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How come fans defend Applejack more in Bats! than Rarity in Rarity Takes Mane...


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I used "kill/steal/lie/cheat" as an example, because I felt that maybe they would be sins that you and other humans could more easily identify as "wrong."


My point was that Fluttershy doesn't just "not want" to help Applejack; she feels that what Applejack is asking her to do is wrong, but Applejack basically says that if Fluttershy doesn't put aside her morals for her sake, then she's not a good friend.


When you truly care about someone, you shouldn't place your own needs and values ahead of hers.  If she believes that something is wrong, you should let her believe that and not try to force her to do something she thinks is bad.  For you, it might be killing or stealing,  but for Fluttershy it was changing the bats.

I can accept that. Apple Jack wasn't very considerate of Fluttershy's opinion and in the end, paid the price of a giant apple and went ahead anyways with Fluttershy's idea.


Why is nobody defending Pinkie Pie's hilariousness in today's episode?  :(

It attacked poor Fluttershy and gave us the impression that she does not know Fluttershy and her sensitivity well enough. Sure it was funny, but it was out of place (that last statement is questionable).

Edited by Wingin'Wolf


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Hm, from my point of view, Applejack's arguments in Bats! were simply more logical. I'm still unable to see HOW Fluttershy's solution was better for AJ and Ponyville. Fluttershy at the beginning of the episode said that it's the first time she has a contact with creatures like that. But later she suddenly states that they'll help trees grow stronger and faster. It just didn't make sense to me, a few moments ago she knew nothing about them! And even if bats indeed help trees to be better, it takes a lot of time to tree to grow. Years! Before they grow bats will eat the whole orchard.

In my opinion, writers just wanted to create Flutterbat and needed an excuse to do it. I'd be much more happy, if they decided to change the moral and instead focus on compromise. 


As for Rarity, someone already showed how her popularity increased after Rarity takes Manehattan. Besides, she understood how bad she acted and apologized for that and people seem to understand that she learned her lesson (I didn't really saw any hate after RTM, though I'm always ready to defend her, if there's such a need) . That's why I defend Applejack, actually, because fans act as if they didn't watch that part of Bats! when she apologized and sacrificed her big apple to save Fluttershy. They just focus on what she did wrong, instead of looking at the bright side. 

Edited by Anilewe
  • Brohoof 1

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I don't mind either of them.


I don't like how Applejack was the "bad guy" in Bats!

The bats were destroying her livelihood. And her family has had a run in with them before that caused a near famine for Ponyville. Their income and food source were in danger, but the episode paints her as completely in the wrong. And I'm not quite sure how a sanctuary is going to fix the problem. It could just be cartoon logic, but what happens when the bats eat all the apples there? How are you going to enforce them staying there? Animals seem more sapient in MLP, but in the real world, crows, rabbits, and locusts aren't going to care about your boundaries.


And then Rarity's flip out was bad in that she used the friendship card to guilt her friends.

HOWEVER I don't blame her at all. She just had months of work stolen from her in a completely flippant and callous manner. Her friends DID say that they were there to help her. They wouldn't have been going to see the musical at all if Rarity hand't gone out of the way to get them tickets in the first place.

It would have been better if Rarity hadn't been so angry and forceful with her friends. Using guilt and saying things like "that's not going to be a problem is it?" in order to pressure everyone wasn't the best way to handle it. But again I don't blame her at all. She was very, very bitter and vulnerable right then and you do stupid things when you're angry and stressed.

  • Brohoof 2



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sacrificed her big apple to save Fluttershy

Oh...  I actually forgot that she sacrificed her apple.


So I take back that part of what I said in an earlier post; AJ did make a sacrifice.


I don't like how Applejack was the "bad guy" in Bats!

The bats were destroying her livelihood. And her family has had a run in with them before that caused a near famine for Ponyville. Their income and food source were in danger, but the episode paints her as completely in the wrong.


Like I said before, her hatred for the bats and her unwillingness to build a sanctuary were not what made Applejack the "bad guy" in this episode.  


She was wrong because she tried to force Fluttershy to set aside her morals for her own sake.  

She basically told her what's important to me is more important than what's important to you, and you're a bad friend if you don't see it that way.

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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She was wrong because she tried to force Fluttershy to set aside her morals for her own sake.  

She basically told her what's important to me is more important than what's important to you, and you're a bad friend if you don't see it that way.

