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private An Imperfect Situation: The RP


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Eventually, Bella had made her way to the crackling embers of the fire; she noticed that it had recently been used to create a potion of some kind. This was not good. Competition was never good. She tensed up when she realised that it was the zebra who had made the potion. 'Zebras live in jungles... Filthy animals.' Hue did not advertise her disgus. She gave the unhappy looking striped creature a slight smile "Hello there! Is it ok if I sit down here?"

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(I love it when music does that :wub: )

As zain played his song he got lost in the music and began to float through the air as he played, letting his wings rock and sway him around as he drifted through the air still playing his guitar. He began to float in a circle around honey, his sole (lol) focus on the rhythm and beat of the music.

Honey was too busy adoring the music to realise that the Griffon was now flying, but she had realised that he was circling her. Odd, very odd. And kind of worrying. Honey Jars didn't like ponies circling her, and a Griffon didn't make it better.

Honey opened her eyes. She didn't realise they had been closed in the first place. The Griffon was circling in the air around her, and he too appeared to be completley oblivious. Honey Jars stopped humming, and simply stared as he went around.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Honey was too busy adoring the music to realise that the Griffon was now flying, but she had realised that he was circling her. Odd, very odd. And kind of worrying. Honey Jars didn't like ponies circling her, and a Griffon didn't make it better.

Honey opened her eyes. She didn't realise they had been closed in the first place. The Griffon was circling in the air around her, and he too appeared to be completley oblivious. Honey Jars stopped humming, and simply stared as he went around.

as zain finished his song he smiled and turned to honey, but saw that she was staring at him. His nervousness and anxiety came back all at once and he fell... Again. But this time it hurt "ouch..." He mumbled, before looking at her again and blushing "uh... Did you like the song?" He asked nervously


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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as zain finished his song he smiled and turned to honey, but saw that she was staring at him. His nervousness and anxiety came back all at once and he fell... Again. But this time it hurt "ouch..." He mumbled, before looking at her again and blushing "uh... Did you like the song?" He asked nervously

It took until the Griffon fell for the smile to fade from Jars's face, mainly because he fell. It also took for him to ask about the song for Jars's face to explode like a tomato.

"Oh! Yes, you... Ummm. You're very good at playing music, and, the music choice was good.... And..." Honey Jars wasn't very good at complimenting ponies. And that brought up another thing she wasn't good at. Asking for names!

"Oh wait. I-I didn'y ask your name! M-Mine is Honey Jars."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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It took until the Griffon fell for the smile to fade from Jars's face, mainly because he fell. It also took for him to ask about the song for Jars's face to explode like a tomato.

"Oh! Yes, you... Ummm. You're very good at playing music, and, the music choice was good.... And..." Honey Jars wasn't very good at complimenting ponies. And that brought up another thing she wasn't good at. Asking for names!

"Oh wait. I-I didn'y ask your name! M-Mine is Honey Jars."

zain almost facetaloned as he realized he forgot to introduce himself "oh sorry! M-my names zain..." He said nervously, before standing back up. But he remembered that his size seemed to scare her, so he quickly sat down. "You have a very pr- uh, I mean nice name." He stuttered sheepishly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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zain almost facetaloned as he realized he forgot to introduce himself "oh sorry! M-my names zain..." He said nervously, before standing back up. But he remembered that his size seemed to scare her, so he quickly sat down. "You have a very pr- uh, I mean nice name." He stuttered sheepishly

(OOC: OK. One last post, then bed!)

Zain. Alright, now Jars was able to put a name to a face. Although the compliment wasn't exactly helping her to reply.

"T-thanks. I think..." Honey never took in the compliments she got. She had been complimented on it before, but it was mainly things like. "Oh, nice name." or "it suits I guess." It apparently took fr Zain to say it as slowoy as he could for it to have any affect.

"your name... Uhh. Y-your name suits you... Maybe."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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(OOC: OK. One last post, then bed!)

Zain. Alright, now Jars was able to put a name to a face. Although the compliment wasn't exactly helping her to reply.

