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Hazmat allows the water to splash on him. He had enough time to get out of the way, but that wouldn't give him and excuse to fall and splash right next to her. He swam up and says, "Oh that's it!" he yells playfully as he dunks her into the water and releases allowing her to get back up.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Blue squeaked as she went under the water. She quick went up and flailed her hoofs splashing him. She laughed as she stared at the drenched pony in front of her and her face turned to seriose as she said ''Its on!'' as she dove under the water quickly as she was undetectable.

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Hazmat smirks at her disappearance. He thought for a moment. What if he could just..... hm... Hazmat gets out of the water, finds a few crystals, and hides between them, looking like a dark basalt rock. All he needed was a few crystals sticking out of him and he blend in perfectly. But, as of now, he looks like a dark rock.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Bluw watched him get out of the water and tryed to become a rock. She steped out of the water giggling. ''I wonder where he is ..'' she says walking over to him actng like she was about to lean on him ''i guess i will just lean on this rock!'' she says about to lean on him . She smiled .

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Night Comb stayed silent. He was tired of these ponies. He wouldn't say another word to any of them. He looked over the soldiers and their tech. It was amazing compared to some of the stuff he had seen. People were resorting back to tribes like long ago. He grabbed his flask and took another sip. He sighed as he shook it. None left.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Starshine said to Night Comb "Yeah I'm sick of all the freaking drama.. Like that pony over their with the accent is just plain on my nerves.. Its just the accent and the way he holds himself to the highest standered.. and that Alicorn.. Im glad we kicked her!" She growled. She would rather start her own group with Ocean Heart and Night but it would be like backstabbing.


(Im not trying to be mean. She's just hard to please sometimes. Plus she HATES Drama)

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Oh buck she must have saw.... well... crap... Hazmat stays there, he waits until her rump is about to sit on him, right as that was about to happen, his wings snaps opens and grabs her, holding her in a tight hug. "HAH!" He yells at her as he trots out of the cave with her in his wing. She was hard to carry, her size made it hard, but her mass? She felt as if she didn't weigh anything.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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The soldiers looked around before finally speaking, "We must depart now." In an instant of showing technology, their thrusters engaged. Jumping from 0mph to a sudden 100mph before their wings unfolded and taking off. A special feature of their Envy power armors.


Gentle Secret watched as they left. Then she spoke, "Wasn't expecting Skyfall soldiers to be around."


"You don't have a name?" Hearth Heart replied softly. Then she continued, "But everypony should have a name…"


"Nothing much," Solitude Ocean replied, "You?" He didn't have much to say.


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Blue sqeaked in surprise and started laughing as the feeling of hes wing tickled.''Its tickles!'' she yells laughing as struggling under hes fluffy wing.She was soaking wet and a little cold as the breeze went through her fur. She tickled him back on hes tummy as she tryed to free hereself from hes tickling feathers of hes wing.

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Night Comb nodded and pulled out a piece of bread he had found. Wasn't the best quality...he nibbled on it quietly. He wasn't hungry but the group was resting. He took a bite and watched the soldiers fly off. They were amazingly advanced. He coughed and stood up as he made his way to Gentle.


'What now?' He asked quietly.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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(Oops ment to type Oceans name. Sorry..)


Starshine smiled as Ocean was warming up to her. She said "Well I know of an underground city.... Its abut a days trip from here.. They will allow us in cause your with me.. A member of the city.. I wanted to explore the world.. see what it was like in this apocalytic state.. Its oh so beautiful! Theirs ball rooms! The streets are paved with gold! And its a very tight system! Only 50 people live in the city! My family is safely in their!" She smiled.

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Seeker let out a small chuckle and this bothered him a bit, in normal occasions he would have easily ignored the mare next to him even if he wanted to ask her a few question's though the more the mare spoke to him the more he spoke back. “ the first thing is i am no pony” Seeker spoke as he looked at the mare then to the group. “It seems we might be resting here for the time being” He spoke to the mare as he waited for her to tell him her name.


[[not my best post, a bit brain dead on my side]]

RP Character's look in spoiler


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Starshine quipped "If yur with me they will understand.. My father is the ruler..." She looked off to the side. Her long pale lavender hair that was tied up into a curly ponytail brushed her cheeks. Chunks of hair laid down at the side of her head like pin curls.