But we should ask ourselves a question, if she would act the same once again. She wasn't thinking clearly, because from her point of view - bats were dangerous. I'm sure that in the same situation almost everybody would act just like her. She didn't want to hurt Fluttershy or force her to do something against her will. In that moment she just panicked and wanted to get rid of them as fast as possible.  
I don't blame AJ or Rarity, because I can understand that they were acting under the influence of emotions. And people do really stupid things sometimes, when something, what is important for them is threatened. They're both  good ponies, they were just unable to think rationally in that particular moment. And... isn't it a purpose of this show? To help us realize that not everything is black and white, but we have to LEARN about the difference between good and evil and do what is right?
Edited by Anilewe

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She was wrong because she tried to force Fluttershy to set aside her morals for her own sake.   She basically told her what's important to me is more important than what's important to you, and you're a bad friend if you don't see it that way.


Yeah, I could see it that way.

I can't blame her very much though, because if you had your entire livelihood riding on the line, and you had a friend that could help fix the problem but wouldn't because of some ethics that you viewed as trivial, you'd feel pretty betrayed.


"Oh, so to keep the animals happy and comfortable, you'd sacrifice my property and income? Thanks Fluttershy..."


Not that Fluttershy's ethics are trivial. If you feel strongly about something, NO, you shouldn't let others push you around. But don't expect everyone to agree with you. I'm sure AJ and the girls would have found another way to fix the problem eventually, but there would have been that rift between AJ and Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 1



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Yeah, I could see it that way.

I can't blame her very much though, because if you had your entire livelihood riding on the line, and you had a friend that could help fix the problem but wouldn't because of some ethics that you viewed as trivial, you'd feel pretty betrayed.


"Oh, so to keep the animals happy and comfortable, you'd sacrifice my property and income? Thanks Fluttershy..."


Not that Fluttershy's ethics are trivial. If you feel strongly about something, NO, you shouldn't let others push you around. But don't expect everyone to agree with you. I'm sure AJ and the girls would have found another way to fix the problem eventually, but there would have been that rift between AJ and Fluttershy.

Well, what about the near future? I mean, you can do things now and they don't harm much, but later on down the line there might be a problem. I don't agree with AJ  because her solution, if you could translate that into what regular people do to pests, would be to exterminate the problem. Yet, what happens when you do that? What if there was a deeper reason for the bats to attack other than what she claims? Animals have reasons for everything, they don't do something for no reason. When they do something, it typically evens out eventually in the end because its a cycle. AJ's proposed plan might work in the NOW but LATER it wouldn't. 


What would have happened if, instead of Fluttershy being a bat, the plan worked? What would the bats eat? 


Also, I have to ask: What happened to the parasprites? They didn't just die in the Everfree. Oh, wait. They were sent to OTHER places. We don't know whether they fucked up another town yet. If we did that again..well...




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Animals have reasons for everything, they don't do something for no reason.


Most animals aren't very deep. In fact the most intelligent animals in the world are actually the ones do things for no real material reason, such as dolphins that play games with random pieces of seaweed or elephants that return to the death sites of long deceased herd mates. But for most others, the goals are simple; food, water, shelter, reproduction.


And the thing is, nature can regulate itself in the long run (and by that I mean longer than any one person can live), but it can go nuts in the short run, and it's especially hard when it comes in contact with civilization. Civilization, human and pony, is not part of the natural cycle. That's why in many places through history, populations have starved because rapidly reproducing animals eat through everything, and there are not enough natural predators to keep them in check.

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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Most animals aren't very deep. In fact the most intelligent animals in the world are actually the ones do things for no real material reason, such as dolphins that play games with random pieces of seaweed or elephants that return to the death sites of long deceased herd mates. But for most others, the goals are simple; food, water, shelter, reproduction.


And the thing is, nature can regulate itself in the long run (and by that I mean longer than any one person can live), but it can go nuts in the short run, and it's especially hard when it comes in contact with civilization. Civilization, human and pony, is not part of the natural cycle. That's why in many places through history, populations have starved because rapidly reproducing animals eat through everything, and there are not enough natural predators to keep them in check.

There should be a little more insight on the bats. This can regulate themselves, but not when people (and ponies) screw the chain. Something can only last as long as you don't screw around. What AJ was doing later on would have impacted either other animals or perhaps other ponies. 


