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private Bushi no Tamashi


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She examined the exterior of the ship to get an idea on how large it is and the possible rooms located within before she teleported onto the ship and started heading over to the door that leads her into the battleship. As she was walking towards the door, she could see a few crewmen that wore similar clothing to Saigo. Akira went through the door and walked into one of the empty rooms. "This one looks unoccupied.." she mumbled to herself before tossing down her bag and the three weapons on the bottom end of the bed.

Edited by Azura


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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*Shiho looked up at the girl across from her.* "Its Natsuki, right? Your name?" *Shiho asked to confirm.* "What are your thoughts on these Taniaku, as well as our mission? And do you think that the Zetsumei are aware of these artifacts as well? Its been on my mind since Arashi-san showed us the one he had and told us of our mission." *Shiho's slender tail rose out of the water and brushed against her own face, and Shiho began to lightly chew on it in her thought process.*

She nods to affirm her name. "These artifacts are powerful, and I have no doubt in my mind the Zetsumei already know. It's possible they may already be searching. However, I believe we will complete at least part of the mission. We have a capable commander and a confident team."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Saigo entered the inner workings of the ship and walked down to the main meeting room. The room itself was highly decorated with regal items and colors and Saigo's usual touch, weapons taken from defeated opponents. He sat down on one of the mats laid out by a large low to the ground table and waited around in silence. There were various document laid out on it and one large map of Tani in the middle. He didn't pay much attention to anything and simply closed his eyes. It almost looked like he had dozed off, but he still was probably still alert.


If anything Saigo liked silence far more than talking. He found the peace of the null void while he closed his eyes to be calming. It was one of the few things that could ease his thoughts.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Akira sat down on the floor and took a grimoire out of her bag. She placed out her right hand above the floor, closed her eyes and started casting a protective barrier surrounding her room. A rune formed on the floor and it glowed blue for a brief moment before it disappeared. "This should do the trick." She said before she grabbed her old katana, strapped it onto her belt and headed out of her room to find Saigo.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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After the team members left, Arashi walked up the flight of steps of the main barracks to the fourth, and final floor of the building. This floor was reserved for his living quarters and main office. He slid the door to his room open and peeled off his sweaty, peach smoke-covered kimono as well as his undergarments. He then slid into a black, gold embroidered robe with zigzagged gold stitching.

Arashi walked over to the sliding doors that separated his room from the terrace. He stepped out on the terrace and breathed in the fresh evening air. It wasn't quite midnight yet, but, it was encroaching upon that period quickly. The full moon hanging proudly in the sky, shedding it's light upon the barracks. From atop his terrace, Arash could see every building withing the barrack, (inwhich there were 12), as well as the training grounds and horse steeples. Arashi noticed that the living quarters building was pretty lively at the moment. The runic lights keeping the living quarters alive as a speck of golden light amongst a sea of black. Arashi also noticed that the hotsprings behind the living quarters was seeing some use. Even though the bath was much too far down for Arashi to see anyone, he could tell the the small dots in the water were people.

A bath sounds nice right now... and I would go.. but... would it make my subordinates uncomfortable? What am I thinking... It would make ME uncomfortable. Arashi blushed as he thought of using the hotsprings with others. He normally took all of his bathes up in his own living quarters with heated water from the furnace. He didn't know what it was about himself that made him more embarrassed and ashamed when he was naked in front of others. Ever since Arashi could remember, everyone around him had no problem with nudity. All of Sakoku was pretty open about sexuality, with the exception of Arashi. Maybe it has something to do with my past that I can't remember... Arashi took all this in as he stood out on the terrace. The slight breeze whisping at his long red hair. 



[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Isamu said to Rin, "Seems fair enough to me, from what we've talked about so far I think we'll get along just fine! Anyway, now that we're on board, I might as well take a look around." Isamu said to Rinsame as he left to explore the various rooms of the ship. As time passed, Isamu decided that it would be a good idea to get some rest, so he headed to his room. Before finally going to bed, as a comedy joke, he carved his initials into the wall of the ship, for the purpose of getting under Saigo's skin. 

