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Night Comb sighed and stepped between the two mares as they argued.


'Listen, as much as I don't care what you two are fighting about, let's try and calm down before we start pulling guns, ok?' He said, looking between the two with disapproval. 'And if you make me use my accent I swear to god I'll hit someone.'

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Blue sighs and walks away. "i swear..'' she says mumbling to her self. She sighs grabbing a water bottle out of her pack. She chugs half of it. She burps loudly. ''About we get agoing , im sick of this place..'' she says with a smile and gives a mean glare at star shine and walks following the path. 

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StarShine growled "Your so uncouth! And I thought we could be friends!" She snorted and hovered away. Her rage building up. "She's just a dumb pony whose fallen in love with a bad guy!" She soon found herself beside Night.


(She's sorta like Rarity, cause she almost got killed for being a country pony. Plus she has lived in he city for a few years. She only moved back when the world went under.)

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Night Comb held Starshine back. 'Ok, ok, ok, ok...let's all calm down. Starshine, just...just let it go. Same goes for you.' He said, pointing towards Blue. 'This is a useless argument that has no reason to exist beyond somebody getting mad over nothing.' The stallion said as he looked between the two. He was getting tired of everypony's bickering and whining.

Edited by Delernil

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Blue got the water bottle and went over to Star shine and says ''You need to cool down..'' then she pores the water bottle on her head and steps away smiling after dropping the empty bottle on her head too. As she got her revenge she patted night comb on the back. ''good luck brother '' she says smartly walking away.

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Night Comb gritted his teeth. Nobody messes with him, especially like that. He pulled away from Starshine.


'Ahm sorry, ah didn't catch that.' He said, showing his accent again. He was too angry to try and hide it. 'Ah don't want anythin' ta do with you.' He said angrily. She walked away, and he could envision the smirk on her face.

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''ok.... i really gota out of hoof there .. Ima sorry sir and da mam, itsa just ima stressed out ...'' she says siting down covering her face sighing. She was thinking about what she was doing here. Why is she which theses ponies . She dident even know them!

''why the buck am i here anyway '' she says quitly, sighing in thought.

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StarShine screamed "OH THATS IT!" She tackled blue and punched her face. She than grabbed her and flew up past the clouds. She growled into her ear "Struggle and I drop you to your death! NOW SAY SORRY TO MY FACE!" She had had enough of ponies fighting with her. "Stop acting like your the queen of he world! WELL GUESS WHAT! YOUR NOT! Ponies are dying every second! All you can't hink of is that STUPID BANDIT AND WHY YOUR SO SELFISH AND RUDE! I SAVED HALF MY TOWN FROM DEATH! WHAT HAVE YOU EVER DONE? OTHER THAN WHINE!" Hot air shot out of her nose. The cold air above the clouds made her shiver. Her mane dripped water onto Blues face.

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Blue broke. She begain to cry as the only reason for her acting like this was the death of her sister , Ally Way. Ally way was the only pony she could trust and now shes gone. Blue felt extearmly depressed and started to take it out on others as she felt weakness in herself. She truly now wanted to die.


Blue said quitly as she mostly just stared as tears went down her face. ''just .. just kill me...''

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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Night Comb's eyes winded in alarm. 'Buck!' He cursed as he spread his wings and flew over to Starshine. The beige stallion pulled her off. 'What the buck do you think you're doing? That's not going to accomplish anything!' He said angrily as he held her in place. 'Have you gone mad?!' He asked as he flared his wings.

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StarShine started to cry with her. She wailed "I MISS MY SISTER CHERRYBLISS SO MUCH!" Hot tears streamed down her face. She had flown down and put Blue down. They sat their crying as they grieved for their loved ones. She cried "Why did this have to happen?" Her voice broken.

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Gentle Secret was raised one if her eyebrows. Honestly, this thing was getting ridiculous and put of order. Snapping out of stress, country accents, then punching, finally crying. This is something that was getting ridiculous. Then she spoke, "Sir I'm Gentle Secret, and you may be?" She tried to ignore the weeping mares.


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Night Comb sighed. 'Im Night Comb. It's a...pleasure to meet you...' He said, looking at the two crying mares. Seriously? He had lost a lot of his family. He didn't even think about them. Then again, he was considered cold and heartless by the ponies who knew him. He turned his attention back to Gentle. 'Yeah. Night Comb.'

