this wonderful medium, I met my soon-to-be girlfriend here, Pink Mist. It all started with a status update in which she said that she was in the mood for chatting. She seemed like the eccentric type and I thought it would be nice to befriend someone like her, and thus I sent her a simple "hello" message. Three months passed and our friendship, after all the hardships and ever-changing times it had gone through, was becoming something truly genuine. At that point, she had become my greatest friend and I too had become a closest of hers. A few weeks prior, to my utmost surprise, I had developed romantic feelings for her. The level of trust, honesty, care, and compatibility we shared was too perfect and she possessed many great qualities that I had always dreamed of witnessing in my idealistic girlfriend. Compassion, kindness, humor, and she had also had a bubbly personality similar to my (our) favorite pony, Pinkie Pie. I was nervous beyond belief but on the night of September 13th, 2013, I asked her if she would want to be my special somepony. She was offline at that point so I had to wait till the next day to see her response. When I got back from school, I was elated to see that her answer was an ecstatic YES! 


We have had a beautiful relationship ever since and this coming Thursday just so happens to be our fifth month anniversary. We have been through so much and I love and care for her like no other. She means the world to me and she is my beautiful pink angel. :) She has made my whole life better by a thousandfold. I hope for us to have a bright and promising future together. 


That was beautiful :D I'm trying not to cry, that was just so beautifully written :) Now I know why having me as your girlfriend is something incredibly special, you've always been seeking a companion and had even given up on the idea of finding a companion at one point. I remember when you used to post on the forums that you were doomed to remain single and you would probably never find your companion, luckily though our friendship sparked something magical :)


I myself have never been too into romance. My mother paints it in such a horrid light I was led to believe true love just couldn't exist in this day and age. In the old days, love was more valued and cherished, and some of the hardships couples face today didn't even exist back then, like untrust due to social networks or cell phones, so it was much easier to be in love back in the day. :( 


With that kind of mentality I was never attracted to romance movies or books, and I felt happy for my friends who did find a partner, but then when I saw they were having problems and even broke up with their companion, I proved my mom right everytime. -_- However, despite never having been in a romantic relationship or ever being truly attracted to someone, I still found a way to give my friends advice. It was just something that came from inside me and they sometimes came to me with their problems. At one point, I was even the messenger between two of my friends who were dating at school, but didn't get to see each other too much. I gave them advice and tried to help them talk to each other more, but eventually things just didn't work out for them. After seeing all the relationship fails at school I was positive that I would never find a companion. No boy had ever expressed an interest in me, and I never found someone who truly seemed like "the one" for me. I had a bunch of boys in my circle of friends, and they were nice, but I just never felt like either of them were ideal for me.


When I joined this site in late June, I wasn't expecting to find friends or romance. Just a place to hang out and kill my boredom. I certainly didn't expect to meet a guy who became the bestest friend I've ever had :lol: After a tough separation for awhile, our friendship grew, I felt for the first time in my life that I was developing feelings for someone, a crush of sorts. He made me so happy just by talking to me, we had alot in common, and I could tell him about so many things. Then when he asked me to be his girlfriend I couldn't believe it. Someone was interested in me and wanted me as their companion. The feelings I had for him reached out and told me to respond with a yes.


Ever since then, Dsanders and I have been a really happy couple :D No matter what trials and hardships come our way, we always find a way to surpass them. Everyday our bond grows stronger, and I hope with all my heart that it wil never die. As of this Thursday we'll be together for five months, almost half a year :D One more month to come before we can reach that point, but it's incredible how long our relationship has survived, all thanks to this site, and the power of our love. I've embraced romance now like never before, and whenever my mom talks foul about men and how they're unfaithful, untrustworthy and many other things, I think of my Sanderspie, and I know that in my heart I've finally proven her wrong :)

  • Brohoof 5


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What I love the most in romantic scenes in movies are when the guy tries so hard and goes to any length to get the girl or save her. The second thing I love is when the guy says a long speech to the girl or says romantic things like "you're the brightest star in my universe" and stuff like that! 

  • Brohoof 2

"Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and you're still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows, maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow." - Lesson #22





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Ahhh, romance. I vaguely recall what that was like.


Actually, I have always considered myself a very romantic person. The last relationship I was in, which was with a girl I had thought I was going to marry, lasted five years, and in that time she told me many times how caring I was as a significant other, and how loving and romantic I could be. There have been a lot of times the last three years that I've doubted whether I'll ever get the chance to show someone wonderful how wonderful I can be for them, but I'm hanging on to that last shred of possibility, because there are few things I enjoy more than making someone else happy. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature created by Champion RD92

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Romance to me is just such a beautiful thing. It's passionate, bare-it-all and deeply intimate if done properly. Candles, reds, private settings with low lights and just two to you and your significant other. It's also being able to be vulnerable and feel another person's soul. That, I think is real Romance. It doesn't always have to be in a dark setting, it can be anywhere. It can be in a car with you and your Partner driving around town.


It can be a lot. And that's what makes it beautiful.

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