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Rinsame simply gave a nod to Isamu and bowed. "Bai Bai." she said as she too walked into the ship. She found an empty room and placed a few things in it before she made her way over to the table Saigo was at. She sat down and waited for anyone else, knowing Saigo himself wasn't one who talked too much. Especially while he was in what she deemed as a Weird-y Meditation state. Something that she found he did unnaturally often. She always wondered what he thought about, or if he thought about anything at all while he did it. 


"This will be a bit boring if we're the only ones here." Saigo said breaking the silence of the room. "But then again, the day is almost over. I suppose some people need their sleep." He added, his eyes still closed. He hearing was superb, so he heard Akira coming already and simply waited until then.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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She wandered around the ship and saw a doorway that stood out from the others. 'This is Saigo's ship after all.. Maybe he's in here.' Aki thought to herself before she opened the door. The room was filled with weapons mounted upon the walls and there was a huge map laying on top of the table. She walked into the room and said "Nice room you have here, Saigo."

Edited by Azura


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"Thank you, Akira. I'd love to say acquiring all these weapons was a challenge, but it really wasn't." He said as he thought back. "I suppose some of them were difficult, but I tend to keep those trophies back in my dojo in Zetsumei. For instance Lord Edo's katana and his guards weapons too, the previous owner of the Zetsumei lands before the takeover. However even he doesn't compare to the Narumi's Futaka clan during the coup. They were the first to actually scar me. However the head of the clan and all of his family were wiped out before the day ended." He finished after thinking about his past experiences and war trophies. Just talking about that clan almost made him angry. Even though he had killed all of them, he never thought of himself as a winner of that battle. He ran his hand through his hair and then propped his head up by his fist in a lazy fashion like he usually does and waited with his eyes now finally open.


Rinsame sat quietly, waiting for Saigo to finish. Before she could say anything, a guard opened the door and bowed. "The ship will be moving shortly Lord Fuzen, we expect to reach Tani in a day or too if the waves are on our side." He explained. Saigo simply nodded and dismissed the guard. "Finally." Rin thought as she heard the ship lurch forward before smoothly sailing in the direction of Tani.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Akira was a bit shocked that he killed the leader of a clan and his entire family, but she felt somewhat better knowing that Saigo was on her side, at least that's what she thought. 'Is Saigo someone who people look up to or hate?' She thought to herself. "Would you happen to have a bounty on your head for taking the lives of so many?" Aki asked.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Saigo almost grinned at her last question. "In Zetsumei, no. However everywhere else in Sakoku, yes. How do you think I got most of these brave warriors to duel me in the first place?" He said, pointing to the weapons on the wall. "There have been a few Zetsumeian's that have also tried for the money though. Narumi or even Tani would probably greatly compensate them for their troubles in taking me out. That is, if they were able to. Obviously all of them have failed miserably." He explained. "Killing that annoying man and his family was probably what started most it in Narumi. The Futakas were a decently important military family in Narumi. So obviously they'd want vengeance. I'd consider that he had it coming for a while though. He had actively been against me from the beginning of my travels."

Edited by Pumkin

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Akira thought that the people who dueled him was because they wanted to brag about killing one of the strongest samurais. 'I hope I'll find an artifact that suits my needs during our trip in Tani.' Aki thought to herself as she let out a subtle yawn. "I feel awfully tired.. Maybe I should get some sleep before we arrive to Tani." She said as she started walking out and back to her room. Akira turned around and said "You should get some sleep too, Saigo." before she closed the door behind her.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"Fair enough, we'll need everyone at their best, so resting Is probably a good idea now." He agreed as he watched her leave with a nod. He dismissed Rin too after talking to her for about five minutes about the mission and the map. Rin walked over to her room and took off her hooded robe, kicked her sandals off, and rested her weapons on the wall. She crawled into bed and fell asleep rather quick. Rin was a snorer, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear outside of her room.


Saigo, on the other hand stayed up for at least another hour, sorting through all the document on the table. He still needed to decide where they would go first after they finally reach Tani. He figured the best option would be something close to the shore that they arrive at and go on from there. After he was done he closed up the main meeting room and walked over to his own room right behind it. He opened the door and walked around inspecting the room at first. After he deemed everything was the same as he left it last time, he took off his sandals and neatly placed them down. And stripped himself of his kimono and folded on top of a seat. Leaving only his bandages and pants left. With a sigh, he got into bed and closed his eyes. If he ever even fell asleep or just seemed to be resting was a mystery. It was odd that he always seemed tired.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Akira walked back into her room and locked the door behind her. She placed her katana along with her other weapons and slowly climbed into bed. Aki couldn't fall asleep because she was so excited to explore Tani. She looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes as she started drifting into a deep slumber.