That's why I'm a tad worried in the long run. Your, in essence, screwing around with things better left unscrewed. Nature can handle itself if others don't interject.


Though, if that were the case in Equestria and they actually had the same systems, then it doesn't show much. After the Parasprite issue, they don't resolve much on the topic. (Though, what DID happen to them? You have material eating creatures just floating about and they produce quickly. That wasn't natural.)




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There should be a little more insight on the bats. This can regulate themselves, but not when people (and ponies) screw the chain. Something can only last as long as you don't screw around. What AJ was doing later on would have impacted either other animals or perhaps other ponies. 


That's why I'm a tad worried in the long run. Your, in essence, screwing around with things better left unscrewed. Nature can handle itself if others don't interject.


Though, if that were the case in Equestria and they actually had the same systems, then it doesn't show much. After the Parasprite issue, they don't resolve much on the topic. (Though, what DID happen to them? You have material eating creatures just floating about and they produce quickly. That wasn't natural.)


Well as for the parasprites, I figure they're like tribbles in Star Trek. They're SUPPOSED to stay in their natural habitat, the Everfree Forest, where their natural predators can pick them off before they swarm and destroy everything. When you take them out of that habitat, they become an invasive species and damage the new environment they're in.


Now the vampire fruit bats, I don't consider that a cycle. Just an unlucky fluke. A farm is not a part of nature and it's been decades since they last invaded. Obviously, the species as a whole has OTHER food sources out in the wild. It makes no sense that a species would only be able to sustain itself by relying on artificially created concentrations of food. So AJ just had the misfortune of her farm being the most convenient food source for that particular bat colony.


And again, here's a problem with the "bat sanctuary" thing.

Animals do seem more intelligent in the MLP world, but are they going to abide by the compromise in the episode? Did Fluttershy finally learn how to speak to them and explain that they needed to stay in THAT part of the orchard? What will they do if they run out of apples in that section? We saw in the flashback that one colony tore through the ENTIRE farm. Are they just going to be nice and fly away to find another food source when that one area runs out?


It COULD happen in the MLP world, but that could NEVER happen in the real world.

And I think it's unfair that AJ was made out to be wrong for wanting them gone.

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Applejack wasn't the bad guy. She was just her fear driven stubborn ignorant self about the bats.


As for Rarity, well she did turn a hotel room into a sweatshop.

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Even Granny Smith knew the bats were not bad.


She did?

She's the one who told AJ the stories about the vampire fruit bats ripping through the farm decades back.

Are you referring to the REGULAR fruit bats in Apple Family Reunion? No one reacted negatively to them at all. Obviously, only the vampire ones are what the family is worried about.

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Well as for the parasprites, I figure they're like tribbles in Star Trek. They're SUPPOSED to stay in their natural habitat, the Everfree Forest, where their natural predators can pick them off before they swarm and destroy everything. When you take them out of that habitat, they become an invasive species and damage the new environment they're in.


Now the vampire fruit bats, I don't consider that a cycle. Just an unlucky fluke. A farm is not a part of nature and it's been decades since they last invaded. Obviously, the species as a whole has OTHER food sources out in the wild. It makes no sense that a species would only be able to sustain itself by relying on artificially created concentrations of food. So AJ just had the misfortune of her farm being the most convenient food source for that particular bat colony.


And again, here's a problem with the "bat sanctuary" thing.

Animals do seem more intelligent in the MLP world, but are they going to abide by the compromise in the episode? Did Fluttershy finally learn how to speak to them and explain that they needed to stay in THAT part of the orchard? What will they do if they run out of apples in that section? We saw in the flashback that one colony tore through the ENTIRE farm. Are they just going to be nice and fly away to find another food source when that one area runs out?


It COULD happen in the MLP world, but that could NEVER happen in the real world.

And I think it's unfair that AJ was made out to be wrong for wanting them gone.

I never said she was wrong for wanting them gone. Its the way she was going ABOUT it that I didn't like.


I would have liked it better if they reversed the episode, at least partially. What if Fluttershy decided to go with the sanctuary first and THEN they try something else to get the point across?




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I dont know what to think about AJ in bats, she has a legit reason to want the bats gone and that whole sansuary thing made no sense. Whats to stop the bats from flying int oher orchard anyway hmm?   AJ had legit reason but Fluttershy cares more for animals then she does for the ponies around her *cough* power ponies *cough*

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I never said she was wrong for wanting them gone. Its the way she was going ABOUT it that I didn't like.


