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open Decaying Life


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Night Comb followed along with the group silently. They were an...interesting bunch to say the least. Two emotionally and likely mentally compromised ponies, a short tempered mix match , a threatening Germane one, the leader, and Night Comb himself. They were slow due to the size, though with all their different skills he figured it was worth it.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Blue sighs. ''im sorry for asking so much because you look like your sick of me'' she says sighing as she started walking. She just wanted to make a friend which will lessen her chance of dieing on the jounery by alot from the ponies beside her. She hated trust issues.

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"Alright...lets do this I guess" he said slinging the rifle on his back and trotted behind the group. He would fly, but that would be a waist of energy. Rather be walking with the group to give them cover if needed. One thing he wasn't sure of, was why they were doing this. Only positive short circuit found from this was entertainment.


He grabbed a half loaf of bread from his sattlebags and took a bite as he followed.

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"Ich don't mind your questions, I like explaining things..." Hazmat said to-what looked like-a depressed pony. He sees that Secret starts to move out. He follows behind. He looks at whom else is following. To him, this was a damn big group. A little too big. He preferred a rag tag team than this.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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''Im sorry this huge group is bugging me , I can't stand this many ponies'' she aments to hazmat as she walks. ''I swear its omost big as a base of bandits'' she sasy chuckling. ''i guess i will have to get used to it or go insane pretty much, what do you think about it?'' she says with a sigh as she hates big groups as she was a bandit once and left because off all the ponies that she had to sleep in the same room with.

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"I don't care for it, but I vould prefer a rag tag team other than zis..." He replies and starts to stretch his wings out a bit, vanadium crystals feathers showing. He folds his wings back onto his sides. "Vell, I vonder how long zis vill be." He thinks out loud. Hope it wasn't gonna take too long.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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''Not to be rude but ... How are your feathers like that? i thought if a ponies got n contact with large amounts of radiation they will start having cancer or die?" she asks about hes wings which look awesome but kinda weird. She was little scared because of the radiation she could feel coming from him.

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"Oh, zey're vanadium crystal... it vas an accident back vhen I vas messing vith some chemicals and crystals..." He replies to Berry with her question. "I vent to ze hospital, got some x-rays, und said zat ze crystal mutated my body." He adds in, "My bones, blood, und feathers are vanadium. I find it funny how my exterior feathers are unaffected und yet my interior feathers are..."

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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''So your like a super hero?'' she says chuckling as she read some comics in her days. ''I think thats pretty cool'' she says smiling. She had never met a pony like him before. She kinda liked him. She dident really trust anypony yet. She guessed she could trust him.


(Wolf what does he look like again? it would kinda help :P)

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"Not really, I'm immune to most diseases... most... not all... und Ich can still die from being shot... " He replies looking at his wing.


(He has short mane and tail, they're dark grey with black tips and has black fur. His eyes are red from mutation and the his body is 60% vanadium. His bottom wings are vanadium while his top wings are not.

He has and M50 gas mask with a chest plate that covers him down his stomach and has a hoodie that covers his head. His battle saddle has two weapons on the side: one the mist, the other plutonium. That's all I can think of. :3)

Edited by Wolframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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(Back! Every Sunday my dorm has a game night! I beat everyone in monopoly! (Also she's gonna fall down a mini cliff and roll into were Ocean is)


StarShine scented rank blood. She gaged "What is that smell? It smells like blo-OOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!" She screamed the last part as she walked off a cliff. She rolled and rolled until she hit a body. She felt sticky stuff splat all over her body. She opened her eyes and blood was all over her body. 3 bodies were ontop of her. She screeched "WHAT THE BUCK!" She tried to get up. But the bodies were to heavy.


(She's rig beside ocean and covered in blood. So he might not recognize her right away. Like I mean she's redder than a tomato.)

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''So where you from? because my family is from down south right above apple lossa'' she asks and ansers. ''i used to work on my family farm which was black berrys and grapes to make wine'' she mentions waiting. She was a true farm pony and they made the best wine in the area. intill the war happend. she dident hear the pony who fell.

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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"I vas from Germane..." Hazmat answers her question. "I lived in an ally vay vhere I had a cardboard house und some tin for a roof. My parents vere from Equestria un zey took me in after finding me. Zey taught me Equestrian language. If zey veren't zere... Ich vouldn't be here. Zey vere staying at Germane for only a vhile. Zey didn't plan on getting a colt..." He says. "Und now zey're dead..." He ends.

Edited by Wolframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Blue felt sad for him. ''im sorry... i hope the after life is a better place than this'' she says hugging him. She stoped blushing . ''im sorry i dident mean to hug you'' she looks at him enbarssed as she knew he would proble get mad at her for it. But she stayed calm for the following to insue.