"T-thanks. I think..." Honey never took in the compliments she got. She had been complimented on it before, but it was mainly things like. "Oh, nice name." or "it suits I guess." It apparently took fr Zain to say it as slowoy as he could for it to have any affect.

"your name... Uhh. Y-your name suits you... Maybe."

zain didn't know how to take the strange compliment and answered slowly "uh... Thanks I guess..." He said quietly, before checking his guitar to make sure it wasn't damaged in the fall. He had to do something to keep himself from looking like even more of an idiot then he already has.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Vincent seemed to be quite grumpy, but inside he felt strangely... content with himself. He wasn't suppose to enjoy potion brewing... he was a warrior. His pleasure, what little his life was suppose to contain, was to come from the thrill of battle and the satisfaction of a slain beast, and he could not deny that he enjoyed that. Yet... as he made a brew that he knew could help somepony, if they were injured... he felt strangely happy to be doing so. Which made him feel grumpy. Which counteracted the mood potion brewing had put him in.




He blinked as he heard a voice beside him, turning his head towards the noise. He looked at the mare, an earth pony, asking to sit down. Although she was all smiles, something about her made him... uneasy. "Yes,you may." He said simply, returning to his brew. Soon,it would be done, and hopefully he'd never have to perform this sort of task again...it was...unftting for him. He was not suppose to make potions, and he certaintly wasn't suppose to enjoy it! 

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@@SilverHeart, ((Sorry it took me a while. I really need to get into this. I'm slacking))

"Alright." Bayonet called back to Mirror. She then pushed the crate the rest of the way to the woods. When she was done, she pulls out her knife from her mane and used it to open the crate. Inside was a bunch of food that could last  her and the others for a while. She then starts sorting it so to make it last longer. When she was done she started to make a fire out of the wood from the crate.

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It took a moment for what seemed to be a mare's voice to pierce into his subconscious, her voice was nice yet he wondered where it came from. Moving his head up and opening his eyes the stallion saw he was in a raft. Once he started to remember he realized it was the raft he had tried getting into it but had lost his balance and fallen over. He noticed a pony looking into the raft and realized it was the mare whose voice he had heard. A smile grows on his face as he says softly even managing a poetic wording, “Do my eyes deceive me or do I see a lovely mare of blue and pink with golden eyes that gleams? Are you real or a beauty of my dreams?”


"I...uh-um..." Mirror trailed off, unsure of how to respond. How should she respond to that? Nopony had ever talked to her like that, let alone a stallion she hadn't even met yet. Her cheeks felt warm. Was she blushing? Mirror faked a polite cough, in an attempt to gather herself before speaking again. "Uh...thank you....are you okay?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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After sitting down near the fire, Bella asks the contempt zebra "Do you make potions often? Are you very good at brewing?"


She watches the flame-tounges dance and tiny sparks lurch up from the dry wood. Her complexion contrasts the fire and its' vivid colours. Her velvet red coat still carried the flecks of pale, dead wood. She swore in her reverberating mind, knowing how suspicious they were, evidence of crimes not yet committed.

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"I am now that your...," he begins to say confidently before stopping, his sentence left unfinished as he tries to stand and his hoof moves to his head as he becomes unsteady, "Ouch... okay maybe not completely." It took him as moment but he become more steady on his hooves as he asks with a amused smile, "what may I ask is your name my beautiful friend? I, myself, am Mythos Gray. It is a pleasure to meet you." He moves a hoof through his mane, frowning for a moment as he notices how wet and messy it was, realizing he was not looking his best, yet then had his lips move back to his smile from before.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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At the questions, Nassir quickly shook his head. "I do not. I am simply making them out of necessity.  After what happened the previous night, I am sure there are injuired among us. Hooves, legs, wings... all could have suffered major or minor damage. I have hopes I may... aleviate the pain, and heal the wounds..." The second question brought a short pause... he was not one to lie, so he slowly nodded. "I... do have an aptitude for it, yes. My mother was a healer, and I learned recipes from watching her... I do not, however, make brews often myself." he said, once again stressing this was out of necessity. He continued to stir, the pigment telling him it would be complete soon, and when those who needed it arrived at the clearing, they could take a sip of the healing liquid... if they chose to drink something made by a Zebra. 