I would have liked it better if they reversed the episode, at least partially. What if Fluttershy decided to go with the sanctuary first and THEN they try something else to get the point across?


I didn't say you said that. But the episode did pretty much.

"Fluttershy was right all along. Forget the fact that you're dealing with wild animals that have previously nearly caused a famine for the whole community. Fluttershy was right. Give the wild animals some of your trees. Of course they'll be nice and STAY in that section of the farm. We know how much they respect your boundaries and property."


I understand people not liking how she pressured Fluttershy.

But as I already mentioned in another post, you'd be frustrated too if you had a problem that your friend could help fix but they didn't because they had an ethical dilemma you thought was trivial. You can be as open-minded as you want, but let's be honest, when the welfare of yourself, your family, your community, and you business is threatened, are you really going to care about the feelings of the bats?



What if Fluttershy decided to go with the sanctuary first and THEN they try something else to get the point across?


I'm not sure what you mean. "What if Fluttershy decided to go with the sanctuary"?

Do you mean what if Applejack decided to got with the sanctuary? Well it could paint her more sympathetically in that she TRIED to compromise, but that brings back a couple problems.


What is keeping the bats from breaking the compromise?

And why did Applejack decide to do the sanctuary thing at the end anyway? I recently heard a YouTube reviewer bring this up. Fluttershy turns into a bat and suddenly her point of view is correct? The reviewer suggested that maybe they just humored her because they felt bad that she accidentally got turned into a bat, so they decided to do the sanctuary to make her happy.


I mean seriously, what changed in Applejack's mind? If she was trusting enough to EVER give the sanctuary a shot and have faith that the bats wouldn't eat the whole crop anyway, why didn't she do it to begin with? It sounds like at the beginning that she doesn't believe that the bats can be bargained with, and it's a reasonable belief considering what they've done in the past and that Fluttershy can't communicate with them.

But suddenly, Fluttershy is a bat and now her point of view is correct.

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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I'm not sure what you mean. "What if Fluttershy decided to go with the sanctuary"?

Do you mean what if Applejack decided to got with the sanctuary? Well it could paint her more sympathetically in that she TRIED to compromise, but that brings back a couple problems.


What is keeping the bats from breaking the compromise?

And why did Applejack decide to do the sanctuary thing at the end anyway? I recently heard a YouTube reviewer bring this up. Fluttershy turns into a bat and suddenly her point of view is correct? The reviewer suggested that maybe they just humored her because they felt bad that she accidentally got turned into a bat, so they decided to do the sanctuary to make her happy.


I mean seriously, what changed in Applejack's mind? If she was trusting enough to EVER give the sanctuary a shot and have faith that the bats wouldn't eat the whole crop anyway, why didn't she do it to begin with? It sounds like at the beginning that she doesn't believe that the bats can be bargained with, and it's a reasonable belief considering what they've done in the past and that Fluttershy can't communicate with them.

But suddenly, Fluttershy is a bat and now her point of view is correct.


My thoughts exactly. Seriously, the more I think about it, the more it feels like just a bad writing. Actually, Twilight's solutions wasn't as bad, because it worked. Of course, Fluttershy turned into a Flutterbat, but after they solved it - spell worked perfectly well and there was no need for sanctuary. I used to like this episode, but I have a lot of problems with it, because:

1. It doesn't work like that in real life

2. WHAT exactly made Applejack change her mind?

3. How the sanctuary stopped bats from eating the rest of the orchard? 


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I didn't say you said that. But the episode did pretty much.

"Fluttershy was right all along. Forget the fact that you're dealing with wild animals that have previously nearly caused a famine for the whole community. Fluttershy was right. Give the wild animals some of your trees. Of course they'll be nice and STAY in that section of the farm. We know how much they respect your boundaries and property."


I understand people not liking how she pressured Fluttershy.

But as I already mentioned in another post, you'd be frustrated too if you had a problem that your friend could help fix but they didn't because they had an ethical dilemma you thought was trivial. You can be as open-minded as you want, but let's be honest, when the welfare of yourself, your family, your community, and you business is threatened, are you really going to care about the feelings of the bats?