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Hazmat just sits there. "It's fine.... I believe zat zere is no after life, you just continue on to another parallel universe." He says his belief. "Death is just another process to continue to it." He adds in. "Danke shon for ze hug." He would've snuggled into it if she didn't pull away so fast.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Gentle Secret looked around as she walked forward. From the terrain, Maneston wouldn't be very far off. Maybe a few more hours. The biggest sign would be a small river, that, she'll need to be careful with. Maneston, the bridge is the only way in and out, least one gets shot by one of the many sentry turrets placed around the city-state.


Solitude Ocean's ear perked up at the sudden sound and cuss. Looking around, and to the pile of dead bandits. Now, he wasn't expecting some red blob thing. Instinctively, he brought out his revolver and pointed it at the red creature. A click, "What are you?" He spoke to himself.

Edited by Demirari


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Blue chucked. ''Well if you like hugs mabe we can cuddle in a sleeping bag together, it just depends if it rains sleeping bags today'' she says jokingly. She smiled lookng at the sky. ''Nope no sleeping bags''  she says chuckling at her own joke. She loved her humor. She just hadent got to use it in a while.


(i has 2 go to bed, be back on tommrow near 3-4 EST)

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Solitude Ocean's war perked up at the sudden sound and cuss. Looking around, and to the pile of dead bandits. Now, he wasn't expecting some red blob thing. Instinctively, he brought out his revolver and pointed it at the red creature. A click, "What are you?" He spoke to himself.

StarShine wiped her Sapphire purple eyes. They were unmistakeable. She grunted and felt sick, she was now covered from head to hoof in hot sticky blood. She gaged and blinked but got blood on her eyelashes. Her wings were clinging to her sides as she tried to pull them apart from her body.

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Seeker watched the group as they talked for so long but, they had finally been moving. During the time of silence at the top of the tree he watched as the clouds began moving and saw how fast they were going. “it’s going to be big.” he spoke to himself as he looked at the group walking towards where he sat. Standing on the dead branch he turned to his head as he looked for a suitable shelter, for himself and maybe even a few others, the way they were walking and how the leader was screaming the groups plan out he was sure that a few odd raiders here and there were already following where they thought the noise came from. With one final check on his ‘hand cannon’ he made sure that the weapon was fully loaded as he started to make his way down the dead tree.

Gentle Secret noted a griffon far off. Interesting, but she felt that the group was big enough. Unless the griffon comes and personally asks to join, she won't attempt to recruit the griffon. But that would be very nice to have an aerial griffon to be in the group.


Solitude Ocean's gun lowered a bit, could it be that mare? Or was it some sort of beast playing tricks on his mind. He took a few steps closer, caution with each step, uneasy. Then he spoke, "What are you?" He added in with a slight demand. He wanted to make sure it wasn't a beast and the mare from that Crossrails town first.


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StarShine said "My name is StarShine.." She looked up at him the first time with wide Purple sapphire eyes. She gasped and said "Ocean?" Her wings shot out in surprise and she took a step back. Wondering if she should fly away or not.


(Remember she's gotta be nasty first)

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As Seeker flew his way down, he was able to see a number of raiders, prepare what looked like an ambush and only shook his head.  The griffin turned his head towards the group and  scanned each member he was able to see till he stopped at Gentle Secret, doing so he started to fly towards them with quick and quite flappes of his wings. It hadn’t taken the griffin much time to get to the mare and her group his eyes appeared almost locked on Gentle Secret  as he flew towards her. "a detour would be advise, ambush of raiders is what awaits you and your group if you continue this path" Seeker spoke when he arrived in front of the group and the mare and just hovered in front of her, after all she had appeared like the leader.

RP Character's look in spoiler


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Hazmat looks at Blue. He hasn't cuddled a mare his age yet, and this mare was his frinemy. She starts to joke around but the jokes fly right over his head..... Back to the cuddling. "Nein danke." He didn't want to cuddle his frinemy. That would be awkward as hell. To him at least.

Edited by Wolframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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a(i cant sleep xD)

Blue looks at him smiling roling her eyes.''You better not make me...'' she says chucklng. ''Hug attack!'' she says huging him tightly not leting go.. She just had to.do it. As she knew he loved hugs by the way he acted about . Why not use it to mess with him a bit.

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"..........." Hazmat sighs. A hug attack? Really? He had chuckle at that. He refrains from snuggling. He wanted to do that with a special mare... NOT a frinemy. "Vhy do you persist?" He questions this pony. He questions why he joined. He questions life. Why did life have to bring him to this?! "....." (Lol y u no sleep?)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Night Comb shook his head. They were going to die because of some careless fucking mistake. All because of somepony who couldn't take something seriously. He dug into his bag and took out a flask filled with water. Taking a quick drink he put it back and continued on his way until he heard the griffons warning.



'Thanks...' He mumbled

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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