Edited by TheLineTrotter
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zain didn't know how to take the strange compliment and answered slowly "uh... Thanks I guess..." He said quietly, before checking his guitar to make sure it wasn't damaged in the fall. He had to do something to keep himself from looking like even more of an idiot then he already has.

For quite some time there appeared to be no conversation being passed. And why would there bee? Honey Jars simply had nothing to talk about whatsoever. In fact, she had less to talk about now than if she was talking to a normal pony. All she could do was occadionly look to see what Zain was doing, which didn't appear to be much. All she had to do was strike up a conversation...

"So, you're a Griffon?"

Good job Honey, good job.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"So striped one, are there any particular reasons why you chose a Griffin isle cruise? Tickets are quite expensive..." Bella remarked with a curious expression, implying that it would be difficult to acquire funds for such a cruise. She fiddled with a small ball of peat between her hooves: brown, soily fibres crunching up.

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Nassir paused at the question.  It was a fair one, that he knew, and he supposed it must have been odd. "I was visiting the Everfree forest of Equestria..." He started off simply. "I was to take the first ship I could that would lead to the Zebra Homelands. There were none heading directly there for weeks, and as such this was my best option. When we reached the shoreline, I would have walked home." He looked over at the mare. "It was expensive, but my tribe's leader evidentally had a supply of bits for use in my journey. Most of it was spent on the ferry." He personally had no idea why his tribe's leader had such a supply of bits, but it was none of his bussiness frankly. He glanced at the mare as she fiddled with the peat. He was certain it had use in some sort of brew, but personally had no idea if that was true and what for. "I am Nassir." He said plainly, feeling he should at the least introduce himself. 

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For quite some time there appeared to be no conversation being passed. And why would there bee? Honey Jars simply had nothing to talk about whatsoever. In fact, she had less to talk about now than if she was talking to a normal pony. All she could do was occadionly look to see what Zain was doing, which didn't appear to be much. All she had to do was strike up a conversation...

"So, you're a Griffon?"

Good job Honey, good job.

zain nodded slowly "yep..." He mumbled simply. Even though he loved his family and friends that were griffons, he still didn't like being one himself. When everyone saw him they instantly thought of him as a troublemaker or a punk, not that he blamed them. But this attitude made him into just that, if he was going to be treated like a punk then that's what he'd be. "Are... You scared of me?" He asked quietly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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That question took Honey Jars by surprise. She had to admit that she was somewhat scared of him, if only because he practically towered over her.

"Umm. Well... Uh... Why? W-what would happen if I did? Would you hate me forever? I don't want to be hated forever! Please don't hate me I'm sorry!" She hopped back and buried her face as far into the sand as she could. Her mind had already began to explode with images of being hated forever. Being hated forever seemed like the worst thing to happen. Honey hoped that Zain would just forget about all of this instead of hating her. At least forgetting about her was better.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Nassir? Quite an... Exotic name." She said, flinging the ball of fluff into the flames. It squeals, as if it were a small, tortured rodent. The compressed air ignites the sphere, turning it into a blistering fireball. Bella has no repent for the inanimate object. She looked liked she enjoyed to watch it burn, screaming for mercy. Hue had a brilliant imagination, she was childish at the best of times."That's nice" she sighs to herself very quietly, admiring the dieing crimson ball.

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That question took Honey Jars by surprise. She had to admit that she was somewhat scared of him, if only because he practically towered over her.

"Umm. Well... Uh... Why? W-what would happen if I did? Would you hate me forever? I don't want to be hated forever! Please don't hate me I'm sorry!" She hopped back and buried her face as far into the sand as she could. Her mind had already began to explode with images of being hated forever. Being hated forever seemed like the worst thing to happen. Honey hoped that Zain would just forget about all of this instead of hating her. At least forgetting about her was better.

zain was surprised by her outburst and watched with a mix of regret and fascination as she buried her head in the sand. "Uh... I don't hate you, I was just curious. Everypony I meet always looks at me like I'm about to do something bad or stupid, and you look so scared..." He admitted nervously


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Comet had no ties to anyone he had seen on this island, other than Bella. He didn't know what to do with himself. He just flew up and laid in a tree, removing his disguise to relax himself, given the circumstances it wasn't very relaxing, but more however than it was. "Maybe a little... Black syrup would make things more fun... But is it right?" He thought a while longer. "On this island, there are no laws, no rules. Nothing is right or wrong unless it is in your head. For the greater good of eliminating my boredom, maybe I should cause maybe just a little chaos..."