(She has the Applejack side things. When applejack curled her hair. She even has Aj's Bangs.)

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Hazmat had armor that covered his belly. He trots back to the group of ponies that were waiting for them. It was the only way. He would go back there. It was nice, for now, he needed to go back to the group. "So... zat vas fun.." Hazmat says to Blue as they reached the camp.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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''Mabe we can do it again someday'' she said smiling as she was still soking wet and was being carried by hazmat. it was the weirdest feeling being carried ike this but she somehow agusted. She wondered why he hadent put hes mask back on yet as he acted like he would.  She laughed ''You love carring me don't you''

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"Oh, I thought we were going to do more traveling, but that is find," Hearth Heart replied smiling. Her excitement wasn't going to be disappearing anytime soon, that is for sure.


"Your the daughter of a ruler in an underground city… doesn't that make you a princess?" Solitude Ocean replied with a slight hint of curiosity. Paved gold streets? Now isn't that interesting.


"Now? Well since the rain seem not to be disappearing anytime soon, we will be best at rest here. Till tomorrow, where we will pick up traveling again," Gentle Secret responded. Then she stood up, "I must get Moonlight's body." Then she left to find Moonlight.


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Starshine replied to Ocean "I dont like to brag.." She looked down embarresed. She didn't really enjoy bragging that she was a princess. But her city was huge.. And they streets were gold and the building were like diamonds. Water so clean that tooxic waste would be instantly cleaned. And the biggest ballroom in Equestria.

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Night Comb sighed and put his bag down. He kicked some rubble into a square and lay down with his head on the bag.


'Wake me whenever we move or something. Or don't, I don't care.' He mumbled as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Hopefully the group would be better when he woke up.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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"There is no shame in bragging, just make sure one doesn't brag to the point where one will be forced to shove a pistol into the bragger and fire a couple of times," Solitude Ocean replied to Starshine. There is no shame in bragging, as long as one doesn't do it a lot.


"Alright," Gentle Secret replied before traveling out. After a while, she had found the body of Moonlight, whom could either be alive or dead. Casting a simple spell to check on Moonlight's life vitals, she waited.


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If Hazmat had his mask on the side of his weapon he would put it on when they see the others. "Ja, vill do zis another time." He replies to her statements. She said a few more things and replies to those with: "Nein. Ve just had to get back to ze group. Zey're vaiting for us."

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Moonlight took a deep breath she opened her eyes well half opened them she sighed "what do you want dumb softhearted pony" she said annoyed her cybernetic eyes were emiting a faint glow she neither just gained conciousness or she just layed there with her eyes closed.


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Starshine said "Then llets tell Gentle and we will leave in an hour. Its only and hour away.. Thats why I brought it up!" She smiled widely. She brushed agenst Ocean as she walked to Gentle crouching over Moonlight's body. She said "The kingdom of falidor.. I am Princess Starfire.. I took the name Starshine so nobody would reconize me... We can go their and stay their.. Its an hour away and we will leave in an hour if we want to stay their. They only open their doors once a week,, and today is that day. So wwe will leave in an hour." She didnt give Gentle time to respond as she turned away and walked 10 feet to join her friends.


((Get the name refernce??))

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''Well can you stop carrying me ...i think im gonna fall asleep...'' she says worried for her heath and giving him a smile chuckling a bit. She thought it was funny that he was carrying her  back to camp. It was weird tho because this had never happened to her before. She liked the feeling of hes wing but she was starting to get tired as she stayed up 2 days. And hes fluffy wings wernt helping to keep her awake.

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He looks at her, smiles. and puts his gas mask on. "Nein....  you need rest." He slowly glides his wings across her sides. Trying to make her fall asleep. He even hummed a Germane lullaby. It was slow, calming, and peaceful. 



This random quote came up and I don't know how it did come up

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Blue tried to fight the urge. The urge to sleep . It was like starving and watching another pony eat. She gave in closing her eyes smiling. She quickly fell asleep in the pegasus grasp. Her body felt heavenly after staying up so long. She looked adorable sleeping. She looked harmless now. Peaceful

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