(Sometimes I have no idea what I'm writing.)


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Fenikku simply sat in his room looking at the paintings and decorations. He bathed by striping naked and burning the dirt and grime off himself with his magic. He liked hot springs but didn't comfortable entering while there were women already bathing in there.

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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She nods to affirm her name. "These artifacts are powerful, and I have no doubt in my mind the Zetsumei already know. It's possible they may already be searching. However, I believe we will complete at least part of the mission. We have a capable commander and a confident team."

"I suppose." *Shiho said. She then released her tail from her mouth. She sa there in silent thought for a little while before yawning and standing up.* "I'm gonna head off to bed. You shouldn't stay up too late either, we are probably going to have to leave fairly early tomorrow." *Shiho picked up her Rowell and wrapped it around herself.* "Goodnight." *She said to Natsuki and went back to her room. She finished drying off and put on some clothes to sleep in, then laid down on the bed that had been provided to her and quickly fell asleep*


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"I suppose." *Shiho said. She then released her tail from her mouth. She sa there in silent thought for a little while before yawning and standing up.* "I'm gonna head off to bed. You shouldn't stay up too late either, we are probably going to have to leave fairly early tomorrow." *Shiho picked up her Rowell and wrapped it around herself.* "Goodnight." *She said to Natsuki and went back to her room. She finished drying off and put on some clothes to sleep in, then laid down on the bed that had been provided to her and quickly fell asleep*

Natsuki waved her off, but if there was one thing that had made her a succesful ninja in the past, it was her animalistic tendancies. Skunks tended to be most active in twilight hours, and this was only just past this hour. She looked at the barracks, and could've sworn she saw a tiny speck on top of the tower that dominated the complex. She figured se'd soaked enough; it was time to ask Arashi what he knew. Getting out of the tub, she donned some clothes and began her assent of the tower. Externally.



Edited by Dawnpath - Dusktrail


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Saigo awoke to the sound of the waves crashing against the boat. He figured at this point he had gotten enough sleep and got out of bed. He dressed himself back up with a fresh arrangement of clothing and reattached his weapons. He walked over to a mirror in the room and ran his head through his hair, making sure it wasn't too messy after sleeping and then walked out. He noticed he was the first one up, and decided waiting around in the room was going to be boring. So with a sigh he walked up to the deck slowly.


Saigo finally reached outside and found the fresh air and breeze to be far more comforting than being down in the inner workings of the ship. Judging by where the sun was, he guessed he slept about nine hours. One of his guards walked up to him as he admired the view. "Lord Fuzen, we're about half way to Tani now." The guard almost whispered. Saigo merely nodded as a response  "Excellent, we'll be there by the end of today then." He commented. "Have the men start preparing a meal for four, after all everyone else should be rising soon. The last thing I want them doing is telling me like a child they're hungry." He finished as he dismissed the guard, who then bowed and walked back into the ship. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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The scent of the night's air smelled of fresh vegetation, and it seemed to calm Arashi a bit, though he was still excited for what tomorrow may bring. Arashi was about to call it a night, when he sensed that Natsuki was ascending the stairs of the main barracks, heading towards Arashi's bedroom.

Interesting... she probably wants some more information in regards to what we know about her and her family. Arashi thought  Perhaps I should tell her everything...

Arashi could feel the tension and excitement rising from the prospects of what tomorrow holds, as well as from the inevitable conversation with Natsuki. Arashi went over to his bedside table and retrieved his tobacco pipe. He then packed the pipe with strawberry flavored tobacco, and reached for a lit incense stick on his shelf. He lit the tobacco with the incense stick, and placed the stick back inside the kyuhime statue/incense holder. 