I'm not sure what you mean. "What if Fluttershy decided to go with the sanctuary"?

Do you mean what if Applejack decided to got with the sanctuary? Well it could paint her more sympathetically in that she TRIED to compromise, but that brings back a couple problems.


What is keeping the bats from breaking the compromise?

And why did Applejack decide to do the sanctuary thing at the end anyway? I recently heard a YouTube reviewer bring this up. Fluttershy turns into a bat and suddenly her point of view is correct? The reviewer suggested that maybe they just humored her because they felt bad that she accidentally got turned into a bat, so they decided to do the sanctuary to make her happy.


I mean seriously, what changed in Applejack's mind? If she was trusting enough to EVER give the sanctuary a shot and have faith that the bats wouldn't eat the whole crop anyway, why didn't she do it to begin with? It sounds like at the beginning that she doesn't believe that the bats can be bargained with, and it's a reasonable belief considering what they've done in the past and that Fluttershy can't communicate with them.

But suddenly, Fluttershy is a bat and now her point of view is correct.

I actually meant something a bit different. I meant:


What if, instead of trying to communicate with the creatures like she did in the beginning, she tried the Sanctuary first before realizing that AJ's idea was correct that they HAVE to go? I didn't like the:lets go with magic bit. I wanted something a bit more down-to-earth to demonstrate that both parties are correct and both parties are also wrong. 


Fluttershy can't do what she wants because of the orchard.


Applejack can't carelessly use magic or these extravagant means to remove the problem when that can cause a problem in its own right. (People typically use chemicals to get rid the the pests first than a more humane way.) 


They could have demonstrated that animals should be removed because it could harm ponies, however, they should be removed in a humane way.




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Actually, Twilight's solutions wasn't as bad, because it worked. Of course, Fluttershy turned into a Flutterbat, but after they solved it - spell worked perfectly well and there was no need for sanctuary.


I take a an issue with the magic solution because it just doesn't make much sense either.

So now the bats don't want to eat fruit... well, are they going to starve now? Or do can they eat other fruit? Well if they eat other kinds of fruit now, why didn't they fly away to find some?


And then there was that nonsense about how the spell transferring the fruit-eating urge into Fluttershy?

I mean I guess I can believe that "The Stare" is a magically based ability, and that combining different kinds of magic can be like combining random chemicals in a lab, but we're not TOLD that. It's just presented as, "Yeah, Fluttershy stared at some animals and that spell being cast on those animals somehow affected her."


I'll be honest, I never liked this episode.

A lot of other people did though. It might have just been the Flutterbat thing.

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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I take a an issue with the magic solution because it just doesn't make much sense either.

So now the bats don't want to eat fruit... well, are they going to starve now? Or do can they eat other fruit? Well if they eat other kinds of fruit now, why didn't they fly away to find some?


In my opinion, that spell was supposed to force them to stop eating apples. And since they're vampire fruit bats, they would eat other fruits. But you asked a very good question - why didn't they just fly away? I don't understand it. That's why I think that we shuld blame the bad writing. Almost nothing in that episode made sense. There's a lot of questions without answers. 
  • Brohoof 1

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In my opinion, that spell was supposed to force them to stop eating apples. And since they're vampire fruit bats, they would eat other fruits. But you asked a very good question - why didn't they just fly away? I don't understand it. That's why I think that we shuld blame the bad writing. Almost nothing in that episode made sense. There's a lot of questions without answers. 


Pretty much!!

I think the whole episode started with someone on the development team saying, "Let's make Fluttershy a vampire!!" And then they just threw the rest together around that.

  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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AppleJack had sounder reasoning. The fruit bats were damaging her property and could have ultimately eaten a every single apple in time.

She had every right to want them to stop.


FlutterShy, being... FlutterShy only wants the bats to stay because she thinks they are misunderstood. That's it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Finally someone who sees it my way.


Yeah, since Rarity's debut in Rarity takes Manehattan, many have been criticizing her actions and character due to the problems she has faced like going at it towards her friends.


However, what most fail to learn is that she DOES come to analyze her mistakes and instantly realizes what she has done wrong and chooses her friends over winning.


Rarity has it tougher this season, but along with others, I'll be glad to defend her.



It's not so much that I agree with apple jack,

it's just flutter shy's stance sucks.

Being human beings we wouldn't put up with vermin on our property.