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"Pleased to meet you," Gentle Secret replied, then she looked at the crying mares. Then she spoke, "So, do you know these two mares?" She motioned to the weeping mares. It was like a small drama show happening right here, and it was in her opinion, chaotic and doesn't make a single droplet of sense.


Solitude Ocean searched through the dead bodies out of instinct. As a bandit or raider, you got to take what you find. Can't be a demander in this horrible world. Tugging a corpse off with his mouth, a small golden coin levitated outwards.he smirked at the coin, this would be worth hefty amounts of caps.


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Starshine wimpered as she wiped away tears. "She couldn't even fly.. She was never able to fly.. S-so when ponies tried to eat her she couldn't fly away.. cause we were the only pegasi family their.." She gulped and straightened up and fixed her mane. SHe said "But that aside its nice to meet you Gentle! I'm Starshine!" She held out her hoof.  

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'Uh...you could say I do...' Night Comb answered, looking over the two mares. 'Dont even ask me why we all have accents, our families are dead, and we all come from a farm. Just don't.' He said looking at the mares one last time. 'We should probably leave them be...' He suggested as he motioned to a small bombed out building.

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Starshine said "I wont cry.. its just when somepony cries I do.. I cannot stop the feeling.. It just bursts out of me! This dumb thing is just driving me crazy!" She pulled out her gun and loaded it. incase they ran into trouble in the building. SHe said "Get your weapons ready.." She whispered.

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"I see," Gentle Secret replied, "Nice to meet you too Starshine. I'm from City-State Hope." That information she rarely haves out, being from a City-State and all. That information is very dangerous. Could be used by ponies to exact a form of revenge or alert a rival City-State. Sure, the Great War ended after the City-State Charter, but war was still common between City-States.


Solitude Ocean nodded his head when he felt that he scrounged enough supplies. Should leave him fine for a fortnight, he's planning to run away from his life. Then a sudden volume coming from a small radio,

"This is New Canterlot news, there have been no major events except for a major disease spreading from the South. It is still unknown, but keep your heads up when you see an insane pony." New Canterlot was what used to be Equestria's new capital before it fell. Now it served as a location for a powerful City-State. At times they will praise the princesses of the olden times, if they were alive that is.

Edited by Demirari


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Night Comb nodded. 'Ive heard of City-State Hope. I came from a small farm in the middle of nowhere, but we'd sell there sometimes.' He answered, vaguely remembering his trips as a young colt to help sell what little extra food they had managed to grow. 'It got us by.' He added.

  • Brohoof 1

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"You have?" Gentle Secret spoke, "That means you must be rather close to the City-State borders." Unless they are willing to travel far enough to reach a City-State. Which she won't doubt that some ponies are willing to travel that far to reach a City-State. Then she heard a medium volume sound, "You guys hear that?"

Turning her head, she saw what looked like a bandit with supplies next to the radio.


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Blue just standed there unoticed. ''I SWEAR WHY DID I EVEN COME WITH YOU GUYS!'' she says angeryly walking away , on her way going back to her house to get drunk and be nothing for the rest of enteinty. She hated theses ponies and wished she never even came as she is mentely unstable and would proble kill them anyway.

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Night Comb picked up a rock. The raider hadn't noticed them yet. His plan was to hit the raider, surprising him. If he was lucky he could pick up some of the weapons the bandit dropped. He crept near until Blue shouted. 'What the buck?!' He cursed as he charged towards the raider who had now been alerted to their presence.

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(just ignore that post i made. im geting a little dramatic.Change the story were i killed the leader and dident have that arugement. i keep forgeting this is not my other oc.)

Blue sighed Staying close behind. She felt a little nervse as she never gone far from this town which she lived. She got her gun ready for any attack. She dident trust these ponies just yet. Who knows they could attack her.

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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Gentle Secret decided to sit this one out, but she did have a good sized crystal spear right next to her in case if anything goes downhill. Now, she was already thinking of getting that gas mask wearing stallion to join her on this mission. That stallion seemed strong.


Solitude Ocean was listening when he noted that a Pegasus was charging at him. Out of instinct, he immediately threw himself to the right, while shouting, "WAIT! I'm friendly!" Well that sounded weird for him in a bandit outfit to say.


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Night Comb flapped his wings to avoid crashing into the wall when he heard the raiders plea. 'Then why are you sneaking around a bombed out building with a bunch of supplies?!' He growled. He didn't believe the raider, but he remembered something about a friendly raider in love. Night Comb day ready to strike. He wanted to attack, but if this was that raider...

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