Arashi walked back to the balcony puffing on his pipe, blowing the hot smoke toward the heavens; whilst awaiting Natsuki.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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The scent of the night's air smelled of fresh vegetation, and it seemed to calm Arashi a bit, though he was still excited for what tomorrow may bring. Arashi was about to call it a night, when he sensed that Natsuki was ascending the stairs of the main barracks, heading towards Arashi's bedroom.


Interesting... she probably wants some more information in regards to what we know about her and her family. Arashi thought  Perhaps I should tell her everything...


Arashi could feel the tension and excitement rising from the prospects of what tomorrow holds, as well as from the inevitable conversation with Natsuki. Arashi went over to his bedside table and retrieved his tobacco pipe. He then packed the pipe with strawberry flavored tobacco, and reached for a lit incense stick on his shelf. He lit the tobacco with the incense stick, and placed the stick back inside the kyuhime statue/incense holder. 


Arashi walked back to the balcony puffing on his pipe, blowing the hot smoke toward the heavens; whilst awaiting Natsuki.



Natsuki knew she wouldn't surprise him; he had a reputation for repelling assassinations. So she didn't feel bad at all about leaving the satirs, clibing up the side of the tower, and landing on his balcony. She resisted the instinctual urge to draw her knife and leaned against the wall. While she had no intention of killing anyone, that was a natrual motion for her all things considered. "You said you knew my father?"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Even though Arashi knew he was in the presence of another, he didn't move an inch. He didn't redirect his gaze from the barracks below to the present party, or even acknowledge Natsuki's presence with any sort of action. With sight alone, it would have looked like Arashi was just continuing to smoke his pipe while leaning on the balcony. However, Arashi did answer the question given.

"I did. However, saying one knows someone is completely inaccurate. Because one cannot ever truly know someone else. In fact..." Arashi blew smoke rings up towards the sky, "It takes years of temperance, and introspection, for one to even know themselves." Arashi knew all to well how hard it was to know one's inner persona. His amnesia proved a significant obstacle in getting to truly know himself.  


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Even though Arashi knew he was in the presence of another, he didn't move an inch. He didn't redirect his gaze from the barracks below to the present party, or even acknowledge Natsuki's presence with any sort of action. With sight alone, it would have looked like Arashi was just continuing to smoke his pipe while leaning on the balcony. However, Arashi did answer the question given.


"I did. However, saying one knows someone is completely inaccurate. Because one cannot ever truly know someone else. In fact..." Arashi blew smoke rings up towards the sky, "It takes years of temperance, and introspection, for one to even know themselves." Arashi knew all to well how hard it was to know one's inner persona. His amnesia proved a significant obstacle in getting to truly know himself.  


She looked out over the barracks, "The sharpest blade is the one you use against yourself. If you did not know him, than you knew of him. Yet you use riddles and tempt me with stories and promises. You know him better than you would suggest to me now." She drew her tanto and gazed upon her reflection. Her 'blessing' had caused her more pain than she'd cared to admit. Especially as she was the only one in her family 'blessed' by the gods.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Heheh", Arashi chuckled, "Very well, then. Useless proverbs aside; yes, I did know of your father. Indeed, I even ate lunch with him and a few soldiers every now and then, as well. Is there, perhaps, a reason to your questions, and my reminiscing of nostalgic events?"

Arashi inhaled deeply, the tobacco assuaging some of the outward stress of having to recall memories he was not too fond of.  


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Heheh", Arashi chuckled, "Very well, then. Useless proverbs aside; yes, I did know of your father. Indeed, I even ate lunch with him and a few soldiers every now and then, as well. Is there, perhaps, a reason to your questions, and my reminiscing of nostalgic events?"


Arashi inhaled deeply, the tobacco assuaging some of the outward stress of having to recall memories he was not too fond of.  


She nods, "I would like to know why. Why he would go off to fight against a people who's existence didn't threaten us, who wanted little more than to trade with us. I want to know why he went to fight for the side that would split this great empire. I would like to know why."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Akira was woken by the sound of the sea. She got out of the bed and realized that she forgot to take off her clothes before going to bed, and it was all crumpled. "Good thing I packed some extra clothing." she said as she took out a simple yet elegant kimono out of her bag and changed her clothes. She tied her nagamaki on her back and made her way to the deck of the battleship.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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