Not just that but the bats are jerks to flutter shy and she's still bending over back words to defend them.


Apple jack even if she does choose poorly has the interests of her family, and the town.

Suppose rarity does gutter ball at the dress competition?


Suppose she would just got up and left.  What was at stake?  what did she win?  (the spool?)

you can guess at "well rarity got more respect from the fashion community."


but we never really see rarity's fame grow.

She makes a dress for sapphire shores, (i presume she finished)

she impressed hoity toitety in the past,


and her interaction with photo finish didn't really get here any where in green isn't your color.

What would have been the difference if she would have won over photo finish in the end of the episode?


Raritys conflicts only are shown to affect rarity's mental state.

Which if you like rarity is a big deal.


If you don't their presented as big drama.

Apple jacks conflicts are more identifiable, family, blah, blah, blah

  • Brohoof 1


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Bats! was one of those episodes that felt like filler, but in all honesty, I think AJ's solution was much more better than Flutters, exterminate the bats was the best choice.


Now in Rarity takes Manehattan, her breakdown to her friends was ok, was understandable because she was fed up and frustrated of ponies taking advantage of her generosity and she sadly took it on her friends. However my main issue with this episode was how blunt her generosity was portrayed, especially in that song, it was very annoying actually, and actually the events that lead Rarity to have this breakdown were poorly executed.

The elements were all there, but they were scattered. They could've worked with so much stuff for the storyline if that song was removed because it was too long. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't see any justification for hating either of them.

Just being wrong or being bad is not enough in mind since criticizing characters for that has the implicit suggestion that said characters not be wrong or bad.

Which makes things boring.


Real reason: I think there was so little anyone could criticize Rarity for in that ep so they have to get creative.



It's not so much that I agree with apple jack,

it's just flutter shy's stance sucks.

Being human beings we wouldn't put up with vermin on our property.

Not just that but the bats are jerks to flutter shy and she's still bending over back words to defend them.


Apple jack even if she does choose poorly has the interests of her family, and the town.

Suppose rarity does gutter ball at the dress competition?


Suppose she would just got up and left. What was at stake? what did she win? (the spool?)

you can guess at "well rarity got more respect from the fashion community."


but we never really see rarity's fame grow.

She makes a dress for sapphire shores, (i presume she finished)

she impressed hoity toitety in the past,


and her interaction with photo finish didn't really get here any where in green isn't your color.

What would have been the difference if she would have won over photo finish in the end of the episode?


Raritys conflicts only are shown to affect rarity's mental state.

Which if you like rarity is a big deal.


If you don't their presented as big drama.

Apple jacks conflicts are more identifiable, family, blah, blah, blah

Bad points made.

Here's why.


You're right that the competition was not a big deal in the long run.

That was the point of Rarity running out and not caring if she lost.


As for AJ I agree, but people castigate anyone who opposes Fluttershy so I was surprised she did not get hate.

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I don't see any justification for hating either of them.

Just being wrong or being bad is not enough in mind since criticizing characters for that has the implicit suggestion that said characters not be wrong or bad.

Which makes things boring.


Real reason: I think there was so little anyone could criticize Rarity for in that ep so they have to get creative.


Bad points made.

Here's why.


You're right that the competition was not a big deal in the long run.

That was the point of Rarity running out and not caring if she lost.


As for AJ I agree, but people castigate anyone who opposes Fluttershy so I was surprised she did not get hate.


.....So their bad points because you agree with me?


Que?  (means what).  I can even let rarity off the hook but saying the writing staff and the show simply didn't show why winning in the great scheme of things was important.


0 character hate.  Still with me?  The writing staff does not properly show what Rarity has at steak,

so the fans who are willing to act like it's a big deal are the ones who can be fine with "Rarity being upset or happy is the conflict."


How is it a bad point that i'm suggesting that more fans will value family over well, Rarity as driving motives?

And your telling me "rarity comes to the conclusion her friends are more important."


which by the way she does last, but that has nothing to do with here or there,

I've gone so far as to recently state rarity to me, right now, as it stands is my favorite at this moment.


But even if Rarity's driving force is her friends (which she generally remembers last)

family does tend to trump friends.


I'm not saying I like AJ more.  I don't.  I have 0 use for honesty myself ^^.

I'm simply explaining to you why some fans value aj more.

I understand that.

It's not hard.

You shouldn't take it personal.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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