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Most-Illogical Arguments You've Ever Heard

Castle Bleck

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Nancy Pelosi on the healthcare bill.

"We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"

That's the singular most stupid argument I have ever heard!

What's even more ridiculous is that they passed it! Got some real special ones up there on Capitol Hill.


Okay a ridiculous argument huh..


Yeah I got nothing so far..

Edited by Sir Cal Stonehoof
  • Brohoof 3

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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oh another illogical argument is Helix Fossil vs Dome Fossil

the Dome Fossil clearly wins

  • Brohoof 4


Worlds biggest batpony fan                                                   Signature by me :3

If you're reading this I've got one thing to say to you.....


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Hello :D


As for me, the argument that abortion is wrong, when the pro-life peeps endlessly harass, even going as far as to kill clinic workers on occasion. Hypocrisy.

First I do not condone clinic bombings. I am an EOD tech and an explosives expert, so bombs in general are my life so there is a respect and end hate towards their use that I have.


Second, I used to agree with choice until I had children. That changed every perspective I had. Yes a person can choose to do that, but the definition of life by us, the people, is so muddled (is when there is a heartbeat? Is when there is brain activity? I'm a forensic scientist as well and I know individuality in fingerprints occurs in the first to beginning of second trimester. Is it then?) So, I am pro life if I have to choose, and I base life at conception due to cellular mitosis is cellular reproduction. As cells are organic life and can self replicate, even that zygote is still by definition alive. It DOES have the right to live...certainly not all rights (can't vote or serve in the military for sure), but all living things have a basic right to life.



NOW, my favorite illogical arguement:


Islam is the religion of peace. Being in the security industry and having been a large part of counter terrorism in my 20s, man that is a load of bull S#!t. Yes there are many peaceful ones, but statistically, no other ideology on the planet produces more extreme militants than Islam.

Edited by Cstriker
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I'd rather kill myself, than commit suicide. That's one i saw on the internet....i.......a simple facepalm is not enough.

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Oh another one.


Atheists are hypocrites.

Hilarious. Absolutely, HI-LA-RI-OUS.

I mean, why? Just because of that anti-religious man that shall not be named? Well, that's bad logic for you. At it's finest. Terrible logic, at work.


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Anything ever said by religious people, ever.


What am I in all this? The only sane man in an entire group? XD

Oh another one.


Atheists are hypocrites.

Hilarious. Absolutely, HI-LA-RI-OUS.

I mean, why? Just because of that anti-religious man that shall not be named? Well, that's bad logic for you. At it's finest. Terrible logic, at work.


You need to get out more. The the Amazing Atheist is only the face of an entire movement dubbed the "new atheism movement" that even other(rational and civil) atheists hate. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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The argument that immigrants are stealing jobs. The people who argue that this is true need serious mental help. Immigrants take some of the shittiest jobs imaginable just to make a little bit of money. Honestly if they really "stole" your job of picking tomatoes 8 hours a day... The argument is just pathetic.

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The most illogical argument I've heard: Atheists are devil worshipers.... :huh: I don't know how to respond to that.

Edited by Blacklight01
  • Brohoof 2

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"There are no such things as facts" which is usually said with "science only proves what doesn't work"


The problem with part A is that it assumes that facts can't exist because accuracy and precision will never be 100%. Fine, no problem there. However time is assumed infinite and as such while we can't know the population of "broken knee = pain," we can accept this as fact as everyone whose had a broken knee thus far has unanimously decided that there was pain at some point during the healing process. Part B ties in with part A in that time is assumed infinite. Because "science only proves what doesn't work," at some point in the future, everything that doesn't work will be weeded out. So what do we call that which does work? Furthermore, how could science or any other form of study prove anything at that point? How are there no such things as facts with the sole exception of that one fact that says "There are no such things as facts?" It's paradoxial and serves no purpose other than smoke screening.


Going on a tanget here, this line of thinking is in direct conflict with determinism as determinism would require prediction with 100% accuracy in order to prove true.



Edit: Grammtical errors

Edited by A Blithering Div

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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Canadian bacon vs Normal bacon, me and my friend have this argument randomly sometimes.

I once made my dad mad by insisting on calling bacon that comes in strips "REAL" bacon and Canadian bacon circle bacon.. He isn't even from Canada, but likes circle bacon better.

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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"See, look outside! It's snowing. Global Warming isn't real, otherwise it wouldn't be snowing".




This is like saying "Well, it's dark and it's raining right now. Therefor the sun doesn't exist".


Anyways, I remember seeing someone say that since the guy who got his legs blown off during the Bostom bombings didn't have a "scared" face on him in one of the pictures, he was an actor and it was a false flag operation. There is actually someone insane enough to believe this.

Edited by Rivendare
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Literally any argument that says "This book/TV show is dumb". SERIOUSLY. THERE ARE THESE THINGS CALLED OPINIONS, PEOPLE!

"I think MLP is dumb" doesn't bother me, but just "MLP is dumb" does. This applies to literally any form of media in the universe.

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  • 1 month later...

"It's not natural"


If the person would at least explain why something not being natural is so bad, it wouldn't sound as vague or stupid.

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I hate it when people say their favorite pony is the best pony. Unless it's Rarity, it's completely bullshit!



Just Kidding..

  • Brohoof 1


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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Think the most illogical discussion I had was with my sister and her daughter of the right to call myself a brony though I'm a mare.


They said the "bro" in "brony" is meant for men only, when infact I consider Bronies as a community of fans that are mostely yes made of men, but girls call themselves bronies too, just on occassion some prefer pegasisters. It's easier for me to call myself a brony though, it's shorter to say.


Yet they were arguing with me that I shouldn't because I'm not a "bro".


Now here comes the illogical part, they aren't even bronies and know nothing about the community other then the negative stuff they hear. They never watched the show and didn't do any research on the fandom...therego, is it logical for them to argue about how I call myself in the brony community when they aren't even a part of it or have knowledge in it?

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Homosexuality=pedophilia and bestiality: yes there really are people that are saying this and no not all of them are trolling unfortunately.


Abortion Is Wrong but the death penalty and unnecessary wars are okay: I am against all 3 of those things for the same reason, they are senseless and stupid acts of violence.


We have to give up all of our rights to get rid of the "terrorists" who hate us for our "freedom": what happened to "give me liberty or give me death" or "he who gives up essential liberty for security deserves neither?" 


We have to pass the healthcare bill before we find out what is in it: cool I will try that logic next time I cross the street, I mean I have to cross the street before I find out whether or not I will become street pizza. Looking both ways and waiting for the crosswalk sign is for chumps anyway.


Clopping=bestiality: okay then how do you explain the fact that people did not go out screwing animals despite all the furry porn that has existed long before "clop" even became a thing? And isn't the whole point of having taboos against bestiality because the animals cannot consent to sexual activity while the ponies who have been shown to have human level intelligence probably could if they existed? I believe the term is xenophilia


We have to bail out the banks because they are "too big to fail": the whole system is a complete and total fraud and the same banks that are "too big to fail" are the ones responsible for this mess which will undoubtedly continue thanks to bailouts and other corporate welfare/statist kickbacks. It amounts to "these guys ripped people off so lets steal taxpayers money and give it to them so they won't go under." In any other context this would be called extortion.

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