Edited by Comet Starflash
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Honey Jars didn't pull her head out to answer him properly. Why should she? That sand wasn't massive, a Griffon, or able to eat her. Or get angry at her. Kind of like bees.

"Well If I had said something rude then you would hate me and then you would never talk to me or get angry at me and then everypony else would hate me and then I'd be left alone and you would probably be angry at me and that's a bad thing because you're super big and scary and then I would have failed and I don't want to do that!" She pulled her head out only to take a deep breath and shove her head back into the sand.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Nassir heard the mare speak. It was a little comment, and he wasn't sure how to take it. It was just a statement, after all. He heard the 'squeals' from the fire, watching it a moment, the sound reminding him all to much of a dieing animal. Strangely, it was comforting to him. He'd heard the sound so much in the past, it was comforting. The mare mentioned something being nice, although he wasn't sure what she was referring to. After some time, he glanced at the mare again, suddenly noticeing something.


"Your flank is blank." He said, stating the obvious. He sat there a moment and shrugged. "It is not important. Just a mark that you ponies use to determine where your lives shall go..." He continued to stir, the potion just about done. "I her pony's marks simply appear. It is not so for Zebras. We do not magically obtain marks, they are tattooed onto out flanks after we prove ourselves worthy of our task. For me, it was my first kill, protecting the village."


It was only now Nassir noticed the mare had no introduced herself. He chose not to let it bother him. If the mare did not feel like telling him who she was, he would not force her, or press the issue.

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"I haven't found my talent. If I have one at all... Actually, I believe that you don't need a unique ability to be accepted. You only need to be an effective pony... Huh. I'm certainly effective in what I do..." She felt more comfortable when she saw how she could relate to the other equine. 'You make me feel primitive' she she thought, still unsure on trusting him.

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"Thanks a lot Swann" He said as he walked near the fire and sat down. "Seriously though thank you, I'm used to flying a bit so being grounded for a while...I feel like I'm not much help either with scannning over the island..." He said as he looked at the sky. "Then again being grounded isn't so bad...more calmer on the ground and no need to worry about flying into stuff" He thought




(Word count not appearing if it's not 300 or more I'll edit it and add more)


(Sorry guys, I haven't posted in a while. Could everyone quickly tell their positions? I need to catch up :c)


Streamsung gently took one of his wings and tried to find where the sprain was located. "Does this hurt?" She asked a few times while trying to gently stress a few muscles. She understood the anatomy of a pegasus' wing enough to know where she would have to focus her magic. When she located the muscles that were actually sprained, she poured the water out of one of the bottles, seemingly on the groud. However, before they hit the ground, she caught the water with magic. It created a strange, unsupported floating body of water, which was glowing teal because of her magic.


"Ok then... This might sting a little." She said as she brought the water closer to his wing. The cold, fresh water engulfed it and softened the pain. She then started to magically extract all the nutrients, vitamins and energy from the water and used it to help Flame's body repair itself. While doing this, she softly sung a little lullaby.


Come healing of the body 

Come healing of the mind 

Come healing of the spirit 

Come healing of the limb 

Come healing of the reason 

Come healing of the heart 

Come healing of the spirit 

Come healing of the limb 

Come healing of the body 

Come healing of the mind 


She always felt like singing amplified her magic, so she never really casted anything major without singing. The healing process had been activated, but now she had to continue feeding it until it was done. She poured another bottle of water and redid the process a second time. Slowly but surely, Flame's wings started to heal. After the third bottle, Flame was fully healed. Streamsung however, was exhausted. "It's been a while since I healed anything more than a bruise or two... Your wing was pretty messed up sort of speak... It should be ready to go now though" She smiled softly at the stallion, and then into the sky.


"It's getting late, we should make a place to sleep..." She said to nopony in particular.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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